appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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"One kiss from you is never enough, Sakaki." Shingo gave Yuya a wink, chuckling warmly. It felt nice to be joking with Yuya like this instead of the alternatives.
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Feeling the weight lift off his chest, Yuya rolled onto his side. “Ugh, your so needy. Wasn’t one taste enough?”
The boy planted a small kiss on the tip of Shingo’s nose, giggling to himself.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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"I won't lie, Yuya... I had my phone on silent for a good part of the night and missed a bunch of calls too. And.... while I didn't get drunk, there may have been some drunken antics involved, but... Like I said. I swear it wasn't me. I may have ended up illegally driving someone to the hospital. That's all I'm saying." Shingo brought his arms around Yuya, holding him close and smiling warmly. "How about I make it up to you?" A kiss was placed on Yuya's forehead, Shingo nuzzling into the boy's hair.
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Leaning onto his boyfriend, Yuya gave a deep sigh. “I know you say that, but I wonder sometimes if they’re just excuses to spend time with your little harem.” He wrapped his arms tight around Shingo’s waist, nuzzling his neck.
"You didn’t answer my new year’s text either. Hope your dumb friends didn’t take you out drinking…"
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
Shingo swallowed hard, taking the clothes- though it could barely be called that, considering how transparent they were. A huff escaped Sawatari, shaking his head and just looking away from Yuya.
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"It's not like you looking away is going to change the fact that you'll be able to see everything once I put it on..." So, without another moment of hesitation and with surprising confidence, Shingo changed into the clothes he had been offered and crossed his arms, a pout quickly forming on his lips.
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"Heh. Lemme just get it out for you…" Hopping to his feet, Yuya rummaged through one of his drawers until he found the small set- light link lace panties and a matching bra. 
"Don’t worry, I won’t watch you change- I’ll cover my eyes if you like." Sneering, he handed the set to Shingo, soft material nearly see-through.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"I wasn't exactly... busy. It was pretty much me being dragged around to a bunch of parties full of old, gross people." He leaned in and wrapped an arm around Yuya. A smile painted itself on his lips, hand reaching up to brush a strand of emerald from the boy's eyes.
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"I'd much rather have spent it with you, Sakaki..."
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"O-Oh?" Blinking, Yuya just kind of figured Shingo had his own thing to do…not really caring if he spent time with Yuya or not.
"Yeah, I figured you were busy…"
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
Before he could return the compliment, he was asked to move. A look of disappoint crossed his face and Shingo rolled off of Yuya, just laying beside the boy instead.  "Hey, Sakaki... Mind if I take another taste?"  Shingo leaned toward Yuya, grin curling his lips as he looked into the other's soft, cerise hues.
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۞ [Shingo]
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Although it hadn’t been on purpose, Shingo had tripped and landed rather conveniently on top of Yuya, lips locking in a kiss. Well, he might as well enjoy it while he can…
Reaching a hand up to bury in Shingo’s hair, Yuya deepened the kiss between the two boys, tasting Shingos lips. They were so soft and sweet, like candy and melon…he should make more of a habit of this.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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"Of course I did... What kind of man do you take me for!?" Shingo had debated not wearing the panties, but thank god that he did... He was, dare he say it, afraid of what Yuya would do if he hadn't worn the panties.  Shingo raised the skirt, just enough for Yuya to catch a glimpse of the panties. If Sawatari survived the day, it'd be a miracle... He was already so embarrassed and prayed that nobody who knew him would see him like this.He swallowed hard and looked to Yuya, cheeks flushed a vivid crimson.
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"There’s my little school boy. All dressed up." Smirking, Yuya gave Shingo a once over. "You know, power blue really is your color. Looks like I picked out a good one." How delectable he looked in that sailor uniform- the knee high socks and loafers, short blue skirt…and of course the collar and tie were perfect.
"I assume you put on the panties too? Girl’s underwear is too expensive, but for an occasion like this, I suppose it’s worth it. Come on now, lift up the skirt. I have to make sure before we leave." Indeed, it was a detail that could be missed, and Shingo was not about to get away with not wearing them. If he had dare put on a pair of boxers, Yuya would have to tighten the grip on his leash all the more.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"...Sorry for not being able to spend New Year's with you. I got dragged off against my will." Shingo gave a laugh, scratching the back of his neck and casting his gaze a way from Yuya.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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Artist: しろねこ Original Art: ☆ *Uploaded with permission from the original artist.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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*sparkling* As promised, the HQ version
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"Lunch is on me."  It was better not bring things up and give Yuya any more guilt. Though it was clear that he regretted what he had done, Shingo still hadn't fully forgiven Yuya for everything. Even so, it was worth the risk to try to get close to Yuya again. Because, despite all that had happened, Shingo still loved Yuya. "So.... What do you want?" Shingo grinned at Yuya, but it was clearly a false grin hiding feelings from the other. There was a lot of tension and unspoken thoughts that would just have to remain that way until things had been fully settled.
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"I…I was hoping we could spend some time together today. I know that I haven’t…urm." Avoiding eye contact, Yuya shifted upon his feet. "He’s gone for the next two days, so I thought maybe…"
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"Yes, Sakaki?"
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"You know what? I won't beat the shit out of you. You don't deserve that." Shingo spat, barely resisting the urge to punch Reiji. He knew that the other didn't deserve Yuya's pity. He would only be doing what the other male wanted if he hit Reiji...  Shingo was at a loss of what to do, his will to fight boiling down quickly. He failed again, but this time he knew that this wasn't just going to be about him and Yuya. Others would get hit with the consequences of his actions.  He began to rise to his feet, intending to gather his abandoned jacket and his dignity. He wasn't going to sink to Reiji's level this time. He wasn't going to walk right into the trap that the other had set...
Feeling himself roughly turned to his back, Reiji laughed. “You hate me?" Letting his body go limp, the boy chuckled as his pale violet eyes lock with Shingo’s. Even with his vision blurry, it didn’t keep his stare from being sharp as a butcher’s knife.
“Shingo- the only one suffering is you. What do you think my little tomato would think if he saw his boyfriend pinned down by the ruthless bully who endangered his friend’s lives?" Making no effort to calm himself, it was as if sewage was spewing from his mouth.
"Go on then- beat the shit out of me. I dare you! See what Yuya thinks!”
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"I don't care. I just don't want to see him suffering." Shingo's mind was reeling, dizzy from hitting his head on the pavement and he was sure that his head was bleeding, but he wasn't giving up. He prayed that Yuya would see this, see what was happening and see how desperately Shingo was fighting for him... "I don't care what the two of you do..." Shingo's self-preservation instinct, combined with his desire to protect Yuya was driving him, urging him to claw and bite at Reiji. He was doing anything and everything he could to turn the tide, somehow managing to roll the two of them over and now taking his turn to pin Reiji. "I hate you. I hate seeing people suffer because of you. You are nothing but a cold, heartless beast."
Fury burning in his eyes, Reiji did his best to pry away his Shingo’s hands by digging his fingers directly into his wrists. “Just remember…he left you for me…ggh!" The words barely made it from his mouth, gasping for air. Feeling Shingo’s arms barely giving an inch, he focused all his energy on pinning the boy’s arms to the blacktop. As much as he hated to, it was time he gave up on self preservation and simply focused on taking him out.
With a firm headbutt, Reiji clocked both both their heads together, hoping Shingo would knock his on the pavement. It was a double edged bade, but if he intend to win, he’d have to suffer.
"No matter how many lies you tell, that doesn’t change the fact he never cared for you either. The proof? Why don’t you ask him what we do every night…?" Unlike Shigo, Reiji didn’t have to make anything up. And Shingo knew it too.
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
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appleberry-honey-pie · 10 years
"He's never going to be yours." Shingo responded, struggling beneath Reiji. He knew that playtime was over and that things had gotten dangerously serious. He clawed at Reiji before his hands hands wrapped around Reiji's throat, gripping so tightly that his nails dug into Reiji's skin. "Yuya hates you but he lies to you because he's afraid of you."  Shingo was just saying things, anything he could think of that would push one of Reiji's buttons. "He's not in love with you. He's terrified of you... You are nothing but a monster to him." Shingo's words were loaded with just as much malice as Reiji's, hopefully piercing into the boy as they were intended to.
That crunch was the only thing Reiji needed to hear to know it was time to stop playing around. Without his glasses, his vision was nothing but a blurred mess, nor did the low light help.
Moving towards Shingo, the boy no longer cared to restrain his anger. He reached for what he assumed was Shingo’s neck, gripping it tight before roughly attempting to knock the boy over, taking the two of them down.
“Don’t you dare say that. Yuya loves me, he tells me every day!” Taking a swing at his face, Reiji ended up slamming his fist in the ground before finally hitting the boy beneath him. The look in his eyes was sharp enough to cut down even the strongest of men, even without his glasses. Malice clear as day ranf though his voice.
“Yuya loves me, and he is mine!" 
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