apophisclouds 2 months
government is trying to ban tiktok meanwhile millions of poor and disabled americans are about to completely lose their internet access at the end of april because congress wont renew funding for the affordable connectivity program
hell fucking world
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apophisclouds 3 months
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apophisclouds 5 months
did tumblr remove the ability to double tap a post to heart it or is my phone just being a little shit again
fuckin broken piece of shit nerfs my typing speed to like 2 letters a second, if even
I fuckin hate fragile ass finnicky ass touchscreen phones so much
fuckin screen protector didn't do shit
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apophisclouds 9 months
I know the meme but realistically wouldn't it end with a zero? If there is a last number, you could always add a 0 after and it will still be the same number as long as it's after the decimal
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apophisclouds 9 months
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Conservative lonerism is destroying the world person by person, as well as structurally.
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apophisclouds 9 months
Fuck is everyone's problem with laziness? Like "oh no this motherfucker stopped draining every last drop of their physical, mental, and social batteries at max capacity for a couple seconds someone call the cops the fbi the cia the coast gaurd and the news! Study that bitch under detainment like an alien specimen until you find the right cocktail to make them forget how miserable they actually are and focus more on working so hard their bones fall out their scrawny malnourished ass!" These bitch ass nerds need to stfu and get off their horses before they're too high to remain conscious, if I wanna do fuckall today I am entirely within my rights as a fully grown adult. I've survived childhood, I've suffered the powerlessness of youth, I've gone through the relentless trauma of the minimum 13 years of our trash education system just like anybody else, I have more than earned the right to take a break longer than half an afterthought of an hour, and you probably have too. No, you definitely have. We all have, even those still in elementary school. If America really is home of the free then where's my freedom to be lazy without some worthless soggy old cunt not worth the dead skin cells he's left behind berating me like I killed someone just because I'm not servicing every company within car's reach with my whole pussy for unliveable wages. We should be living like the extra 40 years of our lives from science and shit are a bonus to be spent on relaxation and comfort for everyone, we've earned it. We have more than doubled our life expectancy, isn't that enough? Can't we be satisfied where we are? I'm not saying halt all progress, I'm just saying I'm tired, you're tired, the people telling us to work harder are tired. Everyone's exhausted, and a lot of us just don't care somehow. Mental breakdowns at work are borderline commonplace, at least in my experience. I've never genuinely held spite for complete strangers who have done nothing directly to me until I started working jobs and interacting with them constantly every day. I come home from work feeling like I'm literally going to fall apart limb by limb, my hands and feet literally shriveled like some kind of boiled zombie. In the end, can you even call it laziness? I think laziness would be preferrable.
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apophisclouds 9 months
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Activists in Tasmania have stuck up more honest promo stickers inside Coles & Woolworths stores, the two dominant supermarket chains in Australia.
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apophisclouds 9 months
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Reblog to make it die faster
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apophisclouds 9 months
imagine literally thinking that getting your favorite little show a couple months sooner is more important than the people making it being treated as humans
"oh but your favorite shows are going to be delayed by the strikes" my favorite shows consistently get cancelled after 2 excellent seasons bc of the exploitive corporate greed that these strikes are fighting against
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apophisclouds 10 months
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apophisclouds 10 months
I got a laptop with Windows 11 for an IT course so I can get certified, and doing the first time device set-up for it made me want to commit unspeakable violence
Windows 11 should not exist, no one should use it for any reason, it puts ads in the file explorer and has made it so file searches are also web searches and this cannot be turned off except through registry editing. Whoever is responsible for those decisions should be killed, full stop.
Switch to linux, it's free and it's good.
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apophisclouds 10 months
Big tech culture is really shaping up to be the radical fundie christian cult of the future, isn't it. They think their billionaire idols will turn mars into heaven and the AI singularity will be like the birth of a benevolent god. The ethics and personalities of everyone with the most power over technology right now are making me hate technological progress. We're developing amazing robots and cracking biotech and it's all just to kill people and starve people and make money under a bunch of absolutely batshit idiot new sci-fi religious cults that have sprung up. This is what "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" was supposed to warn us about. AM is the shit they hope they're gonna make. You know what, I hope they do. I hope they manage to make AM and I hope it goes exactly that badly for them at bare minimum.
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apophisclouds 10 months
If you've ever wondered why people in Hawai'i hate tourists, try to wrap your mind around the fact that there are CURRENTLY, RIGHT NOW, tourists sipping martinis and looking at fish within swimming range of the fresh corpses of local people who couldn't escape the overnight destruction of their entire town.
Try to comprehend that there are fully functional, high capacity boats passing through the waters in front of an area full of survivors who are stranded and in need of supplies, refusing to help. They are hosting snorkeling tours.
Really think about, try your best to actually picture over two thousand people unhoused and in need of shelter, with nothing but the clothes on their backs and nothing to return to. Understand that the island, stolen land, is littered with hotels full of air conditioned of rooms with beds and showers and toilets, each fully equipped to host hundreds of families for weeks, turning these people away because they're booked up with tourists who refuse to leave.
And understand that these tourists were offered free transport to return home or be hosted on other islands. Free. Courtesy of local tax dollars. 4,000 wealthy tourists were offered free flights shelter on Oahu and begged to leave the island, BEFORE the survivors were given shelter.
And enough still insisted on remaining and carrying out their vacations that people are left without shelter and resources while they enjoy "their stay in paradise".
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apophisclouds 10 months
the way people on here talk about the porn ban makes me completely fucking insane honestly.
yes I would love a return to the old ways.
no that isn't something staff have control over, it's a systemic issue with puritanical groups intentionally strangling online infrastructure to make adult content impossible to platform.
no that doesn't mean the ban was value neutral and I will fucking kill you with my mind if you start going on about how 'it just meant all the annoying people left'
sex workers left, and so did the high spending customers who made tumblr a viable platform for a lot of other small creators
a lot of sex educators and queer outreach groups also left, and nobody seems to remember that they were a huge part of the landscape here
you have to take the eradication of sexual content from online spaces seriously as an issue that affects more than whether you personally can post catgirl balls on one specific platform
there is no 'good social media' in 2023 that will ever be equipped to solve this problem until the financial/cultural issue is addressed. decentralisation is your best bet. sorry.
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apophisclouds 10 months
Dear sweet lord of computers yes PLEASE
You know what, fuck it, I don't *want* some frivolous, artisanal, lighter-than-air computer with no customizability, no upgradeability, no reparability, no ports, and a lifetime of *maybe* 3 years if you're lucky. I want a fucking great BEAST of a computer that's designed to last a minimum of 50 years, with ports up the wazoo and optional drives for every kind of media! I want modular components that you can drop in a bog for a year, dry them off, and have them still work fine! I want them to make a noise like "ker-chunk!" when you slide them into place! I want a switch that you pull to turn it on! And I don't want software that constantly forces you to get a pointless, cosmetic "upgrade" every few months either! I want durability! I want longevity! I want satisfying haptics! I want Silicon Valley to go fuck itself!
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apophisclouds 10 months
ngl I really don't think middle schoolers are that bad. I always hear people talk about how brutal they are but they're really not that mean. Don't get me wrong, they CAN be mean, but they're not nearly as bad as John Mulaney makes them out to be. The real demons are high schoolers, because that's when the reality kicks in, and they really start realizing how horrible their futures are as young adults in the modern era. I try not to hold it against them, I remember being a high schooler surprisingly well for how many drugs I was on for most of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like them. I get it, life as a whole is miserable enough, and to have to put up with both your own hormones as well as everyone else's around you, on top of school, learning to drive if you're lucky enough to have money and a family willing to put the effort in to try and teach you, maybe even a job on top of it all, I really don't blame them for being brutal. That being said, holy shit are high schoolers just the most unpleasant human beings fucking ever, especially the boys. The general social environment for men has got to be one of the most batshit insane things I've ever laid any of my senses upon. It's cruelty untold, the exaggeratively arbitrary pressures that are somehow simultaneously the most important things ever unless you want to be mind shatteringly ostracized, the constant competition over stupid pointless bullshit, the lack of basic friendliness or at least normal conversation, people intentionally not understanding things even if they do just to have something to belittle someone over, the glorification of self destruction, the glorification of tearing others down, the "need" to be better than everyone else! It's insane! All of it it's just insane, it's no wonder politics have devolved into nothing more than high school locker talk, it's all these fuckers have ever known! It's genuinely heartbreaking seeing people in their senior years acting and talking exactly the same way as 50% of the reason I left high school so early. (The other 50% of course being the blatant incompetence of the schools themselves doing a worse job teaching me than youtube of all things.) Nobody can learn to mature when everyone else is too immature to set a half decent fucking example. This is why pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. It has nothing to do with not being allowed to feel good for doing something that took effort to accomplish, it's everything to do with the humility required to not put everyone else in the dirt over it. But nobody can put their pride to the side for half a second to look around and realize that we're all being shoved into the dirt by each other so much that there's nothing left BUT dirt. Nothing but filth that must be purged away with a giant worldwide fire, a hard reset, or perhaps simply just an off button. We failed. As a species. As a planet. We could have been golden, but instead we chose the path of shit. Game over.
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apophisclouds 10 months
lol. lmao
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Reblog to make him lose another 200 billion, like to make him lose 1 billion
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