vista-child-of-hecate · 14 days
So I found 5 doors. One is buried right beside Thalia's tree. One is in a random tree to the west of the forest. There's also this one that's in the Big House attic. And finally, two of them are under Travis' bed.
I have prepared 5 spells of Locate Object today. I can help locate the missing doors, if you want to.
YEAHHHHH, we know ones at the bottom of the lake and the others are somewhere else we don’t know. - Travis Stoll 🧨
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vista-child-of-hecate · 1 month
Well, I'm introducing a new spell of mine: Familicide! It kills every living blood relative of the victim (though not the victim itself, adding to the depravity of the spell since they are forced to live through their deaths), regardless of how distantly related they may be from the victims. There seem to be limits, such that the spell cannot cause an extinction, but they are not elaborated on beyond that. The spell requires a living (or sentient un-living) target, and direct physical contact between the caster and the target. The spell's range is measured in thousands of miles, if not limitless, (though still limited to one plane of existence). The spell first kills anyone who is directly related to the target, then it kills anyone directly related to those it had just killed. The victim is left totally unharmed.
The precise mechanics of the spell are as follows:
Step 1: Kill everyone with the original target's blood. This is a simple yes/no effect: Is a creature (the secondary target) related by blood to the original target at all, in any way? If yes, kill it. If no, move on. Number of generations or percentage of blood or direction doesn't matter. Step 2: Kill everyone who shares blood with any of the people killed in Step 1. Think of it as killing everyone descended from (or siblings to) any and all still-living ancestors of each secondary target. So if a person had a grandfather on one side and a great-grandmother on the other side who were still alive, every person who could trace their blood back to either of those people would be dead, because the person's daughter carries both of their bloods. If a person can only trace their blood through (say) the victim's already-dead great-great-great-grandfather, then they're safe. Thus cousins and second-cousins and the like are all dead, but more distant genetic relations are not.
For those of you who are wondering why I develop such spells, well, a bunch of things could happen. Kronos could regenerate and try to kill all of us (he is the "lord of time" after all), Ura- ahem, Ouranos could somehow break through his imprisonment in the sky and do crazy schiz because gods (or protegonoi) being released from imprisonment is usually a bad thing, an apocalypse from another pantheon happen, the Stolls interrupt my spell research ONE MORE TIME- etc. Don't worry about my mental health. It's fine. Honest.
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vista-child-of-hecate · 1 month
Introduction Post
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This is my second RP blog.
Information Name: Vista Mililo Gender: Aro/Ace Age: 13 Cabin: 20 (Hecate) Alignment: True Neutral Powers: Spells from scrolls Fatal Flaw: Neverending thirst for power Weapons: The orb thing I use for casting spells Notes What I'm Doing: - Researching spells - Hiding the dangerous ones - Sending asks to @chbnews Other Notes: - Is based on Vaarsuvius from The Order of the Stick.
[OOC: I used this character creator. Again.]
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