I just want to say to anyone participating in pride month
PLEASE be safe. After the orlando shooting, i am truly concerned about the lgbtqa+ community. I hope that while you celebrate pride month, you won’t be in fear of you and your friends lives. You can still celebrate, but please be safe lovelies. ~Mod Spork
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Sexualities/Genders (And Other Terms One Should Know)
Heterosexual: Male-identifying individual sexually attracted to a female-identifying individual, and vice-versa.
Homosexual: Someone attracted to someone of the same gender as themselves.
Bisexual: Sexually attracted to two or more genders.
Polysexual: Sexually attracted to many genders, but not all.
Pansexual: Sexually attracted to all genders. (this and bisexual, and sometimes polysexual, are often considered to be the same thing and different people may simply identify as any one of them due to their own personal reasons)
Heteroflexible: Usually sexually attracted to the opposite gender, but rarely sexually attracted to other genders.
Homoflexible: Usually sexually attracted to the same gender, but rarely sexually attracted to other genders.
Gynesexual: Sexually attracted to females or femininity.
Androsexual: Sexually attracted to males or masculinity.
Demisexual: Sexually attracted to people only after forming a bond with them first.
Gray-sexual/Gray-asexual: Someone who rarely experiences sexual attraction.
Asexual: Having no /sexual attraction/ to others
Apothisexual: Same as asexual, but more specifically disgusted by sex.
Heteroromantic: Male-identifying individual romantically attracted to female-identifying individuals, and vice-versa.
Homoromantic: Attracted romantically to the same gender.
Biromantic: Attracted romantically to two or more genders
Polyromantic: Attracted to many genders (but not all)
Panromantic: Attracted romantically to all genders
Gyneromantic: Attracted romantically to females or femininity
Androromantic: Attracted romantically to males or masculinity
Gray-romantic/Gray-aromantic: Rarely romantically attracted to anyone.
Demiromantic: Romantically attracted to people only after forming a bond with them first.
Aromantic: Having no /romantic attraction/ to others
Apothiromantic: Same as aromantic, but more specifically disgusted by romance.
Polyamorous: Someone who is attracted to, and is comfortable with being in a relationship with more than one person at a time.
Akoiromantic/Lithromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction, but doesn't wish to act upon it or for it to be reciprocated.
Cupioromantic: The opposite of lithromantic--someone who desires a romantic relationship, but does not experience romantic attraction.
Quoiromantic: Unable to differentiate between romantic and platonic attraction.
Transexual/Transgender (Term depending on generation and location): An individual who identifies as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth to be. Often shortened to trans
Cisgender: Someone who identifies as the gender that they were assigned as at birth. (ex. matches their birth certificate) Often shortened to cis
Intersex: Someone who has ambiguous genitalia that doesn't fit into our strict dichotomy of uterus or testes. Often forced into surgery to correct their genitals at a very young age, causing psychological and physical harm later in life
Non-binary: Outside of the gender binary of male and female. (Can be used as an umbrella term or as its own identity)
Genderqueer: Outside of the gender binary. (interchangeable with non-binary)
Agender: Someone who experiences a 'lack' of gender.
Bigender: Someone who identifies as two genders.
Trigender: Someone who identifies as three genders.
Genderfluid: A gender that changes, or is 'fluid'.
Demigirl: Identifying partially as a woman, but not wholly.
Demiboy/guy: Identifying partially as a man, but not wholly.
Androgyne: Expressing both male and female traits.
Dmab: Designated Male at Birth.
Dfab: Designated Female at Birth.
Amab/Afab: Same as dmab/dfab, except with 'assigned' instead of 'designated'.
Camab/Cafab: Same as previous, except prefixed by 'coercively', to highlight the lack of choice.
Reblog to inform! And if there's any I missed or anything that should be clarified, please message me! Always looking to expand the proper vocab. :)
**I edited this post because it used some archaic and incorrect terms/definitions, and needed more terms added to it. -Vivian Mareepe
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A pizza place in North Carolina has received stellar reviews — and not just for its toppings. Pure Pizza, a restaurant in Charlotte, received high praise on social media for switching to gender-neutral bathrooms.
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On the aporagender topic. Aporagender is an appropriative term used/coined by white people who were sad they couldn't use the term third gender. I'd advise you to use maverique, which is basically the same, but coined by a PoC and thus not appropriative.
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Tumblr media
A flag proposal for Aporagender made with some soft colours so that it’s easy for the eyes.
Colour definitions:
Blue & Pink have been put on either end of the flag to show that you feel your gender is “away” from these two colours, stereotyped as blue being masculine and pink being feminine.
Purple to represent as feeling between male and female.
Yellow to represent how the gender is nothing like being female, male or both, but is also placed close enough to blue, purple and pink to show that it’s still connected strongly to some sort of specific gender.
Yellow also represents how it’s a non-binary identity.
I hope you like the colours and that theyre suitable!
Hey aporagender!!! Look at this!!
-Mod Lex
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I think I'm gender fluid, but how can I be sure?
There is no specific checklist to mark off, it’s all based on what you feel.  So if you think you’re gender fluid, you can call yourself that.  If you change your mind later, you can change your identity and it’s okay. 
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Gender Identifications Masterpost
So I’ve done quite a bit of research and decided I would put together both a Sexual Orientations Masterpost and a Gender Identification Masterpost. If you feel anything should be added to either of these, please let me know! They’re all under the read more so you can cleanly reblog it (:
Keep reading
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Can we ask for a certain mod to answer our question?
Yes of course!
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what is this blog gonna be about?
Well it’s going to be mostly for people to come and vent about certain things (preferably pertaining to gender identity and such), ask us for advice, or anything really!
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maverique: why i coined the word
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There are 2 genders. There is nothing wrong with switching between or falling in-between, but there aren't 3 genders
Nonbinary identities that fall out side of male, female, and in between have existed since the times of ancient Egyptians. The idea of only two genders is a solely white concept and was forced on poc during colonization. Here are two (x) (x) examples of genders you claim cannot exist, yet have for years. To imply that the white notion of two genders is universal is racist. (Poc please correct me on any errors i may have made)
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androgynous/non-binary genders list
Note: This is not intended to be a “complete” list of genders; rather, it’s just meant as a starting point for those questioning their gender. It also does not include ethnic gender identities (those will have to be a separate post at some point.)
Agender (non-gender): “not identifying with any gender, the feeling of having no gender.” (HTWG) “a term used to describe a person without gender. This person can be any physical sex, but their body does not necessarily correspond with their lack of gender identity” [*] (definition from @gqid​)
Androgyne: “1. A person whose biological sex is not readily apparent. 2. A person who is intermediate between the two traditional genders. 3. A person who rejects gender roles entirely.” (definition from @gqid​)
Aporagender: A gender separate from male, female, and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling (source)
Exogender: Refusing to have a gender or be put into gender categories (source)
Gender free: Having no gender identity (source)
Gender neutral: May refer to identities, clothing, or behavior that are not easily categorized as masculine or feminine or a blend of the two (definition from @gqid​)
Intergender: A gender that is between male and female, intended for use by intersex people (definition from gender.wikia.com)
Maverique: characterized by autonomy and inner conviction regarding a sense of self that is entirely independent of male/masculinity, female/femininity or anything which derives from the two while still being neither without gender nor of a neutral gender (source)
Neutrois: Commonly defined as genderless, neutral gender, or null gender
Xenogender:  A gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender; more concerned with crafting other methods of gender categorization and hierarchy such as those relating to animals, plants, or other creatures/things (source)
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hey guys! i made a safe space blog for anyone who isn’t cis! if you want to be a mod please check out this page here!
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