apprentice-alwyn · 7 months
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
worst discord server and why
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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apprentice-alwyn · 1 year
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Commission for fluff_arts on instagram
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apprentice-alwyn · 1 year
Commissions Open!
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This time for ease, I'll be doing it through google forms. I also realised I'd accidently listed the wrong prices last time! These should be the correct prices and all further information is in the form.
They're open indefinitely because I need rent while I wait to hear back from my job interview
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apprentice-alwyn · 1 year
and so begins the tri-annual Cleansing Of The Eye Safety Whale Shark
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apprentice-alwyn · 1 year
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an old warm up sketches for my arcana fan server’s merfolk AU!
Keep reading
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
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buncha doodles
don't repost! . please ask before using as a pfp!
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
“We want Arcana content on the arcana app!!” “No I don’t want them adding a bunch of bullshit to it!!!” “Arcana content should be on the app it was made for!!!!!”
All you Arcana fans, I mean this in the best possible way, but shut the fuck up.
I mean it. Shut the fuck up.
You guys have nothing to worry about— and I say this as an Arcana fan myself. Yeah, maybe it sucks that any new “content” is gonna be on Dorian. It does, I get it— and I’m on your side, I think Arcana content should be on the original app that was made for it.
But that doesn’t fucking matter. You know why? Because at the end of the day, the storyline is over.
Each of the love interests have either learned their lessons in their respective upright routes, or they’ve gotten worse and doubled down in their reversed routes with the apprentice. They’ve each told us they love us. We’ve been with them every step of the way.
They’ve had their stories, their happy endings, and their sad ones.
You know who hasn’t had those endings?
Sage Lesath. Anisa Anka. Felix Iskander Escellun. Casimir de Gévaudan. Rainier. Fin Derodine. The MCs of those stories.
There are Fictif storylines that are still unfinished, and none of those endings are going to be on Fictif. None of those endings are going to be with those beginnings. We don’t even know if they’re GETTING endings at all.
The Arcana has had its time and its storylines, and while it’s sad, I think it’s time we laid the canon content to rest. That doesn’t mean the fandom has to die, it doesn’t mean we have to stop talking about it or making content. But the story is over.
Fictif’s stories aren’t.
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
Asra seems to demonstrate a preference for neutral terminology for himself such as his parents calling him their “child” and his masquerade outfit actually has elements that resemble the clothing of both of his parents. His child sprite is also deliberately ambiguous in design.
Just because Asra uses he/him doesnt mean its okay for people to misgender him as a cis man, to misgender him as anything other than nonbinary.
I’ve seen some stuff about Asra’s gender, and I mean about people whining saying he isn’t actually non-binary or that “He’s just the Arcana’s version of Dumbledore” ……well…I can’t say I agree. I know him being non-binary isn’t “obvious” because he doesn’t present in an androgynous way. He uses he/him pronouns in the game, he presents himself pretty masculine. The thing is though, non-binary people don’t owe androgyny to anyone for any reason. Not every non-binary person wants to be perceived as genderless and there are plenty of non-binary people that use gendered pronouns. Asra was created, in part by a non-binary man. It’s in the artbook, and yes I know not everyone would have access to it, but it doesn’t matter. The point is, Asra doesn’t have to conform to what people expect non-binary to be/look like to still be a non-binary man. And I know, his pronouns are he/they, but he’s almost exclusively referred to with he/him. As has been said, he uses he/him but would be okay with they/them. To me, this translates to Asra not identifying as a “man” but still being very comfortable with his masculinity. I’ve always read him as leaning more masculine, and being okay with being perceived as masculine, while also not conforming to what people might expect a man to be. Even his masquerade gown is pretty masculine (but like…in a non typically masculine way).
I just feel like a lot of representation about the way people express their genders or how they identify and how diverse that is, is ver limited and then almost erased when people throw fits about how non-binary people should look/act/exist
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
Wait, what's going on? I just re downloaded the arcana but I haven't noticed any problems :(
hi, anon, welcome back to the fandom! we hope you have a good time here!
the problem is not with the arcana application itself, the problem is with the dorian app version. dorian bought the arcana from its former owners, nix hydra, and promised to keep the original app running while adding new arcana content (ie new arcana tales) to the dorian app. all well and good, but dorian’s made a few choices with their app content which we’re side-eyeing over here.
for example, a new asra tale came out on their app last week. they misgendered the magician (they/them, was referred in the tale as he/him), they completely ignored the soft magic system asra and the main character’s tarot magic runs on in favor of using spells with names (which don’t exist for any magic system in the arcana game, really), that sort of thing. we initially chalked the issues up to growing pains for the new devs, as learning about the worldbuilding and most character pronouns requires actually playing the game and taking notes (the arcana fandom isn’t the most curative out there).
then nadia’s new tale came out yesterday and the dorian devs broke the one meta rule of game design: choices matter. instead, they locked the “good” end of nadia’s new content behind a paywall. the original devs never did that. they hid raunchier/hornier/far more romantic moments behind a paywall, but nix hydra never hid endings. you always could get the entire plot for free with a little bit of patience.
the dorian devs further doubled down on hiding the good ending by giving the player choices throughout the route which, obviously, do not affect the ending. no matter what you picked, if you chose free paths only, you got the negative ending. but that discrepancy between the "choices" and the f2p ending meant that players caught on to the hidden good ending a lot more quickly than they would have otherwise. you paid to win or you didn't.
they then tripled down on hiding the good ending by changing how the paywall works. with nix hydra, you paid once and then your account had access to the scene forever. with dorian, you have to pay every single time you want that hidden content.
that's the most important and relevant nonsense anyway. there's more, but we're not here to dump the garbage on our blog.
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
I feel very bad for the one Arcana writer who’s employed by Dorian. Dorian bragged about getting the 6 tales out so fast. Which means this ONE writer worked on all of them, maybe with a team of Dorian writers who had to also be taught the writing style of the game. And probably was in charge of writing ALL the tales.
We don’t want speed, we want quality and you clearly didn’t give the writer time to make the tale quality. Also, if the ambassadors are super fans, how did they approve these tales? Did they READ the tales or just the concept? Because the Asra tale didn’t even follow the lore. Like….at all???
To be completely honest, the tale has potential but as it stands currently, it’s like a rough draft mapping out what they want to do with it.
I hate that Fictif stories aren’t completed, and Dorian, that’s what you should be focused on. But put it on the Fictif app. And make sure it’s good quality. At the very least end it how it was PLANNED for the stories to end, I’m sure you can get that information. At the same time…Fictif fans are probably better off hoping that Dorian DOES NOT finish (read: butcher) the stories
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
Thank me later, folks!
ALL credits to Gabriella Rossetti!!
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Should be the full one, w the highest quality i could get.
CG from the new arcana tale (more like fan-fiction i'd say) sadly only playable on Dorian.
(last time It got weirdly cropped in the corner so i'm reposting It)
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
So I read the new Asra Tale “The Lost Spell” on Dorian and uh....that was...Not Great.
There were a lot of issues and I ended up thinking about what I would have done differently/how I would change the story while still trying to stick to more or less the core concept of it, and I figured I would share those musings here.
First things first, I would have made this story a more...personal one for Asra and MC involving Asra’s past and his parents. A story where Asra and MC are trying to retrieve something that was lost to his parents...I would have made this story not about a missing spell, but instead about lost alchemical research. Alchemy being the field of expertise for Asra’s parents, blending science and magic, and a field that Asra himself is most likely more unfamiliar with. (You could still make reference to this material/lost alchemical research being relevant to the current efforts to fix Vesuvia’s water system with a mention of how it could have been helpful I dunno)
This ends up being what leads Asra and MC to seek out The Magician for help  after digging for information in the palace records and library havent turned up anything and Asra’s attempts to track via magic havent been fruitful. Thus leading to the hint that what they seek can be found in Asra’s memories.
Instead of skipping straight to being told where to go to find the information, it could have been fun to have Asra and MC searching through the pools in Asra’s gate to find the right memory, giving us fragmentary moments from Asra’s past to witness as a result. Perhaps moments from, for example, when Asra and MC first met, a memory of Asra’s time on the streets with Muriel, the argument Asra and MC had during the plague, etc...until eventually they come across the memory they are looking for...one that is so old as to have been long forgotten by Asra, something a little raw and bittersweet...a memory from when Asra was a small child before he was separated from his parents. In this memory they find the alchemical research they had been searching for in the Alnazar home.
I dunno something along those lines could have been nice, while sticking to the idea of searching for some lost knowledge/magic.
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
Have you drawn Portia middle-aged/rocking the mom bod? We know she'd kill it.
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Portia definitely rocks the mum bod! Not only is she already a little chubby, she's the one out of all the LIs I imagine having children, and many children at that. I love the idea of her with her family at sea, letting her kids enjoy the travel as much as she does
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
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This has always been a fantastic Nadia scene
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apprentice-alwyn · 3 years
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It's Julian's birthday month, so why not draw him being domestic
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apprentice-alwyn · 3 years
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Another CG sketch because I love the Star realm and sunset lighting with my wife
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