apocryphall · 20 days
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apocryphall · 21 days
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apocryphall · 22 days
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Dream World by James Coleman
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apocryphall · 1 month
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apocryphall · 1 month
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🌳 ヒバニーとバドさま
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apocryphall · 1 month
i would so make a mystery dungeon oc or two or rp a canon character if that sub-division of the rpc was even remotely alive
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apocryphall · 1 month
there'll probably be a long-winded headcanon post about it later at some point, but i want to say that terapagos 1000% has close connections to xerneas. the instant i first saw it in better detail, with the emphasis on using the power of every type and it being the origin of terastallization, i buzzed with ideas.
perhaps, the species as a whole are living incarnates of the pure energy xerneas put out into the world that created life...or maybe the very first terapagos that started the species was born from a crystal piece that chipped off of xerneas' antlers.......i can probably get creative with this
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apocryphall · 1 month
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mmm soob
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apocryphall · 1 month
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Flower crowns in paintings ❀
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apocryphall · 1 month
Pokemon evolution is different from "normal" evolution. All pokemon (and humans) have had normal evolutions over the course of Earth's history, but their transformative evolutions to reach different family stages occur from deep-seeded mutations that were spurred by Xerneas' vitalizing energy eons ago.
Pokemon in particular contain strong amounts of life energy; it building up then releasing is what triggers the pokemon's genes to swiftly transform. Different stages in one evolution family can have a genetic makeup that is different enough from another's to warrant a different sub-species label given by scientists (i.e. Piplup - "Penguin Pokemon", Empoleon - "Emperor Pokemon"), but they usually remain compatible on paper for producing offspring.
Though a pokemon can choose to continuously resist its evolution if it wants to remain in its current form (either through sheer willpower or a present Everstone suppressing the build up of energy), evolution delay can and eventually will cause health problems for the pokemon. By their intricate nature as complex lifeforms, guided to perpetually develop still to this modern day by Xerneas, many pokemon are meant to evolve.
While evolution delay isn't harmful initially for young pokemon, if it's maintained for years and well into the pokemon's age where it would be considered mature or elderly, harmful physical and mental side effects will steadily occur. At that point, even if the pokemon were to evolve, some side effects would most likely be permanent.
Pokemon that do evolve only with outside sources (elemental stones, electromagnetic waves, etc) have, with the passage of time, grown to not typically suffer ill health from never evolving. Instead, a form of the opposite occurs: pokemon who do suddenly evolve from an outside source triggering the release of their energy may suffer ill health until they can adjust to their new bodies.
It is possible for pokemon with natural evolutions to suffer ill health or uncharacteristic temperaments after evolving on time, but this is an uncommon event that primarily surfaces in species where the energy release fiercely stimulates the pokemon's genes during the process, causing vast changes in body and in mind (i.e. Magikarp into Gyarados, Shelgon into Salamence, etc).
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apocryphall · 1 month
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spectrier and glastrier
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apocryphall · 1 month
friendly reminder that I’m comfortable with MINOR godmodding if:
it’s genuinely in the interests of advancing plot (e.g. ‘Pass the screwdriver?’ and you can assume my muse passes the screwdriver over, or even just that your muse ended up with the screwdriver one way or another, without having to stop the reply altogether for my interjection)
it’s NOT my muse’s dialogue, inner or outer
it’s REASONABLE for my muse (e.g. if they’ve already made it quite clear the screwdriver is a sentimentally precious family heirloom or something, then the screwdriver might not reasonably change hands)
the reply isn’t solely about my muse’s actions, thoughts or feelings, but rather is about your muse, with reference to mine
you are willing to accept criticism & critique and change the reply if I can’t reasonably see my muse doing that
roleplaying, for me, is about exploring characters and worlds through story. Interaction with both the muse and the world, then, is vital, and I do not mind sacrificing a small thing from one to significantly advance the other. It’s always a good idea to talk to me if you’re uncertain and it will be easier once we know each other better, but I just wanted to put this out there so you lot know what I’m comfortable with. There’s a lot of ‘no godmodding whatsoever!!’ going around in this community and obviously, with big things, it’s a no-go – but I’m still more interested in the story.
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apocryphall · 1 month
one thing i love about the pokemon anime is how it makes every move badass
games: String Shot lowers your speed by 1 and is pretty much the first move you replace on your pokemon
anime: if Caterpie catches you slipping it will literally suplex you with string shot
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apocryphall · 1 month
(≧∇≦)/ suuunnn~~
(◡‿◡✿) neonnnnnn~~
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apocryphall · 1 month
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alice madness returns
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apocryphall · 1 month
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A little more detail on Valerie's background:
She's a changeling, which in my setting are a special type of faery. All fae have the ability of Glamour: an illusionary magic, but changelings are able to physically shapeshift into and resemble other lifeforms - even down to their DNA. Whatever flaws a transformation may have depends on the changeling's skill level with it.
The higher it is, the more flawless they are. The worse it is, the easier it'll be to see features or quirks that are blatantly unnatural to the species they're trying to mimic. There are a few ancient Kalosian folktales of people being attacked by changelings, who went on to fail at replacing their victims in society due to their amateur shapeshifting. Valerie herself has managed to get by due to her body being unassuming & standard to humans, aside from her eyes which get easily explained away as a "genetic defect".
I won't go into the nitty gritty details of the fae's way of life & culture & w/e here as that deserves its own post, but in Valerie's case, she was born to a changeling parent after she had tumbled from a flower that her parent had spat out & planted as a seed. Eventually her parent got betrayed by a human woman named Cadence after she didn't honor her end of a deal. So, Cadence's firstborn was taken as payment and replaced by Valerie.
She has effectively been abandoned by her fae parent, who has never made any attempts to re-connect with her. Valerie surmised in her early teens that she was not human, and it wasn't until some time later after encountering Xerneas' dormant state in Allearth Forest, that she learned she was a part of the fae.
Her pokemon are well aware of what she is, but currently the only human who's aware is Milo.
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apocryphall · 1 month
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Btw, peeps are free to IM me for chatting or plotting about stuff. I can't really set up my interest checker until I have my full roster established, but I'm open to ideas nonetheless.
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