arcadeking0fpwn · 3 months
The giant hand of a Sentinel is pointed at Jubilee when the door opens, promptly spraying her with knockout gas. Arcade is standing next to the Sentinel, casually leaning against the robot. Arcade: "Here's a new project for you, Jubilee. A visit to Murderworld!"
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arcadeking0fpwn · 3 months
There is a loud knock on the front door of the X-Mansion. @amazing-jubilee
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arcadeking0fpwn · 9 months
Arcade: "What the hell is this stuff?!"
A giant glass comes down on top of Spider-Man. He's trapped.
"Oh, VERY FUNNY. Yeah, get the guy called Spider-Man with a gigantic drinking glass."
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arcadeking0fpwn · 9 months
Arcade: "Oh crap." Grimacing, Arcade pulls out his tranquilizer dart pistol and fires a few shots at Spider-Man.
A giant glass comes down on top of Spider-Man. He's trapped.
"Oh, VERY FUNNY. Yeah, get the guy called Spider-Man with a gigantic drinking glass."
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arcadeking0fpwn · 9 months
Arcade: "Weak quips if you ask me, Spider-Man! Now let's get you nice and unconscious for your trip to Murderworld!" The glass fills up with knockout gas.
A giant glass comes down on top of Spider-Man. He's trapped.
"Oh, VERY FUNNY. Yeah, get the guy called Spider-Man with a gigantic drinking glass."
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
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Arcade grins devilishly as Mary Jane strikes a pose. Arcade: “Wonderful.” After snapping a few photos, Arcade approaches Mary Jane, holding the camera up to her face. Arcade: “Not bad...for the last photoshoot of your life.” The camera sprays Mary Jane with knockout gas. Arcade: “Sweet dreams.”
Roderick Kingsley regards the gaudily-dressed man in his office with a raised eyebrow. Roderick: “Punctual as always, Arcade. I take it you and Miss Locke got my message.” Arcade: “We sure did, Mr. Kingsley! Happy to do business with you again. I understand one of your models is sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong?” Roderick: “Correct. A Mrs. Mary Jane Watson-Parker is coming too close to discovering my…nocturnal activities and my previous efforts to dissuade her snooping have been unsuccessful.” Arcade: “Makes no difference to me, but did you say Mary Jane Watson? As in: Manhattan Memories Mary Jane Watson? Miss Locke and I saw her on stage once. Good voice, if a bit quiet.” Roderick: “Oh yes, but business is business. Poor girl. She has no idea what she’s stumbled into. If she survives your games, make sure you find out who she’s working for at the very least.” A hearty chuckle escapes Arcade. Arcade: “X-Men play my games. She won’t survive, but sure, I’ll find out who she’s reporting to.” Roderick hands Arcade a key card. Roderick: “Of course. She’ll be in this room, doing the denim shorts shoot. Be quick and discreet with the extraction and try not to get distracted.” Arcade winks at Roderick. Arcade: “I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Mary Jane’s photographer took an annoyingly lengthy coffee break, but when he finally returned, he’d been replaced with a red-haired man with a far bulkier camera. Photographer (Arcade in disguise): “Ah! You must be Mrs. Watson-Parker! I’m your replacement photographer. Are we ready to begin?” @spinxeret
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
(laughs in supervillain)
I want to see Mary Jane get captured by a villain but survive and escape by using her wits and determination
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Anonymously tell me what you want to see happen to my muse.
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+ ( I'd love to write this honestly ! <3 It's so few and far between finding those writing villains in the RPC )
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
Roderick Kingsley regards the gaudily-dressed man in his office with a raised eyebrow. Roderick: “Punctual as always, Arcade. I take it you and Miss Locke got my message.” Arcade: “We sure did, Mr. Kingsley! Happy to do business with you again. I understand one of your models is sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong?” Roderick: “Correct. A Mrs. Mary Jane Watson-Parker is coming too close to discovering my...nocturnal activities and my previous efforts to dissuade her snooping have been unsuccessful.” Arcade: “Makes no difference to me, but did you say Mary Jane Watson? As in: Manhattan Memories Mary Jane Watson? Miss Locke and I saw her on stage once. Good voice, if a bit quiet.” Roderick: “Oh yes, but business is business. Poor girl. She has no idea what she’s stumbled into. If she survives your games, make sure you find out who she’s working for at the very least.” A hearty chuckle escapes Arcade. Arcade: “X-Men play my games. She won’t survive, but sure, I’ll find out who she’s reporting to.” Roderick hands Arcade a key card. Roderick: “Of course. She’ll be in this room, doing the denim shorts shoot. Be quick and discreet with the extraction and try not to get distracted.” Arcade winks at Roderick. Arcade: “I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Mary Jane’s photographer took an annoyingly lengthy coffee break, but when he finally returned, he’d been replaced with a red-haired man with a far bulkier camera. Photographer (Arcade in disguise): “Ah! You must be Mrs. Watson-Parker! I’m your replacement photographer. Are we ready to begin?” @spinxeret
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
The Arcade hologram reappears once Stephanie re-robes. Arcade rolls his eyes when Steph wakes Clea up. Arcade: “Whoops, looks like her trap was just stun gas, not the usual knockout stuff.” Sparrow continues to snore. Arcade: “At least I got the other trap right. I should hire some henchmen one of these days to help me with this stuff! Oh, and you should probably set Sparrow down, Doctor.” After a few seconds, hidden panels in the walls fire a pair of tranquilizer darts, hitting Stephanie and Clea in their backs.
Arcade cackles at Stephanie. Arcade: “Will I REALLY? You think this is the first time I’ve been threatened by one of you so-called heroes? The only thing I understand is the joy of tasteful death traps.” Sparrow continues to snore through the noise and Clea’s gentle nudging until the gas finally starts to wear off. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles at Clea. Sparrow: “That might just be the best sleep I’ve had in-” She looks around as memories start to come back. Sparrow notices she’s in her costume and remembers being sprayed with gas, though everything after that was a blank. Sparrow: “Aw…not this again. Great. I guess it was just a matter of time before I made it to Arcade’s “beach episode-themed” Murderworld.” Feeling cold, Sparrow rests her chin on her knees, trying to warm up. Sparrow: “Are you okay Clea?” @stephanie-strange and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
The Arcade hologram panics at what he sees. Arcade: “Whoa! Wait, that’s not what I meant! My client did not pay me for this!” The Arcade hologram laughs nervously and fades out of existence but Arcade’s voice soon returns via the room’s hidden intercom. Arcade: “This has officially gone into “not safe for work” territory and I am a PROFESSIONAL! Please re-robe yourself and I’ll send you three on your merry ways.”
Arcade cackles at Stephanie. Arcade: “Will I REALLY? You think this is the first time I’ve been threatened by one of you so-called heroes? The only thing I understand is the joy of tasteful death traps.” Sparrow continues to snore through the noise and Clea’s gentle nudging until the gas finally starts to wear off. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles at Clea. Sparrow: “That might just be the best sleep I’ve had in-” She looks around as memories start to come back. Sparrow notices she’s in her costume and remembers being sprayed with gas, though everything after that was a blank. Sparrow: “Aw…not this again. Great. I guess it was just a matter of time before I made it to Arcade’s “beach episode-themed” Murderworld.” Feeling cold, Sparrow rests her chin on her knees, trying to warm up. Sparrow: “Are you okay Clea?” @stephanie-strange and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
Arcade: “She’s usually worse?! Okay in that case, time for the bonus round!” Before Steph can get too close to Clea and Sparrow, the Arcade hologram pulls out a small remote and hits a button. Knockout gas hisses out of the eyes and mouths of the tiki statues flanking Sparrow and Clea’s chairs. Sparrow sinks back into her chair with a loopy smile as her eyes close. Sparrow: “Great...more gasssss...” Within seconds, Sparrow is out cold and snoring. Arcade: “They’ll be asleep for hours, so don’t tone your jokes back! If you can make me laugh again, I’ll let you all go free. Scout’s honor!”
Arcade cackles at Stephanie. Arcade: “Will I REALLY? You think this is the first time I’ve been threatened by one of you so-called heroes? The only thing I understand is the joy of tasteful death traps.” Sparrow continues to snore through the noise and Clea’s gentle nudging until the gas finally starts to wear off. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles at Clea. Sparrow: “That might just be the best sleep I’ve had in-” She looks around as memories start to come back. Sparrow notices she’s in her costume and remembers being sprayed with gas, though everything after that was a blank. Sparrow: “Aw…not this again. Great. I guess it was just a matter of time before I made it to Arcade’s “beach episode-themed” Murderworld.” Feeling cold, Sparrow rests her chin on her knees, trying to warm up. Sparrow: “Are you okay Clea?” @stephanie-strange and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
Arcade: “H.H. Holmes wishes he was me. But don’t worry about the chairs, there’s no lava or anything else deadly about them. The stage on the other hand...well, that’s a risk for our first volunteer to take.” Sparrow rolls her eyes and takes a seat in a pool chair. Sparrow: “Don’t worry, Clea. If he tries anything, I have a belt full of goodies to get us out of trouble.” Arcade tries to hold in his laughter as Steph’s jokes become increasingly bizarre and dark until they reach their peak of insanity. With the cloak joining into make it even more entertaining, the Arcade hologram bursts out laughing. When he finally regains his composure and wipes tears out of his eyes, Arcade gives Steph a round of applause. Sparrow, meanwhile, just stares with a mixture of horror at Stephanie’s jokes and relief that they entertained Arcade enough. Bringing her knees up to her chin she turns to Clea. Sparrow: “That was...disturbing.”
Arcade cackles at Stephanie. Arcade: “Will I REALLY? You think this is the first time I’ve been threatened by one of you so-called heroes? The only thing I understand is the joy of tasteful death traps.” Sparrow continues to snore through the noise and Clea’s gentle nudging until the gas finally starts to wear off. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles at Clea. Sparrow: “That might just be the best sleep I’ve had in-” She looks around as memories start to come back. Sparrow notices she’s in her costume and remembers being sprayed with gas, though everything after that was a blank. Sparrow: “Aw…not this again. Great. I guess it was just a matter of time before I made it to Arcade’s “beach episode-themed” Murderworld.” Feeling cold, Sparrow rests her chin on her knees, trying to warm up. Sparrow: “Are you okay Clea?” @stephanie-strange and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
Sparrow grins at the cloak as it gives her the utility belt. After clicking the belt in place and making sure her arsenal inside hasn’t been tampered with, she puts on her most confident face and looks at the Arcade hologram. Sparrow: “I’m ready for anything now Arcade! Do your worst!” The Arcade hologram gestures at a doorway. Arcade: “You want my worst? Right this way!” Sparrow walks through the door and finds a large room with three pool chairs, each flanked by tiki statues. The chairs are facing a large stage. Sparrow: “Aaaannd what’s this supposed to be?” Arcade: “Comedy, my dear. Comedy.” After having Courtney Ross as a guest at my London Murderworld I realized the potential of having you do-gooders perform stand-up under threat of certain doom! Now...who’s the funniest one here?” Sparrow looks at Steph and Clea with a devilish grin. Sparrow: “I think I was born for this.” Sparrow turns back to the Arcade hologram. Sparrow: “Okay, you want to be entertained? I’ll give you entertainment!” Arcade: “Better choose wisely. Fail to make me laugh and...well, you’ll be out of show business for life.”
Arcade cackles at Stephanie. Arcade: “Will I REALLY? You think this is the first time I’ve been threatened by one of you so-called heroes? The only thing I understand is the joy of tasteful death traps.” Sparrow continues to snore through the noise and Clea’s gentle nudging until the gas finally starts to wear off. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles at Clea. Sparrow: “That might just be the best sleep I’ve had in-” She looks around as memories start to come back. Sparrow notices she’s in her costume and remembers being sprayed with gas, though everything after that was a blank. Sparrow: “Aw…not this again. Great. I guess it was just a matter of time before I made it to Arcade’s “beach episode-themed” Murderworld.” Feeling cold, Sparrow rests her chin on her knees, trying to warm up. Sparrow: “Are you okay Clea?” @stephanie-strange and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
Arcade: “But anti-psychotics would ruin the fun!” Sparrow gasps as Steph runs towards the pool but the cloak stops her from running after Steph. Sparrow: “Wait! Stop!” The Arcade hologram watches as Steph dives into the pool and kills the laser-armed sharks. Arcade: “You’re not-” Arcade continues to sputter out exclamations as Steph continues. Arcade: “Well, THAT wasn’t supposed to happen.” Sparrow looks on in horror before shifting her attention to her utility belt above. She looks back at the Cloak of Levitation. Sparrow: “Ooo...kaaay. Um...could you give me a lift? I kinda want my belt back.” Sparrow looks at Stephanie. Sparrow: “Are you alright? That looked like it hurt. I have a first aid kit in my belt so you know!”
Arcade cackles at Stephanie. Arcade: “Will I REALLY? You think this is the first time I’ve been threatened by one of you so-called heroes? The only thing I understand is the joy of tasteful death traps.” Sparrow continues to snore through the noise and Clea’s gentle nudging until the gas finally starts to wear off. Her eyes slowly open and she smiles at Clea. Sparrow: “That might just be the best sleep I’ve had in-” She looks around as memories start to come back. Sparrow notices she’s in her costume and remembers being sprayed with gas, though everything after that was a blank. Sparrow: “Aw…not this again. Great. I guess it was just a matter of time before I made it to Arcade’s “beach episode-themed” Murderworld.” Feeling cold, Sparrow rests her chin on her knees, trying to warm up. Sparrow: “Are you okay Clea?” @stephanie-strange and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 1 year
Arcade reaches into his coat pocket for his knockout gas but before he can spray Jubilee again, her kicks land, knocking him to the floor and sending the spray bottle tumbling away and leaving Arcade stunned. At the same time, Sparrow rushes to Miss Locke, who reaches into the stolen utility belt and pulls out a pair of miniature explosives. Sparrow kicks them out of Locke’s hands before she can arm them, just as Arcade’s spray bottle slides across the floor, stopping right in front of them. Locke and Sparrow dive for it, but Sparrow is quicker and grabs it first. Sparrow: “I’ve had enough of you two clowns. Take a nap, Miss Locke!” Sparrow sprays Locke with the knockout gas, causing her to cough and sink to the floor before going unconscious. Sparrow takes her utility belt back from Miss Locke. Meanwhile, Jono reaches the missile controls and stops the launch. Jono: “Got it!” Arcade recovers and reaches into his coat pocket again, pulling out a backup remote control. Arcade tugs at Jubilee’s coat to get her attention before pressing a button, launching the missile. Arcade: “Oh dear...well, I guess I can settle for you three becoming the last X-Men members on Earth this Christmas.” Arcade laughs maniacally. Jono and Sparrow watch in horror as the missile flies high into the air before splitting into a wave of mini missiles, all headed towards the X-Mansion in the distance. Sparrow turns to Jubilee. Sparrow: “Jubilee! I can’t stop them...but you can!” @amazing-jubilee and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 2 years
Miss Locke: “Not quite, Ms. Lee.” Arcade, in his green ugly Christmas sweater, and Miss Locke, in a skimpy elf costume, walk up to the three tied-up heroes. Sparrow nudges Jubilee and Jono. Sparrow: “Audible footsteps. Visible shadows. They’re not holograms. Jono, you getting a read on their minds?” Jono: “Yup.” Sparrow: “Alright, so not androids either. It’s really them.” Miss Locke is also wearing Sparrow’s utility belt. Miss Locke: “It’s more like a housing.” Arcade: “Quite right.” Sparrow gives the two a death glare, seeing her stolen utility belt. Arcade: “Glad you’re all reacquainted now. See Jubilation, I told you I’d bring Mr. Starsmore to Murderworld one day, but he is not easy to capture.” Miss Locke: “It’s quite annoying, trying to catch someone who’s immune to knockout gas and tranquilizer darts.” Jono shrugs, pleased that he made life difficult for them. Arcade: “But anyway, this tree will finally get rid of our little X-Men problem.” Arcade: “You see, there was a time when trapping heroes in my little games was all good fun. It didn’t matter if my victims lived or died. The problem is... I’m not doing enough business these days. Potential clients find my inability to kill you weirdos laughable.” Miss Locke shrugs. Miss Locke: “It’s nothing personal, it’s just bad for business.” Arcade: “And for one percent-ers like us, we don’t like having to choose a favorite private jet when we can normally just buy them both!” Miss Locke: “What we’re trying to say is that we need to make a statement to our potential clients. If we can kill a whole group of heroes, everyone will want to hire us.” Arcade: “And then we can go back to not caring if our victims live or die.” Arcade: “What’s inside that tree is one of Tony Stark’s old Jericho missiles from his weapons-dealer days. Of course, these beauties are no longer in production because Mr. Stark has one of those annoying moral backbones, but I grabbed it as an early Christmas gift from one of his...late former associates. The tree will take you three to the X-Mansion where it’ll reduce you and the rest of the insufferable X-Men to rubble!” Metallic clamps emerge from the “tree,” securing Jubilee, Sparrow, and Jono to it. Sparrow: “You’re insane!” Arcade smiles and shakes his head approvingly. Arcade: “You’re too kind!” Sparrow whispers to Jubilee and Jono. Sparrow: “I can barely control my powers so I won’t be much use yet, but you two can break these clamps before the missile lifts off. Once we’re free, I’ll take Locke. Jono, you stop the missile from launching. Jubilee...Arcade is all yours.” Sparrow smirks. Sparrow: “Ready...NOW!” Jono generates a psionic flame, directing it onto the clamps but keeping it from burning Jubilee and Sparrow. @amazing-jubilee and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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arcadeking0fpwn · 2 years
Hours later, the dreamy serenity of Jubilee’s sleep is broken by a gentle tapping against her bare legs and the sound of a familiar voice. Jono Starsmore. Jono: “Jubilee! Jubilee, please wake up!” Jubilee, Jono, and Sparrow are underneath what looks like a giant Christmas tree, their backs propped up against its “trunk,” with their wrists and ankles tied, and giant gift bows on their heads. Sparrow is still out cold, but the fully-conscious Jono looks at Jubilee with a worried expression. Jono: “Are you alright, luv? I followed every lead I could as soon as you went missing.” Jono laughs sardonically, trying to lighten the tension of their situation. Jono: “I believe I’ve found you.” Jono does the best he can to hold Jubilee’s hand, despite both of their wrists being tied. Jono: “I promise you. We’re going to be okay.”
Sparrow: “Ooohhh…where are we…?” Sparrow, now waking up, looks around, taking in her surroundings and trying to formulate a plan of escape right away. Seeing Jono next to Jubilee, Sparrow stops and stares for a moment. Sparrow: “Jono?” Remembering that he’s not the Jono of her universe, Sparrow breaks her gaze, slightly flustered. Sparrow: “You-um…you must be the X-Man Arcade was talking about.” Sparrow smiles pleasantly. Sparrow: “Welcome to our crazy little Christmas party.” Jono: “Indeed.” In spite of the predicament, Jono is now in a room with two Jubilees. He can’t help but feel happy about this. If they couldn’t outwit Arcade, they’d at least out-sass him. @amazing-jubilee and coordinated with @deathurgeoverdrive
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