aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
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Red dead redemption 2
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
Pet-of-sub’s 1,000 Follower Giveaway
OMG! It’s here! I can’t believe it! I’ve reached 1,000 followers and honestly y’all I cry bc you are all so precious and I’m honored. This giveaway will be a litttttttle different from the last one! I’ve learned with last giveaway that it’s NOT a good idea to ship a tank to someone bc the odds of it arriving cracked and me having to buy a second tank…aren’t in my favor…so this one will involve the winner to be comfortable telling me the nearest Petsmart and Walmart in your location so I can schedule an order for pick up! Preferably Petsmart but if they don’t have the tank in stock at your local Petsmart then we will go with the Walmart one and I’ll throw in extra goodies since it’s a bit lower quality
What’s that you say Casey? A tank? 
I’m doing another full set up giveaway!!!
Except this time it’s BIGGER and BETTER
So here’s what the Giveaway will include!
1. A 10 gallon kit! This will need to be an order for pickup so please be willing to tell me your nearest Petsmart and Walmart(hopefully Petsmart but if they don’t offer order for pickup for the 10 gallon kit then Walmart shall be the backup!)
2. 10lbs of aquarium sand!
3. 2 large silk plants
4. 2 hides/decoration
5. 2 50watt adjustable heaters
6. A bottle of stresscoat
7. A bottle of Seachem Prime
8. Some secret odds and ends ;)
Now that that’s all out of the way it’s time for some rules!
1. You must be following @pet-of-subs
2. All likes and reblogs count but please don’t go TOO crazy
3. You must live in the USA
That’s really all haha!
(I’d love to do another giveaway for anyone outside the USA but the last giveaway they taxed the person for a package and it broke my heart to bits and pieces. Do you guys have any idea of something I could offer that doesn’t involve a package that will cause the receiver to get hella taxed?)
EDIT: Waiiiiiiit I forgot to mention that this will end October 13th
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
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Why you shouldn’t put goldfish in a bowl - WTF fun facts
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
Finally someone is doing something to teach people proper Betta care. 🙌🏻
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I try so hard at work (chain pet store) to get these bettas into proper homes and customers just ignore EVERYTHING!
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
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Zoos prevent extinction. This is why I support zoos. This is why the world should support zoos.
Meme credit goes to the zookeepers at www.facebook.com/ZoosSavingSpecies @zoossavingspecies
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
Meeeee. 😂😂
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i felt like we all needed a call out post
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
10 Steps to Confirm a Planet Around Another Star
So you think you found an exoplanet – a planet around another star? It’s not as simple as pointing a telescope to the sky and looking for a planet that waves back. Scientists gather many observations and carefully analyze their data before they can be even somewhat sure that they’ve discovered new worlds.
Here are 10 things to know about finding and confirming exoplanets.
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This is an illustration of the different elements in our exoplanet program, including ground-based observatories, like the W. M. Keck Observatory, and space-based observatories like Hubble, Spitzer, Kepler, TESS, James Webb Space Telescope, WFIRST and future missions.
1. Pick your tool to take a look.
The vast majority of planets around other stars have been found through the transit method so far. This technique involves monitoring the amount of light that a star gives off over time, and looking for dips in brightness that may indicate an orbiting planet passing in front of the star.
We have two specialized exoplanet-hunting telescopes scanning the sky for new planets right now – Kepler and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) – and they both work this way. Other methods of finding exoplanets include radial velocity (looking for a “wobble” in a star’s position caused by a planet’s gravity), direct imaging (blocking the light of the star to see the planet) and microlensing (watching for events where a star passes in front of another star, and the gravity of the first star acts as a lens).
Here’s more about finding exoplanets.
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2. Get the data.
To find a planet, scientists need to get data from telescopes, whether those telescopes are in space or on the ground. But telescopes don’t capture photos of planets with nametags. Instead, telescopes designed for the transit method show us how brightly thousands of stars are shining over time. TESS, which launched in April and just began collecting science data, beams its stellar observations back to Earth through our Deep Space Network, and then scientists get to work.
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3. Scan the data for planets.
Researchers combing through TESS data are looking for those transit events that could indicate planets around other stars. If the star’s light lessens by the same amount on a regular basis – for example, every 10 days – this may indicate a planet with an orbital period (or “year”) of 10 days. The standard requirement for planet candidates from TESS is at least two transits – that is, two equal dips in brightness from the same star.
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4. Make sure the planet signature couldn’t be something else.
Not all dips in a star’s brightness are caused by transiting planets. There may be another object – such as a companion star, a group of asteroids, a cloud of dust or a failed star called a brown dwarf, that makes a regular trip around the target star. There could also be something funky going on with the telescope’s behavior, how it delivered the data, or other “artifacts” in data that just aren’t planets. Scientists must rule out all non-planet options to the best of their ability before moving forward.
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5. Follow up with a second detection method.
Finding the same planet candidate using two different techniques is a strong sign that the planet exists, and is the standard for “confirming” a planet. That’s why a vast network of ground-based telescopes will be looking for the same planet candidates that TESS discovers. It is also possible that TESS will spot a planet candidate already detected by another telescope in the past. With these combined observations, the planet could then be confirmed. The first planet TESS discovered, Pi Mensae c, orbits a star previously observed with the radial-velocity method on the ground. Scientists compared the TESS data and the radial-velocity data from that star to confirm the presence of planet “c.”
Scientists using the radial-velocity detection method see a star’s wobble caused by a planet’s gravity, and can rule out other kinds of objects such as companion stars. Radial-velocity detection also allows scientists to calculate the mass of the planet.
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6. …or at least another telescope.
Other space telescopes may also be used to help confirm exoplanets, characterize them and even discover additional planets around the same stars. If the planet is detected by the same method, but by two different telescopes, and has received enough scrutiny that the scientists are more than 99 percent sure it’s a planet, it is said to be “validated” instead of “confirmed.”
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7. Write a paper.
After thoroughly analyzing the data, and running tests to make sure that their result still looks like the signature of a planet, scientists write a formal paper describing their findings. Using the transit method, they can also report the size of the planet. The planet’s radius is related to how much light it blocks from the star, as well as the size of the star itself. The scientists then submit the study to a journal.
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8. Wait for peer review.
Scientific journals have a rigorous peer review process. This means scientific experts not involved in the study review it and make sure the findings look sound. The peer-reviewers may have questions or suggestions for the scientists. When everyone agrees on a version of the study, it gets published.
9. Publish the study.
When the study is published, scientists can officially say they have found a new planet. This may still not be the end of the story, however. For example, the TRAPPIST telescope in Chile first thought they had discovered three Earth-size planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. When our Spitzer Space Telescope and other ground-based telescopes followed up, they found that one of the original reported planets (the original TRAPPIST-1d) did not exist, but they discovered five others –bringing the total up to seven wondrous rocky worlds.
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10. Catalog and celebrate – and look closer if you can!
Confirmed planets get added to our official catalog. So far, Kepler has sent back the biggest bounty of confirmed exoplanets of any telescope – more than 2,600 to date. TESS, which just began its planet search, is expected to discover many thousands more. Ground-based follow-up will help determine if these planets are gaseous or rocky, and possibly more about their atmospheres. The forthcoming James Webb Space Telescope will be able to take a deeper look at the atmospheres of the most interesting TESS discoveries.
Scientists sometimes even uncover planets with the help of people like you: exoplanet K2-138 was discovered through citizen scientists in Kepler’s K2 mission data. Based on surveys so far, scientists calculate that almost every star in the Milky Way should have at least one planet. That makes billions more, waiting to be found! Stay up to date with our latest discoveries using this exoplanet counter.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com.
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
Fish will “grow with the size of the tank” in the same way that your feet will grow with the size of your shoes. 
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
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Inimicus didactylus,  also known as the Demon Stinger,  Sea Goblin,  or Bearded Ghoul
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
When you attend school you are technically in story mode but once you graduate your life turns into an open world game with just side quests here and there.
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
FISH ARE NOT DECOR. FISH ARE NOT DECOR. FISH ARE NOT DECOR. FISH ARE NOT DECOR!!!! 👏👏👏 I’ve been decorating my betas new tank and in looking up inspiration I keep seeing fish in light bulbs, fish in vases, fish in coffee pots. Do these look cute? Sure. BUT THATS A FUCKING LIVING CREATURE! Petco isnt helping with their new designer line of bowls and display that perpetuates this idea that fish (especially betas) dont need air, plants, hideaways, water flow, filtration, or room. I love looking at my tank. Its beautiful. Its soothing. It matches my style and living room decor. Its GREAT 👍. Its also 5 gallons, filtered, temp monitored, decorated with live plants and non abrasive decor, and contains one very sassy beta and her snail friend. They love eachother. I bet they gossip all day. Pretty doesnt equal inhumane, and torture isnt pretty. Do your research! And fish lovers, feel free to reblog this and add on with some facts/tips! Its time people got informed. ANIMALS. DO. NOT. EXSIST. FOR. YOUR. AESTHETIC. (Or taste for that matter)
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
No one will know the violence it took to become this gentle.
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
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Coworker told this story today and there was a literal outpouring of love.
Representation matters 
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
Calling all betta owners!!! Calling all betta owners!!!
I have a male and female betta that I want to breed in the near future. How does one start off doing that??
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aquariumderek-blog · 6 years
This is the best. 😂
Mayor Cuts Down Man’s 30-Year-Old Majestic Tree, His Revenge Is Awesome
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This is one of the best stories we read in a long time. An arborist AKA a tree caretaker and tree surgeon from Redondo Beach, California had to watch the death of one of his favorite trees, which was ordered by the mayor. Although he lost a great battle, he won the war. Find out how he avenged the death of his 30-year-old pepper tree named Clyde.
His story was recently shared online and has already been shared over 150k times. RIP Clyde.
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Credits: GoblinsStoleMyHouse
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aquariumderek-blog · 7 years
It’s sooo cute. 😂
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aquariumderek-blog · 7 years
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I stopped by my local pet shop today and they have pea puffers in stock!! I want one soooo bad but I don’t know enough about them to keep one. Cause I would hate to buy one and it die on me due to my lack of knowledge. If anyone has any info on pea puffers please let me know. 😍
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