applegothic · 2 months
Something is in the Works
Been away for a while. Switching jobs, being swamped in debt, and working 55 hours a week to deal with the second thing has been a bit hard. I have a story in the works. I wish I had an artist to help me with a cover image for it, though. I would be nice to show the main character off in full so you have a visual description of them. Either way, I'm planning on posting it to AO3, and then posting the link here. Hope ya'll enjoy it when it comes out.
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applegothic · 1 year
A Dream I Had 7/26/23
So I rarely have Dreams. I usually only get about 3-4 hours of sleep due to my Insomnia, and it’s usually a pretty bad sleep even when I do get a full 8 hours. When I went in for a Sleep Apnea test as a kid, I found out I rarely hit the required REM sleep to have normal dreams. So, whenever I get dreams, I take notice of them.
So in the dream, I was waiting on the side of the Road for someone. I was sitting on the curb, drinking a soda, and a day was cold. It was the middle of Autumn in the dream, and I was sitting across from a house. It was the stereotypical creepy house, and there was a “For Sale” sign in front of it. I had been sitting there for a bit, and for some reason I crossed the road towards the house just to poke at the sign, just to make the sign swing because of the chains it was on. I then sighed, and looked back across the road at the Bus Station. It looked underused, and the glass on the structure was missing, clearly broken a long time ago. I then look up and see Smoke on the horizon. Whatever is down the road from me is letting out a lot smoke. I then hear a Doorbell. I wake up because I thought it was the one to my Apartment, but upon sitting up, I reminded myself that we don’t have a doorbell. 
The thing that stuck with me is how Grey the Sky was, and how Sickly all the grass was, and how nothing seemed to be in a right state. I could psycho-analyze it, but I’m more interested in writing it all down, not try and figure out the symbolism of my brain, you know.
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applegothic · 1 year
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The (not-so) subtle messages in Futurama are the best
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applegothic · 1 year
“[Dead Name], why aren’t you putting your all into your Physical Education!“
“Ma’am... This is my last class of the day... if I wanted to jog a mile, I could just walk home at the start of the period...”
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applegothic · 1 year
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applegothic · 1 year
Writing Journal 7/3
“Ink-hearted” (Character and Magic System Details)
So, the Main Character in this Story is one known as Elijah. His ability is something called “Melanokinesis” AKA, the Manipulation and production of Ink from his Body. When describing it to a friend, it reminded them of certain depictions of Venom, where his symbiote body was a bit more fluid, and I guess that’s fair. But you kinda need to know how the Powerset in this story works. I mentioned that the way powers work is described in terms of (Subject+ Method) of interacting with it:
Manipulation is Moving or Producing the subject. Water Manipulation would be like Bending from Avatar, but it’s not just limited to Elemental Forces. One of the characters has “Distance Manipulation” meaning he can control the way things move through a space away or towards him, basically controlling the ricochet of things he can send towards people, making him an effective sniper.
Alteration is the ability to shift the parameters of the subject. At first, this would would like the same thing as Manipulation, but they can’t move or produce it, they can only modify the thing that is already there. There are two characters that have a very interesting way to use the same Subject to demonstrate this. One has “Complex Alteration”, which means she can move around the items inside of moving object. It means she can figure out how a Puzzle works, and get it into the state she wants it to be in. This includes Tumbler Locks, and machinery with tiny moving parts. Another one has “Complex Manipulation”, which means, while he can do similar stuff, it’s more about Large areas, like a Warehouse. He can’t change aspects of the Walls of the Warehouse, but he can cause things to move, and start interacting with things inside the given system, but he has to integrate into the Warehouse, himself. In Short; One can Pull Water into a Ball, the other make Water Boiling, or Tinted Red
Teleportation is the most simple to explain. It moves one thing seamlessly from one place to another. The need to have the subject in mind when they move it, though, so Water Teleportation would basically grab some water from one area, and make it appear in another area, usually near the person. One of my Favorite versions of this is “Weapon Teleportation” where the character has a massive organized storehouse of arms that they can pull to their side at any time.
The final one is Reading, where people can take a look at something, and understand it fully. One of the characters that my Sister helped me write is “Language Reading” where he can look at someone, and speak the language they would understand.
When a Person dies, they impart their ability to the nearest person, and the two abilities. For instance, the character who has “Language Reading” gets “Sight Reading” added into him, and him having two similar Methods of Power messes with his mind, and he sits in an observatory for the rest of his life, looking into the sky... only to find out he’s talking with something out there.
To loop back to Elijah, he has a second Power added to him, which is “Color Reading”, which at first doesn’t seem like much, since he think he’s Colorblind, but people don’t usually see in Black and White, but when he encounters someone who has, or is using one of their powers, he can see their Aura impact the world in certain ways, which basically makes him very useful for a Tactical resource for the group that pulls him in.
This is basically all I have to right now on this Story, I could list names, and what powers they use, but that’s for another time. Once, again, let me know if you want to ask specifics about these ideas, or want to have a conversation about any of my Writing ideas.
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applegothic · 1 year
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Vixen's origin story
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applegothic · 1 year
when i was a teenager it felt very revolutionary to be cruel to myself. like some kind of slow passive protest against how much everything hurt. i starved myself of sleep and food and tenderness because it felt right. it felt sharp and angry and radical and i wanted to be those things. adulthood is the realisation that the world is already working to cut into you well before you learn how to do it yourself. caring for yourself and others is the real protest
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applegothic · 1 year
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Technically true.
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applegothic · 1 year
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dragon music
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applegothic · 1 year
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applegothic · 1 year
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They’re t4t 😌🏳️‍⚧️💙
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applegothic · 1 year
Writing Journal 7/1
So *Taps Notes* I have some work to just place on the table. I have Three Stories I have yet to finish, but I’m really liking their ideas, and now don’t want to lose track of them.
Story 1: “Reapers” So this is a Story I have writing for a while. I want to turn this into a Video Game, or any form of Visual Media is what I’m looking to turn it into, because it’s very Color themed with the characters. The Main Character is [Blue], and like all of the characters in this Story, their names are censored because knowing someone’s real name is a Powerful tool. The idea is that he and his Partner [C.C.] are traveling up a Tower where each entity is Powered a Given Element. Their names are pertaining to which element it is. The closer to the Pure Color it is, the higher up on the Hierarchy of Elemental they are. [Blue] is the Last Ice Elemental, and he works under Commander [White] who runs the Third Largest Army in this world, filled with refugees from the conquered lands from [Red] and [Black], giving her Wind Element to as many as can hold it. [Blue] stops when he meets [Maroon], who doesn’t know why he’s there, or what’s going on, and [Blue] is forced to take on a Mentor role for him. Except, [Maroon] is a rare Blood elemental, and he’s trying to keep his distance in case he finds out how to properly use his powers. Very cool idea for a world, and I want to fully flesh this out. Story 2: “Ink-Hearted” This one I have a bit of crossover from my Sister’s Writing project. They idea is, when someone is born with powers, they hold onto it forever, and their kids and potentially get powers, too. The only problem is that, in death, their powers Flow into another power user who is nearby. The recipient doesn’t just get Power A + Power B... the Power mutates into Power AB, having the aspects of Both Powers at once. One of the characters grew up with the ability to Walk through Walls (Self Teleportation), but after his Father (Distance Reading) was killed, his power became to Teleport to wherever he’s looking at, meaning as long as he can see it, he can move there, so he ends up falling backwards through portals to get somewhere. A lot of the characters have odd powers, but a lot of the Plot of not fully there. Story 3: Words are Not Enough This is a Sonic Fanfiction I’ve been writing while I have some spare time. Shadow starts following Tails around because he found him sneaking around in Gerald’s Research files, and he wants to make sure he’s not going “Mad Science” in his garage. Tails, instead, takes him around to show him aspects of his childhood to explain with out saying why the idea of Genetic Research is appealing to him. The First chapter explains the reveal, so I’m not saying it here, but I have this whole lore about Foxes and Why his family in this story (Not fully pulling from the Comics, but just his parents’ designs) didn’t like him tooling around with mechanical stuff when he was little. The First Chapter is going up on my AO3 later today or tomorrow after I get it proofread. But yeah, I’m still doing Writing, but just not the same type as before, and not on the same sites. I tried going back to those ones, and they are basically dead after not being there for a decade, and I wanted to put them up in a place that I feel people might see. Let me know if you want specifics on the Stories I write, or you want to talk shop about them. I’m (not really) always available to talk on discord at the Same name. ~AG~
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applegothic · 1 year
Returning Here
Since this is my First post on this blog, yeah, I’m back, but in case you don’t know who I am... Good, I don’t want people remembering who I was before being me.
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