"Do you have a role model?"
[ @rosa-qiangwei ]
Hello fellow! I don't know if you are aware or not... Or for how many months this question have been here but I'm sorry, my character isn't in this blog anymore. Instead and if you are still interested, you can find her in @bluebird-dolly-bride!
Thanks for the question, but it won't be fair if I answer here. If you are still interested, go and answer her in her blog!
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I made the new account!
This is it
This account is officially closed :p
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Hello guys, Admin is talking here!
It's been a while I guess, do you guys miss Cassandra?
I miss Tumblr interactions so much but I was too busy, I had to put social media aside to do my best on my school work. As I recently started the University I... Have less time than before, but study that hard is sincerely killing my spirit.
Conclusion: I'm back! >:3
I realized that my Tumblr account is a mess, and I wanted to put some organization in my life so...
I'll start over with a new account. I think I'll say you then.
Also, I have some news! I started to write officially Cassandra's Sakamaki route! Ain't that good at English, someone could help me a little?
Well, I'm happy to return back! Love ya guys!
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Today I have FINALLY finished this drawing for a very dear group of friends I have!!! I love you guys so much!! ♥
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@strawberry–bride @aqua-dolly-bride @ask-ruki-mukami @heartapples @shu-sakamaki @calystegiabit @ayatoslover @sakamaki-laitokun @psychoxis
Thank you so much for being part of my life! You guys are amazing!!
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Reblog if you honestly have NEVER sent anon hate.
It pains me that only 14,000 people can honestly reblog this
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((It it so beautiful! She looks too young :"3
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((Thanks for tagging me
@the-loony-and-the-fox @strawberry--bride @maria--bride @ask-maki-mukami @death-at-eve
(( I found this cute Picrew. So, I made Yuriko and would love to see your OC or admin too. ))
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(( I tag @elizabeth-virnien @ask-maki-mukami @dialovers-angelica @lilith-the-confused-succubus @catherinemchallask @aqua-dolly-bride @strawberry--bride ))
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Sakamaki brothers~
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these are actually nice ASKs
1. selfie
2. what would you name your future kids?
3. do you miss anyone?
4. what are you looking forward to?
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
7. what was your life like last year?
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
9. who did you last see in person?
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
11. are you listening to music right now?
12. what is something you want right now?
13. how do you feel right now?
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
15. personality description
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
17. opinion on insecurities.
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?
19. have you ever been to New York?
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
21. age and birthday?
22. description of crush.
23. fear(s)
24. height
25. role model
26. idol(s)
27. things i hate
28. i’ll love you if…
29. favourite film(s)
30. favourite tv show(s)
31. 3 random facts
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
33. something you want to learn
34. most embarrassing moment
35. favourite subject
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
37. favourite actor/actress
38. favourite comedian(s)
39. favourite sport(s)
40. favourite memory
41. relationship status
42. favourite book(s)
43. favourite song ever
44. age you get mistaken for
45. how you found out about your idol
46. what my last text message says
47. turn ons
48. turn offs
49. where i want to be right now
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
52. something i’m talented at
53. 5 things that make me happy
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
55. tumblr friends
56. favourite food(s)
57. favourite animal(s)
58. description of my best friend
59. why i joined tumblr
60. ask me anything you want
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😊 and 😗
Aww thank you! I enjoy being around you so much! We can have a tea party every time, I shall do my bet as a friend of you!
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😃 - To me, you are easy to approach.
😊 - I think you are a really friendly person.
😫 - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and I’m just a dork.
😦 - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you.
Oh my goodness you are a cutie pie!
You do not have to feel insecure around me, I really like your company! Also, I admire you too, Bethy-chan, you actually know how to be near of the people's heart, and that is an incredible power, don't you see? You are lovely and friendly, you have a good heart, and, related of those things, is why I am so proud to be your friend.
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Intimidation Meme
Sometimes it’s difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Using this meme, you can send the symbols to my askbox that represent to you how intimidating I am to you. This way, it could be more clear to both sides how things are based on these feelings.
😗 - YOU ARE THE SOFTEST BEING. 😀 - I’m not afraid of reaching out to you. 😃 - To me, you are easy to approach. 😊 - I think you are a really friendly person. 😶 - I’m not sure if I can reach out to you. 😐 - You seem a little distant from others. 😓 - I feel like you would not really like me. 😲 - I’m afraid of reaching out to you. 😟 - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you. 😥 - I am very intimidated by you. I wish it wasn’t that way, because you seem cool. 😫 - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and I’m just a dork. 😧 - Senpai, notice me???? 😦 - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you. 😨 - You intimidate me….a whole damn lot. 😭 - I wish I could be your friend but to me, you are so hard to reach out to. 😱 - I am so incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes. 💀 - OH MY GOD DON’T EAT ME PLEASE
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((Oh my that is so cute! Thanks for the tag!
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@strawberry--bride @ask-ruki-mukami @maria--bride @the-loony-and-the-fox @ask-maki-mukami
{ Guess who found another amazing picrew! }
{ I liked the blue because in the game Yui had a blue hint in her hair 💕 }
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I tag ~ @oceanblooming @ask-shoma-komori @elizabeth-virnien @iricathel @secretarykang @renamami @paresthesiuhh
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Hey, Ruki-san, I know you are busy, and perhaps you are so tired after that incredible year. But, I only want to... wish you a Merry Christmas.
No matter how cold it is outside, you shall always have a warm place in my heart.
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I did not forget Christmas for you, Ruki-san. I... I must admit I passed all of this time thinking about what I can offer to you as a gift in this special occasion, and it was a very difficult request... because, what kind of gift you offer to someone that looks that have everything in life? I was wondering about what kind of things you could like, or what kind of things you never received before... that is why I thought one singular thing that could be something special. I heard that usually men only receive that kind of things in the afterlife, so... I wanted to make you one of those men that receive this gift in a day to share love and happiness.
[*offers him a little box, excited and nervous at the same time, expecting for he opens it*]
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It is a red rose, but it is anyone that was born in some yard! It is not! I... I made it by myself, I thought that it could be more special if you have a flower which never shall die, as a physical representation of the love I have for you.
[*kiss his cheek gently*]
Merry Christmas, Ruki-san, I love you.
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Hey, Ruki-san, I know you are busy, and perhaps you are so tired after that incredible year. But, I only want to... wish you a Merry Christmas.
No matter how cold it is outside, you shall always have a warm place in my heart.
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