arakomi · 2 years
꒰account notice (╥_╥)꒱
hello! it’s ara here :D
what i want to say here is that, my dad planning on to give my laptop to someone else asap, well im okay w that though it’s kind of sad...i hv this laptop for abt 3 years rn and i alr comfortable using this laptop yk.
and this stupid ass of mine decide to forget abt this account info (omfg) and i think i’ll make a new account too later ಥ_ಥ !!
but dw! once i make a new account i’ll make sure to follow all of my moots here ><!! (if i remember yall user T_T)
well then, it was nice to meet you guys and i really enjoyed my time in this account :)
and ofc, thank you so much for blowing up that one kenji’s post LOLLL, i’m so happy bcs of that post, ppl get to know kenji <3 including my friend! and i will be nothing if i hadn’t post that kenji photo lmao (o´ω`o)ノ  thank you to all kenji tumblr stan, ilysm kekekeke
i appreciate all of the love and clout i’ve received in this account, please take care and i hope i see you soon! stay healthy, stay happy and stay slay (LOL)
good bye ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
much love, ara.
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arakomi · 2 years
may deff not my month, i hade enough LOL
it just reminds me of may 2020 smh, it sucks innit
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arakomi · 2 years
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sorry tht i’m not rly active on tumblr, i had to memorize 10+ different napkin folding style bcs culinary major yk, and my teacher is srs such a pain in my ass
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arakomi · 2 years
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CAN THIS PANEL BE ANIMATED ASAP  his little hand gesture (sobs)
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arakomi · 2 years
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Sakusa Kiyoomi - Outside Hitter for MSBY Black Jackal drawn by Furudate-sensei
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arakomi · 3 years
꒰fall in love? with who?꒱
yoooooo, udah lama enggak nulis nulis wkwkwk, sy mau nulis tentang seseorang yang sy sendiri gatau suka atau engga.
ada cowo dikelas sy, dia kalo diliat liat ya tipe sy banget ya? tinggi, kacamataan, suka kucing(?), pinter juga kayanya and lastly...suaranya dia omg...i got chills whenever i heard his voice (-_-;)・・・ 
dan awal awal sekolah juga dia sempet chattan sama sy, kek nanyain, gaada tugas kah dari bu bla bla? nah karna sy kan orangnya idiot, sy bangun kesiangan...dan baca chatnya dia juga agak panik WKWKWKW karna awalnya sy kira yang chat temen sy taunya bukam T_T soalnya kontaknya agak sama yh (¬‿¬ ) 
dan ya ga lama dari itu, dia nge chat sy mulu dan kek clingy...? IDK MAYBE IT JUST ME OR,,,,abis dia kek sedih bat sy ga milih kelompok A, tapi ya apa mungkin sy yang geer (njer)
ya kita chattan beberapa kali dan yaaaaaa, vibes dia sama sy tuh nyambung loh? ya sebagai orang yang baru ketemu ya dia emang asik aja orangnya, easy going cuy (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) 
tapi ya akhir akhir ini engga chttan lagi, engga tau dah kenapa WKWKWKK kita ke sekolah ketemuan pun juga ga ngobrol, sekata satu kata pun nda...padahal kalo di chat ya “HSDAHGDHSHS” banget tapi klo ketemu beneran awk banget jsjsjsj (ya emang orang kebanyakan gitu sih)
tapi ya jujur, sy gabisa natap mata dia, padahal sy engga suka? kek blom hv a crush aja gitu, sy juga orangnya gak yang wajib banget punya crush, cuman ya aneh aja lohhhh, suka deg deg an klo pas pas an, denger suaranya, nengok ke arah kursinya dia aja gak berani coy ٩(ఠ益ఠ)۶ 
CUMAN YA...KLO SETIAP KETEMU DAG DIG DUG TAPI EMANGNYA SY BENERAN SUKA SM DIA...??? (╥﹏╥) ya gatau sih ya, mungkin sy kesepian...tapi mungkin sy pengen berteman sm dia, yagasi (>ω^) yaaaa sy mau banget punya boy bsf sih ><
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arakomi · 3 years
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from the latest stream on twitch! also, screenshotting on laptop is sooo damn hard wtf 😭😭🤨?!?
anyways...hope everyone had a great day!! im stressing out over school hw rn *sigh*
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arakomi · 3 years
awww, november udah mau selesai :( but thank you for the memory tho, november ini bulan kesukaan aku pls! well, since twas my birth month lmao XD!!
and yea not to mention that,it was the worst bday i’ve ever feel...my expectation is too high, sadly....
bukannya mau dibales balik ya, but waktu mereka ulang tahun, aku buat bday sign + party popper literally at jam 2 pagi, dan waktu aku bawa reaksi mereka malah “ih, norak banget sih ra!”
bro...sy bongkar bongkar lemari sy buat cari origami dll, begadang (ugh), lewatin makan malem, and other stuff that can damage my health dan reaksi km kaya gitu...?
nvm, i will NEVER do that again, i will only baked bday cookies for me, myself and i idc :(
that’s why, you should never be friend with your past bully, i’ve learned my lesson and will do my best in the future.
please never treat people like that ever again, ya sy harap sy orang terakhir yang diperlakukan kaya gitu sm mereka, kejadiannya 3 tahun yang lalu tapi masi lekat banget sama sy, i hope mereka berubah jadi lebih baik dan gaakan kaya gitu lagi!!
i hope so...
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arakomi · 3 years
i loooooove this song so much
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arakomi · 3 years
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KENJI THE LOML, he’s so cute idc.
i had to post kenji on my birthday tho, my november becoming more brighter because i accidently press one of his youtube videos lol, tysm kenji!
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arakomi · 3 years
AHHHHHHHIT'S MY BDAYi hope i can be happy in this age!!
what i want for a present? a therapy ofc, i need it so i can be mentally stable in 2022
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arakomi · 3 years
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birthday post! i hope i hv a great birthday and i hope this year treat me well!
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arakomi · 3 years
jadituh hari ini PAS or known as “penilaian akhir semester” dan kukira sekolah aku mulainya pas bulan desember dan ternyata ENGGA DONG???
mana aku bangunnya telat, belom sarapan dan pusing banget pokoknya kek orang idiot planga plongo nungguin laptop loading KWWKWKKW, dan jadwal PAS nya ilang!!! file kisi kisi juga gaada, storage hp penuh, hp ku juga lowbat kann (gusti)
and the worst part is, MAPEL PERTAMA MTK DONG WTFFF!??!?!?! pokoknya udah pasrah banget deh hari ini astaga, jadi orang idiot engga enak ternyata.
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arakomi · 3 years
semasa pandemi ini, jujur capek ngerjain tugas yang banyakkkkkkk...tiap harinya dikasih tugas dengan materi yang belum aku pelajarin, gmeet juga jarang, dan yang ptm sama dirumah juga beda banget.
yang ke sekolah praktek mulu, yang dirumah tugas mulu :( ya akhirnya karna tugas terlalu banyak, ketumpuk dan bakal dilupain (wkqjskajs)
aku juga udah ilang motivasi sih ya jujur, moodnya juga ga karuan, klo ptm akunya yang ga bisa bersosialisasi, tapi aku percaya sih klo semua temen di sekolah ku ini yaaa pada baik (aminn)
semangat sjh deh untuk ku :3
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arakomi · 3 years
꒰diam sjh!꒱
pernah gasi, kita ngasih tau foto crush kita ke temen, terus bilang “ganteng kan crush sy!” terus temen km malah bilang “gantengnya dimana njir?”
kek yaudah sih...crush itu ganteng dimata diri kita sendiri *sigh*
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arakomi · 3 years
A person shouldn't endure it for too long, they started to get messed up when they endure things for too long
Yunifer from “a evil lady hero” manhwa.
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arakomi · 3 years
꒰song stuck in my head꒱
plss, lagu nya pada stuck di kepala sy!!
❥  Encore - Vendredi Sur Mer
❥  Ecoute cherie - Vendredi Sur Mer
❥  Pit a Pet - YUKIKA
❥  Honey - KUCKA
❥  Body party - Ciara
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