apothcosis · 4 years
Crocodile has officially moved over @videcoeur
If you want to interact with the bastard, this is where you’ll be able to find me.
Be prepared, this blog is currently 99% homestuck. I am going to change my banner/avatar soon, and there is a tagging system in place so you don’t have to see all of my homestuck on main lmao.
I can’t do multiple blogs anymore, so it’s going to be a multimuse with both Canon and OC characters. If you can’t handle that it sucks, but it’s okay! You can still interact with Croc. Just send me an ask/IM and we can talk about something.
I’m also available for Discord RPs for those of you who don’t want to go through the trouble of seeing all of my other fandoms and stuff c:
I’ll also be bringing my other One Piece muses eventually but Croc had to be first, of course.
Thank you to those who choose to follow and interact <3 and if not, I hope you all have fun with your muses anyway c:
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apothcosis · 4 years
Enel moved over there too!
Crocodile has officially moved over @videcoeur
If you want to interact with the bastard, this is where you’ll be able to find me.
Be prepared, this blog is currently 99% homestuck. I am going to change my banner/avatar soon, and there is a tagging system in place so you don’t have to see all of my homestuck on main lmao.
I can’t do multiple blogs anymore, so it’s going to be a multimuse with both Canon and OC characters. If you can’t handle that it sucks, but it’s okay! You can still interact with Croc. Just send me an ask/IM and we can talk about something.
I’m also available for Discord RPs for those of you who don’t want to go through the trouble of seeing all of my other fandoms and stuff c:
I’ll also be bringing my other One Piece muses eventually but Croc had to be first, of course.
Thank you to those who choose to follow and interact <3 and if not, I hope you all have fun with your muses anyway c:
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apothcosis · 4 years
Crocodile has officially moved over @videcoeur
If you want to interact with the bastard, this is where you’ll be able to find me.
Be prepared, this blog is currently 99% homestuck. I am going to change my banner/avatar soon, and there is a tagging system in place so you don’t have to see all of my homestuck on main lmao.
I can’t do multiple blogs anymore, so it’s going to be a multimuse with both Canon and OC characters. If you can’t handle that it sucks, but it’s okay! You can still interact with Croc. Just send me an ask/IM and we can talk about something.
I’m also available for Discord RPs for those of you who don’t want to go through the trouble of seeing all of my other fandoms and stuff c:
I’ll also be bringing my other One Piece muses eventually but Croc had to be first, of course.
Thank you to those who choose to follow and interact <3 and if not, I hope you all have fun with your muses anyway c:
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apothcosis · 4 years
Crocodile has officially moved over @videcoeur
If you want to interact with the bastard, this is where you’ll be able to find me.
Be prepared, this blog is currently 99% homestuck. I am going to change my banner/avatar soon, and there is a tagging system in place so you don’t have to see all of my homestuck on main lmao.
I can’t do multiple blogs anymore, so it’s going to be a multimuse with both Canon and OC characters. If you can’t handle that it sucks, but it’s okay! You can still interact with Croc. Just send me an ask/IM and we can talk about something.
I’m also available for Discord RPs for those of you who don’t want to go through the trouble of seeing all of my other fandoms and stuff c:
I’ll also be bringing my other One Piece muses eventually but Croc had to be first, of course.
Thank you to those who choose to follow and interact <3 and if not, I hope you all have fun with your muses anyway c:
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apothcosis · 4 years
hey i know i haven’t been active at all and most people here are dead blogs but Crocodile is going to move to a multimuse blog eventually so if you’re interested let me know–
and I’ll leave the url here or something.
I’m also moving Enel there, and a few other OP villains that I still cherish to this day.
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apothcosis · 5 years
SPECTRA, an LGBTQIA app is live on Kickstarter!
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SPECTRA, an LGBTQIA app is finally live on Kickstarter! But what is SPECTRA, exactly? SPECTRA is an app designed by members of the LGBTQIA community for the LGBTQIA community. At SPECTRA, we believe that our community deserves a Digital Home, a welcoming space to meet our needs in a non-judgmental environment. We exist to make you stronger. We are a network of businesses and people who get it.
So, what’s our mission? We plan to become an online resource center for our community, a space where your voice will not only be heard but where your voice will also help the members of our great family feel safe anywhere in the world. Here’s what we have in mind!
A Complete Resource Center For LGBTQIA People
SPECTRA is a movement emerging from a digital platform built for iOS, Android and the web. It is a network of LGBTQIA people and their allies fighting for a more inclusive future.
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Because there are so many in our community that feel insecure and unsafe in unknown spaces. Because we found out that more than 70% of LGBTQIA youth said they felt more comfortable being themselves online than in the real world. Because SPECTRA is an opportunity to use the power we have online to rally our community together and find the safe spaces for us in the real world.
SPECTRA is an excellent opportunity to create an online resource center for the LGBTQIA community, where you will be able to know where to go, where to work and even where to live. SPECTRA has been created by a union of inclusive people, employers, and places. It is a movement towards social equality and will be available on iOS, Android and the web. Because we believe in a future where everyone can feel safe in the world. We invite everyone to get involved, especially allies!
How Will That Work?
We have designed three unique features to help you find the best friendly places to have fun:
Rainbow Ratings
Rainbow Maps
The rainbow ratings will work similarly to YELP but for the LGBTQIA community! SPECTRA members will be able to rate businesses on how welcoming they are. These ratings will help other members of our community avoid spaces where they could feel unsafe, and encourage businesses where they are welcomed. The ratings are calculated based on actual interactions through user-generated reviews. SPECTRA is a global app, which makes it easy to find affirming businesses all over the world.
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You will be able to avoid places with low inclusion ratings. Plus, in the near future, you will be able to look for window stickers on businesses with a HIGH inclusion rating!
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As for the rainbow map, we plan for it to be a resource that makes it easy for you to plan a journey. You will be able to take safe routes around your city and anywhere in the world! Every SPECTRA object is pinned to the map for your convenience. You will also be able to filter businesses by several criteria such as:
Exclusive deals
Health & Wellness
Safe Spaces
Queer Spaces
Gender neutral bathrooms
Hotels & Hostels
Crossdresser Meet-Ups
Virtual businesses
LGBTQIA and POC owned
Clothing Swaps
Private Events
Pride Events
Finally, with SPECTRA rewards, you will be able to earn rewards at inclusive businesses and gain access to exclusive deals that are only available within SPECTRA Rewards! You can earn points as you shop with our partners and inclusive businesses all over the world!
There are so many more things we have in mind for SPECTRA and we need your help to make it happen!
We Are 80% Complete!
Due to some complications and homophobic forces in the world, we had to hide for the longest time that we were building an LGBTQIA portal. This secrecy resulted in extra expenses and longer development. SPECTRA was started in summer of 2017.
We are finally coming out and need your support to complete the development and refine, test and release SPECTRA in BETA.
Our Kickstarter campaign went online on February 19 2019, and our goal pledges is at only 10,000. Thanks to our several backers we are a little over 10% of our goal! We ask for your help to bring our project to fruition and we have planned several tiers and rewards for those who believe in us!
We invite everyone on Tumblr to Signal Boost us and help us reach our goal! Reblog, like, share it with your friends! It might seem like a small gest, but SPECTRA will be a revolution for LGBTQIA inclusion!
Be part of our future today!
Our Website: https://www.joinspectra.com/
Our Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gospectra/digital-platform-to-build-safer-world-for-the-lgbt?ref=29fd7v
Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoinSpectra/
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apothcosis · 5 years
sorry i vanished i might return next year but this year has been entirely too crazy for me
I haven’t been able to roleplay in,,, so long
and with Tumblr going Christian on us I mean,,, as someone who enjoy adult stuff ,,,
I might end up having to rp on discord when things go hot but whatever
let’s see in the new year
until then,,,Have nice holidays!
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apothcosis · 6 years
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how is enel simultaneously adorable and a piece of shit?
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apothcosis · 6 years
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|| Just a little something i did in my procrastination stage….
which is like all the time…
A n y w a y 
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apothcosis · 6 years
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apothcosis · 6 years
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apothcosis · 6 years
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apothcosis · 6 years
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apothcosis · 6 years
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Zoro plz
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apothcosis · 6 years
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apothcosis · 6 years
May I ask you a random eneru? I don't really mind the context, I just love the way you draw him
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apothcosis · 6 years
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