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She tell me she don't like the rock 'n roll lifestyle anymore
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I’m way too obsessed with them help.
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This is so perfect this is so flawless this is my treasure!
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more pokemon AU doodles (here's the first one)
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Welcome to my Mega Problematic Sylvie post
I wanted to make a list of everything problematic about Sylvie in s1 and s2 because she gets away with whatever she wants and it bugs me to no end that she never takes accountability for any of the pain she causes.
You have been warned. So let's get into it.
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1. Sylvie’s way is the only way and she expects everyone else to just bend to her will without complaint
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2. She is physically mentally and emotionally incapable of trusting anyone besides herself
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3. She uses other people's emotions to manipulate them into getting what she wants
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4. She refuses to even entertain the possibility that anything besides her own opinion is correct
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5. She criticizes others' attempts to clean up the mess she caused while she herself does absolutely nothing about it
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6. Always looking to ruin and run, taking the easy way out and avoiding any accountability
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7. Puts her own need for revenge above the well-being of everyone else in the multiverse
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8. Blames everyone else for the problems she herself caused
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9. Insults everyone at the TVA for their lack of empathy despite it being the exact reason she didn't want to return in the first place. Every critique she delivers just illustrates how much of a hypocrite she is
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10. Berates Mobius and all the people who are actually trying to fix her problem even though they never once blamed her for the mess they're in
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11. Acts like she's doing everyone a favor just for being there and insulting everyone when in reality, Loki had to ask multiple times before finally getting her to return
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12. Never willing to put in more effort than just destroying everything and walking away
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13. Even when directly asked for her help, Sylvie straight up refuses. She couldn't care less about anything besides her McDonald's employee-of-the-month badge
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14. Sylvie gaslights Loki into thinking they're the same, that she's not in the wrong because they're both only thinking of themselves. In reality, Sylvie is thinking only of going back to her own timeline, alone, while Loki is thinking only of making his friends happy, because that's what makes him happy too.
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15. While being completely unsympathetic to Loki struggling with his greatest fear, Sylvie makes the decision that Loki's friend's are all better off where they are now. But is it really better for them, or just better for Sylvie?
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16. And now, after 11 episodes and countless requests for Sylvie's help, she actually cares about the rest of the multiverse. And yet it's still solely because her own timeline is finally in danger
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17. When Loki ends up sacrificing himself to solve the problem Sylvie created, her only response is a joyful shrug that she's now happy, alone, and responsibility-free.
Overall, I know Sylvie's only purpose as a character is to be a darker mirror of Loki and everything she does is understandably informed by her trauma. This is likely a result of having a limited-episode-series and having all male/not diverse writers creating female characters. Sylvie is used only as a comparison to Loki before he met Mobius, and unfortunately is never given any thoughtful character moments like Loki had showing how he was aware that his actions hurt others. In 1x1, Loki talks about how he doesn’t enjoy hurting people and only does it to maintain control. The only time we ever see Sylvie reconsider her actions is when she didn’t kill Timely, which I think is more because she saw herself in Timely as someone who didn’t want to be controlled by their ‘destiny,’ not because she developed any kindness or compassion toward him.
I understand the fact that Sylvie was never given someone like Mobius to allow her the opportunity to change like Loki did, but I don't think that should excuse her causing so much pain and being so self-centered. Sylvie never trusted or cared about anyone and that's also my biggest argument against Sylki; her loving or being driven by anyone besides herself is just so inconsistent with her entire character.
Anyway, my purpose here was not to be hateful or to search for any reason to criticize Sylvie, but instead to look critically at her character since I've seen a lot of people praise her as the strong, independent female Loki whose behavior can always be forgiven. Unfortunately, the way she was written is that Sylvie turned her own trauma into everybody else's problem and they all spent 2 seasons trying to clean up her mess. That's my take thank you and goodnight
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LOKI (2021 - ) 2.02: Breaking Brad dir. Dan Deleeuw
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Ok I’m exhilarate knowing Owen will be on the penal. Yet I’m so so nervous if there will be more sy!ki related stuff by then. Wish all of us good luck.
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Oh this. We’re doing this.
my greatest ambition for the lokius fandom is for us to overtake the frostiron fics only 7,821 left to go
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This is so sick and twisted.
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You can literally see how Loki realized that the pie sucks, but decides to pretend for the Mobius' sake😭
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This is so real🥹🥹🥹
there’s something so wonderfully possessive about mobius setting loki up at his cubicle, rather than a random empty one that would surely exist in the endless galactic bureaucracy that is the TVA.
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Mobius: Well, I'm glad this is almost over.
Loki, gasping dramatically: We're at a funeral, Mobius!
Mobius: Yeah, yours.
Loki: So what if I wanted to see how my people mourn me?
Mobius: And you chose to visit another reality for that?? How could you? You knew that we're short staffed today!
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He looked at me, like he was drinking in the fact that I was still here. The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that he was alive.
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This is so beautiful I’m bitting off my tongue
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beat SW Jedi Survivor yesterday.
Imperial director RK900 & Moran!RK800
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They should have leaned harder into how dangerous Connor is. They had August through November to work with and he should have spent that time hunting deviants. He should have been efficient. He should have been lethal. The androids at Jericho should talk about him in hushed whispers. He's their boogeyman. They say he's got red eyes and he can kill with an interface. He can tear down your firewalls and get at your memories and tear away your mind.
When Connor finally deviates, they don't know who he is right away. He hears the whispering and he thinks about every single deviant he's hunted. No amount of atonement will make that right.
When or if they find out who he is, wariness takes over. Androids glance at him like he's a predator in their midst. He doesn't have red eyes. He looks nice. But he was their hunter, their killer, Cyberlife's bloodhound. Markus vouches for him, but he didn't lose a brother, a lover, a friend to the deviant hunter. Connor may have lost his leash, but he'll never really be one of them.
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Detroit: Become Human | Terminator Connor // #amv #edit #amvedit
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