Average College Night
AU: Modern Jesse used: Male Words: 1,731 Notes: I’m sure it’s still July 1st somewhere. Right? Right? Right.
A group of heroes stared up at the darkened sky and watched as a large mass of tentacles blocked the sun and stared down at them as if it was waiting for something. It let loose a deep guttural growl, daring them to come closer.
The leader of the group stared up at the mass before turning to his two companions. "Well? You guys think we can handle this?"
"Heck yeah! That stupid Witherstorm is going down once and for all!" The largest green armored character of the group pumped his arm into the air, looking ready to fight at a moment's notice.
"Geez, I really hope so," The red armored character said and let out a small sigh. "I just want to finally finish this. We've been preparing for how long?"
"Long enough," the leader said and turned back to the Witherstorm. "Okay, we know what the plan is, right?"
Both his team mates nodded. The green character raised his armored fists into the air while the red character pulled out a bow and nocked an arrow.
"Okay... three... two... one... GO!"
With that final command, the three of them darted ahead and in the Witherstorm's radius. The creature roared angrily and shot a purple beam down towards the leader. He quickly sidestepped and avoid the beam and quickly took out a sword just as massive tentacle hit the ground next to him. The leader quickly grabbed onto the tentacle and felt himself raised into the air, closer to main body.
His two companion remained on the ground as endermen started to teleport in. The green character punched a few right in the face before they disintegrated into a puff of smoke. A tentacle tried to attack him, but flinched back when a slew of arrows hit it. The red character quickly pulled more arrows from her quiver and prepared for another onslaught.
The leader quickly climbed up the tentacle and slowly made his way toward the mouth. The Witherstorm roared angrily at him. The leader carefully waited until the mouth fullly opened before quickly pulling himself in and entering the creature.
"WOO! YES! Jesse's inside that thing!" The green character raised his arms in the air and cheered. "Now he can-"
Before the green character could move, a large tentacle came rushing and crushed him, causing his body to disappear in a poof of smoke and release a large amount of items.
"Oh, come on, seriously?" The red character called into the sky before she ran over and quickly gather his stuff. "Do you even remember how long it took to gather all that stuff? I just hope I don't die while I get out of here."
"Sorry, Olivia..." A voice grumbled from the heavens, clearly displeased with his unpleasant death.
"Let's just hope Jesse puts an end to this once and for all. After all, we-"
All of a sudden, the Witherstorm made a strange hacking sound and looked like it was about to vomit. After a few more moments, the Witherstorm took a deep breath and spat out Jesse, causing him to let out a scream before hitting the ground hard. His body disappeared in a puff of smoke and many items hit the ground.
"Oh no..." Olivia looked up at the Witherstorm as it let out an angry roar.
The last the thing she saw was a large tentacle coming down upon her and the inevitable darkness engulfing her.
Jesse stared blankly at the mocking text before letting out a long sigh. "Well... that could have gone a lot better."
"Dude, what happened?" Axel's voice spoke through his headphones. Jesse quickly pulled up his Skype to see his friend staring at him in shock and disbelief. "I thought you had that! Man, you were so close to destroying that stupid command block!"
"Yeah, that was my bad." Jesse let out a sigh. "I, uh, sort of brushed up against the uvula and pretty much became what happens when you eat too many pixie sticks."
Axel winced. "Ouch, dude. Did you have to bring up such bad memories?"
"I can't believe we lost all that stuff," Olivia groaned as her face appeared next to Axel's. "Now we have to get new armor, new weapons, and go to the Far End again."
"Dude, maybe we should just look up how to beat that thing," Axel grumbled. "I get you want to do without cheating and whatever, but I think three times is three too many."
"No, no, guys. Let's just try one more time." Jesse reassured them with a smile.  "Besides I have this idea involving bypassing the mouth entirely and using the endermen to bust open a hole in that monster."
"That sounds a little farfetched, Jesse," Olivia said. "But alright. Let's try one more time later and see if we can't beat that boss once and for all."
"Cool. When are you guys free?" Jesse asked.
"I have engineering mid-terms next week, so maybe after that?" Olivia asked.
"... Yeah, I think I can make it next week. Just as long as my boss doesn't give me overtime," Axel said before he grinned. "But it's Magnus! He's pretty much the most chill boss ever!"
"Do you think Petra and Lukas would be able to join us this time?" Olivia wondered.
"Well..." Jesse began to fiddle with a pencil on his desk as he thought about it. "I guess it depends on if Lukas can tear himself away from his writing frenzy for a night, but with mid-terms on the horizon, probably not. And Petra? Who knows at this point. Backpacking across Europe doesn't exactly mean having a reliable Wi-fi connection."
"Aw man. I was hoping Petra would join us. We haven't played with her in forever," Axel grumbled unhappily.
"Oh well, I guess we'll find out by the time mid-terms are finally over," Olivia said before letting out a yawn. "Well, good night guys. It's almost midnight and I really need some sleep."
"Yeah, I should probably head off too. It is getting late and I don't think Magnus would like me sleeping on the job again," Axel agreed.
After the group of friends said their farewells, Jesse shut off his computer and unplugged his webcam before tossing it into a nearby drawer. Then he got off his spinny chair (after spinning around in it for a moment just because he could), walked over to his bed, and collapsed face first into it.
The life of a college student was never easy, but at least he had his friends to goof around with even if it was only for a few hours every once in a while.
Jesse lifted his face off his pillow and grabbed his old stuffed animal named Reuben. His little pig friend looked a little ragged since he had it as far back as he could remember, but Jesse didn't know what he would do if he didn't have his little toy with him when he went to sleep.
Maybe Jesse would google how to patch up and sew old stuffed animals. Give his old friend a little touch-up considering his mom couldn't it do it herself anymore since she was several states away.
Besides, he was an adult. He could totally sew stuff by himself if he wanted to.
Jesse's thoughts were interrupted by a little jingle coming from his night stand. Without looking up, he reached over and grabbed his phone, tapped a button on the screen, then brought it over close to his face. "Jesse can't come to the phone right now because his bed wants to swallow him up. Please leave a message after the loud snore."
He heard a laughing snort come from his phone. "Jeez, Jesse. Defeated by your own bed? And here I thought you were a tough guy."
Jesse quickly flipped over so he was laid on the bed normally and smiled warmly. "Hey, Petra. How's the Great European Adventure treating you?"
"Eh, there's a lot of train riding and expensive shit to worry about, but it's pretty cool just getting out there and going where the wind takes me... and whatever the travel guidebook says."
"Ah yes, the wise guidebook. Thou must never stray off it's path lest you suffer thine consequences."
"... Doesn't thine mean yours? I remember Lukas telling me that once. So you're saying if I don't follow its instructions, it'll face my wrath."
"... Knowing you, probably."
Another laugh. "So, how's the wonders of political science? I assume it's still political and... uh, sciencey."
"It's a little boring sometimes, but interesting sometimes. You see, yesterday we-"
"And I'm already going to sleep. Just what I needed on a train ride where someone could steal my stuff."
"... Didn't that happen once before and you broke that guy's arm?"
"Hey, he definetely had it coming!"
They were both silent for a moment before Jesse broke the silence. "Hey, do you think you could hit a good wi-fi spot sometime after mid-terms? Me, you, Lukas, Axel, and Olivia can play Minecraft like old times and we can take out that boss from the new update. What do you say?"
He heard nothing but silence on the other side for a moment before he heard Petra let out a sigh. "I don't know, Jesse. It depends on if I can find a go place to crash at that has good wi-fi."
"I see..." Jesse successfully hid his disappointment at her answer.
"Hey, I didn't say no!" Petra quickly defended. "Look, I'll try to pick a good spot to stay at that doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. Then we'll see what happens? That cool with you?"
Jesse smiled slightly. "Yeah, that's cool. Hey, if you need some extra cash then-"
"Pfft, I don't need charity, Jesse. I can handle myself."
He let out a laugh. "Yeah, I know you can."
Jesse wasn't sure how long they had been talking before he noticed it was well passed midnight. They quickly said their goodbyes before they both hung up.
As soon as he tossed his phone back onto the night stand, he pulled the covers over him and tried to relax. He needed all the rest to get before he had to face one of the toughest fights he would ever have to deal with.
Studying for mid-terms.
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F I N A L L Y ! It is done! :D
With a whopping ninety-two portals and a brand new roof, the Portal Network is completely done and I’m pleased with the results. :3
Though, the portals don’t really lead anywhere and is just there for show. I’d need actual places to connect the portals to and I don’t really plan on creating ninety-two different locations all by myself. I definitely don’t enough patience or attention span for that.
ALTHOUGH, if people are willing to make some locations that the portals could lead to, I’d be willing to plop them into the world via MCEdit. It’d be cool to do a massive group effort with this. :D
“Will you be uploading the world somewhere?” Uh... maybe? I don’t know. There’s nothing to show other than a really long hallway with pretty portals, so there’s not much in the way of exploring right now.
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Using the power of mods, MCEdit, and my own determination/stubbornness, I have constructed the Portal Network in a little over a week!
Well, it’s not complete yet (there’s no ceiling and there’s PLENTY of room for more portals) but overall it’s looking great so far. :D
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Happy New Year~
Hope you folks have a good year this year!
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WOO! Finally played the final episode! Loved the ending! Very heartwarming but with a touch of sadness mixed in with friendship.
I suppose I could try to put into words how much I felt about the season BUT right now my mind is going ‘LNFLKEFJWKLEJFL ;~;’ so... uh, instead have all my choices below the KEEP READING.
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I kind of find it amusing because everything is pretty in the 50/50 range. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t like that when I first played the first episode. I think I have a screenshot of that.
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Well, anyway...
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ANNNND results at the time I played the episode when it first came out...
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I am just laughing because SO MANY PEOPLE PICKED LUKAS AND RADAR THE FIRST GO AROUND! I guess it eventually went to the middle when people went back to see the other option.
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And around when it came out...
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Yeeaaahhhh, I admit I had a bit of a difficult time between choosing Nurm or Lluna. I eventually went with leaving Nurm because... well, I mean, he DID volunteer to take Xara’s spot. I knew that meant that Jack wouldn’t be seeing his friend anytime soon, but as long as Nurm stayed where he was for the time being, I knew he’d be fine.
And I was completely right, by the way.
Also, Lluna is a teenage llama who kind of had enough of the Sunshine Institute. Me choosing her had nothing to do with me adoring the little cutie. :T
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And the choices from when it first came out...
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Yowza, a lot of people did not choose to wait for Petra.
I know I could have said I’d go with Petra, but it felt too... easy to say. I didn’t know what was going to be at the end of the road for Jesse and I didn’t want to get Petra’s hopes too high so I told her I’d wait for her.
No matter wherever Petra goes, no matter how long it would take, Jesse will wait for her friend. They will always be friends no matter what. That’s what I believe.
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Awww, I loved how Jack was pretty much like Petra when he was meeting Ivor. That was a cute touch. :3
Yeah, in the end, my Jesse decided to stay in Beacontown.
If there’s one thing my Jesse likes to do, it’s help people. Sure she likes to have adventures every once in a while, but that’s not all she wants to do.
Jesse wants to be the best hero she can be.
And a hero always wants to help people.
That’s why my Jesse decides to stay in Beacontown. To continue being the hero-in-residence, fix the town up and make it even better, and help ALL the lovely citizens! :3
Now for the character endings!
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Heck yeah I did!
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I’m thinking in the tens of thousands. Maybe even millions.
Not to mention a little jail time. I mean, he did kill people.
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*ahem* Well, now that my internal freaking is out of my system, I really need to get back to writing that Christmas... uh, Craftmas MCSM thing I’m working.
And try and finish my story on FF.N before season three comes out (whenever it’ll happen).
And work on another fanfic idea that episode four gave.
... MCSM has me by the ankles and is not going to let go anytime soon, I can tell.
Although maybe that’s a good thing? ;3
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Presenting: A Very Story Mode Christmas! It’s like Inktober, but as a countdown until Christmas! Story Mode Christmas will start on Dec. 1st, and end on the 25th, Christmas day! Uss the hastag #StoryModeChristmas when you post your drawings so others can find it!
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Behind-the-Scenes Blooper: Tiny Petra
During production there was a glitch where Petra showed up less than half her size in an adorable bug that the team dubbed Tiny Petra.
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“Jack’s Lament”
Dedicated to Sammy & Vos
Thought my adventures were over, I was content to let life pass me by/ That is until a young hero, came along with a glint in their eye/ They said “Jack do you think you can give me a hand, for mine is trapped in a glove from the sea.”/ I thought I had left the seas behind, but the seas came a-callin’ for me.
It’s a lonely road for a hero/ The road is a bittersweet friend/ For the road is cold and it’s hollow/ But it’s all you’ll have left in the end.
Sure there is glory… in my tragic backstory,/ But that is not why I’m swole./ For nothing builds shoulders/ Like regrets, big as boulders,/ As sure as the grief takes it’s toll.
I’m thankful my arms are so ripped, or I’d have been crushed from the start./ And I’m grateful my pecs are so jacked, to hold the pain of my broken heart.
My faces, they’ll never leave me, so I wrote them this sad serenade./ For the curse of a memory that’s perfect is that those faces, they’ll never fade./
It’s a lonely road for a hero/ But I won’t be alone at its end./ For I will wait in the shallows./ Until we meet again./
Until… We meet…. Again.
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I just finished playing the fourth episode and it was sooooooo good!
Emotional destroyed me at a few points especially towards the end there, but I loved it! :D
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Time to go to the ‘P’ word where everything is happy and carefree!
Also, dang it. I forgot to make the subtitles larger so they’d be easier to view in the screenshots. Maybe next time I’ll remember to make them larger.
If anyone wants me to add captions in all the posts underneath the screenshots because it’s hard to see, let me know.
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So Radar is doing the narrating! I guess it make sense since Lukas isn’t even this episode.
I miss him already. D:
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No more green eyes! Just good old fashioned brown eyes!
I... actually kind of miss the green eyes now. I think it’s because I got used to them in the last episode.
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Let’s see... we got some lava, some obsidian, a little bedrock, and a single dead bush.
This place just screams ‘WELCOME’!
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Digging the new outfit. Plain white top, orange pants...
Now all we need is a portal gun and we’re good to go!
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What? We’re not good enough to be welcomed in person? Well, I never!
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I don’t know why, but I get the feeling the game wants me to follow the orange line.
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Time to follow the yellow br- I mean, the orange concrete powder line!
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Where everything is made with diamonds and there’s free cake and cookies everyday!
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Hmm, now that I think about it, I guess this is the first time in a while where Jesse doesn’t have anyone to talk to besides herself.
At least she’s a great conversationalist with herself.
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The Sunshine Institute... without the sun! :D
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Ooooo, I’m digging the new Security Golems. They're totally evil and all, but they look cool!
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The fact that the guy who plays the Warden is the same guy who used to be on Blues Clues all those years ago is a little... disturbing.
Not enough to ruin my childhood, but I can never look at Steve the same way again.
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It’s a shame we never spent more than a minute in this section because I would have loved to explore every nook and cranny of this place.
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And I’ll be the pain in your backside. :D
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He’s also an endless source of whininess when he doesn’t get his way.
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But I can use the word ‘jail’ freely, right?
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First glimpse at Oxblood! He reminded me of the demons in the Witchery mod, but they have wings.
Maybe Oxblood got his wings clipped. :(
Sad headcanon HOOOOOOOOOE~!
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Buddy, being the Admin’s favorite would be pure torture. I mean, you get to be on the good side of the most powerful person in the whole world, but seeing as how the Admin is the jealous type, he’d want you to have him as your only friend.
See? Torture.
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Majestic you say?
Just how many aliases does Jack have, anyway?
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... Something tells me we haven’t even scratched the surface.
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‘Dangerous’ is my middle name!
... Not really, but it’s probably one of Jack’s aliases.
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Aw, Jack... D:
There was no way he could have seen the whole ‘Vos is the Admin’ thing coming. Who could have possibly known that the Admin could transform into people?
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This next part is going to be a-MAZE-ing!
... Okay, I know the pun was completely unnecessary, but it was there and I couldn’t resist the urge to pun!
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The only differences I can tell between these and the normal minecraft spiders is the little red marks on the spider’s legs.
Admin, you were a little lazy on the spiders design. I give you a C-.
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You gotta wonder how many people died in the Admin’s prison.
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I believe the term you’re looking for is either a ‘Speeper’ or a ‘Crider’.
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Light 'em up, up, up! Light ‘em up, up, up! I’m on fire~!
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I’m sure we’re almost there! :D
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Rude? I would have said ‘that’s a new record’. :D
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I was wondering what this was supposed to be and why it looked so suspicious but I realize now...
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... it’s probably the room where we teleported to.
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You don’t get to tell Jesse to pull mystery levers! Jesse pulls mystery levers when she wants to! >:|
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Do you... do you want me to leave you and the TNT block alone for a while?
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Personally, if I was a crazy evil Admin who wanted to use someone as leverage for the hero, I would have scooped up all of their friends and used them as leverage.
I mean, if you’re gonna go full on villain and keep the hero trapped, then you will use every opportunity to make a hero behave. That includes kidnapping all their friends just in case the hero is somehow able to escape with one of their friends. Simply threaten to kill the others unless they come back and behave like the good hero they are.
But I’m not a crazy psycho Admin, so what would I know? :P
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It was so breathtaking that everything lit up in a heavenly light.
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I’ll admit, I sort of panicked a bit and was nervous to see how they would torture Radar if I didn’t say yes, so I said I’d work for the Warden.
But mark my words, you will pay for what you did to the cinnamon roll!
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Never before has a business suit made me feel so... dirty and despicable.
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I imagine that despite the horrible situation, Jesse will still try to put on a brave face and say encouraging words to try and cheer someone up.
I think that’s just how I view my Jesse, though.
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Dang it. Stella’s in jail, but not in the way I wanted it to be.
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Trust me, what Jesse is feeling is far from jealousy.
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Yeah, Jesse still feels like one even though she’s wearing black.
Oh, wait, we’re talking about you. Oops.
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... because you might just get it.
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I expected more mushrooms in the Mush Room. You lied to me, game!
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Plot twist: Stella is actually going to be very important to the plot.
Either we have to fight her as some sort of ‘boss’, she’ll help us out more later down the line, or she’s going to sacrifice herself in a really unexpected way.
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I feel like this is more of a Rush Room than a Mush Room.
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First quest of the episode! Get Radar some food!
........ After I talk to everyone first and derp around a little. I’m sure Radar can wait around for a while.
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Yeah, who would dare eat a cookie when there’s prisoners struggling to get a single mushroom?!?
*slowly reaches over to the package of cookies I have next to me and eats one*
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And here we have Rob Boss! I know he’s a reference to the painter, Bob Ross, but I never saw any of his stuff so the reference is lost to me.
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And here’s my mushroom! It was only after I made it that I thought about adding a patch of dirt underneath, but oh well.
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How can I critic something that isn’t there?!
Unless you used an invisibility potion on it, but I doubt it.
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*sweats nervously*
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And here we have my favorite prisoner of the entire episode! You know, not including the main cast.
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Aqua was pleased she had the option to speak in third person for a short time, but was saddened it had ended so soon. Perhaps Aqua would have the chance to do it again, but she doubted it.
So she decided to type more in third person just because she could.
What started Brick’s narrating craze? Aqua wished she had to option to find out the truth, but knew it was never meant to be. It would forever eat at the back of her mind.
Wondering but never knowing.
With a heavy heart, Aqua moved on from Brick to add different screenshots and attempted to make the occasional joke with them in the hope to make people let out a chuckle, if only a little.
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Suuuuurrreeeeee, you are.
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Of course making a single cookie wouldn’t be that easy...
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Nothin’ personal, but so is the cinnamon roll. So if you don’t mind-
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Oh my gosh, I’m terrible. What have I become?!
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Okay, I see what I have to do. Just play some mind games on the Warden and maybe-
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Oh gosh, I didn’t mean to!
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Before we hand the cookie to Radar, let’s end this post here. It’s already getting kind of long.
Besides, I’m sure Radar can wait a while. Right, Radar?
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See? He’ll be fine! He can wait a few days before the next post.
Maybe a week.
I don’t really have a time table for these things...
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Your screenshots and commentaries are freakin' hilarious.
Awwww, thank you! It’s good to know people like them! :D
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In which I finish posting episode two screenshots before going to jail.
Ooookay, I finished episode three the other day and I wanna post screenshots of that, but I’m trying to be good and finish the rest of episode two.
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I really should do another playthrough and see what happened with Petra and Jack. I think it’s an escape the room puzzle?
I know how to do those! Try everything on everything until something happens!
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Now that’s what I call timing.
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......... Well...
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Being a hero means you gotta save people who you want to strangle.
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And winners are supposed to win, right?
Well, a team is supposed to team up. Eheheh.
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Well, I mean, he still has a ways to go, but Radar has been making good progress so far!
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He soars.
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Now that I think about it, how short is Radar compared to everyone else? I mean, I know he uses the Alex model and that’s why his arms are so scrawny, but is he shorter than, say, Olivia?
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And here we have the synchronized triple blink.
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*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
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... Huh, now that I think about it, can cacti in Minecraft burn in lava?
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The answer is kinda. They just turn into items to pick up the moment the lava flows next to them and then immediately burns up in the lava if you aren’t fast enough to pick it up.
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Aw crud, I missed the part where they get pistoned to the ground.
I need to spam the screenshot button more during action scenes.
But at least this screenshot looks cute.
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When in doubt, think outside the box!
Literally in this case. :D
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Lluna, I have several questions and none of them will be answered.
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Last I check, even with a pickaxe it’d still take forever to get through a block with mining fatigue on.
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The Elder Guardian has been placed.
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And the fatigue has been gotten.
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One minute in with my fist and there’s not even a mark on the block.
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One minute in with a pickaxe and there’s an actual dent.
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Three minutes later and I’m half-way there!
It was at that point that the Elder Guardian gave me a jumpscare and I moved my mouse away from the block kfjlglsflaksjfl.
But you get the idea. Even with a pickaxe, it’d still take forever (and by forever, I mean over six minutes) just to get through one iron block. Jesse had to mine a whole bunch of them.
Who knew the Admin was so patient? xD
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Yeah, I would have fallen asleep by the time Jesse was done too, Petra. xD
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They rise!
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The clock. So close and yet so far away.
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Screw the rules! This is Jesse the rebel we’re talking about! >:D
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Yay! The cinnamon roll! :D
Also Stella’s there too, I guess.
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Snow Endercreepers. That’s a new one. I can’t even think of a mod on the top of my head that would have something like this.
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Say ‘Ah!’
Eh, close enough.
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I do think Stella cares for Lluna in her own way... it’s just she needs to learn to see past herself first.
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Ah yes, this choice.
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‘Let Petra go get it,’ I thought. ‘She’s having her existential crisis thing so maybe this is what she needs,’ I thought.
Aha... hahah... HAHAHAHAHA!
Ooooooh, I am sooooo naïve sometimes.
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Aw snap! Lukas throwing dat shade!
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And the realization is going to slooooowwwwly set in.
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... I’m actually curious about these dreams. Does Jesse come in riding a majestic stallion and rescue a trapped Radar from an evil Enderdragon? Does Jesse fights mobs upon mobs trying to get a poor, defenseless Radar? Does Jesse come in and rescue Radar from the dreaded paperwork monster and fill it out like it was nothing?
The world may never know.
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At this point, I was pretty much all ‘stop being full of yourself, please. There are bigger things to deal with than your ego.’
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*Closes eyes, takes a deep breath, and counts to ten*
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There she is! The cute lil’ llama full of love and-
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... Oh. I see how it is. She just likes me for my stuff. ;_;
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The sun will come out~ tomorrow~!
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A+ on the look of this shot and room. :3
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Even Lluna is amazed!
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Petra, you deserve all the crushing hugs you can get! :D
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That’s incredibly sweet of Lukas, but ow.
Knowing what happens next episode... ow...
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It was at this point I had a bunch of alarms going off in my head.
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Well, you just lost the staring contest, Admin. I WIN! :D
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Somebody got shot with a spectral arrow.
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This guy doesn’t even have to try hard to look and sound evil.
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Aw, poor Jack. He just can’t catch a break. D:
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Yeah, the whole ‘I survived off a stack of porkchops’ thing was extremely suspicious, but seeing as it was Minecraft logic, I let it slide.
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This guy has some serious delusions on what friendship is.
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If there’s one thing Stella is good at, it’s schmoozing.
... And looking at herself in the mirror. xD
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Listen, Admin, that’s... uh, flattering, but Jesse never asked for all this.
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‘Wah wah, you like your friends more than me and you want to go with them instead of being my Champion, wah.’
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Okay, maybe antagonizing an all powerful Admin might not have been the best idea...
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Cue the ‘OH SHI-’ moment.
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Welp, that’s the end of episode two. Hope people like my unnecessary commentary! 
I’ll post episode three screenshots eventually. 
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I’m beginning to think I have a problem...
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Even more screenshots for episode two! Thar be spoilers.
So I was looking at some earlier screenshots and...
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Of course ‘Vos’ doesn’t remember. OF COURSE.
This also means that the Admin isn’t omniscient and doesn’t know everything that’s happening in the world at all times. Or at least doesn’t know everything that he doesn’t care about. Just like me in high school and my science classes.
Also the ‘screenshotting blinking’ curse continues.
Anyway, where was I?
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Petra, it’s pretty much obligatory at this point to activate every single lever and button in Jesse’s vicinity.
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You gotta admit, the snowadmin really does know how to put on a show.
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I was about to say ‘well, Stella might be a little weaker compared to everyone else’ but then I remembered she’s not a friend.
So the ‘My friends aren’t weak’ comment is still true, HAH.
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Aw, come on, Admin. I pretty much LIVE for lame puns.
Maybe he needs to chill out some more.
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And then everyone died. The end.
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Jesse, you’re looking a little too creepy with the smile and the lighting.
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jack too op plz nerf
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*loud internal sighing and screaming*
Also, ‘handsome’. Hurr hurr.
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Hmm... spiders or arrows? Spiders or arrows?
Is there a third option involving cake?
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Stella, there are times where I want to laugh because you’re so full of yourself but there are other times where I want to slap you upside the head for being so full of yourself.
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Oho, I bet you do know better.
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Admittedly, Radar might not be up one hundred percent for some of the trials, but this is his first adventure so what better way to learn other than training somewhere safer!
As for Lukas... well, admittedly, he’s certainly not the strongest in the Order and writing a novel in a cabin away from most people would make some fighting skills a little rusty, but there’s no better shooter of the group!
At least, I think he is? If not him, then Olivia. The only time I remember Lukas really using a bow before this was the first half in season one. In the second half he mostly used his sword and fisticuffs and promptly got his butt handed to him most of the time (EX: Aiden, the White Pumpkin, and he got owned in Spleef).
Lukas, have you ever considered the possibility of using tipped arrows? No? Okay...
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“‘Wasn’t the coolest?’ Oh, no. Misfiling your acacia wood during material orgination week ‘isn’t the coolest’. That was, that was a stripe too far! Just because I’m not some sword-swinging meathead, they think they can just walk all over me! Th-th-they think... They look at me, and my, well, skinny little arms, and they think they know me? They think the know me? Well, they are wrong, dead wrong! I mean, I have been an embarrassment sometimes... But it stops here! It ends today! And, I-I guess I’m done. Sorry!”
First time I ever let him finish and what a show!
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I can’t tell if she agreed with them because she thinks it really is good for everyone, she doesn’t want them hurt, got peer pressured by Vos and Jack, or what. Kinda hard to tell.
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I chose Lukas and Radar because, let’s face it, I’m extremely predictable. Of course I choose the two cinnamon rolls. OF COURSE.
Sorry, Petra! Maybe in my silent playthrough!
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Awww, noooo! Don’t give me that look! D:
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And here we have these cool looking entrances for rooms that we’ll never, ever, ever get to see! Which is kinda sad because they look kinda cool...
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This is honestly the weirdest place to find a parrot. Maybe the Admin likes parrots too?
I’m kidding... mostly. But ahaha, can you imagine? Admin the Parrot King.
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I say the same thing with everything I ever do.
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Radar, don’t you know that you’re not supposed to eat anything before getting on a roller coaster?
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I never found out about the karma part, actually. I just assume you get hurt if you messed up.
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I kind of wanted to try the mushroom island biome instead. Dang it, Lukas. You got the one I wanted. :(
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I am completely fine with spoilers! ........ After I play the episode, that is.
If you dare spoil me about a important plot point, you’re dead to me.
Not really, but I will be really sad and disappointed.
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A wild ‘Vos’ appears!
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Oh, I bet you know what you’re doing.
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*Nothing but awkward silence and stares*
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HAH! I’ll admit, I laughed way too hard at the ‘I get along with everyone!’ option. Oooooh my gosh. xD
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I noticed a lot of people in the tags like to think that Radar is like Jesse and Lukas’ adoptive son.
... And I am completely on board with that because SERIOUSLY! LUKAS IS LIKE A FATHER/MENTOR FIGURE TO RADAR AT THIS POINT. :D
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Yeah, I’ma be honest, the shooting thing wasn’t that hard. My years of playing Skyrim have taught me well!
... Or, you know, I’m an adult playing a game more geared toward kids. But whatever, po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
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... Radar, please tell me you’re not secretly working for Stella.
I will be seriously crushed if that’s the case.
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Aaaannnnnndddd there goes the floor!
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Don’t think I didn’t see that little look, you little sneak.
....... Well, I only notice it now in these screenshots. BUT STILL!
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Mutant snow golems! No one told me we had mods installed!
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Well, hello there, big guy. How you doin’?
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Eh, the fight wasn’t that hard. Only got hit for two hearts.
Was pretty cool, though. :D
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Precious smol bean being helpful. :3
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Dat snow golem face. xD
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Awww. Someday, Radar, you will master the art of witty banter during fights. :3
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I missed the actual moment of the hug because I was too busy going ‘awwwwwww’. :D
And I’ma stop it right here. Next screenshot post will be the last one for episode two.
And then maybe finish up episode one? But episode three is coming out the 19th. Ooooh, decisions.
Fare thee well~, folks!
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Can you give us a plot spoiler, but do it in a way in which we don't know it's a spoiler until the season ends?
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Well, I just finished playing episode two and HNNNNNGGGGHHHH.
Yeah, that’s pretty much my reaction for... everything that happened. Me just internally screaming.
Since I screenshotted liked a madwoman AGAIN, I’ll just post some interesting ones.
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My Jesse has green eyes for some reason and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one this has happened to.
I also tried to make the subtitles slightly bigger to see if they’ll be easier to see in the posts. Apparently not that much of a difference... :,D
I have captured so much blinking YET AGAIN, you have noooo idea.
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You destroyed Reuben’s memorial.
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‘Hustlesticks’. Oh, he’s so precious. xD
Radar has had many adorable moments this episode. This is one of them.
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Some in progress screenshots for the new Reuben Memorial.
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I’d just like to point out that Petra can understand Villagerese.
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Admin the Snowman... HA! xD
Wait, no. The Admin doesn’t deserve that happy kiddy song. He deserves this.
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Is there a cliche/troupe when characters say ‘This isn’t a game!’ when it actually is a game? I feel like there should be if there isn’t.
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I salute you, Clockmaster.
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StacyPlays, if you knew what their quest was about, then you’d be spoiled before you’d eventually do an LP on the episode.
Which I plan to watch eventually when Season Two is finished.
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I know Petra feels a little lost since her friends have found their ‘thing’ and don’t have as much time to go on adventures with her as much anymore. I get that.
Which is probably why she took up that offer to be ‘Champion’ for Champion City. She just wants to find her place, even if she made a dumb decision to do it in Stella’s town.
She feels like that since her friends are going their separate ways and have all these new responsibilities, they don’t need her anymore and I guess that’s why she didn’t talk to Jesse about all this in the first place.
The time might come where Jesse and Petra will have to go their separate ways despite them wanting to remain close friends. Yes, it’ll hurt. Yes, you’ll want to cling onto you old friendships because you can’t help but love them no matter what happens.
But sometimes our paths will take us different directions and we may have to let someone we care for go so they can be free to follow their path.
It may be hard to accept, but it happens to the best of friends sometimes.
Sometimes friendships fade. Sometimes they hold on despite the toughest of storms and challenges.
I feel like no matter where they go and what they’ll do, the new Order of the Stone will still be friends no matter what happens to them.
They just have to make an effort to keep the fire of friendship burning every once in a while, despite their newfound responsibilities.
I just totally went on a tangent there. OOPS.
Anyway, where was I? :,D
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Lukas, I’m pretty sure there are a few llamas in Beacon Town, so why are you surprised that we know one llama?
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I know Jesse probably shouldn’t egg her on, but I just can’t help choosing that option. xD
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Lluna looks so incredibly done right now.
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The Admin may be totally insane and evil, but the design of this place is pretty sweet. :D
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You know, the moment I saw that massive clock, I thought that it’d be perfect for a clock tower and I was right!
I was just hoping that one would be built for Beacon Town and not used for evil. :,D
*Immediately thinks of the Tik Tok song after looking at this clock tower and feels so ashamed of herself*
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Eh, so what if Radar used to live in Champion City? He’s our cinnamon bun now, Stella! :D
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Okay, that’s enough out of me for right now because I made this post of screenshots unnecessarily long... again.
There’s just so many GOOD SHOTS! I CAN’T HELP MYSELF!
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Screenshot time! This time with more silliness!
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Jesse has never looked so done before in her life.
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Come on, Radar. Have as much faith in yourself as Jesse does. :3
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I’m beginning to think a good chunk of these screenshots were taken when they were blinking.
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I would assume Minecraft zombies smelled like... well, rotten flesh. xD
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Jesse’s definitely late, but how could she NOT be?
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Yeah, paperwork isn’t exactly fun. It’s necessary to keep everything in order, but it does get tedious.
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Be careful what you wish for and all that jazz.
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Petra, didn’t you know the iron look is ‘in’ this year?
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I know gold swords are fancy and all, but diamond swords kill things faster and last a lot longer.
I would think Petra would have a gotten a diamond sword at some point, but whatever floats her boat. :P
Also blink count: 2
(Three if you count one in the last post)
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I rather like the stamina meter. Though, this means I can’t spam my sword strikes now. xD
Also, the box shows a stone sword while Jesse holds an iron one.
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Petra, I know you’re cranky about everyone being busy and all, but still, THAT’S HARSH.
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Petra ain’t having none of that.
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Awwww yeeeeaaaahhhhh...
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When will Jesse’s reign of stealing cake end?
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I don’t know about you, but that clearly looks like a Pikachu.
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Spiders... why does it always have to be spiders?
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She ascends angrily.
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*looks into the camera like she’s on the office*
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Ended up letting Petra have that one. She looked so happy winning despite almost getting maimed by spiders. xD
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Behold, the most majestic and lovable creature you will ever lay your eyes on.
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Petra, you look a little too happy with that torch.
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Roll credits!
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Blink Count: 4
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Well, don’t that look ominous.
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You know, if a weird creepy glove thing whispers to you creepily, the most logical thing to do is bury the whole ravine and hightail it out of there.
But this is a video game and we wouldn’t have any conflict if we didn’t pick it up. :P
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“Jeeesssseeee... Slayer of the Witherstorm... The Old Builders’ Downfall... This world’s champion... This world’s mightiest hero... Worthiest in all the land...”
Gauntlet, gauntlet, on the stand. Who’s the worthiest of them all?
Also, it said another thing and I missed screenshooting it, but I don’t think it was that important.
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Blink count: 5
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And in that moment, Jesse knew... she fricked up.
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Because of destiny and all that, right, Petra? xD
Maybe the power of the glove is ingrained on the very world itself.
Maybe it’s the key to unlocking creative mode.
Maybe it’s the first part to accessing the world’s server.
Or maybe it’s a fashion statement.
... I’m leaning towards fashion statement myself. xD
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Because you’re the playable character, Jesse. Of COURSE it’s always you. :P
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Uh-huh... uh-huh... yeah, that's a hole to oblivion right there.
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A+ faces.
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I’m beginning to think the power of creative mode was within us all along.
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Sometimes you gotta be blunt about things and warn people about the impending doom that’s right on their doorstep.
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Honestly, when Petra said the name of the sword was ‘Miss Butter’, my first thought was SkyDoesMinecraft.
I watched, like, two videos of his a long time ago and the only things I remember are butter and squids.
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Blink count: 6
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I’m kinda wondering how long Champion City was around and why Jesse never went to check out the neighbors.
She was probably helping out people and doing paperwork instead. :P
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Blink count: 7
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You know, Champion City looks nice on paper, it just doesn’t have that... spark, you know? That spark of personality and creativity that Beacon Town has.
I look at this city and I just feel... meh.
Which was probably the point when they designed the city, but I thought I’d point it out anyway.
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... Although I gotta give points to the llama statues. xD
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Blink count: 8
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Also, this is a look full of ‘NOOOOOOOOO~!’
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Lluna is having a temper tantrum and I just want to adopt her and take her away from Stella.
But that isn’t a choice, sadly. xD
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Blink count: 9 & 10
Either I need to learn to screenshot people when they’re not blinking or everybody in this games needs to stop blinking entirely.
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Jesse, I don’t think it’s a good idea to call @stirpicus a jerk. What with him being the head writer for your story and all.
Also, blink count: 11
Actually, wait a minute...
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Blink count: 12
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Okay, before I post of a bunch of Stella screenshots, I’m gonna end this post right here. The new episode is coming out in a few days and this has been in my drafts for waaaaaaay longer than I meant to.
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