arayay · 4 years
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arayay · 4 years
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arayay · 4 years
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arayay · 4 years
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arayay · 4 years
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Давно хотели задать свой вопрос разработчикам КОМПАС-3D или обратить внимание на ваш запрос в ServiceDesk и внести предложения по доработке? Пришло время это реализовать. В специальном выпуске мы ответим на ваши вопросы в прямом эфире. Руководители разработки КОМПАС-3D и приложений в области машиностроения и ПГС, а также Службы технической поддержки будут онлайн. Не упусти возможность пообщаться с нами! Мы заранее собираем вопросы для эфира, задавайте их по этой ссылке:  https://forms.yandex.ru/u/5fc8ac811df0245016349aeb/  Регистрация Участие бесплатное.  Успейте зарегистрироваться, количество мест ограничено. https://practice.ascon.ru/part21?utm_source=UniSender&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=244646803&utm_term=reg (at Armenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI5pVX1Hc13/?igshid=19xgtpv28tny2
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arayay · 4 years
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Between 15 and 16 December, the EU4Youth SEED project in Georgia is holding an online workshop on career development. The event will be led by Mariam Gagua and Billy Isian, Founders of Fennec Tech Studio, Technology Community. The first day of the workshop will mostly cover business communication skills and CV preparation. The speakers will show good and bad examples of business e-mails and create a suitable CV with the participants. The second day will be dedicated to the job interview and how to present yourself to the potential employer, as well as covering topics like how to gain the trust of new employers, or how to overcome initial challenges in your first job. The event is organised in the framework of the EU-funded project, ‘EU4Youth: Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development (SEED) for Green Growth in Borderline Regions’. It is part of a series of online seminars targeting the information gap and skills development among rural youth in Georgia. The main purpose of the online seminars is to raise environmental awareness among young people, empower vulnerable youth, develop their practical skills, and foster self-employment. The event will be held via ZOOM. Those interested in taking part must complete the registration by form by 4pm on 15 December. The online registration form is available at the following link: https://forms.gle/sR8EcJNUdyV4uDLK8 The workshop will be held 15-16 December at 7pm, Tbilisi time.  The EU4Youth SEED project aims to create a favourable ecosystem for the development of social entrepreneurship and green innovation in the borderline regions of Georgia (Gori, Akhmeta, Ninotsminda) and Armenia (Lori, Tavushi, Shirak). Find out more Event registration link  https://forms.gle/sR8EcJNUdyV4uDLK8 (at Georgia (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI3kkKrn2cQ/?igshid=15jcb6b5am5zw
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arayay · 4 years
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The ‘EU4Digital’ initiative has shared a story on its website on how COVID-19 has boosted the introduction of digital healthcare services in Georgia. According to the article, the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown have forced Georgia to step up the development of eHealth solutions to manage the effective provision of healthcare. In the article, Deputy Minister of Health Tamar Gabunia explains that thanks to these digital services, the Georgian healthcare system has kept pace with the challenges of the pandemic. The country has developed a coronavirus monitoring system and established a centralised laboratory network to collect COVID-19 statistics. Georgia has also rolled out a mobile application to support contact tracing and monitoring, and it has introduced a government-run hotline to provide timely and reliable information about COVID-19. In these efforts, Georgia enjoys the support of the European Union, whose EU4Digital initiative contributes to the development of key areas in the digital economy, including eHealth. The project supports the development of common guidelines for the roll-out of electronic health services and data management, and for cross-border collaboration on common challenges. Find out more Read the full article https://eufordigital.eu/how-the-pandemic-accelerated-the-introduction-of-digital-services-in-georgia/ EU4Digital: eHealth https://eufordigital.eu/thematic-area/ehealth/ (at Georgia (country)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI3kT_hnvv1/?igshid=1x5mg2bd5dbbt
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arayay · 4 years
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Between 19 and 23 October, experts from Austria and Greece will meet online with representatives from the Armenian Ministry of Finance and the State Revenue Committee to advise on the country’s current transfer pricing legislation. The aim is to share EU knowledge and best practice on transfer pricing audit and controls in order to help Armenia avoid tax evasion from controlled business transactions. The workshop is organised by the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX) instrument of the European Commission in cooperation with the State Revenue Committee of Armenia. Find out more Mission details https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/TMSWebRestrict/resources/js/app/#/library/detail/70712 TAIEX https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/tenders/taiex_en (at Armenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGVm_ZbH43T/?igshid=1oyontrw6zgbq
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arayay · 4 years
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At the 22nd EU–Ukraine summit in Brussels, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi and the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Olga Stefanishina, signed three programmes worth €60 million in total, to further boost Ukraine’s resilience and address the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Commissioner Várhelyi, this support package will help Ukraine to develop a more resilient society and economy, including in conflict-affected regions. “The newly signed programmes are part of our €190 million assistance to address the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the country,” added the Commissioner. “We will continue to actively support Ukraine's reform process and economic recovery.“ The programme ‘EU4ResilientRegions’, worth €30 million, aims at enhancing the resilience of eastern and southern Ukraine to the negative impacts of the ongoing conflict, including to hybrid threats and other destabilising factors. Furthermore, the ‘Civil society facility’ programme (with a budget of €20 million) will support the strengthening of civil society organisations’ capacity to participate in decision-making and public life. Finally, the €10 million programme ‘Climate package for a sustainable economy’ will support Ukraine in developing a holistic approach to restructure its key economic sectors towards a low carbon economy. Find out more Press release https://ec.europa.eu/neighbourhood-enlargement/news_corner/news/eu-ukraine-summit-eu-provides-%E2%82%AC60-million-strengthen-ukraines-socio-economic_en https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNJoxVH6BL/?igshid=ff0738ju6q09
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arayay · 4 years
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STEPS Webinar Series provides complementary learning resources to the online course STEPS Organisational Development for International Voluntary Service Organisations. The course 'Steps towards Effective Communication' will be organised online between 24 and 26 November, 2020. This e-learning is for 100 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, partner countries neighbouring the EU CCIVS will award you a certificate of completion for taking part in the webinar. CLOSING DATE 21 November 2020 OPPORTUNITY TYPE   Training To find out more Training details https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/steps-webinar-series-improving-key-relationships.8989/ (at Armeniya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNJTayHg5b/?igshid=1mtl2g1v7ykg2
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arayay · 4 years
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STEPS Webinar Series provides complementary learning resources to the online course STEPS Organisational Development for International Voluntary Service Organisations. The "NO. It doesn't work webinar" will be organised online on 20 October 2020. This E-learning is for 100 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, partner countries neighbouring the EU CCIVS will award you a certificate of completion for taking part in the webinar. CLOSING DATE 18 October 2020 OPPORTUNITY TYPE   Online courses To find out more Online course information https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/steps-webinar-series-no-it-doesn-t-work-measuring-the-impact-of-international-voluntary-service-a-conscientious-objection-perspective.8987/ (at Armenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNJIvlHZm0/?igshid=kf09r8qi1xye
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arayay · 4 years
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STEPS Webinar Series provides complementary learning resources to the online course STEPS Organisational Development for International Voluntary Service Organisations. The course 'Steps towards Effective Communication' will be organised online between 10 and 12 November, 2020. This E-learning is for 100 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Other countries in the world, partner countries neighbouring the EU CCIVS will award you a certificate of completion for taking part in the webinar. CLOSING DATE 08 November 2020 OPPORTUNITY TYPE Online courses To find out more Online course information https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/steps-webinar-series-steps-towards-effective-communication.8988/ (at Armenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNI8WaH4Qg/?igshid=kveg6cbyeoyi
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arayay · 4 years
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STEPS Webinar Series will take place online on 8 October 2020. It will provide complementary learning resources to the online course STEPS Organisational Development for International Voluntary Service Organisations. CCIVS will award you a certificate of completion for taking part in the webinar. This webinar series is for participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, other countries in the world, partner countries neighbouring the EU.   CLOSING DATE 06 October 2020 OPPORTUNITY TYPE   Online courses To find out more Online courses information https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/steps-webinar-series-introduction-to-organisational-development.8986/ (at Armenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNIvuTHAnm/?igshid=mpnu3wf7hxdc
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arayay · 4 years
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Self-awareness and well-being are essential for any person facing the challenges of a fast changing and ambiguous life. This online training will help you to foster these qualities in yourself and young people. This online training will be organised betwen 11 and 13 November 2020. This Training Course is for 24 participants from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, partner countries neighbouring the EU. CLOSING DATE 18 October 2020 OPPORTUNITY TYPE   Online courses https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/are-you-th-aware-training-course-on-self-awareness-and-wellbeing-in-youth-work-online-new-data.8902/ (at Armenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNIkSEnPJE/?igshid=1o7rhmkxhls1m
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arayay · 4 years
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On 1 and 2 October, the European Council held a special meeting where it discussed, among other issues, the situations in Belarus and Nagorno–Karabakh. The Council stated that it “condemns the unacceptable violence by Belarusian authorities against peaceful protesters, as well as intimidation, arbitrary arrests and detentions following the presidential elections, the results of which it does not recognise”. The European Council added that it fully supports the democratic right of the Belarusian people to elect their president through new free and fair elections, without external interference. The European Council also called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Nagorno–Karabakh, urging the both parties of the conflict “to recommit to a lasting ceasefire and the peaceful settlement of the conflict”. “The loss of life and the toll on the civilian population are unacceptable. There can be no military solution to the conflict, nor any external interference. Azerbaijan and Armenia should engage in substantive negotiations without preconditions,” said the European Council. The European Council reiterated its support for the Minsk Group Co-Chairs of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and asked the High Representative to look into further EU support for the settlement process. Find out more European Council meeting conclusions https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2020/10/02/european-council-conclusions-on-external-relations-1-october-2020/ (at Nagorno-Karabakh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2Mk1fnB3k/?igshid=1cqouywn5xmla
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arayay · 4 years
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The September 2020 newsletter of the EU4Youth programme, highlighting the conclusions of the Eastern Partnership Youth Engagement Summit, key updates from EU4Youth grant projects and the Youth Engagement Roadmaps project, as well as youth policy developments in the EaP region and the EU. Download Newsletter of the EU4Youth Programme - September 2020 https://www.euneighbours.eu/sites/default/files/publications/2020-10/EU4Youth_Newsletter_6_FINAL.pdf (at Armenia Yerevan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2MMbpHCp9/?igshid=j3xfhcxmjyde
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arayay · 4 years
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Global Value Chains (GVCs) have become the predominant structure in world trade flows. They allow the specialisation of firms in very specific tasks, thus offering easier access to international markets. Developing countries may benefit from this framework through many channels. The focus is on Egypt, a country that has faced remarkable challenges in recent years. The analysis is based on the World Bank Enterprise Surveys. After descriptive statistics that evidence the superior performance of traders with respect to domestic firms, this paper investigates the specific relationship between GVC participation and firm productivity. The authors are interested in enquiring whether a learning mechanism for Egyptian GVC participants exists, in the aftermath of the revolution. Download EMNES Working Paper 42 https://www.euneighbours.eu/sites/default/files/publications/2020-10/emnes_wp_042_gvc_participation_and_firm_productivity.pdf https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2MBdcnCeR/?igshid=84y9ufxz3ipt
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