longevitus · 1 year
“Right because you’re very big. You must have a bigger hunger…” He spoke while hesitantly shuffling onto his hind legs in a pouncing position, before managing to scramble onto the Giratinas head for where they’d bent over earlier. Turning around, he already felt much taller!
“I can see in the dark good, but lights make it nicer. It feels warmer, too. Like…. Inside?” A weird sensation but nice, in all truth. He cuddled up where he sat, keeping himself steady as possible.
“There’s lots of berry trees! You are realllllly tall so you can get ALL of them probably!”
Sticks weren’t tasty, that was true and he’d found out the hard way but at least he knew now right? He’d probably forget later once the pangs took over again, causing him to instinctively search for sustenance of any kind.
“Okay!!! If we get a lot of stuff, we can… we can share! Then I don’t feel bad and you don’t go hungry!” As simple minded as he was, his little heart was set on ensuring they both were taken care of, as if he had someone ingrain that kind of thinking into him….
Upon the light showing upon his face, he gasped, before summoning a much smaller and considerably colder manifestation of a flame. After all, why not?
“Now we have two! That’s more than one!”
How to explain that Giratina did not need any food… well perhaps it was simply better not to, they thought. There was nothing wrong in his thinking. In fact, it brought a small smile upon the great dragon’s face.
More so when another, paler flicker of fire floated next to their own. Giratina looked down upon them, making themselves as eye level with the Zorua as they possibly could. “You are very correct. They shall help us see in the dark and moonlight.”
A time when humans were to rest, be it of fear or simply due to the cold. With no light, there were no reflections, and with that, no windows to gaze upon. It was easier than simply wandering out of the cave, but tonight, they could make an exception.
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“We must find a great amount of food then if we are to share and not feel hungry. Would you like to sit on my head so you may see farther from above?”
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longevitus · 1 year
He is stunned that she saw him, and nearly tumbled off from where he was sitting, barely managing to scramble back into a decent position. With that, he frowned deeper, though he was unsure if she was being genuine with her question or not.
‘I’m not stuck. I think. Maybe. Are you?’ There that would distract her while he skittered around on the branch and trying to get down on his own.
Oops, he slipped.
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longevitus · 1 year
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Usva🌒 I am super happy with this painting I did with the Gansai Tambi Graphite Colors from Kuretake. I rarely do really toned down color palettes but I definitely should do them more often. In fact this palette had just the perfect set of color tones for this piece. ‘Usva’ is Finnish for haze or mist. 🤍
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longevitus · 1 year
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space lint
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longevitus · 1 year
Sticks weren’t tasty, that was true and he’d found out the hard way but at least he knew now right? He’d probably forget later once the pangs took over again, causing him to instinctively search for sustenance of any kind.
“Okay!!! If we get a lot of stuff, we can… we can share! Then I don’t feel bad and you don’t go hungry!” As simple minded as he was, his little heart was set on ensuring they both were taken care of, as if he had someone ingrain that kind of thinking into him….
Upon the light showing upon his face, he gasped, before summoning a much smaller and considerably colder manifestation of a flame. After all, why not?
“Now we have two! That’s more than one!”
Sitting down, his tail curled around him as he listened to the large Pokémon before him. Nothing of his vague memories of his before time could help him know what they were, but the kindness they showed him made him warm. Something he hadn’t felt in some time, really, a foreign but welcome feeling.
“I ate some sticks… They tasted bad though. So… I don’t know why they’d want them anyways.” A huff escaped him, as he looked into their face as Giratina leaned down, their barely there scent washing over him.
“I mean… The others are scary. They can be really mean, too, sometimes even more than the humans,” Ears perked when he realized food was mentioned, “I’m always really hungry, and it’s always so cold, but I don’t wanna take your food. You need it! You’re very big! I don’t know if I’ll grow big like you, so you need to eat!”
How sweet the young minds were. It brought a smile upon their face.
“Sticks are not very tasty, but I think the humans do not eat them.” They explained. “Worry not though.”
If such a small creature was hungry, then it would not take much effort for Giratina to find them food. They had no need for it themselves, but if the small fox was worried about taking the food they may have had, there was an easy solution.
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“Perhaps we may look for food together then… given it is the cover of night and the humans dare not wander near me, I can keep you very safe from the dangers. I can even keep you warm.”
At that, they exhaled a dark purplish and white flame. It formed in an orb and floated aimlessly in the air between the pair, radiating a warmth. A simple will-o-wisp that would not harm the small Pokemon.
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longevitus · 1 year
Unmute !
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longevitus · 1 year
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211K notes · View notes
longevitus · 1 year
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“South of Laverre City”
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longevitus · 1 year
(Sorry I’ve been dead I’ve been getting back into LoL)
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longevitus · 1 year
He’s trying to carry a big baguette into a tiny hole he’s made, but the bread is stale and hard, so it won’t break or bend easily.
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longevitus · 1 year
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shamelessly stealing a page from jack’s (history) book, but would you mind giving this post a little boost to spread the word on the winds? lucian is uncovering a fine old relic, volo pokemon: legends arceus’s blog, from the ruins!
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longevitus · 1 year
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He’s just a itty bitty guy.
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longevitus · 1 year
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240 notes · View notes
longevitus · 1 year
“Ball? Like the play kind?”
0 notes
longevitus · 1 year
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Hisuian Zoroark -- aky CG Works
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longevitus · 1 year
Sitting down, his tail curled around him as he listened to the large Pokémon before him. Nothing of his vague memories of his before time could help him know what they were, but the kindness they showed him made him warm. Something he hadn’t felt in some time, really, a foreign but welcome feeling.
“I ate some sticks… They tasted bad though. So… I don’t know why they’d want them anyways.” A huff escaped him, as he looked into their face as Giratina leaned down, their barely there scent washing over him.
“I mean… The others are scary. They can be really mean, too, sometimes even more than the humans,” Ears perked when he realized food was mentioned, “I’m always really hungry, and it’s always so cold, but I don’t wanna take your food. You need it! You’re very big! I don’t know if I’ll grow big like you, so you need to eat!”
Well, the fact they said they wouldn’t eat him did help, and it wasn’t as if they were human. But he’d never seen anything like them before, and something bigger than him had often led to him having to run and hide, or attempt to fight back. With that promise in mind, he flopped onto his side before moving into a sitting position, ears perked up.
His eyes widened in awe, watching as Giratina came to form themself, mesmerized by the transformation, wondering how this strange Pokémon was so good at doing it. Maybe it wasn’t an illusion or anything… Still..
“Wow…! You’re pretty… Scary, too, but also pretty.” He was still a bit cautious, but pitter-pattered over to sniff at the other.
“Oh… Human. They’re bad. They don’t like me, and the chase me away. But they make warm things and tasty food… They don’t like sharing.” He was still upset about it, but relieved he’d gotten away nonetheless, “They throw things too! Very mean.”
They let the small fox sniff them, though they wouldn’t smell much of anything. Perhaps the cold of winter, or the scent of water. Giratina lowered their head enough to get a closer look at the Zorua, but not enough to cause them a fright.
“You have kind words.” They chuckled. “Yes, I am deemed very frightening by many.”
To them, it sounded as if the Zorua was in need of food. Scavenging the human settlements perhaps. Normally one so young would have a parent to look after it, but the wilds could be unkind, and it was not their place to ask. They had only just met.
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“Humans are strange. They find fear in the oddest of things. Perhaps they have found fright in you, and that is why they are mean. They should not be, but it is something I have learned. Regardless, you are safe in my presence from them. They dare not come near this place.”
A pause.
“Do you need food, small one?”
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longevitus · 1 year
So I’m going to go ahead and say the name Biki won in the poll I did a while ago? I voted for Ito because I wanted to be able to see the results, but some voted for that name! I think it’s cute so that’s what’s up.
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