arbmosx · 4 years
“Right, got it. Promise. I won’t hold you back from work.” A warm smile spreads across painted lips, laced with just a bit of her natural playfulness. If she didn’t look so tired and skinny, it would have been as if nothing changed. And surely, nothing had changed, she was still just as smitten with Angela as when they were first dating. She thought about her every day, ever chance she had to have a calm and clear mind, it was her, it was always her. But she was smart. She knew what kinds of people had vendetta’s against her and the sorts of thing they’d do to someone she cared about. No matter how much she wanted to pick up the phone and call, she wouldn’t let herself. 
Now, she was going to hold on and never let go again. 
When she gestures to the backpack, the hacker glances at it quickly. She didn’t have much in there, a change of clothes, a canteen, some of the tech she’d been working on in her down time. There was nothing important there, everything important was right here. 
Hesitantly, the hacker moves to take Angela’s hand, gently lacing their fingers together, leading her back to their shared room. It was muscle memory, the way she moved throughout the house as if she hadn’t been gone for the last year. It took so much to get them here, she’s happy to see that too much had not changed. She’s selfish for it, but she’s happy that her lover waited for her. 
“There is something that I need to tell you, amor, before word gets out.” She says gently, turning to face her once they enter the bedroom. She takes her other hand as well, lifting it to her lips to press a kiss to her knuckles. 
“I don’t know how much of this is going to get out, and I know I don’t deserve any more help from you than you’ve already given me.” It was true, Angela saved her from many things, none were so destructive as her own habits and bad decisions, “The only reason I made it out alive is because I should have been dead. They thought I was, so I destroyed everything, erased everything. Essentially, Sombra doesn’t exist anymore.” 
She takes a breath, letting her go and sitting on the edge of the bed. There is a smile on her face though, one that reaches right up into her eyes. 
“I had to do anything to get back here. Do you think you could get Overwatch to back it up? It’ll be much easier for me to lay low if there’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that I’m gone.” 
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arbmosx · 4 years
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commissioned by @tacticalgrandma <3
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arbmosx · 4 years
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She can already see her lover fall into deep thought, those wheels in her head turning, imagining different scenarios, thinking of the million terrible things that could have happened. And, all things considered, yes it was bad. She was bound and gagged for an extensive amount of time, the ropes leaving a sizable bruise around her wrists, arms, and legs- luckily those faded away before coming here. She made sure she was as presentable as possible, but eventually she just got tired and wanted to come home.
“Oh..? Only like..? I suppose I’ll take that for now.” Sombra laughs softly at her comment, the playful banter a refreshing surprise in the moment.
“I don’t mind waking up to go in with you, it will be a nice change of pace.” And they would get to spend all day together, of course. It will be nice to be within eyeshot of one another all day after spending so long apart. “Then you can do your examination there if you have some time..? With all your gear and stuff there it should be quick.” Then they could have a more personal examination when they returned home~
But then this new sensation, her lips pressed up against her skin, trailing up the inner expanse of her arm, was definitely welcome and she hums softly in response, a fond expression on her features. Her heart flips with each new kiss, unsurprisingly her body craves a gentle and loving touch after months of being alone and on the run. She takes a deep breath in an attempt to slow her heart, her scent was comforting and she just wanted to be close and never part.
As soon as the doctor moves forward, teasingly ghosting just a breath away from her own lips, Sombra grins, eyes meeting her gaze. She wastes no time in leaning forward to press their lips together, her eyes closing, her free hand coming up to gently cup her cheek. She had missed her so much.. 
A moment passes and she pulls away slowly, keeping their foreheads connected with a small smile.
“Let’s get you to bed now..?”
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arbmosx · 4 years
// oh hellooo.. I haven’t been here in years and pretty much everyone i knew is gone but if anyone would like to interact hit me up!
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arbmosx · 4 years
It was probably odd that she completely misses her locking the door for good measure, the immediate comfort she felt here just melted away all her worries. She begins to drift around the room, picking up the trampled chair, looking at some of the pictures on the wall, just admiring the place before she drifts right on back over to Angela.
The gentle touch to her face makes her freeze in place. She knows that Angela loves and trusted her, but still she was a woman of science.. If she didn’t check that the hacker was really okay for herself she would drive herself insane with worry. There wasn’t anything she could say that would help deter her, so she would have to oblige to her wishes. She was the only one who took it upon herself to look after her health anyway once she’d finally left Talon for good and came to be with her.. she didn’t trust anyone not to hurt her out of spite.
“Of course, amor, I’ll be ready for it.” She answers, her eyes dropping to the ground between her feet before rising again. “I do have to warn you though, and I promise.. it looks a lot worse than it really it.”
It wasn’t exactly good news.. once she found out who was after her she watched them for months, taking note of their every move, their every hideaway. Getting caught was just part of their plan, infiltrating them from within, enduring weeks, sometimes months of physical pain. She bides her time until she’s able to bring them all down.. for good measure she erases her existence from whatever records she can. She was sure to be rid of every last one of them before finally returning... perhaps it was time to retire from Sombra for good?
Her partner’s next words make her laugh softly and she inches just a bit closer, a teasing tone in her voice.
“Aww.. you must really love me, huh?” Gods, just the words make her heart skip, the same flutter in her stomach a the first time she uttered the words. Hearing that she absorbed herself in her work to avoid the pain would not be a surprise to her, it wouldn’t be the first time she did so on her behalf.
“You don’t need to call in if you need to be there, I know how important your work is.. I will be here waiting for you. I’ll make myself useful and clean or something..” her eyes glance around the room before she steps forward again to press a kiss to her jaw.
“Unless you would feel better if I went to work with you..? I could hang out in your office all day.”
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arbmosx · 4 years
Everything about this moment was perfect. The blonde was already swooning over the simple ‘Hey’ that comes from the other woman. Oh gosh how she’s missed the sound of her voice.
And the hug. The hug. Angela didn’t know just how much she desperately craved physical attention until this very moment. It still felt too good to be true, but it was. Sombra was home and hopefully it was for good this time. This also meant that Angela could finally sleep peacefully at night knowing that the other woman was okay. She wouldn’t have to bury herself in her work as a distraction anymore, or turn down social events just to sit at home and wait for a simple text. 
‘I’m here’.
The doctor could feel tears welling up in her eyes and for a few seconds she squeezes her partner just a little tighter. There really wasn’t any need for Angela to be crying right now, but she was just so overwhelmed with positivity that she just couldn’t control herself. The tears flowed freely down her face as Sombra apologizes to her and pulls back a bit to look at her face. 
The possessive side of Angela wanted to go into medic mode and examine every inch of her lover to see what kind of wounds she came home with. There was clearly a new scar she had on display and it took every ounce of control inside the woman to not reach out and touch it. That would be a conversation for later. Right now wasn’t the time. Instead she just shakes her head when she hears Sombra’s apology and leans her head to the side to enjoy the other woman’s gentle touch. Angela’s own hands lightly trail up the other’s arms until she reaches her wrists and wraps around them. It was her own silent way of saying ‘don’t let go’. The touch was nothing but innocent and yet it made the butterflies inside of her go wild. 
While the blonde might have felt hurt and scared finding that dreadful note and seeing some of Sombra’s possessions missing from the house, she would always forgive her. Time and time again she will always find room to forgive. Perhaps some would consider it a sort of toxic relationship. That Sombra took advantage of Angela’s loyalty to do whatever she wanted. And if that were the case then consider Angela a fool, but she knows the other woman like the back of her hand now. Their relationship worked because they were patient with each other.
For the most part.
“You did what you had to do. I understand, don’t worry. It’s over now, though. Come on, let’s get you inside. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need anything at all?” Excuse the woman for the fast words and rambling nonsense, but there was so much to catch up on and it felt like there was such little time to do so. Even if Sombra was home right now, that doesn’t guarantee she won’t be gone in another few months. Or weeks. Or maybe even days. 
Upon her words, she quickly walks into the building, her eyes taking in the familiar surroundings before she turns to glance back at Angela just as she closes the door behind them. In an instant her shoulders seem to drop, her entire body relaxing as she moves to put her bag down on the table nearby. This was a safe place, her mind and body both knew that, she didn’t have to have her guard up or glance over her shoulder ever few seconds.. she could just exist. 
“I’m not hungry or thirsty, I am okay.” She says with a shake of her head, she hadn’t had much an appetite for some time now. Besides.. she already had exactly what she needed now, “Please.. do not worry yourself over me.” 
She was good at that, caring for others, worrying over her safety. It was something she had never been familiar with, someone who cared what happened to her, someone who would worry for her safety. It was easy to be reckless, it was easy to be destructive when no one gave a shit, but now.. she had someone else to thing of. It was a big change after being alone for so long, after only being worried about doing what she wanted, with her looks, her skills, and not a drop of loyalty to anyone who sauntered across her path. 
When Angela walked into her life, needless to say it was a surprise. A small dare as a joke turned into each of them genuinely looking at one another, slowly but surely they learned to enjoy one another’s company. It was unconscious really, they drifted together and found that surprisingly.. they really meshed together well. Angela was forgiving but she wasn’t a doormat, kind but firm in not taking any of the hacker’s bullshit. She’d absolutely change the game, changed everything, and in turn, Sombra pushed away those habits and found comfort in her embrace.
“I am just happy to be home, happy to see you. I’ve missed you so much. I never stopped thinking of you the entire time..” She cuts herself off, afraid that it may be a little much, slowly a grin spreads across her features. 
Even when she’d been purposefully captured and endured weeks of torture, she just kept thinking. Get out and get to her.. that was a conversation better set for never, Angela had worried enough.
“It’s late though.. you have work in the morning, yeah?”
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arbmosx · 4 years
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The hacker would freeze upon hearing the commotion inside, her feet hitting the floor, the sound of a chair falling over and slapping the ground, a loud THUD. Ouch.. that was going to leave a bruise. Each sound inside didn’t mask the sound of her beating heart, thumping so hard against her chest it felt as if it could burst any moment now, only growing faster, the butterflies in her stomach a flurry as she hears the door knob turn. Oh. What should she say? Should she smile? What if she is angry with her??
And then.. she’s there. She’s there. She’s right there and for the moment she’s speechless. Her own eyes widen only a little, a small smile spreads across painted lips.
“Hey,” she says in a breathless whisper, as if just the sight of her has pulled all the air from her lungs.
Despite the medic’s sleepy attire of her own, Sombra seemed to just be wrapped up in her beauty, paying it no mind since she just thought she was gorgeous no matter how she looked. Her own appearance was quite tattered, her hair pulled up into a messy bun, the sides of her hair grown out about half an inch or so (she’d definitely hadn’t had time to clean up her shave lately), dark bags under her eyes, her make up less extravagant as usual.. there’s a new scar running from just under her right earlobe about halfway down her jaw. She’s skinnier than before, but still a light rises to her face, a pink hue settled across her cheeks once her lover rushes forward to wrap her in a tight embrace.
A name she once hated (still did, honestly), something she was never fond of even as a child. Her parents gave her that name, parents who dind’t want her, who abandoned her to the streets.. but oh, it sounds like heaven when it rolls off her tongue.
Sombra’s never had one of those before, from the orphanage, to hanging around house to house with Los Muertos, to becoming a hacker and then staying with Talon... sure, she’d always had place to stay, but she never had a place that she called home. Not like here, not like with her.. she would do anything to protect this..
“I’m here..”
I’m home. She wants to say it, but the words get lost in her throat. She means it, she really does. This time she wasn’t going anywhere.
She takes a deep breath, her arms wrapping around the doctor’s middle and squeezing her tight, never wanting to let go, wanting to keep her here as long as possible. She wasn’t expecting the hug or such a welcoming, seeing Angela’s eyes light up brought tears to her own, they were free-falling down her cheeks now.
“I’m so.. so sorry, mi amor..” she says softly, her voice catching in her throat on the last word. She does back away just a little to look at her face, remaining in her arms as her own hands come up to gently cup her face, thumbs gently caressing her skin as if she’s still trying to convince herself that this was real— she was real.
“I did not mean to be away for so long. But I needed to be sure we would be safe.. I couldn’t come back and risk putting you in harm’s way. Not without knowing for sure.”
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arbmosx · 4 years
Thank You Anxiety
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The day she left, she thought about it all the time, just about everyday. She likes to imagine it often, it was nice to pretend Angela was at her side still, things always seemed so much brighter when her sun was present. 
It was a day just like any other, her love had awoken bright and early as usual, Sombra had actually stirred awake soon after, tiptoeing to meet her in the kitchen and hug her from behind, whispering a groggy ‘good morning’ into her ear as the watched the coffee brew. Oh, how she wished she could go back to that morning and just freeze time, stay there and bask in the warmth of her smile.. 
As soon as she had left for work, Sombra received a single message. It was encoded for safety, warning her that people were after her, that if she wanted to remain free and keep Angela alive, she would run and disappear. So she did. Shed always been good at sinking into the shadows and she was still good at it now. She left without even a second thought, grabbing what she could, leaving no trace of herself behind.. except for a single note. 
‘Sorry, mi amor.  I will contact you as soon as it is safe to do so. I swear it.  Please know mi vida, mi ángel.. I love you.  - S’
Even after years of peace, years of the cutesy domestic life, she fell into character almost immediately. She had been running, disappearing all her life, living in obscurity and anonymity before joining Talon. Her identity was still kept safe there, she did her job, fulfilled each mission with true precision and expertise. Her time there was simple, easy, she could do most of those things in her sleep. When she was expelled, she had hoped she could put everything behind her and just.. live. But that was asking for far too much.. especially after everything she had done. 
There’s a familiar ache in her chest each time her angel fluttered across her mind, she thought the pain would eventually dull but here she was almost an entire year later still as helpless as the day she left..
Currently seated upon the rooftop just across the street from where Angela herself was seated. She watches as the lights in the kitchen turn dark, fingers carefully thumbing the phone in her hand, she’d read her messages every day just as she was reading them now. It wasn’t safe to reply before, but now.. she’d hoped this was all over, she hoped they could go back to the way things were. 
She just wanted to go home.
[ msg; mi ángel ] > the stars will always lead me back to you, mi amor, you’ll see.
As quick as a flash she’s across the street, she’s perfected her tech, enhanced her own powers and strength, all to stand here on her doorstep. She’s frozen for a few seconds only, but it feels like minutes, hours even as her hand freezes just a breath away from knocking her knuckles against she door. Her mind is running faster than seemingly possible, her anxiety getting the best of her. So many times she’d imagined this moment, seeing her again.. yet every scenario was different. Time and time again she’s fucked up in their time together, time and time she was asking for forgiveness and working to be better, time and time again Angela forgave her. Once again Sombra was prepared to beg for her forgiveness again, but afraid that now there would be none left to give..
‘It was for your own good.’
‘You were safer without me.’
There was no excuse that could ever be enough for just.. leaving the way she did. Even if she’d moved on.. she just needed to see her with her eyes again. She grips harder on the strap of her backpack, takes a deep breath..
A soft knock is heard as she sends another message,
[ msg; mi ángel ] > knock, knock. open up?
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arbmosx · 4 years
She’s barely recovered from the embarrassment when Sombra pulls her away to a more private corner, as if being hidden would shield them from being heard, as well. Of course, her gesture for silence tells she knows better.
Flam just grins and sets her hand on the woman’s shapely hips, kissing her without making a noise, as much as she’d like to. It’s only a moment of reprieve, anyway, and sort of a covert middle finger to Reaper and Talon’s dumb rules. “No relationships”, hah, and what are they going to do to stop them? Their brainwashing drugs don’t work on Flamia, and Sombra is too precious to undergo their treatments… at least, she seems to think so.
And it’s a good thing they’re quiet, anyway, for a soft scraping noise - rubber on metal - grabs Flamia’s attention and tightens her muscles. She parts of an inch, lifting a finger as if asking her partner to wait, and wordlessly nods towards the perceived noise.
Oh, it would seem that the hacker was lazy, maybe a little entitled, a procrastinator, too smart for her own good.. but she got the job done, any job, and she didn’t ask too many questions (she already knew all the answers anyway), so she pretty much did whatever she wanted. She had made herself indispensable during her years here, and she was all too aware of it, she took advantage of it pretty much every opportunity she got.  
Relationships weren’t allowed between members, they weren’t Sombra’s thing anyway, and before now she wouldn’t ever call it ‘that’ anyway. But.. she could consider whatever this was with Flamia the closest thing to the actual thing. 
Their lips meet for what seems like only a split second and her eyes snap open upon hearing the faint noise, slowly growing louder as it got closer and closer. She meets Flamia’s gaze and quickly nods her head, crouching down low to peek a glance around the corner toward the source, her gun at the ready if need be. 
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arbmosx · 4 years
what’s up motherfuckers?
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arbmosx · 4 years
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Gym time.
Pharah, Mercy and Sombra. ~
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arbmosx · 5 years
The person I reblogged this from is awesome as fuck.
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arbmosx · 5 years
{{ I haven’t logged into here in forever.... but if anyone is looking to rp hit me up- I have discord and twitter 👌🏾
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arbmosx · 6 years
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some sketches
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arbmosx · 6 years
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Los Muertos is one of Sombra’s best skins fight me
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arbmosx · 6 years
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Okay, the final prize from the giveaway goes to Graxwell, who requested Sombra! 
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arbmosx · 6 years
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Sombra wearing her hair back? I’m in!
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