aobakukkii · 2 years
kenma with himbo male s/o 
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It’s common knowledge that Kenma is an introvert, so it was expected of him to not like (y/n) at first.
When he first met him, Kenma had to lean his head back just to see his face, showcasing that annoyingly happy grin that he always wore on his face. He turned away, a light scowl on his face.
(y/n) was always so hard-headed, never listening to anybody. He never analyzed things the way Kenma did, never looked into things the way he did. He relied purely his gut, never putting any thought into things, and it irked Kenma so much.
Until.. it didn’t
Kenma never liked (y/n). He doesn’t like loud, obnoxious people. So why did he feel like this?
They were both  polar opposites, and he’d always make sure to steer clear from him. He didn’t need overly positive people like him on his back.
However, (y/n) always made sure to persistently interact with him, even if he showed (presumably) zero interest in communicating with him. 
Constantly did he approach him, and it irked Kenma’s soul. Asking him to set the balls to him even though he missed half the time, putting his arm around him after he scores a point against the opposing team, ruffling his blond hair with his huge hands.
“(y/n), get off of me,” he would mumble, and he’d chuckle and press his head to his chest.
He hated whenever people touched him, but he’d turn pink when (y/n) would embrace him so tightly. He thinks it’s embarrassing, (y/n) think it’s cute.
It was strange for the team to see Kenma warm up to him, considering they were on the complete different end of the spectrum. (y/n) was so bubbly and respectful, while Kenma was so quiet and blunt.
Lots of teasing on the teams part. Kenma’s thoroughly tired of it, but he laughs it off and pats Kenma’s head lovingly. He doesn’t even realize that the teasing is meant to embarrass him. 
If Kenma were being honest, sometimes (y/n) intimidated him.
He was so tall and friendly, while Kenma couldn’t even interact with people without feeling a wave of disgust and self consciousness crash through his body. 
Sometimes, (y/n) likes to cup his cheeks, and tilt his boyfriend’s head up to look at him. Kenma frequently looked down, and (y/n) enjoyed looking at his pretty eyes once in a while.
He’d look away and pout at him, a soft blush on his cheeks. “You’re so weird,” He’d complain in a low voice but never protest against his affectionate actions. 
Since he was so much bigger than he was, he’d sit Kenma on his lap while he played his switch. He’d slide his hand up his shirt and rest his palm on his warm tummy, while he groans about he distracting him from his video game.
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aobakukkii · 3 years
Hello! May I request adult male reader and adult Bokuto having a cute domestic life having moved in together? I really like fluff, I can't help it ^-^ Extra points if Bokuto acts extra vulnerable and sappy near the reader, despite looking really carefree and enthusiastic. I don't care much for what format you do it in, so please use what you prefer and are comfortable with! Thank you for reading my requests and keep on being awesome (which you are based on your previous posts)! - Anon EL
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Bokuto x Male Reader Fluff
Warnings: none.
He's giving you that look again. The look that just screams lovesick. That's how Kou would describe it. He has no problem admitting that he's head over heels for you. His chest feels so soft and tender whenever he's with you, hell even just the thought of you makes his chest warm.
He lays beside you in your shared bed just gazing at you so lovingly, waiting for you to wake up. He wants nothing more than to gently carress your sleeping figure, but he knows that it would just wake you up and he doesn't want to be the cause of disturbance.
No one else gets to see this side of him. You don't even get to see this side of him. He waits until you're asleep in his arms or when you're looking away. He always finds a way to gaze at you like a lovesick puppy. Bokuto is usually loud, obnoxious, playful, and hyper, but right now in the near silence of your room he's just in love. He doesn't have to keep everyone's mood boosted, he doesn't have to impress anyone, he can just adore you.
Once the sunlight made its way through the crack in the curtains - that you have positioned just to shine on your bed - you blearily open your eyes to meet Kou's. He greets you with a smile. He almost always wakes up before you.
"G'morning, dove." He kisses your forehead and slips out from the covers. You can't help but flush at his form when he stretches in the doorway.
"Gonna join me for some breakslow?" You hate it when he calls it that, but he is a firm believer that breakfast is to be savored. He runs a hand through his hair to fix it. Who could deny that face? Of course you're gonna join him for some breakfast.
You walk down after him to catch him at the stove. You hug him from behind.
"So change of plans. It was gonna be a cute heart-shaped pancake tower, but turns out I dont know how to make them into hearts. Its gonna look like regular stacks." He flips an oddly disfigured pancake that kinda looks like a penis if you squint.
"That's fine, love." You move to pour you both glasses of apple juice. You pour a little bit of grape juice in his though. He claims it adds more flavor and that it tastes like a Capri Sun.
Once you're both sitting down you surprise him by cutting his pancake into the shape of a heart so he feels accomplished. He grins at you and gives you that damn lovesick look again. Maybe he does show it to you. Maybe you're the only one who gets to see it.
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aobakukkii · 3 years
Hello! May I request headcanons for Bokuto reacting to male reader who loves being hugged, but is too shy to ask for it and doesn't want to annoy Bokuto and It'd be awkward if Bokuto decided not to hug him? Similar like Terushima one! Thank you!
》 Fandom: Haikyuu
》 Request(?): Yep!
》 Pairing: Bokuto x M!Reader
》 Genre: mostly Fluff
》 Type: Half HCs, Half Drabble
》 Galaxy Research: Hello hello!! Terushima Fic mentioned is HERE, and absolutely I’ll do it. Getting back into the swing of thingsss~~
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Bokuto is very touchy, even with his friends in general, so it’d be a shock if he didn’t do the same normally, or even more while in a relationship
But when you come around, he’s always been a little shy about things
He always wants to make sure you’re okay with PDA, outside in public or even behind closed doors
He’s aware that it’s not the most normal to have a significant other the same gender as you, so he’s a bit wary but doesn’t care too much about others judging
He’s emotionally smart, not book smart
But he can see the way you always hesitate before falling silent if you were to completely discard a question
But the way you melt into his hugs gives him a complete other idea on what you want
The fact that he doesn’t have you in his arms all the time would be a shock, but he’s respectful and understanding to how you feel
But once you finally speak up about it, he’s literally going to have you in his arms whenever he can
“K-kou? Can I have a hug?” (M/N) asked, looking away shyly while playing on the edge of his shirt.
“Of course babe! Why wouldn’t I say no to hugs?” He held out his arms while tilting his head in slight confusion. He was always the one to initiate physical contact, so he was slightly shocked and extremely happy that his boyfriend was the one to do so this time.
“Well... I was scared you would be annoyed by it, or reject it...”
“Why would I do that?! You’re my boyfriend anyways, and I love hugs as well so I wouldn’t be annoyed or reject you at all!”
Scooping (Y/N) into his arms, the comforting air around them relaxed. The warmth from Bokuto always made him feel safe and secure, as well as loved.
“Mmm yeah. I’m sorry about doubting you.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m just glad we can do this more often now.” Bokuto’s face beamed happily.
Soon enough, the position they were in was enough to lull both boys to sleep. Which made Bokuto late to practice and (M/N) panic about Bokuto being late to practice.
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》 General Taglist: @celestialarchiveshq (Send a ask to be added!)
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aobakukkii · 3 years
Can I request headcanons about Childe Kaeya Zhongli and Bennett (separately) reacting to male reader who loves being hugged, but is too shy to ask for hugs from character? Thank you in advance!
Of course! I’m always happy to write your request :) this one was so cute, I really enjoyed thinking about this with these boys!
Childe,Zhongli,Kaeya, and Bennett x shy male reader who wants hugs
-this man is always down for physical touch
-Childe definitely will tease you about it sometimes
-“oh? Does my sweet boyfriend want some of loving affection from me?”
-you honestly wouldn’t even have to give in to his teasing
-Childe wants you in his arms just as much as you want to be in his
-Childe starts to learn the small habits you do when you want hugs
-even if you are too shy to ask for a hug he will notice you want one
-when in public he just smirks at you and acts like he doesn’t notice
-then the second you flash him puppy dog eyes he’s giving you a beat hug
-he thinks it’s so cute how you are so embarrassed to ask him to hug you
The whether was perfect for Childes return and you couldn’t be more exited to see his face again. He had been gone for three months so of course you raced to see the handsome face of your boyfriend. Waiting to see him enter the gates of Liyue,it had been far too long apart for your liking and you knew Childe would feel the same way. The second you caught sight of his ginger tufts excitement pounded in your chest. “Childe!” You frantically waved your hands to help Childe see you. “Y/n!!!” Seeing his bright smile as he bolted for you. His first instinct was to pull your handsome face into a kiss,one you welcomed by curling your fingers curling into his hair as his hands wrapped around your hips. When Childe pulled his hands off your body so he could pull your hands into a tight grip you couldn’t help but frown. “What’s wrong baby boy?” Childe asked,his voice laced with worry. “Oh! It’s uh,it’s nothing, just exited to have you back!” You could tell Childe didn’t believe you for a second by the smug glint in his bright blue eyes. “Oh really?” His lips pulled into a charming smirk as he released your hands to cross his arms. “Childe...” you mumbled,already feeling your face getting hot. “Yes, y/n?” He hummed. Your hand awkwardly reached up to him before falling back to your side. You really wanted to hug him! From the corner of your eye you could see Childes handsome smirk get more mischievous before his arms pulled you into his chest. In a split second you were being spun around in a circle in the strong arms of your boyfriend. You clung to his shoulders and buried your face in his neck in an attempt to hide how red your face was getting. “You are the cutest man I’ve ever met!” Childe laughed once he set you back on your feet. “Oh shut up...” you huffed bitterly, hiding your face in his chest and just enjoying the feeling of his arms around you.
-Zhongli is a little slow to picking up your signs of wanting a hug
-when you tug on his jacket to catch his attention he just assumes you wanna hold hands
-he is so clueless with signals
-once Zhongli realizes what you really want he’s gonna wrap you in his arms right away
-Zhongli gives tight hugs so you are not getting out once he has you
-“I didn’t mean to ignore my handsome mans needs, I’m so sorry y/n.”
-if he’s having a conversation with someone he will just continue it
-he thinks it’s adorable how you always hide your face in his chest
-he definitely loves petting your head while he hugs you
You couldn’t help but suddenly miss your boyfriends touch. Standing next to him without touching him made you miss him, like he wasn’t fully next to you. Zhongli was deep in conversation with Childe, discussing more history of the lands they have traveled. It didn’t even matter that Childe was the one who would see it, you two were boyfriends! Boyfriends cuddle and hug! Even in front of one of Zhonglis smug friends! With a sudden burst of shaky confidence you reached out a hand to tug on Zhonglis jacket. “Zhongli?” You whispered. “Yes y/n?” Your boyfriend hummed. You couldn’t bring yourself to even look into your boyfriends gorgeous eyes from awkwardness. “Ah I see.” Zhongli smiled as he gently took your hand into his. Childe snickered at both you and your boyfriends faces,only worsening your embarrassment. Hand holding was always welcomed, but you really just wanted to feel Zhonglis arms pull you into one of his tight and protective hugs.You found yourself fiddling with your boyfriends slim fingers as he continued his conversation. Childes smug face said it all,he knew you wanted more physical contact from Zhongli. “Zhongli...” you croak out. “Yes dear?” He would definitely be confused at first,but then he sees your flushed faced and a warm smile takes over his handsome features. Right then and there he pulls you into a hug,gently pressing your glowing face into his shoulder. His tight and loving embrace is worth the embarrassment as he continues his conversation with Childe.
-he loves how shy you are
-it really fuels his ego
-Kaeya is a major tease with any and every form of affection
-he is definitely able to tell when his boyfriend wants a hug from him
-but he won’t cave until he finally gets you to admit it
-Kaeya just wants to hear you say you want his buff arms wrapping around you and holding you to his chest
-Kaeya may cause heart attacks
-he can’t help his flirtatious and teasing nature
-if you don’t straight up tell him you want a hug eventually you are going to suffer from side hugs and touches that he takes away too soon
You and Kaeya were just laying in your shared bed when you felt the sudden a sense of your boyfriends touch. It made you feel cold and empty. Kaeya was lazily flipping through a book Lisa had probably demanded he read. You could tell he wasn’t interested in the books contents. Nervously you reached out to start gently playing with your boyfriends soft hair. “Yes,my prince?” You couldn’t make eye contact with him as you continued to fiddle with his blue locks. From the corner of your eye you could see your boyfriends large smirk,and it only got more smug as he noticed your lack of eye contact. “Does my prince want something ing?” He teased. “Kaeyaaa...please...” Now it was his turn to start playing with your hair. “Please what?” Kaeyas grin made you want to punch him, but you were too desperate for his touch right now. “please...please ...” he started to gently rub your head as you continued to beg. He just thought his boyfriend was so cute when he was embarrassed to ask for something like a hug. “Just hug me you jerk!” Kaeya laughed and quickly pulled you into his arms.
-he thinks you are adorable
-Bennet is so clingy it would be hard to get him to let you go in the first place
-loves watching your face explode into shades of red as he just tackles you into a hug
-he loves being held while he hugs you
-also loves holding you while he hugs you
-height and weight will not stop him from holding his boyfriend in his loving arms
-teasing you is never on his mind
-glance at him with a semi longing look at he will pull you into his arms
Going on a walk with your boyfriend was always something you enjoyed,after all Bennet was the light of your life! You always enjoyed time spent with him. Except there was one issue. You really wanted to hug him except Razor was jogging just ahead of you two. Bennet was happily squeezing your hand and swinging it around. Hand holding was nice, but you just really wanted to hug him, you both were boyfriends! This should be easier to just ask! You knew Bennet wouldn’t even think to tease you about your want to hug,but you couldn’t help but feel stressed about asking. Bennet seemed to notice your internal dilemma and was quick to press his body to yours. “You look like you need a hug!” He giggled as he nuzzled into you. Words got caught in your throat as Razor glanced behind him,seeing you and Bennet clinging to each other.
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aobakukkii · 3 years
Hi! May I request headcanons about Childe Kaeya Zhongli and Bennett reacting to male reader saying "it's so nice being hugged by you" or "you're so warm" (basically anything cute) when they hug him?
Sorry if I'm sending this the second time, I'm just not sure if I sent it/it got sent! Hope it's ok! If you already got this request, don't take this as me trying to rush you! Absolutely take your time!
This is actually one of the ones I accidentally deleted while working on so thank you for re sending this!
Genshin boys x male reader saying cute things while hugging
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-as smooth as he is you say one cute thing to him while he’s hugging you and he’s gone
-“your hugs are the best...”
-turned to love sick goop
-definitely squeezes you gushing about how cute his boyfriend is
-he may squeeze the air out of you
-you could say the most simple thing and he turns into love filled mush
-“I have the sweetest boyfriend ever!!”
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-when he hugs you he loves it when you say anything
-he just loves hearing your voice so close to him
-and then you go and say that he’s nice and warm?
-he would squeeze you a little harder and hide his face in your shoulder
-would mumble about how he needs a warning before you say something so sweet
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-he already gives very tight hugs
-so if you say anything cute, you may be risking your life
-even something as small as, “I love your hugs” will make him trap you in a deathly love squeeze
-be warned
-he sequels about how cute his boyfriend is and will brag about anything you say
-he thinks your word is law because you are a god to him
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-you give him one cute sentence and he wants more
-“your really warm,Childe.”
-“oh? Then how about I become your only heat source~”
-he will never let you forget any of the cute things you say
-has and will rank them by how cute they are
-sometimes even gives you scores just to mess with you
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aobakukkii · 3 years
𝚈𝚞𝚓𝚒 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚒 𝚂𝚘𝚏𝚝 𝚑𝚌𝚜
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࿐ character(s): Yuji Itadori
࿐ genre: sfw, soft/fluff
࿐ type: headcanons (hcs)
࿐ requested by: anon
⌦  male!reader (he/him)
⌦ dating hcs
⌦ ‘Can I get some headcannons for Itadori Yuji please? You can choose what it’s about, it’s just that there’s not a lot of content for him without sukuna or megumi being there, so if you could do some standalone yuji I’d REALLLYYY appreciate it :D’
A/N: on it anon! please note that these are my hcs of them and if you do not agree with any of them, that is completely okay. just dont come @ me for it- (kinda finished this quickly- so its not my best.)
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aobakukkii · 3 years
gym 3 boys on a road trip with their s/o
feat. (aged up) akaashi keiji, kuroo tetsurou, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutarou,
warnings : language, occasionally nsfw
a/n : i just decided to do the gym 3 boys bc theyre my literal favorites, but i can do others if anyone wants to request them!
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akaashi keiji
literally prepared for anything and everything
has actually thought of every possible thing that could go wrong and has a plan for it 
more interested in the destination than the trip itself but will enjoy the trip just as much as you do
would want to drive the entire time, but he wont argue if you say you want to drive too bc tbh his back probably hurts
probably a pretty quiet drive because hes not much of a talker to begin with, but it’s not uncomfortable
would let you choose all the music because he doesnt mind , he just likes to spend time w you
tbh the only reason hes on this trip is bc you expressed interest in a road trip and he wanted to spend time w you
if you ever say anything about the view being pretty or nice, be prepared for him to quietly find a way to pull over so you can take pictures
no words, just silently checks his mirrors and switches lanes until youre on the side of the road
“what are we doing?” “you said it looked pretty”
literally the perfect bf ever wtf 
probably has an itinerary of things to do once you get to each place like a mom
will not hesitate to drag your ass out of bed at 7am every day to go exploring
“we did not travel this far just to sleep”
booked all the double decker city bus tours, all of them
the king of google maps 
you wouldnt have to do any of the work , hes already done it all
pretends to be strict about exploring, but will easily give in if you say youre tired and just want to chill at the hotel 
“i guess we can go back a little early today,,,” shut up akaashi you want cuddles too
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aobakukkii · 3 years
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Bokuto absolutely loves to play fight with you. Could be his ego, could be his size kink, the addicting way he could easily overpower you and pin you down… definitely the type of cheeky bastard to just sit as you straddle his waist and struggle to pin his wrists above his head, smiling up at you with that stupid beautiful grin. You finally get those strong beefy arms still against the sheets, out of breath, “hah, I did it!” and he just 😏 “good job, proud of you babe” and an immediate instant later has you flipped over and pinned down beneath him, that stupid fucking shit eating grin even bigger than before. “you’re the worst.” you glare, but he can’t hear you <3 his face is already buried in your neck and he hums happily into the open mouth kisses he’s peppering across your skin god i hate this man
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aobakukkii · 3 years
𝔸 𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞...𝔹𝕠𝕜𝕦𝕥𝕠 𝕂𝕠𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕠
I’m not writing self indulgent fic again...not me...not at all...
Sometimes you need to be told life is gonna be okay. And this is one of those moments.
This is gonna be a series I’m gonna write whether people like it or not. Just because it makes me feel good and yknow, if you like it, then that’s great. I have to admit I hate the fact that these boys are fictional, but there’s nothing wrong with imagining they’re there for you. And hey, if there’s something you want to hear from one of them, let me know. I’ll write plenty of comfort fics if it means I get to make someone happy.
So that’s what this is. Your favorite boys reminding you just how special you are.
As always, here’s the ao3 link. This’ll be a whole book hopefully one day.
Sending love ❤︎
Hey, hey, hey, sweetheart! A little owl told me someone wasn’t feeling too well! That just won’t stand, will it?
I just want you to know how much I really appreciate you. You...I can’t describe how amazing you are. Really, you are! And I know sometimes you say you’re not, but you keep my head on my shoulders and make sure I don’t get too crazy, especially when someone leaves me with Kuroo in a room...we both know we have the capacity to blow up the place. But you don’t let us and it’s great! Sometimes. Sometimes chaos is fun too.
You also...wow, there’s so much I could say. I don’t know if I could tell you everything I love about you! You care for me whenever I need it and I know you try not to let it show all the time, but you need someone to care for you, too. So that’s why I’m here! Because I care about you!
We both know I’m not the best with words. I prefer to show how much I love you with actions, honestly. But I want to try to tell you how much I love you with words if I can.
Can I say how much I love your smile? Really, I do. It’s so amazing and shining and I wanna kiss you every time I see it because it makes me so happy. Your smile makes me smile. And your eyes! I could stare at them forever. “Really”—yes really! You’re so so so beautiful, handsome, adorable, whatever word you want to use. Whatever you’re most comfortable with, I mean.
There’s more than just physical things, though—no, you’re beautiful inside and out. It seems like, even if you don’t like to be in front of everyone else, you’re always vulnerable with me. When it’s just us. And I love seeing that side of you. Those moments when you let your guard down and just be genuinely you...I love it.
I love you. So much. Keep your head up, sweetheart. You’re my biggest fan and I’m yours. Whatever you’ve got going on, I’m here for you. And I really love you. Okay? Awesome. Now lemme kiss you. I missed you.
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aobakukkii · 3 years
✬Bokuto Relationship Headcanons✬
Bokuto x Gender Neutral Reader
(+small male reader bonus part at the end because the guys deserve it)
Just really fluffy stuff for you and best boy
- Having someone like Bokuto as your partner will be an incredibly rewarding experience, if you are willing to adapt to his antics. He actively seeks out fun, excitement and chances to grow and expects you to be his personal portable power bank on his journey. For him, one must always try to become the most ideal version of oneself and this also involves moving someone out of their comfort zone because boy does not like feeling restrained. He picks up cues on how to handle people extremely well and makes sure that both of you feel happy and secure on your path. Most of the time Bokuto radiates positive energy and hype, so his s/o really does not have to worry and just put faith into his skills.
- Bokuto likes to express his feelings through physical affection. He is awfully touchy with people he is close with and his s/o gets to feel it double. Bokuto is build for the greatest of cuddles and hugs and he just finds it so easy and convenient to hold his s/o close or touch any given part of their body throughout the day to say “I love you and I deeply care about you”, although his s/o could always ask him to say it out loud and he would shower them with sweet-nothings and compliments.
In return, he wants his s/o to accept his affection, return it in their way and finally their attention. He’s not per se the most jealous person (only to a certain extent) and completely understand that sometimes people need their alone time, but he’s self-absorbed to a degree that he wants and needs to be the center of your love and attention at least a little bit everyday. Otherwise he can become really whiny. To stop him just do something (in his eyes) really cute and everything is forgiven.
- One word that Bokuto does not know of is shame. He wants to show off and attention and this has an impact on how he displays PDA when you don’t stop him. He prides himself a lot on having the best s/o ever and sadly won’t accept nothing as an option because he can’t help himself. He is fine with keeping it on a low level like holding hands, leaning onto each other or throwing his arm around your shoulder, but if you let him go as he pleases him he may just make you sit on his lap or pick you up and spin you around once you guys meet.
- Contrary to what some might think, Bokuto does appreciates relaxed dates to recharge. The most common quality time with him is chilling at one of your places after work/university/school and just play video games or binge shows. However daily responsibilities won’t stop him from dragging you out at night for some “late-night adventures” like getting some food and/or taking a walk and talking about random stuff while appreciating the privacy and beauty of the dark so hopefully you’re into that as well.
He regularly checks for new or popular spots in and around town for you guys to visit on your days off. A popular restaurant, local sightseeing spots, an interesting exhibition, any amusement park (probably his favorite date spot) or some escape room, he wants to see them all. He also really loves to travel to near and far with you and take cheesy, but cute, couple selfies. However his schedule sadly limits his abilities to do so often besides local stuff and short trips.
- When you guys are apart, especially for a longer period of time, he quite literally trashes your phone with the amount of notifications and videos he sends you throughout the day. He begs you to install Snapchat (if you don’t already have it) and vlogs you his training, things you might find interesting and bad jokes in hopes of making you smile. Speaking of bad jokes, expect a lot of memes for another cheap laugh. If you’re somewhat responsible you should not produce content at a similar rate (you both need to get something done after all), but as long as you reply ever so often you make his day.
- In a relationship with Bokuto, you will receive a lot of support but also have to give a lot of support. He feels like it’s his responsibility to bring you back up and make you feel special and that’s exactly what he needs in return. He is without a doubt resilient and some kisses, hugs and compliments can get him back on track most of the time, but he couldn’t handle if the person he trusts the most does not have his back or rejects him when he needs them.
Nevertheless, his style of love involves a lot of spoiling his s/o rotten and if he gets spoiled in return, you should be well prepared for possible hardships.
- Have I mentioned that he is perfect if you take care of him? He won’t have a problem with including you in his friend-circle (his teammates and you have a lot of passive contact through his vlogs anyway) or inserting himself into yours. He’s ready to indulge in interests you might have as long as he can spend some time with you. It’s pretty easy to get him hooked onto something as long as you love it.
- It’s really important for him that try to cheer him on during his games and that you are active enough to play at least a bit of volleyball with him (not like you could keep up with him otherwise). He’s a patient teacher, but you will probably learn the most about being a setter for countless demonstrations of his straights. If you already play volleyball at any level really, he’s even more satisfied. The experience of playing with you is one of the biggest confidence boosts he can get for his games and he's determined to use the techniques he showed you to win! Another big boost is to wear his merch or even better his spare training clothes (or option 3: both) when you attend the games in person. Show others that you're his #1 fan!
Fanboy BONUS~
Warning: Suggestive, but nothing graphic
- If you guys speak English (don’t worry, he passed his English exams), expect him to use surprisingly creative yet lame bro pick-up lines. You just know that he practices those with Kuroo.
- Remember the show off part? With a boyfriend he adds an “own the haters” attitude on top of it. When gushing about you, he can’t stop saying how HIS BOYFRIEND is the most fantastic thing in existence.  He’s maybe a bit overbearing sometimes, but his motivation is just so pure that barely anyone minds.
- He’s a top, deal with it. You can learn it the easy or the hard way, but he will assert it in your relationship in any way he wants.
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aobakukkii · 3 years
Eating at a Yakiniku place with Bokuto
Because 1. Yakiniku is fantastic ✮ 2. I miss it very much ✮ 3. I’m spreading information on how to treat this man right ✮ 4. Yakiniku places and Bokuto’s personality are actually a great match lol
Can be seen as platonic/romantic/general. Whatever you like ^^
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✬ Bokuto isn’t really picky about why one should go eat Yakiniku. May it be hanging out with his team-mates and friends, a date with his s/o or some people he just met and clicked with. As long as the company is nice (He insists that it tastes much better when you’re together!), he usually won't deny any invitation on a free day. His wallet on the other hand...
✬ Let’s be honest, he’s an “All you can eat” guy. It’s not like he doesn’t like to go to a fancier place once in a while, but those can’t really satisfy his monthly needs.
✬ If not for other costumers, the places he frequencies would probably go bankrupt. This man can devour like thrice his own beef.
✬ Is honestly proud of those who can somehow keep up with his appetite. Thinks it’s especially cute for people that don’t look like they could.
“You’re an amazing student!”
“Thanks I guess?”
✬ Insists on being in charge of the grill. He’s been to Yakiniku places more than enough to know what he is doing. An expert on how long each type of meat has to be grilled until perfection and on how to use your time efficiently, but please let someone responsible watch over him. Bokuto is usually an attentive chef, but might take much more than his fair share if he feels like it.
✬ Presenting Bokuto’s asshole mode: He will steal food. Most of the time from those who eat a lot themselves and he is not even sorry. His s/o would at least receive a pinch in the cheek and an “I know you love me anyways” afterwards.
✬ The war on meat he started shall never end
✬ Speaking of war, never backs down from a good challenge if you have all-you-can-eat. Team or free for all doesn’t matter.
Who can stuff more pieces into their mouth at once?
Which group can finish their plate first? (Probably the most common)
“Losers have to pay for the winner’s drinks!”
“Someone’s broke?”
“Shut up”
Pro-tip: Stay on his side if you’re not up against a team of Hinata, the Miya twins and a wild Snorlax.
✬ One of the reason’s why he loves Yakiniku so much is that he can spend quality social time with the people he likes while eating his favorite food. With Bokuto it always feels connected; light hearted and just the right amount of familiar. It’s a type of dinner he can enjoy with all different kinds of people.
✬ ✬ ✬ 
Wikipedia explanation for those who don’t know Yakiniku:
Today, "yakiniku" commonly refers to a style of cooking bite-size meat (usually beef and offal) and vegetables on gridirons or griddles over a flame of wood charcoals carbonized by dry distillation (sumibi, 炭火) or a gas/electric grill.
In a yakiniku restaurant, diners order prepared raw ingredients (individually or as a set) which are brought to the table. The ingredients are cooked by the diners on a grill built into the table, several pieces at a time. The ingredients are then dipped in sauces known as tare before being eaten. The most common sauce is made of soy sauce mixed with sake, mirin, sugar, garlic, fruit juice and sesame. Garlic-and-shallot or miso-based dips are sometimes used. Korean side dishes like kimchi, nameul, bibimbap are served alongside.
Highly recommended, one of my favorite dinners with friends when I was in Japan.
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aobakukkii · 3 years
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ 。⋆♡° ✫  ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ 。⋆♡° ✫
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ PAIRING: Kōtarō Bokuto x Male!Reader
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ WARNINGS: floff, mentioned homophobia but not explicit (?)
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ REQUEST: my love, please write a scenario about bokuto like flirting and crushing over a boy and being comfortable with the thought that he fell in love with a boy. and the reader is kinda quiet, but very sweet and tenderly touchy - like he touchs kou’s hands, shoulders, just touching him, and bokuto just loves it. but one day when bokuto was telling him something and akaashi also was near and reader just held bo’s hand in his hands a bit too long and some guy said something like “dude wtf”, and a reader went very ashamed and sad and after that situation just stoped touching bokuto. he even held his hands by his back, you know, because he was too ashamed of people and bokuto thinking he is like doing something bad. but in reality bo also was very sad that he stoped touching him, so he started to be pouty and everything, he thought he offended his love somehow aww🥺 so once he just can’t bare it anymore and when they are all alone, just lean and kiss him passionately uwu❤️thks!!
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ A/N: Do I love this request? Yes. Am I addicted? Maybe. AND SORRY FOR MAKNG YOU WAIT BB–
✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ Masterlist
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ Scenario: love has no genders
It had been like you two was caught in your own pink world. The second you two filled each other’s presence, the world around you would only be a blur, the voices only a muffled whisper, and the male in front of you the only thing you would focus on. And the white-haired ace? He felt the exact same way about you. Despite you being a male, which he didn’t mind at all. It was never like he hated the thought of falling in love with a male, neither did he hate the thought of falling in love with a girl. 
But you had something special, something special he wanted to discover and love. 
A few times a few flirts would slip over his mouth, making your cheeks go to a rosy and sweetish pink. A few times he would also just stare at you ranting about how boring classes were. However, never did he think that your small touches would be sending him to cloud 7. 
The first time, your hand would accidentally brush over his, to reach out for your drink. The small touch sends shivers down his spine, waking the butterflies up that had been sleeping in his stomach.
The second time, you patted his shoulder in a rather assuring manner, to tell him that even though he messed up one spike, Bokuto still did great. And that was when he realized that he fell in love with you, his classmate who he met when two people were assigned to do a project. Over and over again, the smallest things made his heart race. Just seeing you smiling, or hearing your laugh. It was the same day he realized that Bokuto wanted to make you laugh and smile every day.
Akaashi of course had taken notice of their ace staring at his male classmate, for longer than usual. And he also had taken notice how you sometimes just gently touched Bokuto what send him and his heart into space, bringing him into another world.
And of course, Akaashi would support Bokuto with confessing to you. “You will have to tell him one day.” Akaashi bluntly said after their long practice, making Bokuto frown, almost pout at his words.
How did he find out? Was it that obvious?
“But Akaashi-” Bokuto started along with a small pout, making the black-haired male shake his head. “I am sure Y/N likes you back. The way he smiles is saying a lot.” 
Akaashi wasn’t stupid though. He knew that it would take a lot more to make Bokuto or you confess, and he knew that you two would be scared that neither of you would be the preferred gender. Additionally, if the setter was wrong, which he highly doubted, Bokuto’s mood would be going down the drain very quickly, making the team lose at every game.
“But let’s wait first” He added after a few seconds of silence, making Bokuto nod his head slowly. “Maybe try to be more affectionate with him. Not too much. Try to hold his hand.” His best friend advised, before leaving the changing rooms.
And with the knowledge that you would wait for Bokuto after practice just to walk home, Akaashi waited with you, just to make sure that he was right. “You like him, am I right?” The setter simply asked, making you go quiet, but luckily right after two seconds, Bokuto left the changing rooms too, joining you two. “Anyway, let’s go.” You finally managed to say, right after the question that caught you off guard.
With heading over to you and the ace’s hand slowly inching closer to yours, you got the hint of thought and just locked your hand into his, beginning to walk down the road you two always walked down, but now also with Akaashi’s presence. “Should we get some snacks?” The mentioned dark-haired male asked you two, just to get a closer look whenever Bokuto followed his advice or not. “yes let’s get some snacks!” The cheerful male agreed, hurrying with you up to the store that was just a few minutes away from your current location.
Within opening the door, the sweet scent of sweets hit your nose, making you gain some interest in the chocolate that had been shown in the display case. The energetic male pulled out his wallet while letting you pick some things that looked delicious to you. Akaashi just stood behind you two, watching how you two were picking out some snacks, not being interested in getting anything sweet. He was not in the mood.
Being deepened in making the decision, Bokuto didn’t quite catch the judging look of a male that had been in the store too, unlike you, who immediately felt anxious with the almost toxic glare. Slowly, your hand slipped out of his, trying to go unnoticed by the loss. “Did you decide already?” Bokuto asked, thinking that you only let go just to be able to hold onto the small bag. With a small nod, you showed him whatever you wanted, caring now less about the sort of chocolate you would get, and rather got carried away by the insecurities building up in your mind. 
Akaashi’s gaze followed your gaze, making him finally understand what had been going on.
Paying and leaving the store felt like a whole while for you, which took only a few minutes. With that, you three made your way back to your houses again, while you began to eat the chocolate, to have an excuse not to hold Bokuto’s hand.
“See you tomorrow!” Bokuto cheered the next minute, at least it felt like the next minute. You must’ve lost track of the things around you. ”See you” you replied with waving, entering your house.
The next days surely will be hard.
And they were. The next days felt like the hardest days this year, your anxiety and insecurities always stopping you from doing something that was ‘wrong’, just to not get judged or looked at weirdly by other people.
Bokuto didn’t quite catch what had happened. He didn’t know what he did wrong, how you felt, and how he should feel about this all. All he knew was that anything had happened yesterday, and that wasn’t something good. The small touches had gone missing, the small smiles and laughs were not the same anymore and it felt like you were hiding something from him.
“Y/N.” he finally started, rather than getting led by his feelings. “Did I do something wrong?” The ace asked a little shaky, scared that you would say something along the lines like “Yes”. But instead, he got a rather calming and assuring response he kinda had hoped for. “No, why?” A small sigh left his lips, like it took quite a few weights off his shoulders, making you smile a little, genuinely again. “I was just worried. You don’t hold my hand anymore” He pouted, making you almost give in and tell him what had been wrong.
But then again, you were scared to tell him about that. “Oh” was the only word that had come to your mind right in that second, making him not a little. “Why don’t you hold my hand anymore?” He whined out, bringing your thoughts mixed up and making them all foggy. “I uh-” you started, but almost immediately got cut off by him sitting beside you and bringing you into a loose hug, his hands only resting on the bench and his head placed on your shoulder. “Is it my fault?” He whined out, and before he could go on with his rant you quickly gave him an assuring head shake. “Then tell me why you don’t hold my hand anymore” He whined again. “Uh well-” Before you could finish your sentence, the male picked his head up, to stare right into your eyes, perhaps almost staring into your soul. “You know if you feel embarrassed you can just tell me” “That’s not the case bo”.
His hands moved up to your cheeks, making your heart race again. “You know, Akaashi once said that love has no genders” He gently said, almost hinting that he liked you. “I guess that’s true.” The male poutingly added, making you finally choke out some words too. “You like me?” The question caught him off guard, but instead of answering he just pressed a kiss on your forehead, leaving you slightly speechless. “I hope you like me” He indirectly answered your question and put his head back on your shoulder.
“Of course I do-”
“Then hold my hand again.” he whined once again, but shut up as soon as your hand reached out for his.
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«𝐛𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞»
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✫ ˚♡ ⋆。 ❀ LOYAL PEEPS: @elianetsantana​
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aobakukkii · 4 years
Wanna hold hands?
Bokuto x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Bad jokes
Male Reader
Word Count: 1748
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You shouldn't have to worry about this. You shouldn't act like a 12 year old walking next to his first crush... Wait were your feelings actually much different?  
Anyway Bokuto and you decided to go to a Christmas Market together to fulfill some foodie dreams of yours and only a few minutes separated you from your date destination. Well it wasn't one officially, but this couldn't stop you from dreaming, because all hope for not hopelessly pining on the owl boy was gone for a long time. So it was only natural to indulge in your feelings.
Bokuto and you first met on a mutual friends hang out in a park many months ago. Just after you arrived however, your friend who came a bit earlier soon volunteered for the "Oh f*ck we don't have anything... Let's get some drinks!" group mission to the nearest supermarket which left you awkwardly standing at the sidelines. Two small groups had already formed, involved in whatever topic they were talking about and you being to shy to disturb anyone just played with your phone for awhile. At least until a guy way too big to go unnoticed plopped up besides you.  
"Hey you're friends with f/n aren't ya? My name is Koutarou."
You just nodded for the first statement "I'm y/n" you quietly responded.  
"Oh cool where did you meet them?"  
Introducing yourself was normally an incredibly awkward situation, but somehow it felt natural with this guy. He kept a flow of conversation, getting to know your daily responsibilities and hobbies among other things. It didn't feel forced or like he just wanted someone to yak at or anything, he kept everything on a level that made you feel comfortable although you barely knew him, except for the few things he mentioned like his huge interest in volleyball.
The spiky haired boy was genuinely interested in anything you told him and even hyped some of your interests as well.
With him you were more or less smoothly introduced back into the (luckily) small group he left earlier and despite the fact that you felt uncomfortable with all the attention of the others in the beginning, his huge presence while talking quickly took this burden away from you. For socializing with new people, it was an incredibly alright experience.  
As it turned dark he offered you to join them go and play video games at his place and even if you would have normally declined such a request from new people, "Yes" felt just right.
Looking back at it now, the massive amount of praise you received from Bokuto for your skill made the decision even better. Especially when the praise came from a guy who would deserve the title pro himself.
In general Bokuto became your hype man in no time. You could just breath and he would still be like "Yas that's my boy!".  
This wasn't anything special in particular, he was supportive of the people around him and especially his friends, but to you his intensity towards felt special. He made you feel special. And now you wanted to be his special one and make him feel just as special and happy as he made you.
However you were worried that you misread his kindness towards you. Because he really treated everyone that he liked amazing, that's just the kind of person he is. This big chunk of love called Bokuto's heart is the reason why you fell for him, but it was also was where all your anxieties came from.  
Back to the present at hand, Bokuto's hand was what you were drawn to in particular. You never wanted to grab anything that badly in your life. The thought of holding his hand made you all giddy.  
Focusing on it was another challenge you had to face, since that guy swung his arms around a lot when he was excited to go somewhere, which happened quite often. Luckily, he was focused on the story he was telling you and looking at the illuminations so your starring went unnoticed.  
That until one of his swings touched your arm and more importantly, your hand.  
"Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention" Bokuto laughed. He stopped his movements and slowed down his step a bit.  
"It's fine" you giggled to hide your massive inner panic. His hand just touched yours!  
"Hey hey hey we should focus more on the lights there! You see those around the tree over there? They remind me of your eyes bro."
You just hummed and mumbled a silent "thanks" in response, being blessed with the chance to look towards the lights on your right to hide your face from him.  
Stuff like this wasn't usually included in the all-inclusive hype man package for you. And it made your cheeks heat up even more than his usual compliments. In the past Bokuto loved to tell you that you were cute, saying that you're shy reaction to the compliment just made you even cuter.  
Honestly Bokuto crossed the line to teasing hype man a long time ago and threw really flattering stuff at you like spikes at the opponent in a game whenever he felt like it, but this was a first. He never said anything directly about your looks. In fact you never heard him point out anyone's looks like that. You heard "handsome" and "pretty", but never something specific.  
"I mean it, I never saw someone whose eyes were sparkling like yours."  
This was straight up flirting at this point.  
You hid your face behind your hand, still looking away.  
"Kou seriously stop it."  
"Can't help it if it's true."  
You knew Bokuto was good in reading you, but you thought your crush and the insecurities with it were a secret. At least until now. This setting, this compliment, the smooth delivery. You were maybe anxious about the topic of love, but not that dense. This was his sign that you were special to him.  
He did his part, so now it was time to do something yourself.  
A mix of the compliments' confidence boost, your newfound view on his feelings and the still present panic and shyness robbing you of the ability to think or act like a normal human being, you drew the most genius conclusion you had in a while. If you swing your arm a bit and touch his hand again and again, he might read you once again and notice your wish to hold hands and you guys can live happily ever after.  
"100% risk free strategy dude" you thought to yourself.  
A comfortable silence was in the air as you continued your walk. You could already see the market, but it was still far enough away to be heard clearly. Bokuto was admiring the view around you, the illuminations being his favorite part of each December.  
You tried to give it a shot. You slightly swung your arm and hit his hand with yours, so slightly that it just seemed like something that would happen normally.
Bokuto didn't react in the slightest and you were not sure if he even noticed it, but you weren't giving up just yet. Your childish tactic deserved some testing before being discarded. So you did it again with the same force and the same result. Time to step up your game.  
You planned on a slightly increased force for the next one, which your body executed as "Tackle that hand like it's a Rattata." A now fainted Rattata at that, because Bokuto suddenly stopped walking and looked directly at your face. You had just enough time to conclude that you can't read his expression at all before avoiding your face. Your mind worked on a quick list on of how often you should apologize for this awkward moment, hoping that he would interpret it as a mistake. Judging by his face and the awkward pause right now however, he noticed what you were going for, which was honestly impressive from this stupid plan. You really wanted to apologize right away, hoping that the embarrassing gesture didn't ruin your chances with him.  
Before you could say a word however, you saw a big hand around yours. You couldn't possibly believe your eyes, if not for the squeeze you felt and a small motion upwards, bringing your face to a happy and slightly pink Bokuto.  
"Geez all I wanted was a small confirmation from you before starting anything, but I didn't think you would be the type to go all the way" he said his voice although more quiet than his usual one still matched the grin on his face. "You could have asked as well you know?"  
"I just... Didn't feel like it?" you laughed between your words, being overwhelmed by the sudden confession.
Bokuto quickly pulled you to the side of the street, not wanting to accidentally block the path of anyone else right now and to give the two of you a tiny bit of more privacy.
"Y/n I really wanted to confess to you for a long long time, but I didn't dare to say anything before I could be sure that you were interested." He started rocking your arms slightly.
"When I have my moods and try to hide from the world, you're the first to come to seek me and pull me back up again. When I'm loud, you're the one who listens to my rambling anyway. I discovered so many cool games and shows thanks to you and, most importantly, I can count on you whenever I'm at my low and my highs. You make me feel special y/n, and I really didn't want to destroy that without a clear sign of you feeling the same way."
The rocking stops as he slowly starts to stroke your hand with his thumb.
"This wasn't the one I expected, but again that makes you special. Just like you make me feel." he chuckled. "Man I can't really explain it, can I just show you?"
His unoccupied hand pressed against you back, pulling you closer to his body. You were glad that he took the lead from here on because you were complete lost in the moment. He bent down to capture your lips with his. It was bit clumsy due to your excitement, but still sweet and it definitely showed what Bokuto intended.
You pulled away with flushed faces, both unable to hide your smile.
"This is what I had in mind"
AN: So this completely self-indulgent fic is actually based on two dreams I had. When I already dream like in Fan-fictions, I might as well write them.  
Feedback would be highly appreciated. Thank you for reading ❤️
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aobakukkii · 4 years
The Haikyuu boys are Otaku and here is why
What kind of Otaku stuff are the Tokyo city boys into?
Headcanons // Tokyo ver. // Miyagi ver.
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Kenma: Everyone knows he is a toxic smol gamer boy so not much to talk about here. His favorites are really all kinds of RPGs: Monster Hunter, Witcher, Dragon Quest, Fire Emblem etc. Though he isn’t really picky and can appreciate a good game of any genre, even rip-off gacha games.
Kuroo: He is so close with Kenma, no way this guy isn’t a closeted gamer. He pretends not to be for his image (even infront of Kenma sometimes), but he knows what’s going on. Just like Kenma he is pretty open about genres, especially when it comes to single-player, although not as much as him. Nothing beats his satisfaction when he wins online multiplayer rounds with big brain moves though, so be prepared to see him play stuff like LOL or Overwatch. If he uses voice chat, listen to him if he is on your side and ignore his provocations if you are the enemy.
Yamamoto: Similarly to his Miyagi counterpart, he adores idols. J-Idols to be exact. He likes the cute one’s, but if they are pretty and do a more mature concept he is done and his money is gone. Like Perfume are a good example. People were actually scared when he first showed up to concerts going as far as him having trouble to get into a show once, but he quickly became a well respected member of the community and was saved by someone who recognized him in that particular case.
Yaku: Idols as well, but make it badass and Kpop. Pretty girls and music fitting for the demon senpai? Perfect deal. 2ne1, Everglow and Blackpink are his personal faves. He maybe also knows fan chants “because he visited their concerts” and not because he is screaming them at home. Blackpink’s hammer shaped lightstick is also a great tool to put Lev in place once he is acting out. Sometimes involved in “who is the best Perfume girl” wars with Yamamoto and Kuroo
Lev: Next to Kenma the most open about any Otaku interests simply for not knowing what containment is. He mixes music and Manga interests, but has the most mainstream Japanese taste imaginable. One Piece, Conan and Demon Slayer are the best manga, Twice is the best girl group, Bang Dream is an outstanding game etc. He genuinely loves all of that stuff though and can effortlessly bound with people over it.
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Bokuto: He enjoyed some games, Disney movies etc. all his life but his Otaku side just started shining when he got introduced into Gaming by Kuroo. Now the two have regular sessions face-offs, sometimes with Akaashi and Kenma, and surprising to everyone he is actually skilled in many multiplayer games by now. (and honestly thank god because otherwise he would probably get into emo-mode if he lost all the time) His favorites are fighting games like Street Fighter and Smash Bros and generally he just wants to enjoy playing with others, even if it’s a single-player game so he is open about any games his friends love. This counts for other Otaku activities as well though, he can hype up everything with the right people.
Akaashi: Poor guy was forced to get into Gaming because Bokuto wanted to train after always loosing to Kuroo in the beginning. Started getting games by himself because “I already bought the console after all...”. Exclusively plays puzzle and relaxing games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. He was so glad that New Horizons ended destroying flowers by running through them, so his island could survive the countless visits of big owl boy.
Konoha: Actually isn’t an Otaku and consumes most media with average enjoyment, but slightly bullies those who are. Luckily no one ever saw his sad Drama filled Netflix watch-list so far.
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