this is a drama-free blog.  take your plays and musicals elsewhere
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Let's have a moment of silence for all the snubs
Allegiance (Lea Salonga, George Takei, Telly Leung)
Audra McDonald
Spring Awakening (Austin Mackenzie)
Sylvia (Annaleigh Ashford)
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Look to your left. The first thing you see is what you would hoard as a dragon.
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You ever notice how like…. Every girl is pretty
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Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat, if you’re looking for the name.
remember that show about the ancient chinese cats
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The amount of lesbians who know that they’re lesbians from a young age versus the amount of gay men who know that they’re gay from a young age shows a staggering difference in that most lesbians take way longer to realize that they’re gay.
Girls are told that dating men is supposed to be hard and essentially unfulfilling. That it’s normal to expend emotional and sexual labor without receiving anything or feeling anything in return. Girls are told that their attraction to men and relationships with men should be difficult and sometimes feel forced because men are so emotionally lacking or otherwise “hypermasculine”.
Realizing that you don’t like men because you’re gay versus just feeling emotionally exhausted or unable/unsure of how to “please” men is part of the reason why compulsory heterosexuality is so damaging. It forces many girls to continue to date men and to keep trying to feel attraction to them long after they’ve realized that there’s nothing there—particularly blaming themselves for the reasons why relationships with men don’t work out instead of thinking it’s an indicator of being gay, which most (though of course not all) gay men are able to recognize as an initial indicator.
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okay i lied about the other power rangers video
THIS is the pinnacle of power rangers
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You can’t lick our Rick
Listen, I know Rick isn’t as exciting as Deborah or as passionate as Wretched Tooth or as charismatic as Mop, but we need someone who puts their jat (jean hat) on in the morning, licks his eyeballs, and gets to work.
I can’t believe I’m getting swept up in this dumb thing. I have homework.
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it’s soooo laughable when people say that “girls don’t have a no homo mentality” or whatever. lmao i remember i read some article about how ~women are naturally more turned on by women~ and i was like Good I Am Straight Never Mind, and continued in that way of thinking for years. people will tell you again and again it’s ok, everyone thinks girls are hot, that’s just how girls are :))~~ it’s ok to be affectionate haha girlcrushes - and then there’s the unspoken “as long as you’re not actually a Predatory Lesbian” lol that shit kept me repressed/closeted for years 
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Sho’N’Tell is having another give away to help promote the site, and are giving away 3 Ghibli plushies. The winners will get to chose what plushie that want from Sun Arrow’s ghibli plushies.
How to enter.
1. Reblog this post.
Yeap thats all you need to do, the winners will be chosen random from all the people that reblogged, and if you want to win a Wacom Citiq 13″HD pen display valued at $799 then check this post for details. Sho’N’Tell is an alternative to tumblr, Some of its current features are: Messaging system Block out any sensitive content (violence, nudity, sexually explicit, ect.). Link your posts together and have them part of ongoing series Upload pictures in .jpg, .jpe, .gif. png, .tif, .bmp, and .ico Images can be up to 840 pixels wide, smaller ones wont be streched Up to 10mb image upload that includes gifs Set quick tags Favorites are sorted into categories (All, Art, News, and Writing) and then again into sub categories (fan fiction, painting, memes, journals, ect) Multiple blogs per user View your favorites, dashboard, searches by popularity or by date and loads more will be added as soon as we can.
and if you want to help Sho’N’Tell you can donate on gofundme here
we are now also on Kickstarter giveaway ends March 13th 2016
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Blue Diamond | prints
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German Chancellor’s Story Is Told in Hamilton-Style Parody (Video)
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