ara-of-erstwhile · 2 years
Peter tries SO hard to be Grown Up and Kingly in the first half of Prince Caspian, especially after meeting Caspian... yes, I'm not a big fan of the exponential increase in Antagonism and Aggression between them in the film (for the sake of Interesting Conflict, I assume) HOWEVER it works to create an incredible contrast when, halfway through the movie, the sneak attack on the Telmarines fail. After the gate slams down between them and the Narnians trapped behind it tell him to run, Peter looks back and sees them fight to their deaths. The look of absolute devastation that crosses his face when he realizes that he can't save them makes him look like a child again. It just about broke my heart.
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
Art that Reminds me of Narnia
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
Peter hearing about the Dawn Treader summer? Lucy/Edmund telling him? I don't know haha I just think it would be interesting
A/N: I don’t like leaving asks unanswered for very long, so it’s a little unpolished, but I hope you like it!
Forever a King of Narnia
“He’s only been back a week, Lu, and you’ve already asked him about his exams a bazillion times. If he knew how he’d done he wouldn’t’ve waited till the fiftieth time you asked to tell us.” 
Peter laughed and lay back down on the grass. “Ed’s right. I’m not withholding some fascinating tidbit of information. They were exams and I hated it, what more were you expecting?”
From the corner of his eye he could see Lucy sticking her tongue out at him and Edmund. “Only trying to start conversation. What do you want to talk about then, geniuses?”
Peter bit his lip. He’d avoided the subject of Narnia since he’d returned, not so much out of bitterness as concern. He’d spent the whole summer with the Professor, and while they’d mostly discussed his schoolwork, the Professor had also retold him all the old stories of Narnia. He’d gotten to see the old wardrobe: though of course it no longer led to home, there was something soothing about being so close. But he hated to rub it in that he’d gotten such an opportunity when they’d been stuck with Eustace all summer. He’d thought that Ed or Lucy might bring it up on their own, but for some reason they seemed just as hesitant to broach the subject.
Lucy gave an exasperated huff. “...Does he still have the wardrobe?”
Peter glanced at her, surprised at the note of hesitance in her voice. “I- yes, of course. It barely fits in his office, but I don’t think he could bear to get rid of it.” He swallowed and added gently, “It doesn’t go anywhere now though, you know. I tried... I wonder what all our old friends are up to.”
Edmund and Lucy exchanged a strange look, and Peter frowned. “What?”
Edmund grinned. “Are you going to tell him or should I?”
Peter sat straight up, flushing red as his hair fell into his face. “WHAT?!”
Edmund pressed his lips together, badly trying to hide his smile. “Caspian said to say hello. And that Trumpkin talks about you all the time-” he deepened his voice in an imitation of the dwarf- “This would never have happened if the High King was here.” Both him and Lucy burst into giggles as Peter stared at them in disbelief.
“You got back?! But how? You’ve only been home a couple of weeks longer than me-”
“Not here,” Lucy interrupted. “At Eustace’s. He came with us by accident. He’s actually rather nice now, I think being a dragon did him a lot of good.”
Peter just stared at them, now roaring with laughter. “If you’re joking, tell me now. It isn’t funny.”
“We’re not joking. Why would we be joking about something like that?”
“You’re laughing, aren’t you? Eustace was a?-” He took a deep breath in, desperate hunger stirring in his chest. Narnia. Then he swung a mock punch at Edmund.
Edmund easily dodged it. “What-”
Peter hit him lightly on the chest with his other hand and grinned. “That’s for waiting a week to tell me, you little prat.” He reached over and flicked Lucy, who scrambled away, still laughing. “And that’s for asking me about exams when we could have been talking about Narnia!!” 
Lucy looked as if she were barely keeping herself from exploding with excitement. “We didn’t know how to bring it up was all! We thought you’d’ve mentioned it sooner! Where should we start, anyways?” 
His chest felt tight and he leaned forward, almost too eager to bear it. “How are Caspian and Trumpkin and all the others? What did you do? It must have been quite an adventure if it was able to improve Eustace. Go on, tell me every little detail. I want to know everything.”
Edmund and Lucy both began speaking at once, talking and laughing and adding details the other had forgotten, and Peter leaned forward, hanging on to each word as if it were a gem.  Aslan had told him to go back to his own world, he thought, with a small smile: well, he had, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t hang onto the scraps of home as they came.
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
What version/adaptation of Narnia do you prefer? Like the books, BBC series, etc
Thanks for asking!
The Walden movies will always have a special place in my heart, I think the casting was amazing and they are really beautiful films. However, they aren't the best adaptations of the books (looking at you VOTDT).
I have seen the BBC series which I think are probably better adaptations of the books but they are not my favourite. The acting isn't always great and the small budget definetely didn't help with the world building.
When I was younger I would listen to the Focus on the Family radio series ALL THE TIME. I haven't listened to it in years but if my memory serves right, I would highly reccomened it. But again, it might not live up to what I remembered. I really enjoyed the series because I could imagine Narnia for myself. It was really formative for me and is probably what got me interested in fantasy/classic literature in the first place.
All that being said, the Focus on the Family radio drama is probably the adaptation I most prefer. However, the Walden charecters are always the ones I imagine when reading the books/imagining the charecters so the Walden movies are definetely a close second.
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
I love this!
Im probably a combination of Jane and Elizabeth Bennet, Princess Leia, and Peter Pevensie... definetely got older sibling energy (also honorable mention for Emma Woodhouse - 2009). 
Sometimes therapy is watching Pride and Prejudice (1995) and realizing just how much of Jennifer Ehle’s Lizzy you’ve co-opted into your own personality
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
The Erstwhile series
Hello everyone! 
So recently the prologue I wrote like two years ago for a fanfic series has been getting some attention in the past few weeks. I only wrote one chapter for the series, Erstwhile, but I have had a whole pre-long-winter and golden age storyline planned. In addition to this, the Narnian history series I wrote has had a micro “blow up” (by that I mean like twenty people have liked it in the past two weeks). I still havent released the last chapter of that series. SO... all that being said, would people be interested in reading more of either of these series? I would love to continue them but I might need some encouragement. 
So please let me know some feedback! 
(also if anyone was wondering, Ara is not my name. The blog is named after a headcannon charecter of mine)
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
The feminine urge to attempt to build your headcannon version of Cair Paravel in Minecraft every six months just to delete the world after building for an hour <3<3
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
I log off of Tumblr for two weeks and come back to 70 new notes and 17 new followers???! Thank you guys so much! I hope everyone is having an incredible new year! xxx
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
Narnia Incorrect Quotes 253/?
Susan: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword
Edmund: That's why I carry two swords!
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
So beautiful :))
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Take me to Narnia where all my childhood dreams and fantasy can come true. ;) 
The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
Cair Paravel pt. 2
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ara-of-erstwhile · 3 years
Narnian Fashion Inspiration pt. 2
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About two years too late but better late than never. 
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ara-of-erstwhile · 4 years
Hey everyone... my pronouns are she/they :)
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ara-of-erstwhile · 4 years
Hold up... WHAT?! 
narnia tiktok is interesting in a bad way. no i will not be elaborating on this
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ara-of-erstwhile · 4 years
Cair Paravel 
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Summertime at Cair
“The castle of Cair Paravel on its little hill towered up above them; before them were the sands, with rocks and little pools of salt water, and seaweed, and the smell of the sea and long miles of bluish-green waves breaking for ever and ever on the beach. And oh, the cry of the seagulls!“
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ara-of-erstwhile · 4 years
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@narnianetwork voyage 14: get to know the members - Natalie, the Magnificent Court
“Peter did not feel very brave; indeed, he felt he was going to be sick. But that made no difference to what he had to do.”
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