applethoughts-blog1 · 4 years
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Globalization are commonly known by people as international trade, wherein businesses from different nations share services, knowledge and cultural goods. Even when people and consumer's taste and preference varies from nation to nation, it is starting to converge on some global norm, creating a GLOBAL MARKET. This global market offers similar products to different countries developing a global standard that enable people to relate from one another. Thus, globalization is much more an international trade, it is a process that helps countries to become closer.
Nowadays, I noticed that there are huge numbers of imported products coming from different countries; gadgets, furnitures and even goods. These imported products became trends which somehow develops my standards when buying certain products. Like for example, because of the kdrama-hype that our country is experiencing today korean goods are slowly popping in. There is this one time, where me and my mother went to a grocery store and I saw korean noodles and even though I don't really know what it taste like, I still bought after convincing my mama. The price is kind of expensive compared to our local noodle products. However, it actually didn't suite my taste because I think our local noodles are way better. That's when I realized that my decision during that time was driven only by my ignorance and by me being kdrama fan and this usually happen to other people.
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The first factor that really paved way to the globalization is the declining of trade and investment barriers. Years before, it is quite expensive to trade products from country to country because of high tariffs. High tariffs are understandable, because they were used to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. However, the value of tariffs declined as the years passed by, and as a result, the number of countries that are involved in trade and investment rapidly increased.
Even though declining of trade and investment barriers paved the way to globalization, it is the technological drivers that really fueled the accelaration of globalization. The presence of telecommunications made it easier to have a wide platform for a huge number of audiences from different sides of the world. Technological advancement on transportation made it easier to deliver products internationally. The creation of World Wide Web, helped industries to have a lower cost international transactions. These are only some factors that resulted to a more advanced and accelarated global market we have today.
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The main reason why global economy is in constant change is because the drivers of globalization is also uncertain and is subject to change. Trade and Investment regulations and restrictions are not permanent, it depends on the relationship of different nations and the the nation's state. Certain laws might be implemented to sustain the insufficient resources of each country. Like for example, The Rice Tariffication Law, this law allows other country to import rice product in our country. This is in hopes that when there are more supplier of rice the price will decrease as what it has been illustrated in supply and demand chain. If you'd think about it, this will serve as a light for rice consumers. However this will become shadows to local farmers, for their earnings might decrease. I think a chain of positive and negative effects of globalization will still continue.
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