#see the problem with looking for a lost spell is that thats not really how magic has been shown to work in the arcana
apprentice-alwyn · 2 years
So I read the new Asra Tale “The Lost Spell” on Dorian and uh....that was...Not Great.
There were a lot of issues and I ended up thinking about what I would have done differently/how I would change the story while still trying to stick to more or less the core concept of it, and I figured I would share those musings here.
First things first, I would have made this story a more...personal one for Asra and MC involving Asra’s past and his parents. A story where Asra and MC are trying to retrieve something that was lost to his parents...I would have made this story not about a missing spell, but instead about lost alchemical research. Alchemy being the field of expertise for Asra’s parents, blending science and magic, and a field that Asra himself is most likely more unfamiliar with. (You could still make reference to this material/lost alchemical research being relevant to the current efforts to fix Vesuvia’s water system with a mention of how it could have been helpful I dunno)
This ends up being what leads Asra and MC to seek out The Magician for help  after digging for information in the palace records and library havent turned up anything and Asra’s attempts to track via magic havent been fruitful. Thus leading to the hint that what they seek can be found in Asra’s memories.
Instead of skipping straight to being told where to go to find the information, it could have been fun to have Asra and MC searching through the pools in Asra’s gate to find the right memory, giving us fragmentary moments from Asra’s past to witness as a result. Perhaps moments from, for example, when Asra and MC first met, a memory of Asra’s time on the streets with Muriel, the argument Asra and MC had during the plague, etc...until eventually they come across the memory they are looking for...one that is so old as to have been long forgotten by Asra, something a little raw and bittersweet...a memory from when Asra was a small child before he was separated from his parents. In this memory they find the alchemical research they had been searching for in the Alnazar home.
I dunno something along those lines could have been nice, while sticking to the idea of searching for some lost knowledge/magic.
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rizzoreads88 · 20 days
The Blood Rite Proves Gwyn and Azriel are not mates.
(You guys have heard me say this a lot by now but Let’s look at this from canon text and what we have seen from Azriel this far vs what people say. This going to be long so stick with me here )
“Azriel doesn’t show emotion so his siphon flaring is a mate reaction”
SJM loves to hint at mated pairs especially when one is in life threatening danger. Let’s look at Azriels reaction when Gwyn was drugged and kidnapped by a group of men and put into the blood rite…
Azriel said tightly, “My spies got word that Eris has been captured by Briallyn…
Az said, “We have to get him out.”
“There are plenty of other unspeakable things that could be happening to her,” Cassian said, voice thickening. “To Emerie and Gwyn.” The shadows deepened around Azriel, his Siphons gleaming like cobalt fire. “You—we—trained them well, Cassian. Trust in that. It’s all we can do.”
We see here when he finds out she’s been kidnapped He is more concerned with saving Eris than what’s going on with Gwyn. When we finally do get some sort of reaction out of him it’s minuscule and it’s not even about gwyn singularly.. It’s about all 3 of the Women. We see he doesn’t really react like a mate at all in comparison to how Cassian was freaking out when he found out Nesta had been taken. Let’s contrast how Azriel was when Elain was kidnapped
From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, “I’m getting her back.” Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel’s hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, “Then you will die.” Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, “I’m getting her back.”
In the story as of now Elain is not Azriels mate. Yet he was filled with rage and was willing to die to go rescue her… He has no problem showing emotion here and we see his reaction. So if this is how he reacted over someone who is not his mate being kidnapped and in life threatening danger his reaction over his mate would have been much more profound.
“Azriel doesn’t know Gwyn is his mate yet that’s why’s it wasn’t a big reaction”
Him not realizing they were mates wouldn’t make a difference. He wouldn’t be able to control the reaction even if he didn’t know they were mates. The mating bond would have him wanting to act overprotective instinctively .. let’s look at some other examples to prove this point.
Here is Rhysands reaction to Amarantha about to Kill Feyre before he knew she was his mate. He tries to attack Amarantha..He was freaking out trying to get to her..
Her magic sent him sprawling, and it then hurled into Rhysand again—so hard that his head cracked against the stones and the knife dropped from his splayed fingers. No one made a move to help him, and she struck him once more with her power. The red marble splintered where he hit it, spiderwebbing toward me. With wave after wave she hit him. Rhys groaned.
Rhysand bellowed my name as I lost my grip on the room.
Kallias & Viviane. Their bond didn’t snap until their wedding night and it talks about how protective he always was over her to a fault…wouldn’t even let anyone know how he felt to fear of something happening to her..
Viviane had not been Under the Mountain. As her childhood friend, Kallias had been protective of her to a fault over the years—had placed the sharp-minded female on border duty for decades to avoid the scheming of his court. He didn’t let her near Amarantha, either. Didn’t let anyone get a whiff of what he felt for his white-haired friend, who had no clue—not one—that he had loved her his entire life. And in those last moments, when his power had been ripped from him by that spell … Kallias had flung out the remnants to warn her. To tell Viviane he loved her.
“Azriel knew Gwyn could take care of herself so thats why he didn’t freak out and he knew he couldn’t go help her because of the laws for the blood rite”
Cassian knew Nesta could take care of herself and he was freaking out He also was willing to break the laws to go save her
Cassian couldn’t breathe. Hadn’t been able to breathe or speak for long minutes now. His family had arrived, and they all surrounded him in the wrecked bedroom of Emerie’s house. They were speaking, Azriel with some urgency, but Cassian didn’t hear him, heard nothing but the roaring in his head before he said to no one in particular, “I’m going after them.”
Rhys didn’t move an inch. “You know the laws, Cass.” “F**k the laws.”
“Azriel killed all the men at sangravah when he was supposed to leave two alive though so that proves Gwyn is his mate”
Azriel was on a mission and walked in to them actively SAing Gwyn. Let’s look at his reaction once he saved her compared to when he saved Elain.
ACOSF, Gwyn-
“Azriel slaughtered all of them within moments. He didn’t hesitate. But I could barely move, and when I tried to get up … He gave me his cloak and wrapped me in it. Morrigan arrived a few minutes later, and then Rhysand appeared, and it became clear some of the soldiers had gotten away with the piece of the Cauldron, so Azriel headed after them. Mor healed me as best she could, then brought me to the library
ACOWAR, Elain-
Rhys lunged for Azriel, taking Elain from him and gently setting my sister down. Azriel rasped, swaying on his feet, “We need Helion to get these chains off her.” Yet Elain didn’t seem to notice them as she rose up on her toes and kissed the shadowsinger’s cheek. And then walked to me and Nesta, who pulled back long enough to survey Elain’s clean face, her clear eyes. “We need to get you to Thesan,” Rhys said to Azriel. “Right now.”
Azriel was already on a mission to Sangravah.. when he gets there he sees a woman being SAed…He would have killed the men SAing a female no matter who the female was..He killed the men attacking Gwyn but didn’t kill all the men because some got away so there was no reason to keep the ones actively harming her alive. So this whole “ he kills everyone when normally two are left alive”isn’t significant because there were men who were still left alive.. We also see Mor and Rhysand show up. Azriel continues on his mission never to check up on her for two years even though they live in the same court. If this was supposedly mate behavior why does Azriel never check up on her? Why does he just continue on his way like nothing happened? When he rescued Elain he got injured and was bleeding so badly he was swaying standing.. yet he still carried her to them and wouldn’t go get checked out until he knew she was ok and getting looked at..If it was mate behavior with Gwyn he would have stayed to make sure she was ok. He wouldn’t have just handed her off to Mor and peace out to continue his mission.
“Azriel felt a spark & glow over Gwyn in the bonus chapter this imagery and language is used for mates so it proves they are mates..Something settled within him”
This scene takes place weeks before the blood rite. Spark & Glow imagery is also used between pairs who aren’t endgame(tamlin & feyre) and some who are platonic(Lorcan and Aelin) because it’s also used for power responding to power.
ACOTAR, Tamlin & Feyre-
That smile of his sparked something bold in my chest.
which glowed and burned in every place he touched. I was filled with sunshine
KOA, Lorcan & Aelin-
So Lorcan took the queen’s arm in his hands and drank. The taste of her—jasmine, lemon verbena, and crackling embers—filled his mouth. Filled his soul, as something burned and settled within him. An ember of warmth. Like a piece of that raging magic had come to rest inside his very soul.
The command settled in him, too, another little spark that glowed down deep.
Something settled in Lorcan over Aelin too and it was not romantic in anyway.. If it was meant to be mate language for Gwyn and Azriel and he had felt the “spark of their mate bond” weeks before Gwyn was kidnapped then he would have felt something more and reacted completely different when she was kidnapped to the blood rite.
This is why I truly believe the blood rite proves they are not mates.
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corvidares · 9 months
okay, so i just finished re-reading Any Way the Wind Blows and this feels so blatant as to be smacking me in the face: simon is disabled.
now, the reason why that makes itself even clearer in this book than in wayward son (where he, of course, also has the wings + tail) is because simon is once again in the world of mages - despite doing his best to leave it behind. compared to wayward son, where hes basically and literally in the wild west. where theres magical beings everywhere, where simon practically fits in because he is one.
but ill get back to that.
ive seen a lot of really interesting points about what simon's wings represent and mean, and i'm not disagreeing with those. but in a very literal sense, they are a disability.
think about it like this: the world of mages (and Normals) is not built for humanoids who have giant webbed wings and a tail. simon constantly struggles with controlling these limbs, and their size makes it ten times harder. spaces are too small, furniture and objects are broken when he spreads them, and many a shirt or jacket are ruined.
he struggles to find a good way to deal with this - spell them away? wear them out by cutting holes in things? fold them extremely painfully into his shirt? even though this last one is treated like a solution for a little while, its far from ideal. who is simon doing this for? himself, or everyone around him? yes, of course Normals cant see them. and yeah, hes expressed discomfort about baz and penny spelling them hidden. but thats not the point. even with this botch job of a way to "wear" his wings, which succeeds at hiding them from Normals, simon still states a couple times that he knows people stare at him and his seeming hunchback. i mean, thats blatant.
(he eventually, with shepard's help, realizes a good way to work around this - zippers or buckles on shirtbacks - which very much feels like an aha! disability aid moment)
im not saying disability is based in how people look at you, or it only being a societal thing. (as in, when he wasnt in the world of mages, he wasnt suddenly 'not disabled at all') disability is a huge spectrum. but those things absolutely can be a part of the disabled experience.
but all of that doesnt even get to my main point: simon has no magic anymore. and in the world of mages, thats a huge deal. magic is like living and breathing, especially for baz and penny. its not something they question or have to worry about not being able to call upon. hell, even before simon lost his magic he was disabled, just to a different extent.
before awtwb, we dont hear much about mages whose magic is weak. but they come to the forefront now - which just solidifies that solid magical ability = able bodiedness.
smith is promising a miracle cure. a cure. think of it like bullshit orgs such as aut!sm spe@ks, wanting to "cure" autism - he wants to cure people. (and hes just as full of shit) why? because weak magic is seen as a disease, a problem, even subhuman.
take daphne, baz's stepmom. her quality of life is fine, great. her weaker magic doesnt seem to put her at a disadvantage. she manages her disability well. but in comparison to the norm, to what is expected of the average mage, shes got nothing. less than nothing. she feels shame over what she cant do.
smith's case becomes even more blatant when we see, at the end of awtwb, that he wants to essentially cull weak magicians. that they're holding back society. that theyre better off as powerless as Normals - who are blatantly seen as subhuman - than as weak mages. much like how ableist rhetoric puts forward that disability is a fate worse than death.
which brings us back to simon. he insists hes a Normal, now or always has been. baz insists hes the most powerful magician to exist. both of them are wrong.
and right. and right and wrong.
simon is some third thing - not a mage, not a Normal. akin to how disability is its own minority aside from race or ethnicity he has a foot in each world, and he always has. but now he cant achieve blending into either.
this is why the increasing presence and humanization of other magical beings beside mages is so important (thank you shephard!) how mages tend to seem magical beings is very ableist. theyre subhuman, theyre not to be trusted, theyre freaks, theyre dirty, etc. except oops, how can you keep thinking that penny, when this very nice one works at a cafe and helped you translate shephard's engagement terms?
even baz and the events of wayward son play into this - yeah, some vampires are horrible people. but plenty, like baz, are just people. with a range of experiences and morals and ways of living life. (take nicodemus) (i could make a point about how simon's stalwart acceptance of baz's vampirism helps baz comes to terms with it and how this is also super disability coded, but thats another essay)
in the beginning of awtwb, he decides to go to the extreme opposite of his chosen one powered life - to live as a Normal, and the second step (after cutting himself off from baz and penny) is getting his wings removed.
except he cant do it. and even having his wings touched is horribly uncomfortable. now, this partly has to do with how much theyre sensual parts of his body - same as his tail. but its also, separately, very intimate. theyre treated very clinically, like a fascinating specimen to pore over. im not trying to give niamh shit here, just saying what i saw.
but theyre part of him. people with disabilities often deal with being stared at and poked and prodded by the medical field (if theyre not ignored or waved off. maybe both.). even every day folks feel the right to touch disabled folks, or their mobility aids.
for a lot of people, mobility aids are a part of them - its like a stranger touching your face and thinking theyre doing you a favor. when instead theyre being weird as fuck.
simon's status as previous chosen one even plays into this sort of thing - people see him more as a figurehead, for what he can and cant do (including his wings!) than a person. hes a tragedy, hes a hero. hes inspirational, hes to be pitied. sound familiar?
the end of awtwb doesnt spell out whether simon ends up deciding to keep his wings (frustratingly). but they spell out that he would absolutely would, in my opinion.
simon increasingly treats them as a natural extension of his body. think of the scene where he flies about the watford goats. how he expresses his feelings with his wings and tail. and of course, how he learns to let baz loves each and every part of him: including his dragon limbs.
baz loves him, and loves them, not in a fetishistic way, but because its simon, and he loves everything simon is. not just what he represents or can or cant do.
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 1 year
I think my biggest complaint about the series, Fionna and Cake, was that up till episode 8, they were doing a pretty good job of laying out all the pieces, but then!
it just completely misses one of the problems it does a pretty good job of laying out. it points out that Simon is inattentive - blind. But Simon's not blind because he doesn't care! Simon's blind because he cares too much - he's quick to jump to conclusions - he's trapped in his own head! no crown required
ive said it before and ill say it again: he romanticizes his past so he makes his present look hopeless, he cant talk to Marcy because he just believes that his troubles aren't worth her attention - he's unable to see past his own opinions to like maybe think, Marcy loves him and would love to help him, that his opinion of being a burden is not in fact a shared opinion - its not a fact, period
it's not a matter of "think of Marcy" as in do it for her sake, it's a matter of "think of Marcy" as in would she really say that or are you putting words in her mouth - like simon, maybe your mental image of Marcy's a little OOC, bud
it shares a root with Simon thinking everything is great with Betty when it wasnt, Simon thinking everything is awful when it doesnt have to be
Which never gets addressed! By pointing out his blindness, we only got to one half of the problem!
The series just never ties up what it started
Here's Winter King, where Simon gets a good look of himself from the outside view, and see how his myopic perspective can be taken to dreadful extremes
And then, we see the love story from Simon's perspective and we notice Fionna pointing out all of Simon's blindspots
and then! He just... He never connects the dots. that maybe hes a little... self absorbed and his self loathing is masquerading as sense and logic when its not! its just self loathing! Even worse, he never even starts to, and it doesnt get included in the big spoonfeeding at the end of the series!!
which just reveals bigger faults within the story!!
Like, never giving Simon space to reflect explodes in the audience's faces when the story has to infodump at the last second!
that reveals that they should have started simon's journey to realization earlier especially when thr narrative already put the pieces there! Now its so obviois that any time he could have been spent spinning his little mental wheel, he spent trying to survive his road trip across the multiverse
it did his character disservice because by pushing all of his ability to reflect in a single episode, and spamming the exposition, it made simon look real stupid, and moreover never explores the issue fully!
everything casper and nova said could have been said earlier and better and not in the form of a kid's story, because by simplifying the issue - or dumbing it down - then the issue's nuances and complexities get lost in translation
yeah, thats very easy to misinterpret actually!!! especially when casper and nova doesnt even cover the whole problem!! (and look i get it, some audiences need it to be spelled out but really, a children's choose your own adventure??? that was the narrative tool to use here??)
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New Chapter ~ H.D.
A/n: Finally getting more requests out!! Six left :)
Request: “Hamish falling for the reader (male, if thats okay?) who has just been chosen by one of the pelts, and being terrified of losing him because of what happened with Cassie?? Maybe Randall pushes him into confessing by threatening to ask him out himself? (I love a chaotic good wingman )” by anon
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It had been a long time coming.
Hamish knew what was going on with him. He knew what that feeling in his chest was when he looked at Y/n. He knew why his fingers twitched when Y/n had a hair out of place, or something smeared on his face. He knew why he tended to lean into Y/n, like he was magnetic, and why he protected him more than anyone else. Why he listened to Y/n talk about things that Hamish otherwise found incredibly dull and a waste of time. Why he let Y/n invade his space and do things he’d murder any of the others for doing - like making drinks with his special cups. He knew what it meant when Y/n stole a random shirt and it happened to be Hamish’s and when he wore it around, it made the poor TA unable to move or breathe or think.
If any of that wasn’t obvious enough, he gave himself away with his thoughts. The ones that took him through a day distracted because he was thinking about what Y/n was wearing, or his smile or voice or laugh or touch. The ones that excitedly counted down the seconds until Hamish could see him again. The ones that had him waking up gasping from dreams he did not want to think about... the ones that followed him in the daytime too, dreaming even with his eyes open and smiling to himself at the fantasies his stupid little mind came up and tortured him with.
Hamish knew he was in love with Y/n.
That wasn’t the problem.
Y/n was another TA, and worked for one of the math teachers - physics. They had initially bonded over people thinking their subject boring and hard and ridiculous and unnecessary. The men had exchanged so many jokes about it they’d started to wonder if the other would be able to understand their subject. So they’d done lesson plans together, and then... kept doing that, because it was a lot easier and more pleasant to do it with someone else.
Now they were friends...
But Hamish wasn’t human. Not really. He was a Knight, a wolf. He was caught in a war of magic and moral greyness. One that held either death or misery for everyone who was apart of it. He couldn’t have a relationship in this world - he had tried once, and it had failed. Now more than ever, he was surrounded with failing relationships that reminded even more that it just wouldn’t work.
And even if it did, how could he ever subject Y/n to this world? He was already stressed, even if he did talk about having adventures and becoming a hero. Even if he did like fantasy books and studied mythology lore. Even if he dreamed of more... he didn’t actually understand what he was asking for. While Y/n was busy dreaming of magic, Hamish wished he could join him. Wished he didn’t know. That he had never even looked at or touched or smelled any of it.
And yet, he’s in love with him.
So really it was inevitable.
In one way or another, Hamish expected Y/n to learn what was going on. Learn about the secrets Hamish had been hiding from him. If not the shifty behavior, perhaps the actual magical battle that happened on the porch of the den, or the fear eating demon that went around, or the wolves who had lost their memories freaking out when they heard magic, or the hundreds and hundreds of memory altering spells that began rolling in as magic got closer and closer to being exposed.
He had accounted for everything.
Except for this.
Because how could it go any other way. Right?
Hamish tried to calm his breathing. Tried to clear his mind. Tried to steady his heartbeat. He hadn’t known what to expect when today had gone oh so wrong. Alyssa’s funeral had been today, and Lilith was still trying to get back into hell as they tried to figure out what exactly to do about the whole situation. And... then there was Y/n.
He had come to the funeral mostly to support Hamish. Y/n had only met her once, and it had been brief. She was in his class and had missed a day a while back when she caught the flu. Of course, it had actually been because she was losing sleep trying to come up with a memory dust that would actually wipe the wolves’ minds so they wouldn’t be killed - but details, details right?
The point was, Y/n shouldn’t have even been there. Maybe at the funeral, but not after. Not when the wolves and magicians all gathered around the trunk a way aways from the crowd that had been dispersing. Everyone was going home, and even if they did look over they’d see a bunch of people who had been close to Alyssa gathered together over a trunk. Hamish wondered, looking back, if that was what Y/n had seen. Maybe a trunk of Alyssa’s things, being discussed over.
Whatever he saw, it worried him enough to approach. None of them noticed - they were too distracted by the way the trunk bucked, jerking as if something inside was trying to get out.
They all knew what that meant.
Unfortunately, that made no damn sense. Everyone currently in the group was already wolfed up, except Vera whose face was twisted with horror as she feared that she was about to be chosen by not just any wolf pelt, but Alpha.
It wasn’t Vera.
The chest fell onto its side, stilling for a second.
“Is everything okay over here, guys?”
Hamish watched his life turn into a horror movie in slow motion. Of all the terrible things he’d faced, watching in bullet time as the trunk exploded open and the pelt launched out from inside, swallowing a wide eyed Y/n whole - that was the worst thing Hamish had ever seen or experienced. Nothing could top this.
Thankfully most of the people were gone and Jack acted quickly, rushing Y/n into the woods and even further away from anyone who might see anything. Y/n didn’t seem to be on the attack for anyone specific, but when any of the other wolves went to stop him, Y/n would growl and his teeth would bare and they all felt a pull to obey. To kneel. To listen.
Not even Hamish had seen anyone take to Alpha so well as Y/n.
The next few days had been hectic. Catching Y/n up on the reality of life had been a lot, and with the new emotions of Alpha driving him, his usual placid nature was becoming aggravated. The more they tried to teach or place Y/n in a situation he felt out of control in, the more agitated he seem to become, reactions arranging anywhere from verbally retaliating to literally trying to bite someone’s head off.
The turn for the better had kicked off when Lilith had tried to claw her way back to Hell yet again an Y/n had been able to stop her. She may be a demon, but she had been a wolf first, and as Timber still lived on inside of her, he answered to Alpha before anything else.
It was what seemed to have pushed Alpha to find a host. Timber was trapped in Lilith until she died and if she was a demon, it meant she’d be nearly if not completely immortal. Which meant Timber would be lost forever. The wolves may not totally care about their hosts but they did care about each other - first and foremost.
A weird relationship formed between Y/n and all the other wolves because of this.
Not only did Lilith, a demon, listen to him despite all her best efforts, so did Randall. Even with his dumbest ideas and impulses were satiated by a strong word or look from Y/n. Jack’s craziest plans were paused, and with some pressure they all finally slowed down - which meant they made better plans, but no one was happy about it. Gabrielle tried to flirt to get out from under Y/n’s gaze, which seemed to sear deeply into all of their souls, but even she found her eyes averting when Y/n pressed issues and shut her attitude down, or stopped her when she was lashing out or treating someone badly.
Hamish was weak to Y/n, but the other wolves knew that wasn’t because of Alpha.
The real tragedy was that Y/n wasn’t doing it on purpose. He tried so hard all the time to not to, in fact, and cringed every time he shut down Jack or Randall, or silenced Gabrielle or brought Lilith to a stand still. He recoiled physically when Hamish would stop dead in the middle of a sentence, or how he backed down far too quickly from his team leader role the second Y/n was in the room.
He really couldn’t help it though. Not only because Alpha didn’t hesitate a second to flex his authority over everyone else in the group, but because Y/n was a very assertive person. Never in an overbearing way, but more in a mom friend way. When he spoke, people listened. When his students goofed around or did something stupid all he needed to do was shoot them a look and they’d usually calm down. It wasn’t new that Y/n walked into a room and held authority - it was a problem that he hadn’t earned the authority he had with the Knights. It’s was even by choice - Alpha’s wolf magic or whatever the fuck was forcing the other wolves to listen to Y/n, and it made him the most uncomfortable - even more uncomfortable than Gabby and Lilith who constantly bit that this was incredibly sexist.
The second turn for the better came full circle when Y/n seemed to get his impulses under control.
At first he avoided speaking or eye contact, still radiating that aura of power but containing it as best he could. This is when Hamish would take over again, working with Vera to help the rest of the group.
After that, it was that he could speak, or make eye contact, but not at the same time without triggering some Alpha power. Very quickly he learned how to do both and still not inflict his will on other people.
Then Y/n became a much better leader, making suggestions and letting his own charisma and good ideas influence others rather than influencing everyone via force. He earned his spot the right way, eventually reaching a place where he and Hamish were sort of co-leaders.
Y/n was struggling though. Even with his powers slowly getting under control, Y/n constantly beat himself up and felt horribly guilty when Lilith would freak out and Y/n was forced to use his abilities to stop her from escaping. Then kept her in a demon circle in the basement, trapped for now but ready to escape at any second.
Even with powers aside, Y/n was struggling with this new world he now had to face. He was curious, and asked lots of questions and generally seemed to enjoy it, but... that joy seemed to drain a little, more and more as bad things started to happen. Y/n had thought magic was cool until someone used it for evil, or until the ringing made him shift and kill people, or some seriously fucked up shit started to bubble up.
He struggled to wrap his head around it as they all did in the beginning, and as he battled with his dreams coming true versus realizing those dreams had only been half of the story and that there was actually a darkness to this life he had once wanted, Hamish suffered more and more. His relationships had been hopeless before, but now that was gone. Now it was so much worse, because not only was Y/n’s suffering greater and his view of the world darkened, but Hamish desperately yearned for him.
That was the thing about Y/n. He might have lost some of his vigor, but at his core he still believed that people were more inclined to be good than evil. That those who made bad decisions were just lost, and usually searching for something else entirely but had been convinced that their current way was the only way to get what they really wanted. The vampire wasn’t a sadistic killer, they just needed to eat. The Order wasn’t cruel and power hungry, they were hiding who they really were in a world they feared would reject and attack them. They felt out of control and ultimately scared - being brought to your knees wasn’t for everyone.
His compassion and mercy only made him so much more amazing in Hamish’s eyes. Y/n was a great leader, and even better when he worked closely at Hamish’s side. Randall began to joke that the two men were the Den Mother and Father, which didn’t help Hamish’s poor heart.
As things heated up and the pack got closer and closer, Randall cornered Hamish. “Okay all chaos and shit hitting the fan aside, what is wrong with you?”
Hamish blinked, looking down at the shorter man. “I’m... not sure what you mean.” He knew exactly what Randall meant. Since even before Y/n had been a wolf, Randall had been pushing Hamish to act on his feelings. This pushing had turned to shoving since Y/n had bonded with Alpha, and then escalated into full body tackling when things had regulated and turned into what it was now.
Randall rolled his eyes. “You two are perfect for each other. Why work you do anything?”
“Why won’t he?” Hamish snapped. “Why is it up to me?”
Randall immediately knew that they were getting somewhere. “He tries! He doesn’t flirt or anything, but if he even tries to joke with you, or do anything that normal friends do - if it’s not leading the pack together or doing something school related you shut down. You keep your distance like he’s trying to kill you or something.”
Hamish didn’t have anything to say to that. He just shrugged. When Randall rose an eyebrow, Hamish sighed. “Everything’s really complicated right now. Lilith is finally acting like her old self, and warming up to Y/n. I’m trying to not make it any more complicated than it is.”
Randall scoffed. “It’s always complicated, Hamish. Jack and Alyssa are the best of example that there’s no good time to do this kind of thing, and that sometimes it fails even when you try everything. I mean, look at Nicole and Lilith even, or-“ he cut off for a second, holding something back.
Hamish’s lips twitched just a little. “You and Jack?”
Suddenly Randall looked less confident. It had been a long time coming between them. After Jack had gotten his memories back, his relationship with Alyssa hadn’t been the same. It quickly seemed like he was growing more and more platonic with her, and stopped chasing her altogether. When she died, he had been heartbroken - not for his lost love, but for his lost friend. He had cared about her very differently to the day they’d met and the relationship they’d had after that. Along with that, Jack and Randall had been getting closer and closer, and Hamish was pretty sure there was something going on there.
Hamish was also sure that was why Randall wanted Y/n and Hamish to get together. Not just because he wanted to see the people he cared about happy, but because if they worked out, it meant some hope for Jack and Randall too.
It had been unfair to point out though, and they both knew it. “Feelings are hard and people are complicated, and this weird dynamic between the Order and the Knights isn’t going to get much easier - at least not in our time line. Even if we work together better eventually, there’s still too much history. Even more so with demons in the mix, and these rogue magic users trying to end the world with their pride.” He rolled his eyes, ever trying to ease tension with soft teasing and a joke or two. “It’s never going to be the right time. The right time doesn’t exist - even for normal people. Life is complicated and hard and against everyone.”
Shrugging again, Hamish brushed off the rather good argument. “It’s hard for normal people. And it’s even worse for us. More complicated, and more dangerous, and way more pointless. Don’t we have enough to worry about?”
“Don’t we have enough suffering?” Randall argued. “Haven’t we lost enough? Told ourselves no? Fought our feelings and forgiven people we didn’t want to? Why can’t you let yourself be happy? Adding more suffering into your plate by refusing to allow yourself this is just another goddamn thing that life gets over you. You’re miserable!”
A scoff shot from Hamish. They were both getting agitated, voices rising just a little as they got heated. “Haven’t we lost enough?” Hamish mocked. Not that it had been a dumb question, but that Randall had said the exact reason Hamish was so hesitant to do anything about his feelings and still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Couldn’t see the simple truth staring him directly in the face.
Before, Randall genuinely hadn’t understood what the big hold up was. As he looked at Hamish now though, it clicked. He softened. “This is about Cassie.”
Did Randall have to say her name? In this conversation that hit hard and cut deep, couldn’t they spare the TA and not force him to relive everything in blinding vibrance? As if the situation itself wasn’t enough. Randall sighed, frowning.
“Every once in a while, I forget.” Randall’s voice was soft. Hamish looked up at him; Randall looked back steadily. “You play cup pong to solve problems and rant about shit so nerdy I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around it. You mix drinks and have all these traditions. You seem... so unphased, by everything. Older too. You’re only a year or so older than me, but you’re just constantly oriented.” He smiled fondly, chuckling. “I always admired your ability to keep it together. To have an open mind and keep going, even when you’re so tired and done and sometimes I think you’re finally going to stop. Give up in some small way or another. And then you don’t.”
For a moment, Hamish can’t look at Randall anymore. He shakes his head. “What’s you’re point?”
“Goddamnit,” Randall sighs. “I can’t imagine what it was like to lose her. You changed so much after that... but you shouldn’t stop yourself from being happy every again.” A pause. “But hell, if you really are decided to lose him, don’t let me stop you. In fact, please give me the sign that it’s cool to make a move. The man is...” Randall tilted his head, smirking, looking off I RK the distance a bit, like he was admiring a memory instead of anything around him. “If you don’t ask him out, I’ll be happy to do it instead.”
Hamish rolled his eyes. They both knew Randall was full of shit. No matter how attractive he found Y/n, his heart was set on someone else. That didn’t stop Hamish from finding himself suddenly very willing to talk to Y/n about his feelings. The real fear had always been losing Y/n, and now a different kind of loss occurred to him.
In all his agony, Hamish had never considered losing Y/n to someone else. Not death or magic or depression or the pressure of their new life or even Alpha. Not to school or students or time or graduation or when they eventually moved onto the next thing. Hamish could lose him, right here, right now, to a pretty smile and shimmering eyes.
Just someone else.
Kicked into gear, Hamish didn’t even give Randall a response. He just shot him a glare and then huffed, turning and pulling out his phone as he began to walk toward the school. He called Y/n. “Hey are you available right now?”
“Like, right at this very second?” Y/n asked. “Um. I’m grading. But I could take a break,” Y/n added hastily. “If you needed something.” He’d been trying to leave things open ended so it was less a shit down or a command and more of a conversation. It made Hamish smile.
“Maybe not need.” Hamish knew he was stalling. That didn’t stop him from doing it though, pretending that he was considering leaving Y/n to his work even as he quickly made his way to Y/n’s form. “If you’re too busy.”
“Never too busy for you,” Y/n answered with a slight chuckle. He got a lot softer when talking to Hamish, a little lighter too. Like the sun was coming out after a cold night, or weight was being lifted off of his shoulders. Like just talking to Hamish was enough to make the burden of life a little easier to bard.
Oh boy.
Please have mercy, he silently begged, more than sure that he was about to get anything but.
“Quick, meet me at your dorm. I do need something, but if we keep it fast you can get back to it.”
Really, Y/n was almost done. He wasn’t stressed about it. He was tired from all the things he’d been keeping track of though, so he didn’t mind keeping the option to keep the hang out short in case he ran out of a social battery completely. So he didn’t tell Hamish that. “Okay, I’ll be down soon.”
Something sharp started to turn in Hamish’s stomach as he tried to not let his brain talk him out of meeting Y/n and going through with what he was about to do. The second he got to the form and saw Y/n’s smile, he thought about bolting... but then he thought about Y/n smiling at someone else. At Randall or maybe even Gabby or someone else entirely. Someone other than him. Suddenly it wasn’t hard to stay in place and approach the other TA.
They both walked toward each other, meeting in the middle. Y/n seemed a little concerned at the intense look on Hamish’s face. “You okay?” He asked gently. A part of him worried there was some horrible news once again, but he got the feeling it would have been a meeting at the Den, or a discussion for when they got together and did their grading if it had to do with the Knights of school.
“Unlikely,” Hamish joked. It fell a little flat and he shook his head, deciding to simply going for it. “Y/n, I...” he looked away, swallowing. Maybe it would have been better if Y/n ended up with someone else... and then something clicked in Hamish’s head. “Our lives are so fucking complicated. Between teaching classes and fighting the forces of evil, I feel like we can never catch a break.” Y/n chuckled and Hamish actually smiled. “But then I’m with you, and you make it all a little bit easier. It’s not complicated with you, and you help me with everything else. With anyone, for either of us, it’s going to be harder. You get what it’s like to be a TA. You know what it’s like to be a college student. What it’s like to be in on this world of magic. What it’s like to be a Knight when there’s the Order, or tourist magic users. What it’s like to be the leader of a team of idiots.” They both laughed again, but this time they were both blushing. “I was so scared to lose you. But... I am. By not acting on my feelings, by letting you pass me by. I’m losing everything - and I’d rather lose you after I’ve gotten to experience what it’s like to have you. Really have you, as mine. And me as yours. We all lose each other eventually, but maybe we can get a few years first.
Voice gone, Y/n could only stare at Hamish. His eyes were full of tears but he was smiling, his lips pressed together as he tried to hold himself together. When Hamish didn’t say anything for a while though, it was obvious that he was waiting for a response though so Y/n tried to manage it. “Are you saying that you want to try something more than what we have? Because if this is one of those ridiculously cheesy love confessions, theoretically, I would say - in this situation - that I’d maybe like to step back for a second. Maybe we could start with a date and then go from there.
Whatever fears had been holding Hamish back before disappeared and he laughed. “I would love to start with a date. Just the two of us.” He tilted his head, suddenly feeling sheepish and silly. “What did you have in mind?”
Y/n smiled. “I was about to finish my grading.” He didn’t want to go back to that nonsense now. This was so much better. “Come inside and I’ll make dinner. Maybe we could make it together, and then play a gam for watch something. Or just talk.”
Nodding, Hamish stapled closer and brushed his knuckles along Y/n’s. They both let a breath of relief out as Y/n intertwined their fingers. It seemed they had a lot to talk about after all. Hamish couldn’t wait.
“Lead the way.”
Male reader: @stuckoutsideofthebox @sortzz
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xmascritter · 3 days
Hello tumblrinas!
As someone who read Scarlet Witch: Witches' Road as well as its sequels World of Witchcraft and The Final Hex, the main marvel comics covering the witches' road as a concept,
Heres all some things in the First Two episodes of Agatha All Along that were potentially/ are references
Agatha being a cop: while Agatha is a ghost in the actual comics (long story) with Wanda being the main character, the book witches road itself honestly gives the energy of a buddy cop mystery (that Im still really sad they didnt continue into the second book, by far the weakest of the trilogy) in some ways since agatha is always there, with wanda acting almost as magic police and going around to solve problems and fight evil magic users or creatures. Starting off with her trapped in a crime scene drama might be reference to the original tone of the book
I thought Id have more but I was so distracted by alice actually being there I lost it. Anyways, if I had to bet, heres some things I think will happen later on in the show:
Lorna Wu and Alice Gulliver!: In the witches road trilogy, Alice Gulliver aka The Wu is introduced and appears a couple times, her whole schtick is she infuses weapons with magic. Sound familiar? Her mother was The August Wu of the Coral Shore, who died and dissapeared under mysterious circumstances, which may sound familiar since thats also Lorna's title. In the book shes a hong kong policewoman, but I understand the change since we needed her to be accessible to agatha, and honestly her being a hot topic security guard is maybe the funniest thing.
They meet Hecate. This ones pretty self explanatory, they meet hecate in the books, comics love having hecate be around cause theres literally 3 different roles she could play in the story, hecate appears in the comics, if I had to guess she will probably make a direct appearance at some point since theyve already made their maiden mother crone reference speaking of which
Maiden, mother, crone. They meet Wanda on the road. This may seem like a weird guess, but time is incredibly wobbly on the road. Its actually a major plot point in the comic inspiration that they meet Wanda's mom on the road (which I have some beef with but thats for a different rant), a feat which wouldnt be possible if not for the fact time ain't linear on the road. Its like the tower from The Boy and the Heron/How do You Live. So long as they've been on the witches road, you can meet them on the witches road, alive or dead. And wanda was certainly powerful enough to go on the road solo, even in this version. And we just so happen to have a teen whos name is blocked by a mysterious protection spell who Agatha serves as an aunt figure to. Billy literally gets reincarnated into a normal kid the comics, I would bet money thats billy and he realises who he is because they encounter wanda on the road.
Possible Declan Dane/Dían the Emerald Warlock cameo, we see his backstory in the witches road as well, he gets mad at wanda after she breaks his curse on the entirity of ireland (long story) and I would not put it past agatha to have done that
The goddess at the end of the road. In the actual witches road, no ones made it to the end until the end of the 3rd book when wanda, her mom, and agatha make it and see the goddess of magic at the end of the road being strangled by chaos. Considering theyve established wanda being so heavily tied with chaos magic, I would not be surprised if this time the blame is on wanda for doing it.
Anyways, looking forward to seeing how the story evolves
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i have no plans to talk about the Emotional side of this, but the many weeks i have spent with a neuropsych trying to pin down the specifics of my cognitive issues has certainly been interesting, and im gonna detail that below. its made me really realize that alongside my issues, that there is so little understanding in society about the extent of "learning disabilities". even everyone here, every person who sits with the ADHD and autism labels and knows its probably part of their learning issues- the fact that there is probably so much more to it than you can even realize. and most people wont ever have the knowledge of depth to see that, or the proof of tests to see that.
i deeply wish getting this kind of testing but its insanely expensive. like, way WAY expensive. and its super important to get a good doctor for this (any Californians, i would gladly name the guy i am seeing!) but its not accessible at all (this series of tests take like, 6+ weeks but more for me bc i am more than just Learning tests. i am on week 10), which is obviously the main problem. hardly anyone i know will be able to get with kind of depth on Why they struggle. i am in a very privileged position to get to do this. its not bad to sit with labels like ADHD, or just know about your diagnosis of Autism (your Autism wont go away with this. you still have it. you'll just see the specifics, the stems to your problems) is what makes you struggle. this isnt a means to shame people or to say you have to do this in order to get better or get help.
but for me and i assume others, i havent been able to get the right accommodations for anything. society will never try to understand anyone cognitive abilities further and they NEED to make this shit more availble. I tried many things but none of them worked for me, but i also dont know WHY they dont work for me. putting aside the emotional struggles i am also doing in these tests (there is Cognitive testing and Emotional testing- which also makes things more pricey), i have been really really wanting to learn. just Things. it is all i want but I cannot, and the future feels impossible due to that. I try so hard to learn but nothing happens. i want to code, i want to 3D model, i was to up my drawing game, etc etc- even if i went for my assumed "easy" choice (simply production in entertainment) i still struggle to keep it in my head. it always feel like laziness, to sit down at try and then it doesnt stick, and that just makes you feel worse. Still i'd go and learn 3D modelling consistently for a week, but quite literally the moment i looked away from the donut tutorial, i couldnt do it. genuinely everything was lost from my brain. id redo it, i would do the donut tutorial again, but then thats all i could do.
learning with coding is no different, but i try to try very hard because i feel like i know it all "in theory", i look at stuff and i kinda can see what it all means. but right now as i try to learn Narrat, i am very actively seeing how the results of these tests are spelling out the problem. i sit down and look at documents but i cannot take in the reading material, but i see images and i get it kind of so i try- i look at someone else's game for some help but i dont totally know it. but i ask for help in the discord a LOT because i cannot process the documents they hand me, i cannot peice together what the documents say in order to solve the error i got, and only kind of get it when i connect an image of the code to what im doing, but there arent many pictures of what i need step by step and i get stuck again.
so many little things-- things that i cant really add up to just being ADHD- at the very least no one knows how to accommodate to my specifics anyways so i never get it solved. the autism may explain some things but it doesnt explain it all. I can't count change even on my fingers, i cant add things up on paper and i forgot how to multiply and divide. i forget things when theyre not in front of me, nothing i read stays in my head, nor does anything i listen to. i may work fast, i may process movement and things presented surprisingly well, but those four things (math, memory, listening comp, reading comp) are key things to learning that are SO awful it explains every reason i have been this way. i take it in quick, but it goes away in the blink of an eye.
i dont have ADHD by the way- it was one of those labels slapped on for years because "well your memory is bad, and so is your attention, and you have a hard time learning". and i dont disagree exactly, if i hadnt done this i would have been going along w my life with that label and it would have been fine- aside from the fact none of the ADHD meds i have taken over the years have never work, of course. or the fact i still wouldnt really know how to learn things because i dont have accommodations that actually help me make progress. i think i would still be sitting around stuck, thinking i am just stupid and there is no way around it.
point is- there is a lot under the surface. there are a collection of things that explain parts of your cognitive function and they all work on their own. and because i know this now, i can get very specific help. i can properly understand why certain accommodations in the past didnt work, what will work, and what i can do to actually try and Learn Shit. going through years of utterly sucking at everything in school is awful, it really knocks you down. Especially when you want to learn, you feel like you are trying so hard.
for more recent years i have sat here just thinking i couldnt do anything. watching family make progress as they age and feeling unable to do that too feels like shit and i hate the idea of never being able to put anything out there. i am in a place where i can live just fine without any job really, but i dont want to do that? i dont want to do nothing- even if it weren't a job, why would i want to sit around doing the one think i know- draw- and never be able to do anything else? id like it as a job but even outside of that i just want to know things like anyone else.
the fact that i feel far more hopeful than ever before is really a nice feeling. for a while it was a kind of motivation that was more like fighting a brick wall to proceed because even though i wanted something to change, i had no idea how it could. this isnt a clear "ok go do A and B and youll learn!". this will still be a long time of build. it will be a process as it would be for anything with learning and i still get overwhelmed by the prospect too, its still terrifying because i still wonder if it will really work out. but goddamn i do not feel like these many weeks of testing have been a waste- i really do understand far more than ever. its kind of sad to see, to have gone for so long without help, but id rather know it now than to never know and to always feel helpless and stupid.
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cheesewizardry · 5 months
Magic dialogue
I am new to this app and I cant fi d the original post but this is following the post with the idea that wizards should trust their spells as much as software engineers trust their programs, which is to say, not at all.
“So what new spells are you working on?”
“A teleportation spell, Im trying to get it to be more cost effective than Malcazzar’s”
“Oh really? What language are you using?”
“Elder futhark”
“El-Im sorry what!? Elder futhark? Not even Younger? I mean dont get me wrong, I love Elder, my staff only has Elder runes, you cant get any simpler than one rune, one effect. But, for teleportation!? Its the most basic elemental runic language in existence, but trying to get any effect outside of the basics increases the size of the scroll like nothing else. And teleportation is notoriously tricky.”
“Yeah its been tough, and the scrolls are getting pretty long.”
“I mean are you running into recursion? Just patching the kinks in the code would require quite a few runes, and then more runes to fix those problems, not to mention all the other effects and power sources.”
“Yeah well Elder is the language i know best, and its actually showing promise. Since the system is so basic each rune has quite a lot of possible effects, its just a matter of finding the right grammar to express it. Ive found a few good combinations, now its just a matter of condescending it.”
“I see, say, what kind of power source are you using?”
“Right now to save my own mana Im using wall power, im just running it through a standard elemental conversion matrix to get it to interface well.”
“Oh christ, how many times have to tripped a breaker cause you tripped over it?”
“Only about 3 times or so”
Both laugh.
“Well what about you, what are you working on”
“Oh im forcing myself to learn Icelandic Stave magic.”
“Oh no, why?”
“Oh im a masochist, but really im using it as an introductory system for geometric magics. I tried learning alchemical circles in school but the last time i used one I messed up the power source portion and it ‘law of equalivilant exchanged’ it’s way into eating a hole in my floor.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad.”
“You dont know how close my foot was to it.”
Both laugh, the second wizard nodding, “yeah I can see how that would dissuade you”
“Thats the best lesson my teacher ever taught me. ‘A fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from other’s mistakes’ he lost three fingers on one hand before he realized he should have been poking things using a stick.”
“So he started using a stick?”
“No after losing a finger you now have a designated hand for poking things”
Both laugh, the first wizard speaks again “so yeah im hoping by dipping my toes in, pun intended, this time into basic geometry Ill be able to finally wrap my head around those blasted archaic instructions, i could never keep the angles right, i always ended up with a stray line here, or an aberrant circle there, when i was lucky the spell would fail, when i was unlucky the spell would fail spectacularly and we would then have to hunt down what spawned from it.”
“Oh I definitely get that, i once fell asleep during the class where we learned mentally projecting fine detail into the work as it was formed with alchemical circles, our task was to recreate a bust of merlin from blank stone. Well the circle i drew was great, but i must have been dreaming of maidens because the bust ended up having one, as well quite the mockery of a face.” Both laugh, “yeah i got in some trouble for that one”
“Right now im trying to get my team’s head wizard to finally accept that we dont need to spend the ridiculous rates for ‘genuine’ ingredients when substitutes with some adjustment work just as well. We almost got into a full blown duel when he asserted that he could only accept real basilisk petrified eggs. For one, basilisk’s are notoriously kept in terrible conditions by crackpots, 2nd its three times the price of any chunk of basalt and all you need to do is look up one formula to calculate how much quarts and marble dust to add. He said ‘oh but i dont want to add anymore ingredient circles’ like bitch, adding ingredient circles and three lines of runic code to incorporate them is the easiest thing to do, its literally the building blocks of spell craft. And dont get me started on unicorn tears. Everyone worth their wand knows that its as simple as adding sea salt to holy water. ‘But its not genuine unicorn tears’ he says, and im like fucker, make a unicorn cry, see how you feel about yourself, then tell me how much cruelty is worth for ‘genuine’ components, the twat.”
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Newsflash: Dazai cares for Chuuya
Before reading any further, I will be talking about stormbringer, so spoilers ahead!! Translation credits go out to: @popopretty on tumblr, make sure to give this kind human some love and appreciation<3
Also if you want to read the first few chapters of stormbringer: @buraihatranslations is currently translating it, give them much love and appreciation as well, they deserve it!!
Honestly, I have been so obsessed with Soukoku lately and I think the reason behind this is because when it comes to Soukoku, their feelings for each other are not as easy to grasp as love or hate, it is much more profound than that. There is care, hurt, trust, resentment, companionship, bitterness, and consideration...And ironically enough, thats just the tip of the iceberg.
If we break down their individual feelings towards each other, it will be easier to understand their bond.
On Chuuya's end, his feelings are much more clear due to his expressive personality. He wears his emotions on his sleeves, he can try and hide what he feels towards Dazai but his true feelings tend to unravel easily.
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He sometimes tries to mask his feelings towards Dazai by throwing insults, but his facial expressions are enough to contradict what he is saying.
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Chuuya's feelings towards Dazai can be easier to comprehend. He obviously feels this certain betrayal due to the fact Dazai left the Port Mafia. Not to mention, he and Dazai have always had a rivalry relationship.
In the Soukoku wiki page, it is stated that Chuuya is aware of Dazai not experiencing a proper childhood, therefore allows him to act as childish as he can and lets him tease him relentlessly. I don't know how reliable this source is, but either way I think its worthy enough to add.
In the Dragon head conflict when Dazai was out of sight, Chuuya told Mori to forget about Dazai. That was until Hirotsu mentioned a microscope, Chuuya quickly realizes it was code language because he remembered a previous conversation where Dazai says he needs a microscope to be able to see Chuuya properly.
The moment he figured out it was a tracker, Chuuya did not hesitate to jump in and rescue Dazai. But here is the catch: No one but Chuuya knew about the microscope, if Chuuya really didn't care for Dazai he wouldn't have mentioned the microscope and kept all this under wraps, leaving Dazai in a mess.
Chuuya trusts Dazai with his life. He never hesitates to leave his life on Dazai's hands when it has to come to it. Chuuya and Dazai have known each other for years, for Chuuya to be able to trust Dazai that much is because Dazai also cares for him too, right?
The answer here is yes, Dazai cares for Chuuya. In a superficial level, it doesn't seem like Dazai truly cares, but I can assure you that he does care for him. Weather you like to think of his care in a platonic or romantic manner, the care Dazai has for Chuuya is undeniable and extremely significant for Dazai's character.
I think that stormbringer establishes this idea even further. There is one specific moment in this light novel that shows his genuine concern towards Chuuya's well being:
"There is one problem." Dazai cut off his sentence hesitantly. "It has nothing to do with the sucess rate of the plan. It is a matter we have to overcome in the end but... It may require some time to decide."
"What's with you?" Chuuya raised his eyebrows at Dazai. "Stop dramatizing it. Just hurry up and say it."
"I said earlier about this control spell to open the 'gate' that is used to reset the command inside Chuuya, right?" Dazai spoke with a strangely restrained voice. "If we use that, the logs of the command formula that were written in the past will be erased. That means...even if the memory erasure was used on Chuuya in the past, the traces of that will be erased as well."
"I told you before right, the memory erasure command. The only way we can confirm if Chuuya is human or not is to check the history to see if the memory erasure command was ever used. It means..." Dazai looked at Chuuya with eyes that he had never looked at him before. Those eyes were serious. "If we use that control spell, the method to confirm if Chuuya is an artificial personality created by a string of code, or just a normal human being, will be lost. For good."
The time had stopped.
Chuuya opened his eyes and looked towards Dazai but his eyes were not seeing anything. The wind blew between the two of them. Even so, Chuuya did not blink.
"Verlaine became like that because he was tormented by the curse that he was not human. That only is enough of a big problem. The matter of being human or not." Dazai looked at his pocket watch, gave it a glance and continued. "I can delay the time until the plan starts for about two minutes. I will send an order for my men to wait... You can think about it alone for a while. Cuz I guess its hard for you to collect your thoughts with me around."
Having said so, Dazai turned away and walked down the stairs, leaving Chuuya alone.
Dazai fixated in his pocket watch. Two more minutes. Too short for a life decision. But he couldn't afford more than that.
Inside Dazai's head, he was planning a procedure to swith to an alternative plan in case Chuuya refused, at a tremendous speed.
This section in stormbringer is personally one of my favorites, this is a very rare moment between both of them, but especially for Dazai. Like I stated earlier Chuuya wears his emotions on his sleeves, therefore even if he tries to mask his care with insults, its still painfully noticable that he genuienly looks after Dazai. Chuuya also sometimes show a vulnerable side of himself to Dazai, especially after using corruption.
Dazai on the other hand is extremely unreadable. Its hard to understand his true intentions and if he really cares for people or only sees them as a pawn. In this moment though, Dazai was being painfully genuine. Dazai literally prioritized Chuuya over the mission. He was already thinking of coming up with an alternative plan just in case Chuuya refused, obviously the sucess rate of the alternative plan would be lesser than the actual plan Dazai had in mind, he choose Chuuya's wellbeing over a mission.
In this section, Dazai wasn't throwing jokes or witty remarks, he was being serious. Because Dazai knows how desperately Chuuya wants to be human. He knows how important being human is to Chuuya.
Dazai wasn't manipulating Chuuya by giving him the chance to decide, we can see that Dazai was literally showing a lot of hesitation when mentioning this to him, we also get to see what Dazai was thinking, and we can tell he wasn't thinking about manipulative his movements in any way. All of this wasn't coming out of manipulation, it was coming out of pure care.
After six steps, Dazai reached the stair. He stepped on the stair and started walking down. Three steps down the stair, he heard a *clang*, a cool sound of metal echoing behind him. It sounded like the metal was kicked by the sole of someones shoes. The moment Dazai realized what the sound was, Dazai turned around in surprise.
There was already no one at the top.
Dazai was dazed for a moment, then he loosened his lips and laughed.
"Trying to act cool, huh?" Dazai smiled, both annoyed and relieved. Then he turned on his radio and sent out his order. "Chuuya has sallied, everyone get ready for battle."
I personally love this part so much, relief washed over Dazai the moment he noticed that Chuuya was going to go through with the first plan, which proves my point that he wasn't manipulating him and how Dazai was under a lot of stress because he wasn't sure if the alternative plan would be as effective as his original one.
Yet he still was willing to go through the alternative plan if Chuuya refused, because Dazai values him and regards his wellbeing.
Dazai was being surprisingly gentle in this section, he was being honest. There was no ulterior motive behind his actions here, just a boy looking after his partner.
"So i'm going to send an order to my men to prepare for action... Is that okay?"
"Of course it's okay." Chuuya turned to Dazai. "Why are you asking me such a thing?"
Dazai didn't answer right away.
That was an unusual expression. It's like he was trying to say something, but he had to arrange the words in his head to decide where he should start. An expression he rarely shows.
This was right before Dazai drops the bomb to Chuuya about the memory erasure command. He was even asking for Chuuya's opinion on sending his men to get ready, this was the first time Dazai ever showed actual concern without masking it with witty remarks. You can tell that Chuuya isn't used to this.
And when you think about it, when Dazai and Chuuya have missions together, Dazai always uses corruption as a last resort and he always allows Chuuya to make the decision if they will be using it or not.
I personally belive that the main reason Chuuya trusts Dazai with using corruption is because The Sheep used to exploit his powers too much, but Dazai leaves the decision to use corruption up to Chuuya. Dazai understands the physical and mental toll corruption takes on Chuuya and therefore leaves the choice up to him.
Theres another section in stormbringer that I really enjoy, it doesn't necessairly show solicitude but I still think this should still be taken into consideration:
"You seem pretty confident that Chuuya is human, don't you?"
"I am," Dazai laughed with a sigh. "There is no way a man-made code could create such a personality that I detest so much."
Throughout the whole story, Dazai is more than determined that Chuuya is human. The main reason Dazai finds Chuuya so intresting is because of how frighteningly human Chuuya can be, because of the fact that he always wears his emotions on his sleeves, something Dazai rarely does himself. Thats personally a nice sentiment from Dazai's end, even when Chuuya struggles completely when it comes to believing in his own humanity, Dazai still can't help but see him as a human being.
Also I am aware that Dazai literally said he detests Chuuya here but he also sighed and laughed while stating this, showing us that he isn't being serious about hating him.
And its not only in stormbringer were he shows his concern towards Chuuya. In fact, in this following manga pannel Dazai is telling Chuuya that if he is willing to listen him, he will stage his own escape so that Chuuya doesn't get punnished.
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Honestly, if Dazai didn't care enough for Chuuya, he wouldn't have mentioned this to him. Chuuya didn't care enough to realize that he literally unwillingly freed Dazai which would get the pm mad at him, so the fact that Dazai is literally helping him out is no doubt out of care for him. If Dazai didn't have any regard for Chuuya he would've not staged his escape or mentioned anything to Chuuya, eventually incriminating him.
There are many misconceptions when it comes to Dazai's feelings towards Chuuya, people think that he doesn't care for him due to the fact that he left the Port Mafia, leaving Chuuya behind. But heres the thing: Dazai's intentions had nothing to do with Chuuya. He left the organization for his own good, he left it to fullfill Oda's wish.
"If Dazai cared for Chuuya then why didn't he take Chuuya with him?" the reason is simple, he knows how much the PM means to Chuuya. In stormbringer it is shown that Chuuya feels as if his humanity is attached to the people he is loyal to, in this case its the port mafia. Verlaine wanted to get rid of the pm because he believed that the pm is what kept Chuuya's humanity, eventually making Chuuya believe that he is only human if he stays loyal to the pm. Dazai knows this. Thats exactly why he didn't take Chuuya with him or even explains to Chuuya why he left, he knows it would be selfish to basically rip Chuuya's sense of humanity apart.
I have a feeling that if Dazai told Chuuya about the real reason he left the Port Mafia, Chuuya will not only feel conflicted about being in the pm, but he would also have an inner conflict with himself as a human.
People also think Dazai may not really care for him because of the fact that after the fight against Lovecraft he actualy deserted him, maybe that part was truly just supposed to be seen as simple humor, but either way I want to talk about it. Chuuya's only request to Dazai was to take him back to base safe, so why did Dazai leave Chuuya behind?
I mean he has carried Chuuya back to saftey before with no problem, for example in stormbringer when Chuuya uses corruption for the first time Dazai carries him back to the billiards bar and not to the mafia’s base so that he could say goodbye to his passing friends.
The reson behind this is because Mori needs to know that unlike Dazai, Chuuya is absolutely loyal to him. Leaving Chuuya the way he did will make Mori believe that these two really are at each others throats and that Dazai is insignificant to Chuuya. Making it seem that for Chuuya, the mafia comes first before anything else.
Therefore Dazai established Chuuya's saftey within the mafia since not only does Mori want these two to be hostile with each other, he doesn't want Chuuya to eventually turn against him if he truly found out more about Dazai's true reason of departure. Then again, this isn't canon but it is a logical assumption.
Not to mention that although Dazai did leave him behind, he folded Chuuya's coat and hat before taking his leave. There is also an an extra chapter where Ozaki Kouyou was talking with Chuuya but when he left he forgot his coat, which made Kouyou came across the coat; where she noticed a badge sewed inside saying "Name: Hatrack", she smiled fondly thinking to herself that some things just never change, in this case, Dazai and Chuuya's bond.
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Dazai literally took his time to sew this into his coat just to tease him, it was a simple gesture but it shows us how their dynamic will never change. No matter what these two go through, they will always share a bond that consists on teasing, trust and underlying care.
All of this actually makes that theory of Dazai planting a bomb under Chuuya's car for the sole reason that the PM doesn't find Chuuya as an acomplice who aided Dazai on his escape much more feasable.
For Dazai to just plant a bomb under Chuuya's car with no motive makes no sense because if Dazai's true intentions were to simply mess with Chuuya, he would've most likely made it clear at that time. Dazai always has an underlying motive behind his actions, and in this case it is very likely that he did that for Chuuya's sake.
Don't get me wrong, I am aware that the bomb incident could've just been a comedic moment and I shouldn't look too much into it, but there is still a posibility, right?
These two hold so much trust and care for one another, yet they also hold a lot of bitterness and resentment. In the end the good aspects of their dynamic outweighs the bad.
Either you see these two in a platonic or romantic way, you can't tell me that their bond isn't significant.
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Thank you so much for reading!! I wanted to talk about this for a while because I feel like people misinterpret Dazai's feelings towards Chuuya a lot so I hope this clears up things a bit<3
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ayyezhongli · 3 years
dom student council pres zhongli x troublemaker childe
Guess who’s back :D Back with some zhonchi smut for all u sinners. Note: Theres a lot of spelling errors bc when i wrote this i was telling it to a friend n they said i should post this n i’m too lazy to edit it so yeah! enjoy <3
summary kinda: child did something n is now stuck in detention with zhongli being a kinky president of the student council watching him.
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so childe is bored asf n tries seducing zhongli. but childe has always had a crush on zhongli. thats why he misbehaves to get his attention.
so zhongli says “ur here again” n sighs
“yup did you miss me?! dont answer that bc ik you did”
n zhongli sighs again all annoyed n shit
“seems you never learn”
“maybe i’m jus here bc i love n want to see you everyday”
n zhongli taking that as sarcasm rolls his eyes
“i doubt that.”
and so for like 30mins childe is making all these noises to get zhongli’s attention and annoy him which it works. and zhongli having enough of it already decides that he needs to be punished. so he gets up n walks over to the desk childe is sitting at cups his face with his hand grinning
“u rly like to get on my nerves dont you~…..” and childe’s tryna contain himself
“is it working~?”
“idk pretty boy….wanna find out for urself~…..”
n zhongli is like inches away from childe’s face. n childe still keeping his composure decides to tease back hoping to get what he’s longed for for so long.
“idk do i~?….”
and zhongli leans in n jus as hes abt to kiss childe he pulls away and walks back over to the teachers desk and childe is really disappointed bc he thought he finally had it but jus lost it. so zhongli goes back to working on his paperwork while childe is just furious.
”Is this how u treat everyone?! tease them and leave them with nothing. take advantage of us!!”
n zhongli bursts out laughing putting his papers in a neat stack
”ur quite interesting childe, if i said it was jus u would that make u feel better??”
and childe huffs rolling his eyes still rly pissed off.
“did u want more? were you expecting something more from me? something else?”
n childe blushing looks away
“fuck off”
n zhongli gets mad at the response and pulls out one of those long ass rulers n gets up n starts walking to childe.
“thats no way to speak to the student council president. you need to be punished”
so zhongli sets the ruler aside still pissed asf
“get up.” childe ignores.
”get up right now.” childe still ignores.
so zhongli grabs the ruler smacking it against the desk childe is at.
n childe jumps a little and gets up
“ok ok chill”
so childe walks over to zhongli n stands in front of him.
“im gonna punish n force you into submission until u completely submit to me”
childe laughs
“no way. you really think u can do that? just try”
“oh i will. just watch me”
(a/n: in this fic childe has bright pink sensitive nipples bc ughh 😩🤌🏾 well both of them have bright pink nipples but zhonglis r rly sensitive.)
so zhongli turns childe around n starts grinding against him causing childe to moan ever so slightly.
“do u like that~?”
n childe tryna keep his composure laughs to cover up a moan. n zhongli looks down and grins seeing childe’s hard erection through his clothes.
so zhongli reaches down n starts palming childe causing slightly louder moans to come out of his mouth.
“your so hard for me childe….what a naughty slutty little boy~“
childe loses it bc zhongli is finally saying the things he’s been dreaming of him saying. so zhongli amused starts licking the shell of his ear biting and nibbling it which makes childe blush harder. so zhongli reaches his hand down into childe’s pants and boxers and wraps his hand around childe’s dick which he almost cums. so zhongli starts pumping him n not even 30s he throws his head back on zhonglis shoulder n cums letting out a loud moan
“fuck zhongli~…..”
zhongli smirks very amused
“so quick to cum~ do i rly turn u on that much~?”
n childe fights the urge to nod his head and submit. he’s not going down without a fight.
“no i was just pent up. why would i be for someone like you!!”
zhongli snickers and slides his hands up childes shirt n starts taking it off.
“not submitting yet i see~….”
“did u think it would be that easy asshole? ha!”
so zhongli turns childe around.
“you should just give up now! your not go-“
n zhongli interrupts him with a passionate kiss. a long deep one filled with sexual tension n desire. he leaves childe blushing like crazy and gasping for air.
“what was that? i didnt catch the last part, say that again.”
“i said that i’m never gonna sub-“
n zhongli interrupts him again. same thing happens like 2 more times until childe gives up.
“can u repeat that one more time?”
and childe looks away with a annoyed expression on his face
“glad that shut u up~”
so then zhongli looks childe up and down bites his lip causing childe to blush.
“you’re kinda cute…i think i can use u….”
n childe blushes more
“and these nipples….”
zhongli says while pinching them making childe arch his back and moan loudly.
“they look pink and innocent…but when i pinch n twist them like this…”
childe lets out n even louder moan with a face flushed even more n drool running down the side of his mouth
“….you make such naughty noises and that really turns me on.”
and so zhongli continues pinch n play with them and then starts marking his neck.
“what if i made u mine hmm? my little fuck toy? or how abt pet?? you could be of some use to me….”
and all childe can do is whimper. so zhongli has him bend over on the teachers desk and pulls down childe’s pants. and he like squeezes childes plump round ass and caresses it before grabbing the ruler and spanking him with it which causes childe to moan n cum immediately.
“ur such a slutty masochist”
n childe groans n is like stuttering his words
“w-w-well ur so fucking sadis-“
n zhongli spanks him not with the ruler this time but his hand n childe jus looses it.
“ready to submit….?”
n childe tryna keep the ounce of pride he has left shakes his head.
zhongli spanks him again.
“how abt now?”
n so zhongli gets an idea n sticks his fingers inside childe’s mouth.
childe does so n a minute later zhongli pulls them out.
“what are you gonna d- ahh!”
and zhongli’s fingers are wiggling around inside childe tryna get him prepared. childe has just completely lost it. he’s drooling all over the desk, moaning so loudly that if there was people here they would be able to hear, clinging onto the edge of the desk like his life is on the line.
“f-fuck zhongli…ahhh”
he’s a panting slutty mess. a fee mins later zhongli pulls his fingers out n takes off his own pants and boxers lining himself up to childes entrance. he inserts only the tip of his dick causing childe to go even more crazy if thats even possible n moan so fucking loud. but its been long enough. he wants more. more of zhongli inside him. he wants all. all of zhongli inside him. so he whimpers n cries out zhongli’s name.
“whats the problem sweetheart?”
zhongli says grinning from ear to ear.
childe says desperately
“pls what?”
”pls zhongli i-….”
“you…? gotta tell me what u want otherwise i wont know.”
“pls i want more of u….!!”
“beg for more than.”
“Zhongli pls i want ur cock inside me so bad. pls i’ll do anything!! just fuck me already!!”
zhongli says slipping half way inside him.
“y-y-yes just pls fuck me!!”
n zhongli, a very satisfied man jus starts pounding into him hitting his g spot every time.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck! FUCK! ZHONGLI PLS SLOW DOWN AHH~!!”
n that only makes zhongli speed up and childe cums like multiple times. after a while, giving a few last thrusts zhongli comes for the second time inside childe. and pulls out while childe just drops to the floor completely unable to move or anything. jus a panting blushing hot slutty mess with zhongli’s cum dripping out of him. all pride lost. pulling his pants and boxers back on zhongli lifts him up to his feet and bc childe has no strength he just falls onto zhongli resting his head on his shoulder.
“now that you’ve completely submit to me, ur all mine~….mine to do whatever i pls with. mine and only mine. No one else….”
and childe jus nods groaning bc of the pain.
”i hope u learned ur lesson now. unless…. you wanna comeback again for another visit…”
n childe jus groans again.
“i see the way you look at me childe….a look filled with lust and desire…its really quite a turn on~….. you look so desperately….so needy….so vulnerable…the amount of times i wanted to bend you over and fuck u so hard until you cant walk is too much to count. i wanted to make you mine so no one else could have that innocent slutty little boy who’s just oozing with sexual desire. any man or woman would get turned on n wanna have there way with you. u needed to be protected and only by me.”
so zhongli grinds his teeth bc of how possessive he is.
“so no one but me can fuck u stupid. and now that ur finally mine…i dont have to worry abt it so much as before”
n so zhongli strokes childe’s hair n plants a kiss on his head.
“you’re my precious little play thing.”
and childe, burying his face into zhongli’s chest smiles bc thats all he ever wanted. and then he looks up at zhongli as zhongli looks down at him smiling.
“if all u said was true….why were u such an asshole to me. you were stricter on me than others, ruder to me than others, tougher on me then others….so why?”
zhongli chuckles n childe nods
“to keep a good reputation, but i also wanted to push you, everytime u got angry and gave me attitude it only turned me on. which is why i kept going….does that answer ur question?”
n childe grunts
“u sadistic fuck!”
n zhongli laughs
“says the one who got turned on every time i public humiliated or yelled at you….”
“thats not true!!”
“uh-huh…the sexual energy u admit would become stronger and i could hear your breathing getting heavier with breathy tiny moans and u would always part ur lips slightly and rub ur thighs together and on top of that, ur eyes squint ever so slightly.”
childe was speechless bc this whole time he thought he was being slick.
“w-w-well that doesnt matter!”
childe said huffing and zhongli only chuckled and kissed his head.
“hey childe…”
“i love you….”
childe was blushing like crazy. never in a million years did he think zhongli would say that.
“you can’t just go randomly saying those things?!!”
childe said burying his face deeper into zhonglis chest.
“b-but i love you too i guess…”
he mumbled and zhongli smirked.
“look at me.”
childe looked up into zhonglis ambers eyes embarrassed asf.
“wh-wh-what is it?”
“you’re really cute yk.”
n zhongli leaned down slightly and kissed him before he could say anything else. the end :)
thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed even though its formatted weird and kinda sorta a story. 🥰
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 34
Man these parts are getting harder and harder to churn out. A lot of plot points converging and real life ramping up. Hopefully you all enjoy this. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter. And if you really liked it, Reblog it. Thats the best way to get others to see it. Also, Please let me know your thoughts. Your comments fuel me.
(Master Post)
Masquerade surveyed the classroom. Her former classmates now her masked servants. It was fitting how they were all silent. Before, they listened to her because she told them exactly the things they wanted to hear, now they listened because she had power over them. It was kind of poetic in a way.
She looked across the classroom, she realized that there seemed to be more people missing than she initially realized.
“We are missing someone. Aside from Marinette, who is missing?”
The controlled classmates looked amongst themselves. Trying to figure out who was the one that was not in the class.
“Is it Chloé?” Miracular inquired, trying to answer her master’s request.
The akuma looked around.
“Huh… Oh yea, she isn’t here. Well she isn’t important. I was thinking someone else.” Masquerade answered. She looked to her most recently made akuma servant.
The Bubbler, the akumatized version of Nino stood motionless. As if he was not registering what was going on.
“Bubbler? Do you know who is missing?”
The multicolored akuma said nothing. Not even looking in the direction of the mask maiden.
“Bubbler! I order you to answer me!” She commanded with fiery rage.
The akuma turned to face his master, now responding.
“Adrien is missing.” The bubbler answered, his voice robotic and as emotive as a speak and spell.
“So, Adrien isn’t in the room. What a shame. I was planning on turning him into my handsome little knight.”
Masquerade thought for a moment.
Has Adrien been akumatized? Lila wasn’t sure she had ever seen or heard about him getting akumatized. She knew that the class had pretty much gotten hit at least once or twice at some point from what she had heard and read from the ladyblog. But if that goody-goody Marinette hadn’t been akumatized, Adrien likely hadn’t been akumatized either.
“Alright my servants! We have a new mission. I want you to lock this school down! No one is allowed in or out. Anyone you find, bring them to me. If they can be akumatized, then they are joining our cause.”
“Time breaker. Guard the perimeter outside of the school. Anyone outside of Ladybug and Chat noir trying to get in. Tag them, but only if they are suspicious of what’s going on. Stay hidden otherwise.”
“Timebreaker nodded and began skating out of the room in a rush.
“Horrificator, once Timebreaker is outside, seal all the exits in the main building.”
The masked monstress nodded and sped out of the room.
“Dark Cupid, Stoneheart, Princess Fragrance, Miracular and Reflekta. I want you to split up check all of the rooms and bring me potential akumas.”
The five akuma nodded and made their way out the door.
“Gamer and Robostus. I want you to hack into the airwaves. I want access to every Electric device in Paris when I give you the signal. But make sure to be subtle. I don’t want anyone to know about us until I tell you.”
The two nod and start working to get that ready for her.
She focuses her attention to the bubble making akuma that was giving her problems earlier.
Considering how hard it was to break him down, it was understandable. She had saved him for last for a reason. Because he was the hardest one to crack.
He was a relatively calm individual, able to keep a level head. But even he had his weakness. His confidence. Once that was shaken, seeing his entire class taken, knowing his girlfriend was under her control, he couldn't resist another moment. In a way, it was the most satisfying charm on her bracelet.
“Now Bubbler, you are going to go and locate Marinette and Adrien for me. Put them in a bubble and bring them to me. Help that girlfriend of yours.”
The bubbler nodded yes despite severe shaking. Seems even now he is trying to resist the control of the mask.
“Troublesome, but it is only temporary. He will break soon enough.” Masquerade mused to herself.
She looked at the near empty room with contempt. This was hardly a place where she could exact her vengeance. It was so… lame. Though a thought occurs as she realized who she had left standing at attention without orders.
“Evillustrator, I have a special request for you.”
“What is this?” Chloé screeched. “My daddy bought me the best phone plan in the city. How can I not have service right now?!”
The nurse felt a chill run down her spine. Could the akuma block out phone signals? Is that why there is no attention being given to the school? How could they call for help? How would anyone know of the akuma attack? Would Ladybug and Chat noir be able to help them?
The nurse started to feel herself going pale, she was just supposed to be a school nurse. Worst thing she needed to deal with was a scraped knee or give a kid an ice pack. Now she has a woman that collapsed on the bed and an akuma that is somewhere in the school. She had just moved to Paris a few months ago. It was her dream to live in the city of love, get her career going, find a nice guy, and just live the good life. But no one told her that supervillain attacks would be so personally connected to her situation? She had heard about this crap in New York and in America. But Paris? It was too much. What if Ladybug and Chat noir didn’t fix everything? What if this was where her story ended. What if…
The nurse turned to her attention to the voice. It was the brash blonde teen that was complaining.
“You look like you’re going to pass out. Just a heads up, I am not taking care of you.” Chloé commented.
Angela felt her face heat up with annoyance.
“Listen you brat. I don’t have time to deal with your attitude. I have a woman that is out cold from exhaustion in a building with a hostile akuma.”
“Good, at least you aren’t going to faint. I don’t need any more whinny women fainting on me”
The nurse paused, did the girl say that just to help her not succumb to the grim situation?
Chloé started making her way to the door.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“You already got your hands full with the annoying assistant. I need to make a call to daddy. So, I am going to head out the building and try there. Try not to get ripped apart by an akuma, I still need more ice when I get back.”
Angela blinked. This girl wasn’t scared of the akuma. She was actually going out to do something reasonable. If she could call for help, it would mean that this whole thing blows over.
“Okay, I’ll stay here. Be safe.”
“Yea whatever.”
Chloé headed out the door.
Angela felt a ghost of a smile grace her face.
‘Maybe that girl isn’t a complete brat after all.’
The shapeshifting sentimonster growled as it smacked the locker. It lost both primary targets. And worst of all, Ladybug appeared to make this even harder. Masquerade needed to hear about this.
“Master, Marinette and Adrien have escaped my sight.”
The sentimonster heard a sigh of disappointment from the other end.
“It is fine Simularé, They wont be able to escape the school anyway. They will be found soon enough. If anything, this is a blessing in disguise. Having them be the last targets will have them bare witness to how devasting it will all be.” Masquerade answered. “Any news on Ladybug and Chat noir?”
“That’s the other bad news. Ladybug arrived, I am assuming that’s how Marinette managed to escape, and ladybug also took Adrien away as well. No sign of chat noir. But if you know one is here, the other is likely soon to follow.”
There was a brief moment of silence, as masquerade mulled over the information she had received.
“Actually, that works out well for us. Meet up at my location, I have the other students out looking for them, I need your power for something more important.”
“Yes master.”
Simularé shifted back into its phantom form, moving quickly down the hallway to obey her master’s request.
Just as it left, Ladybug popped out of a nearby locker. Relieved it didn’t notice.
“That’s not good, Masquerade likely got everyone in the classroom.” The red heroine said aloud.
She activated her communicator and tried to contact chat noir. But there was no sound.
“Damn it. No signal. Lila likely cut the communication as soon as she realized it.?”
“No worries Buggaboo, I happen to be on site.” A voice called out.
Chat noir jumped out of another locker to reveal he was there.
Ladybug felt a bit of relief at her partner’s appearance. She could tell he felt the same. Better a situation with two heroes.
“Been here the whole time?” The spotted heroine asked her cat crimefighting comrade.
“Just arrived a few minutes ago, I figured something was up, so I decided to take a quick peek. Cat curiosity and all that.”
“And you assumed it was with Collège Françoise Dupont?”
“It seemed like a solid guess.”
“Considering the track record, that is reasonable.” Ladybug conceded.
“Ever wonder why it is always this school and never any of the other schools? Paris is a big city. You would think Hawkmoth would decide to branch out to the other schools in the city.” Chat noir inquired as they started walking down the hall.
“I assumed its just a coincidence.”
“Shot in the dark, maybe he has a kid that goes here. He is pretty old” Chat noir dissed.
“I can’t imagine anyone that would want to date Hawkmoth.” Ladybug joked.
“What about the blue lady? She seemed crazy enough.”
“And now that image is burned in my mind. Thanks kitty.” Ladybug sarcastically commented. “Despite the mental scarring, I am glad you got here. Seems a repeat offender got herself an upgrade in the akuma powers department.”
“How did you know?”
“I was reading the ladyblog, Alya did great work on that article.” Chat noir praised. He mentally applauded his quick thinking.
“Right, kind of the reason I felt the need to keep an eye on this place. But sadly, I was too slow.” Ladybug responded a tad gloomy.
“Hey, don’t sweat it. We will finish this akuma before lunch.”
Ladybug heard a footstep from the end of the hallway.
“Get down!”
Ladybug tackled the cat hero down. Just narrowly avoiding a neon pause symbol, which now suck on the wall.
“Looks like Lila has been busy.” Chat noir noted as he turned his face to the direction of the attacker.
Ladybug looked at the akuma. The white mask covering her friend’s face. Lady Wifi was back.
The two heroes got into a fighting stance and prepared to take down this controlled akuma.
The halls were empty and lifeless as the two visiting teens made their way cautiously down the halls.
“Oddly quiet in here.” The fencer commented. “What do you think Luka?”
“Well last time we entered a place with an akuma in it, it was brimming with armored minions. Maybe this akuma has more stealth?” The Musician commented. “So, I don’t think you will be fighting as directly as you are use to Kagami.”
Kagami nodded at that, not exactly happy or sad regarding that remark. Her plan was to see if she could help her friends get out of the building, grab her textbook, and get out. She wasn’t really that interested in fighting a superpowered foe at this moment in time.
The two ceased speaking when they heard approaching footsteps.
“Someone’s coming.” Luka noted.
The two duck into the nearest room.
The two stayed close to the door as they listened to the sound of the approaching figure.
Kagami dropped to the floor silently as to check and see if she could get a visual.
She could only see what appeared to be costume boots of a larger figure. Which made the expert fencer believe it was not friendly.
The figure stopped, looking at the door. The two teens felt their neck hairs stand on edge as they did their best not to make a sound.
After what felt like an eternity, the figure passed the door without checking. Once the sound of his footsteps could no longer be heard, they let out a sigh of relief.
“That was way too close for comfort.”
“Agreed. I would prefer a direct confrontation next time, much less nerve-racking. “
The two carefully open the door and exit the room.
“Seems we found the akuma.” Luka commented. “Now we just need to avoid it and.”
“You mean akumas.” Kagami corrected.
Kagami tilted the boys head to look in the same direction she was looking, and sure enough she saw a rather large rock like creature walking the halls.
“Oh… well that is bad.”
Kagami pushed him back into the room and closed the door. Locking it before the rock giant could notice them.
“I’m surprised.”
“By the fact there is an 8-foot-tall rock beast outside?”
“No, by the fact you didn’t try to fight it.”
“I don’t have a weapon.” Kagami replied flatly.
Luka raised a brow at the comment, unsure if the fencer was serious or not about fighting that thing if she had a foil.
“Is something wrong?” A third voice came from behind them.
The two teens turned around, preparing for the worst. Though they were relieved to see it was just an old janitor… in a Hawaiian shirt. Despite his odd dress, he did give off a kind aura. One of a trusting old grandpa.
They noticed that the room seemed to be a sort of teacher’s lounge, with a small counter with a sink and cabinets. As well as a fridge to keep food cold and stored. A place in the school where teachers would come to get a quick coffee or store their lunch.
“Oh good, you aren’t an akuma.” Luka sighed with relief.
“An akuma?” The old man asked.
“Yes, it is very dangerous out there right now. There are multiple villains outside. I would recommend staying put while we go out there and help handle things.” Kagami explained.
“Quite bold of you to go out there against those monsters.” The man responded.
“Don’t worry, we will be careful. We just need to make sure we can get as many people out as we can so Ladybug and Chat noir won’t need to worry.”
“Ah, how selfless of you. You both seem quite capable for ones so young.”
“You’re very kind, but we are just doing what we can. Our friends are out there and they need our help.”
Kagami goes to the door. Checking to ensure the coast is clear again.
The old man pats the musician’s shoulder.
“I am sure you two will figure a way to help your friends.”
“There are too many outside this room.” Kagami grumbled. If only I had a way to fight them.”
The mysterious janitor smiled.
“Say… I did happen to see Ladybug earlier.”
The two teens turned their attention to the old man.
“You did?” they asked in unison.
“Yes, she happened to drop something while rushing. Would you two be so kind as to return them to her when you see her.”
The two of them glance at each other and shrug. The old janitor might be senile.
“Sure… We can give it to her.” Luka assured the old man, trying to remain polite.
The old man moves to a closet, where out of view of the two teens, an elaborate chest with the symbol of the guardian’s decorates the top. He quickly gets two smaller boxes and closes the closet.
“Ah! Here they are.”
He hands the two a small box each. Their eyes go wide.
“They seemed important, so I didn’t want to just leave them on the floor. But I have a feeling you two will take good care of them.”
The two teens were engrossed by the boxes in their hands. They recognized them immediately. These were the boxes Ladybug used when handing out miraculous.
“Where did you find…?” Kagami tried to question, but noticed the old man was no longer there.
“He’s gone…”
“Actually, I am over here.”
The teens look in the opposite direction they were looking in order to see him at the end of the room getting a snack from the fridge.
The duo decided that maybe this old guy wasn’t all there after all and figured it would be best to go somewhere and utilize the ‘gift’ they were just given.
“Stay in the lounge where it’s safe okay?” Luka asked politely.
“Of course. I am not paid if I am not working.”
The two teens checked the door again, and once the coast was clear. They both slipped out of the room.
After he knew they were out of sight, the old man chuckled.
“The senile routine works every time.”
“Master, you really cut it close with that one.” A small turtle creature exclaimed as he popped out from the closet.
“The universe works in mysterious ways Wayzz. What are the odds that there would be an attack on the school the very day I decide to hide out as a janitor?”
“Considering the frequency of akuma attacks, very likely.”
“True, but how about running into two individuals that Marinette had picked to be heroes.” Fu followed up.
“That is quite a coincidence.”
The guardian pulled out his phone and noticed he didn’t have a signal.
“It seems I can’t get a signal to notify her of the reinforcements I sent her way. Likely it would be the same on her end. So, it is a good thing I acted in advance.”
Fu moved to the closet where he kept the miraculous.
“I can’t help but shake the feeling Ladybug and Chat noir will need all of the help they can get.
“Don’t worry master, I am sure Ladybug and Chat noir will be successful.
“Let us keep an eye on things. They might need another ally to turn the tide.
“I am guessing you are also familiar with what’s inside here?” Kagami inquired as the two stealthily moved in the hall.
“I may be familiar with it.” Luka commented.
Kagami contemplated the statement. She figured out the truth.
“Seems we both have used a miraculous then?”
“It appears we have. Though I am not sure Ladybug will be thrilled that someone knows I have helped her.”
“I understand the sentiment. Though lets simply agree to keep it between us.” Kagami answered. “Friends do keep secrets like that if I’m correct.”
Luka smiled at the comment.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Luka assured.
“As is yours.”
The two found the locker room and quickly moved inside.
“Coast is clear.”
The two opened the boxes and as they did two magical creatures appeared in front of them.
A floating creature with multiple spikes appeared in front of the fencer, while another floating creature that resembled a cobra stood in front of luka.
“It is a pleasure to see you again Mistress Kagami.”
“It’s been too long, Longg.” Kagami smiled. Happy to see her kwami friend.
“Hello Luka, itssss been a while.” The snake kwami greeted.
“Happy to see you too Sass.” Luka fist bumped his kwami.
The kwamis stop and turn to see the other kwami there.
“Does Ladybug know about this?” They both ask in unison.
“We will inform her after. Right now, there is a lot of danger.” Kagami exclaimed. “Ladybug needs our help.”
The two kwami nod and prepare to fight.
“Consssider us accomplissses.” Sass answered.
The two teens put on the miraculous.
“Sass! Scales Slither.”
“Longg! Bring the storm”
The two teens transform into their heroic alter egos.
Kagami shifting into the dragon miraculous hero Ryuuko, and Luka changing into the Snake hero Viperion.
The two stop to glance at the other.
“So, what should I call you.” The snake hero asked curiously.
“Call me Ryuuko. And what about you mister snake?”
“Viperion is what I am going with.”
“As is yours.”
The two give a nod of comradery before making their way out of the locker room. They had to go help Ladybug.
Ladybug dashed across the hallway, avoiding pause symbols being flung at her by the conniving akuma.
She slid underneath one of the symbols and preformed a daring slide kick to knock Lady Wifi off balance.
While she was unstable, Chat noir charged and used his baton to make contact with her white mask. Believing it was the obvious weak point.
“Got it!” Chat noir exclaimed triumphantly. The strike of the staff knocking Ladywifi a good several meters. Before lying flat on her back.
“Wow, that is a tough mask. I thought for sure that was the weak point.” Chat noir commented.
Lady Wifi stood up robotically.
“There must be a way to snap her out of it. Unless Hawkmoth is learning from his mistakes.” Ladybug hypothesized as she got up from the ground.
“Well I got nothing.” Chat noir shrugged.
Another set of footsteps approaching caught the hero’s attention. The recognized the multicolored bubble maker the moment they saw him.
“Nino… You too?” Chat noir said under his breath.
The Bubble maker used his bubble wand to summon two large bubbles to capture the heroes. Bringing back flashbacks of their first encounter with the bubble akuma.
Chat noir and Ladybug expertly slide between the gaps of the attack, resulting in Lady Wifi getting hit with the large bubbles and being sent flying into the wall via bubble prison.
Chat noir lunged at the Bubbler, his quick pounce pinning him down before he could attack.
“Maybe I can destroy his mask with…”
“Wait Chat noir!” Ladybug called out.
Chat noir paused.
“What if your cataclysm doesn’t free him?”
“And then I am left without the power before a recharge.”
“Exactly. We need to hold off on using our powers right now.”
Chat noir wanted to save his friend. But he knew his partner was right. They needed to conserve their powers before facing Lila.
The Bubbler managed to get the cat hero off of him with a burst of strength. Knocking Chat noir to the ground.
Lady Wifi had gotten free from the bubble attack and was now blocking the other entrance.
Ladybug and Chat noir moved back to back, Ladybug facing the ladyblogger turned mindless akuma slave and Chat noir facing the akumatized DJ.
“Any ideas, Buggaboo?”
“Seems they can’t adapt. They are pretty much mindless slaves. Which makes sense since Lila wouldn’t want them to think for themselves.”
“So you’re saying their movements are simple.”
“Which means they are exploitable.”
Chat noir felt relief watch over him. He knew Ladybug had a plan.
“EWWWW!” Chloé screeched in disgust. The front entrance to the school had been covered in a pink slime.
She wiped her hand on the cleanest section of wall she could find. This was not her day.
“What is with this nasty gross akuma? First, I can’t call Daddy to come and pick me up. I can’t even post about it! How will Ladybug know to save me? Or better yet, get me the bee miraculous so I can help her save the day?”
Chloé decided to try another exit, since she had no plans of sticking around without knowing if she was going to be given a miraculous or not. Plus, she did say she would call for help, and doing that would make her look good in potential hero points.
As she was walking, she bumps into something in the middle of the hall. Which was bizzare since the hall was clear.
“Ouch, right on my bruise. What the hell is…”
Chloé felt her anger shift to fear when she watched as the empty hall now contained a familiar akuma.
The akuma turned to her, her face covered with a white face mask.
“Eww. Your akuma form looks even tacker than before.”
“Take potential akuma to master.” The akumatized Sabrina stated in an emotionless tone. Repeating the order, she had been given.
“Oh no you don’t! Sabrina, I order you to listen to me!”
The akuma ignored the blonde’s command and slowly walked towards her.
“Sabrina… I am warning you. I am going to yell at you over this later if you don’t stop right now.”
Chloé started slowly backing away. She wasn’t sure of what to do.
“Listen… if you stop right now… I’ll uh… let you take a pick of one of my old sweaters.” Chloé bargained, not intending to let her pick one of the ones she actually liked.
Chloé felt her hand touch the sealed door, and knew she was at the end of the hall. She was boxed in.
“This is so unacceptable.” Chloé stated, preparing to get captured. But a flash of Red and Black came out of nowhere and kicked the akuma hard to the wall.
“Ladybug! I knew you would like save me!” Chloé jumped and hugged her savior.
“Im not ladybug.” The heroine spoke.”
Chloé released the hug as she examined who her savior was.
“Who the hell are you?”
Chloé had never bothered to learn the names of any of the other miraculous heroes. She sometimes forgets chat noir’s name.
“Ryuuko.” The dragon heroine stated calmly, almost regretting saving Chloé.
“Did Ladybug send you? Cause it would have been better if she got me to help.”
Ryuuko decided to ignore Chloé’s comment.
“Now we need to leave before she… Where did she go?” Looking at the dented locker that no longer had an akuma lying on the ground.
Suddenly the akuma popped out of nowhere about to strike from above with her tonfa and steal Ryuuko’s powers, but was stopped when a small harp smacked her face.
“She appears to have invisibility.” A voice called out.
The two turn to see the snake hero as he caught his harp on the rebound.
Chloé took a moment to look over the snake hero. She had to admit, he was pretty cute. Not Adrien cute, maybe she would start learning the names of the other heroes.
“Quick thinking Viperion.” Ryuuko thanked the snake teen.
“Just following your lead.” Viperion responded. The two giving eachother a respectful smile. They both seemed to have gotten used to working together.
The akuma got up. Its white face mask making the akuma’s expression unreadable. But its body language exuded rage.
“Seems we aren’t going anywhere until she is taken care of.” Ryuuko said as she stared down the akuma.
Viperion turned to chloé.
“You need to go and get to safety.”
“Okay!” Chloé says as she runs off.
“How come she didn’t give you any sass?”
“Because I already have him.”
Kagami had to admit that was a clever response.
“Not what I meant, but Chat noir would love that joke.”
“I will be sure to tell him it later.”
“Stick to playing guitar. You’re a better musician than comedian.”
Before they could get off anymore banter. The akuma went for another attack.
Simularé entered Ms.Bustier’s classroom.
“I am here.” The ghostly sentimonster announced.
The sentimonster looked up to see that the classroom it was expeciting to see had been altered into what appeared to be a rather glamourous throne room. The windows covered by white curtains with the design of an akuma in black. The platforms and stairs had been altered to be marble. And at the top, where Lila’s desk once was was now a golden throne akin to something one would see in a castle. Though despite the impressive change in the classroom it was still being designed. The akuma known as the evillustrator was still creating more furnishings for the room.
“Simulare, I have an order for you.” Masquerade stated as she sat on the new throne. Clearly confident in her position.
The sentimonster approached her master. Stopping only a few feet away.
“I want you to create a mirage over the school. Since Ladybug is already in the school. It would be best if you made sure no one notices whats happening here. I don’t need any additional heroes popping in yet. Let’s handle her before making things public.”
Simularé nodded.
“Understood. But what should we do if she…”
“I have everything under control. Just follow my orders.”
Simularé ceased her questioning.
“As you wish master.”
The sentimonster shifted into her Volpina form and headed out of the classroom.
“She is getting arrogant in her power. If things do go south, I will need to step in.” Simularé said to herself. But for now, she knew she had a role to play.
And that ends part 34.
Seems things are REALLY heating up. Will Viperion and Ryuuko be able to help Ladybug and Chat noir?
Will Ladybug and Chat noir be able to get through to their brainwashed friends?
Will Masquerade's gambit be enough for her to get her vengeance?
Whats Simularé's deal?
Find out by staying tuned and sharing. Remember Reblogs help content creators and if you do enjoy my content, the support really does help
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mae-avenue · 3 years
𝐶𝐿𝑂𝑆𝐸𝑅 𝑇𝑂 𝑌𝑂𝑈; 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 (gn!black reader)
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Maiden: lost followers so we had to get our act together :( BUT let’s see what the Queen has in store for us!
Queen’s Notes: yeaaaaaa so here I am lol ... ngl I’m losing my will to write a lil so pls send requests. It’s mostly school n all that but enjoy <3!
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: 𝑛𝑜 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙-𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑘, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑, 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑙 𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑, 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠, 𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑠 = 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠!
𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑔𝑛!𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝑜𝑔𝑢𝑛
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𖨆☕︎︎𖨆 | 𖨆♥︎𖨆
☞ ︎being in the fire force is tiring so when you put an infernal to rest, all you wanna do is wrap up the head n gtb.
☞︎ bc of that you never really thought abt love, how could you tho? All that training and close deaths, being in love is the last thing you would want in fear of losing them.
☞︎ it’s your rest day and you went to the grocery store to get the many things ur running low on. Like lotion, hair products etc.
☞︎ while ur shopping u see someone in an orange tracksuit, n u being in the fire force yk that they’re a either 1. a trainee or 2. A runaway from prison
☞︎ (good thing u went wit 1 wink wink)
☞︎ but you walk right past him, not tryna see anyone outta work!! BUT you just hadddd to drop a can, and he jus hadddd to be a gentleman and pick it up. Atleast yk shivery ain’t sumwhat dead 🤷🏽‍♀️(did I spell that right :/)
Well I’ll be damned...he kin-oh shit my can “oh yea! thats uh mine? Yea mine. Oh and thanks for picking it up!” You both exchange the can. “No problem, wouldn’t suggest using whatever’s in that tho. Can got dented reaally bad” He rubbed his palm on his neck. Why is he sweating?? It’s not too hot in here or anything, maybe it’s the track suit! Yea just the suit..
Well I’ll be damned...he kin-oh shit my can “oh yea! thats uh mine? Yea mine. Oh and thanks for picking it up!” You both exchange the can. “No problem, wouldn’t suggest using whatever’s in that tho. Can got dented reaally bad” He rubbed his palm on his neck. Why is he sweating?? It’s not too hot in here or anything, maybe it’s the track suit! Yea just the suit..
Well I’ll be damned...he kin-oh shit my can “oh yea! thats uh mine? Yea mine. Oh and thanks for picking it up!” You both exchange the can. “No problem, wouldn’t suggest using whatever’s in that tho. Can got dented reaally bad” He rubbed his palm on his neck. Why is he sweating?? It’s not too hot in here or anything, maybe it’s the track suit! Yea just the suit..
☞︎ after what it seems like 3 mins of jus staring in each other’s eyes, a thought came to his head.. Buy their groceries! They’ll deff remember u after that!
☞︎ panicking, he listened to his thoughts and offered.
“You come here often?” “Yea I do, this is the only center that’s close to me” you shrugged. “Well I guess I’ll be seeing you around then? See ya!”
You smiled to yourself as you watch him go check out his things. Did he even have any? Seems to be talkin up a storm wit the clerk tho...maybe their friends?
☞︎ “well” you sighed deeply. “guess that’s the end of my so called love story” you realized he already left and decided to go pay(with a new can ofc)
☞︎ as you’re putting ur items on the counter the clerk bags up n tells you the boy in orange payed and left a note. Well I’ll be damned...he got money too!??
☞︎ you walk out of the store telling the clerk thanks, while opening the note.
📄 - no need to thank me. You looked really cute in your outfit today and I want to get to know you better If that’s ok with you?
-ogun m. ☀︎︎
☞︎ you smile with butterflies engulfing your belly as you run to the car.
U jus scored yo ahh a man👏🏽you jus 👏🏽 you just👏🏽 scored yo ahh a man
♕ : ight thas enough celebrating fa me...hate that part sm
𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑁𝐸𝑋𝑇 𝐷𝐴𝑌 you were called in for training with others at Company 2.
“Hey” the mildly low voice spoke “you’re the person I saw at the center...right?” You turn around to see the orange suited boy(?) “Yeah, and ur the trainee! Thanks again for my gro-”
“Ahh don’t mention it, I did what I needed to do to get closer to you,” he smiled sheepishly
You felt butterflies emerge in your stomach, the same from earlier, like they never left. You felt comfortable with him even though y’all just met.
Both knew that it wasn’t gonna be the last meeting ;)
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Is he fit to dance with you? 𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑄𝑈𝐸𝐸𝑁 would love to know -𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛
ꕥ: I had a internal crisis tryna figure out if I should use boy or man for ogun.. could ya tell :D
I also want tootsie rolls..... ITA CHRISTMAS EVE!! Or MERRY CHRISTMAS !!🎄 luv y’all <3
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abelle25125 · 2 years
Id love to hear your collector theory!
ok there might be a few holes in this because i haven't re-watched all the episodes about the collector recently - but my main theory is that the collector was an entity around at the same time as the titans, who either worked with them or with someone associated with them - and at some point there was a conflict that resulted in the Boiling isles titan sacrificing themselves to keep them trapped.
(evidence and ramblings under the cut)
first things first:
Who / what is the collector?
Based on KKKOHD we can assume theyre not a witch, given both his appearance (there are no other witches that tall) and also the appearance of his magic, which is black unlike the glowing coloured version we see used by most people and also seems to be,,,,,made up of them?
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I cant show it in just screenshots but the shadow of the net stretches back and the collector seemingly comes from it
They also seem to have a serious sun and moon motif, and the moon on the Boiling Isles literally has a face on it - and is shown to have magical properties (thinking back to the moonlight conjuring that can bring life to inanimate objects?)
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I'm thinking that the collector is some sort of moon elemental or spirit of some sort - an ancient magic thats different from that of witches that has been around for a long long time.
next up:
Whats his motivation?
In Hollow mind he mentions being betrayed and wanting revenge on someone
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"Betrayed, beguiled, alone, deceived! We'll have our revenge on... Ugh, "unity" is so hard to rhyme."
Given the fact that it does rhyme and they don't use it - i'm going to assume they don't want revenge on humanity, especially since that motivation dramatically differs from what belos wants.
So they want revenge on someone! who is it? im guessing the titans, and maybe by extension - the witches that live on it.
They know about the draining spell and don't seem to have much of a problem with killing off all witches
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And based on the scraped concept for the vision in hunting palisman we can assume the Day of Unity is going to awaken the titan in some way - presumably killing off all the remaining witches who weren't in a coven for the draining spell.
Why does the collector want to wake the titan? i think its because they're trapped underneath it.
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We've gotten a good look at where the collector is trapped - a blue ball shaped prison in the space between worlds.
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the closest thing we've seen to that ball is Kings temple
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which bares a resemblance to the door to the round boy in Elsewhere and elsewhen
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So, we have someone stuck in a prison made up of titan technology trapped in a place you can only get to with Titan's blood, underneath the body of a dead titan. i really feel like the titan either died trying to capture the collector and their blood pooling into the ocean trapped him in the space between - or someone with access to titan stuff found a dying titan and chose to stick their captured moon spirit in there.
So what now?
The collector, now trapped in the space between swears vengeance on those who trapped him and does the only thing it can do from their prison. Watches people through the cubes, gathers information and manipulates people who can see them. He does this with the titan trappers - which results in them killing off all the remaining titans and then he does this with Belos, another lost child with abandonment issues and a distaste towards life on the boiling isles. He teaches him about the draining spell, a way to source power into a spell for when the moon covers the sun and the tide is lowest - thousands of witches pouring their power into one huge moonlight conjuring. Reanimating the Titan
The theory gets a little bit muddy after this point, mostly because i have no clue as to how the day of unity is going to go, like,,,,all balls are in the air right now
ive seen some people talking about how Belos wants to wipe out all magic - and the collector is magic, so if they are freed there will probably be some back stabbing - but i dont think the collectors going to replace Belos as the big bad in Season 3. It would be really unsatisfying from a storytelling standpoint - it would take away the colonial and real life counterparts from Belos and replace them with a magical clown child who if they where a person would be obsessed with collecting pokemon cards, and that would just feel bad thematically. It would be a lot more fun if there are these two antagonists trying to manipulate each other into doing what the other wants.
if you look at it from various sides the collector doesnt really seem all too evil. They have the mentality of a child who's been around for thousands of years and can trap living things in paper, of course they're not going to have any regard for human (or witch?) life, its the equivalent of a kid stepping on ants or chasing birds to scare them away. It would make a good extreme parallel to Luz - who literally ran away to the Demon Realm to escape her personal prison and who at the start of the show, was also very curious but naive.
there are obviously some holes in this theory - with the largest one being the timeline. The only time we see the collector not trapped in the space between is in KKKOHD - which not only had a lot of dream spookiness going on, but also looks pretty much the same from when we see the same location in Edge of the world
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(there also where already a bunch of dead titans in the KKKOHD flashback so who knows how they died.)
The validity of this theory is completely dependant on the owl beasts scroll having had to float around the ocean for literally thousands of years before being picked up (which could honestly explain why there are no other owl beasts but idk) and there's honestly just so much we dont know about the collector, its fairly hard to speculate anything concrete
so yeah! thats what ive been thinking. i hope i explained it alright, but there are definitely some holes here and there.
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burgundyhaven · 3 years
Send Her to Me: Teen! Kit Walker x Reader
Description: basically high school kit walker is trying to ask y/n out to the dance but everytime he tries to ask her out he keeps on missing her so he asks for his friends to send her to him
Word count: 1,702
Warnings: cursing, fluff? Nothing else that I can think of :)
A/n: I had a lot of fun making this, I’ve been in my 60s/70s phase as of recent so I’ve been listening to a lot of 60s garage rock and this is inspired by “send her to me” by the dark knights which is amazing you should go check the song out expeditiously. This is taking place in November of 1957 btw :)))) enjoy!!! Sorry if this is messy I finished writing this at 3:48 am  which explains lots of the spelling and punctuation errors it’s whatever 
Link to send her to me by the dark knights-https://youtu.be/BJKQks4neiI
It was November of 1957 and it was Kit Walkers final year of high school
He just wanted the stress of all of the work and uncertain future to be over
But there was one thing he would miss, you
He’s had a huge crush on you ever since you were in 9th grade, but only now worked up the courage to ask you out
You were putting your things away in your locker when you saw kit coming towards you
“Hey y/n”
“Oh- hi kit! what class you got next?”
“History. you?”
“Oh- uh… cool”
“Yeah.cool?” you chuckled
“Would you want to-“ he stops for a while
“Would I want to what?”
“Would you want to-“
he gets cut off by a loud bell
“Sorry! I gotta go i can’t be late again that’ll be three days in a row, catch you after this class though?”
“Oh. yeah sure” Kit says almost whispering and looking down at his shoes after waving at you
He went to history, though his attention was on the clock waiting for the next chance to see you
Finally, the bell rang and he went right to your locker, but…you weren’t there
He didn’t know, but you just didn’t need to go to your locker that class, but he knew he’d be able to talk to you in lunch
He went to his friends and asked them if they would send a message for him. He knew at least two of them had that class with you
“Hey- hold on wait, Jimmy tell y/n to meet me at the 6th lunch table, I keep on missing her at hall time”
“What for?”
“Nothing I just wanted to talk to her, if you don’t have her class next ask Henry I know he has the same class as her right now”
“Alright good luck… on whatever crazy shit your doing”
“Yeah thanks” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes
You were in your class when you saw one of Kits friends walking into your class, which was normal. But, he never talked to you in particular
He approached you and spoke quickly and quietly
“Kit wants you to meet him at the sixth table in the cafeteria in lunchtime”
“I don’t know? He didn’t give a reason”
“Alright… thanks”
*45 minutes later*
Finally, it was lunchtime and he spotted you sitting alone in the corner of the cafeteria,where he told you to meet him
He walked over to the table and sat right in front of you
“Hey what’re you doing here all alone again”
you smiled and put a strand of hair behind your ear
“Sorry about forgetting to tell you i wouldn’t be at my locker, i forgot i didn’t need any books for my class after english”
“no don’t worry about it it’s fine”
“So what did you wanna tell me kit?”
“Oh,uh i wanted to actually show you something”
He walked over and dragged his lunch to your side and sat down
He pulled out a photo from his bag
“Here it is”
He slid the photo to your side
“Oh my god Kit! That’s us! God we were so little” you laughed
“But- how’d you find these i thought you lost all your pictures in the move”
“Yeah, but we found a tin inside of the box with my moms clothes and it had all my baby photos and stuff like that”
“You got any more?”
“Yeah, If you wanna come over afterschool and I could look through them with you. I haven’t gotten a chance to see them all yet?”
“Yeah, of course! we’d have to walk though, i can’t go alone”
“yeah that’s no problem,meet me by the front of the school at around 2:00?”
“K, see you then”
He knew this was going to work perfectly, you would be thinking about the past you guys had and then he’d ask you out and you would just have to say yes
2:00 came and you were out in front waiting for about 8 minutes, he was a little late but he came out eventually
“Sorry i kept you waiting so long. That son of a bitch Mr. Wells made me stay after class for not finishing the test in time”
“No don’t worry it’s okay,it’s only 2:08 you didn’t keep me waiting for that long” you said while smiling at him
“Alright,let’s go- wait did you call
your house and tell them you were coming over?”
“ Uh-yeah I told my mom i’d be home a little late and i’d be at your place for school”
“For school?”
“She wouldn’t let me at any guys house if it wasn’t school related,even though she’s known you since you were born”
“Makes sense” he laughs and looks at you
The cold november breeze made you start to shiver and you put your books close to your chest but it was no use
Kit noticed you were getting cold and gave you his jacket, and even though you told him you weren’t cold, he knew you just didn’t want to seem like you needed anything, so he put it on you anyways
you made it to his house and he got his key out
you went in and his parents weren’t home
His dad was at work, and his mom left a note saying she wouldn’t be home until around 8 as she was out running errands
“Well i guess this is my house for the after noon” he said smiling
You laughed and smiled back
You asked if he wanted his jacket back, but he said you could keep it, so you put it on completely
“So,you wanna eat anything?”
“No, thanks though”
“I’ll go get the box then wait here”
You sat on the couch and heard him coming down shortly after you touched down on the seat cushion
“got it!”
you sat on the floor and the both of you looked through the box and uncovered dozens of forgotten memories
“Oh my god that was your 12th birthday”Kit said pointing to a photo from 1952
“Look at this one we were babies here!” you pulled out the photo form the small stack
“Kit is that you?” you pointed to a picture of him in a bathtub as a baby
He grabbed it and slid the photo under the couch
“No uh- thats my cousin. You won’t see him much because he’s- twice removed? Yeah”
“Yeah sure. don’t be embarrassed you were cute”
“Yeah whatever” he rolled his eyes
“It’s so crazy that we’ve known each other literally since we were born” you say still looking at the pictures
“Well technically…i’m older by a month so since you were born” Kit whispers
“You’re only older because you were born premature” you patted him on the back while getting up to go to the couch
He got up to sit next to you and turned on the tv for background noise
He scooted in closer to you and eventually you found that he had his arm wrapped around you and you were falling asleep
“hey it’s only 4:15, wake up” he tapped your shoulder
“Yeah i know- i just went to bed super late last night and i-“
“No it’s fine- do you want me to drive you home i could use the extra one we have”
“no i uh- i like it here it’s quiet, plus i can’t sleep now. I won’t be able to make it to school tomorrow”
“y/n. Its Friday ?”
“Oh.yeah well still”
“Okay nevermind” kit faintly laughed
You got up to get a snack as you hadn’t eaten for quite some time,then went right back to the couch
You sat crossed on the floor, looking right at the pictures on the wall
You observed all of them, specifically just seeing how much he’s changed over the years
He suddenly spoke out of nowhere
“Hey, so you heard about that senior ball the schools havin in a couple weeks”
“Yeah what about It?”
“You uh- planning on going”
“Probably, I just don’t really have anyone to go with”
“If you want, I could take you. I- I mean it doesn’t have to be like as a date or anything we could’ve go as friends if you wa-“
You hugged him and stopped him from saying anything else
“Thank you so much kit,I didn’t wanna have to go alone.And… yes we could go as a date ”
“Really?” He scratched his neck
You nodded and looked at him for a while, contemplating what you were going to do
You kissed him, out of nowhere
Now, you had just had your first kiss, and he had just had his
It was extremely awkward afterwards, you both just stared at each other and didn’t know what to say
“So uh- what’re we gonna wear” you said, still being in front of him as you were after you kissed him
“ Uhhh- i”
“we could match?” You started to get up to leave
“Yeah, we could match “ he spoke breathily
“I- uh, I gotta go my moms probably worried sick about me it’s” 
you look down to check your watch 
“I could drive you and take the spare car? It’s kinda cold out”
“Oh yeah thanks sure “
The short 7 minute drive was quiet but lovely and you couldn’t help but stare at him for the whole car ride
You arrived home and quickly  walked to the door
You rang the doorbell and your mom opened the door, she looked pretty pissed but nothing over the top
You turned around and Kit was still there in the car, and your mom moved away from the door
You walked back a little closer to the where his car was  and he said “ come by my place tommorow … for school”
You laughed quietly and whispered “yeah for school… goodnight kit”
And he drove away into the distance, back to his house
You went to your room, and got ready for bed, and all you could think about was Kit and the wonderful day you had with him. And about the wonderful day you would have with him tomorrow
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jay-zzz87 · 3 years
Prompt luz arrives on the boiling isles before amity cut ties with willow
Holy shit this is a long one. Does anyone know how to do those keep reading things, cause I don't wanna fill up a lot of space. Anyways enjoy
Willow and Amity had always like going to the market. They loved all the cool stuff they would find. While Willows dads were looking through the market, they would wander to other stands looking at exotic artifacts. One day they ran into the most exotic thing they could find. Literally. They ran into a human. She looked the same age as them, had brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin, and a purple sweater with weird looking dolphins. Amity helped willow up and began shouting at the human.
Amity couldn't understand the latter portion. Willow observed the girl careful. She noticed something about her ears were off. Willow tugged on Amity's shirt and whispered in her ear.
Willow: Wait Amity. I think thats a human.
Amity: No way. That's not possible
Willow: Look at her ears.
Amity took a closer look at the human and gasped.
Amity: She is human
Willow: See? I told you
Amity: What do we do now?
Willow: I know.
Willow approached the human carefully. She didn't want her to run away.
Willow: Hi. I'm Willow and that's Amity. What's your name?
Luz: Luz. Luz Noceda
Willow: Hi Luz. How did you get here from the human world?
Luz: I-I don't know
Amity tugged on Willows shirt.
Amity: I don't think she know how to get back to the human world.
Willow: Then we'll take care of her. She can live with me until we find a way to get her back.
Amity had some mixed feeling about the decision but went with it anyway. Amity and Willow tried to convince Willow parents to let her keep Luz. Eventually they agreed with the condition that she stays in the house when Willow went to school and luz has to cover her ears with a hat when they got out. Both of which weren't major problems. As time went on, Amity and Willow grew fond of Luz. They taught her about magic, demons and the Boiling Isles. Luz found it fascinating. One day, Amity came to Willows house with big news.
Amity: Yeah. I can't wait to invite you and Luz
Luz: A birthday party?
Amity: You don't know what a birthdau party is?
Luz: I do. I never been to one before though.
Amity: Then mine can be your first.
Luz hugged Amity super tight. Amity was a little startled at first but gladly returned the embrace.
Willow: This is gonna be awesome
A few weeks go by as Amity's birthday arrives. Willow and Luz show up to the Blight manor and step inside.
Willow and Luz: AMITY
The three girls shared a group hug.
Amity: C'mon guys. Lets party.
Alador: Amity Blight
Alador and Odalia made their way to Amity
Amity: Yes Father, Mother?
Odalia: Can we discuss something in private.
Amity: Of course Mother.
Alador, Amity, and Odalia went down a hall on the side of the entrance and entered a room inside the hall. Meanwhile Willow and Luz waited patiently for their friend. Luz started moving uncomfortably.
Luz: Hey Willow, do you know where the bathroom is.
Willow: I don't know. I think its over there
Willow pointed to the hall Amity and her parents entered.
Luz: Thank you
Luz started her way towards the hall. She tried to look for the bathroom but couldn't tell what was a bathroom and what wasn't. She stop when she heard commotion coming from one of the rooms.
Odalia: Good children don't squabble dear. Sever your ties with Willow. And if you don't-
Alador: Then we will
Odalia: We'll make sure the girl is never emitted into Hexside. Now go and try not to make a scene.
Amity looked down at her feet and shuffled out of the room. Luz ran towards the nearest room and tried to hide from Amity. She didn't want her to know that she was eavesdropping. Luz turned arond and found herself in a bedroom. She looked at the side of the room and saw a bathroom. She entered quickly and slammed the door behind her. Amity entered her bedroom and immediately started crying. She didn't want to break ties with Willow. Willow was her bestfriend. Amity got startled when her bathroom door open and Luz walked out.
Luz: I'm sorry I just needed to use the bathroom. I didn't mean to make you mad or hear your parents.
Amity looked in shock. She heard it?
Amity: Don't worry about it. It's not bad.
Luz: But they want you to stop being friends with Willow.
Amity: Well yeah but-
Luz: You're not going to listen to them are you?
Amity: I have to. They're my parents. I can't disobey them.
Luz: But they want you to do something you don't like.
Amity got frustrated at that.
Amity broke down crying. She hugged herself tightly as if that's the last hug she'll ever get. Luz approached Amity carefully, thinking if she moved unexpectedly, Amity might run away.
Luz: I might not know a lot about you. But I know what that's like.
Amity: Do you?
Amity doubted she'd be in that situation
Luz: I do. My mom always thought I was weird. She didn't like the way I behaved and would have a crazy imagination. One she even said 'Why can't you just be normal'
Now it was Luz's turn to cry. She tried to remain strong for Amity, but couldn't help herself.
Luz: Please don't leave me and Willow. And if you do. Tell her the truth
Amity hugged Luz as tight as she could.
Amity: I'm going to try
Amity and Luz cleaned themselves up with tissues. Amity went to Willow and ask her to meet her in her room. When she arrived, Luz was there waiting and looking down. Willow looked confused.
Amity: You have to get out Willow.
Willow stood a little stunned.
Willow: Wait why
Amity: Because, because-
Willow grabbed Amity's arm. Holding it as if letting go would cause her to leave
Willow: Is it because I still can't do magic? Amity, I'm sorry I got us in trouble at the Beach. I just- I can't the spells right.
Amity looked at Luz who looked like she wanted to interfere.
Amity: Well. Yes, and no. Willow I know you can't do magic but I still want to be your friend.
Willow: Then why do you want me to leave.
Amity: Because my parents don't want you here. I'm sorry Willow, but I can't disobey my parents.
Willow looked at Luz, then at Amity.
Willow: What about Luz.
Amity: She has to go too.
Willow started crying
Willow: So what do we do now. You're parents don't want to see us with you. How are we going to play.
Amity: I don't know.
The room got silent.
Luz: I'm going to miss you
Willow: Me too
Amity: Yeah, me too
Amity heard footsteps approaching her room.
Amity: You have to get out. Or I'm going to get in trouble.
Willow and Luz headed out the room. They left the manor and headed home. Both girls looked down. They weren't sure if they lost a friend or not. Guess they'll know in time.
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imposerrosy-rose · 3 years
Kwami rant
(Okay this is probably gonna be a long post just also be aware it's been a long time since I write something like an essay so apologies in advance)
I don't like how the kwamis are written/used in the show. (Most of this will be Plagg and tikki based as they are the ones we see the most)
What I mean is how they all seem to have very distinct personalities or at the very least a slight personality but that can all be thrown away for the sake of a plot device most notably tikki. Where as Plagg seems to be quite consent through the show or at least he's shown different sides while keeping the base line.
Tikki however I feel like they can not decided who they want her to be, they push that she's very sweet and somewhat wise just a very happy go lucky person with a serious side and in season one that was pretty much the case and even shown to be a little playful. And when Marinette was upset she would attempt to comfort her.
But as the seasons went on that suddenly changed, like in season two and three she lost all of that playful side to her and just became very serious for no reason then what felt like to add to marinettes stressful life. Also went from trying to comfort Marinette when she was upset to just adding more stress to the situation. The problem is that sometimes she gets some of the old personally back when they are not trying to show how stressful Marinettes life is. So it always feels off.
On another point that really frustrating is kwamis on emotions. I can understand not understanding humans to an extent because they are not human. That makes sense if it wasn't for the fact they are shown to have all the emotions (except love,I'll get to that) so when Marinette is crying in season 4 three kwamis were looking down at her confused about what crying is but it has been shown in show Plagg and Duusu crying. So I feel it's safe to assume that all/most of them can cry.
(before rant about how I don't believe that kwamis don't fall in love is true and slip in to theory territory I feel like I need to say everything I have to say is nothing against aro people at all.everything is about the show and the show alone, absolutely 0 hate to aromentics 💜💜)
while we are on emotions then, the thing that has seem to have created yet another riff in the fandom the now very well know quote of "kwmais don't fall in love". I saw quite a lot of people just going with they are aromantic which would be cool and Amazing,also would've of fully accepted that being pretty much cannon if it wasn't for the fact they left it so long to tell us. They knew a lot of people shipped kwamis (Plagg and tikki mostly), and they even hyped it up. They never once hinted that it wasn't something that couldn't happen for 5 years. So I feel its a little fair for people to be a little upset about it or just dismiss the point.
On to theory territory, I don't think it's that they don't fall in love more they aren't aloud to because to me that makes more sense that It's just yet another rule they have to follow which really wouldn't be surprising as it's been shown time and time again they don't have much freedom. I would also like to point how sad all three kwamis looked, while it could be because of the scene it didn't look like a sympathetic sad look to me, it just looked sad at that line alone.
Which leads me to how the kwamis are treated with in the show. just how controled they are is uncomfortable, and them being trapped could be a cool side plot but it's never really mentioned in a 'thats bad' kinda way which is makes it worse.
We are shown they are basically tiny gods and told they are cosmic beings, but they are never treated as such. They are shoved in a box and left in there for possibly for some of them for centuries. So it makes sense that when they got out of the miracle box they all got very excited to see the world.
we are also shown just how much control a holder has over a kwami forcing them to stay with you with magic borders, forcibly shut them up by removing there mouths, so who knows what else can happen. Also the spell that stops then form saying there holders name so again it's not much stretch that there are other spells on them prevent something,And while it's shown they can kinda refuse to transform someone (in the season three Finally with Chloe) it looks like when they don't know the activation words. But if you have the activation words then the kwamis have no choice.
Now on the Order of the Guardians, I don't think anyone is arguing that it sounds the worse thing from what we learn in season 4, which also adds to now little freedom the kwamis have and how poor they are treated.
The guardian was met that isn't Fu is Su han and he has a book full of rule for the kwmais and guardian, he also said that "they are cosmic beings they must be controlled" showing that they don't see them as beings with thought and feeling just things/weapons only being used when something has gone wrong. Also would like to note not a single kwami looked happy to see him there and they all didn't make a move to go to him or the miracle box until he ordered for it to happen.
But he was also very upset and afraid about Plagg not being there, more upset about that then Marinette having the miracle box. So the order makes little sense really, if you are afraid of something being cruel to it is the last thing you would/should do to it. Because if it snaps one day it will be at you.
Also the renlins seem like they was treated a little better when they was being looked after but when they was deemed "to dangerous" they was locked in a cave. Like I have questions about that was they trapped the a pocket dimension like the miracle box, was they just trapped. (What happened there?/ What happens when things are dormant with miraculous and kwami?)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think that's most of it off my chest, now don't get me wrong I love the show and season so far is really good, but I had to get this out.
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