Alright Kirishima has been moved to https://brightredriot.tumblr.com/
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May switch this (brightredriot) as the main blog in the incoming days.
I’ll keep Deku and Denki as side ones.
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“Get harder…! More…! And more…! My body…and spirit! Get harder! Harden! And become… a wall that will never fall! After intensive training to improve my Quirk, this is the highest hardness level I can achieve right now! Red Riot Unbreakable!”
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still thinkin about him ⚙️
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Katsuki stared hard at Kirishima. He could tell that the other was lying – not many people could lie to his face and get away with it. Not to mention, the red head wasn’t much for lying anyway. It went against his whole ‘manly’ stance. 
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However, the blond wasn’t gonna be chasing the electric dumbass around the school because the idiot decided it was a good idea to swap out his favorite hot sauce and replace it with ketchup.
“If ya see the dumbass… tell him that the next time I see him, he won’t be able to get away.” He had been holding the bottle of ‘hot sauce’ in his hand; though, on the bottle was a image of Crimson Riot.
“Oh, it is what he did ?” Kirishima relaxed. “I was afraid it was worse. I’ll tell him though, you can count on me - but I doubt that will deter him...”
His grin was sheepish as he pointed it out. But no one could control Kaminari, and surely not the redhead. His gaze landed on the bottle, eyes shining at the sight of his favorite hero. “You’re not going to throw it, right ?”
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Kirishima wakes up one morning to a heavy weight on his chest. Somehow his omega boyfriend managed to get in and crawl into bed without waking him up. Bakugou seems to be sleeping soundly, head on the alpha’s chest, purring away as the rest of him is tucked as close as physically possible. Aw.
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Blinking owlishly, Kirishima's sleepy brain struggled to make sense of the weight on his chest and the noise his ears were picking up. Eventually, he was awake enough to realise that, yes, Bakugou had apparently sneaked up to him, and was sleeping on him.
A wide, happy grin stretched the alpha's lips, heart speeding up from joy and surprise enterwined. He was careful to not move, as to not bother the sleeping beauty's slumber. But Kirishima still stretched his neck some so he could take in as much of the sight as he could, melting when staring at the purring omega. How did he get so lucky ?
He trully was adorable. Not that the redhead would tell him so to his face. He fred a hand to bring it to Bakugou's back, gently stroking, unable to get enough of the sight and feeling of the omega sleeping on top of him.
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I’m being very busy these days, I don’ tknow if and when I’ll be able to answer threads. My apologies.
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@sparkwave​ followed (for @brightredriot) – (starter from canon // pre-war arc! Katsuki)
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“Oi, Shitty Hair!!” Katsuki called at the red head, “Do you know where Sparky is?!” He questioned, though based on the level of annoyance in his voice it was evident that Kaminari had done something.
“Hey Bakubro !” He grinned, happy, until hearing the question.
“Ah... Denki ? Hmmm...” The redhead trying to buy himself some time. He had just witnessed the electric blond pass running and giggling... He thought nothing of it at the moment, but apparently their friend decided to play with his life again, poking at Bakugou.
Internally, Kirishima sighed. Sometimes he wished to not have to be between these two !
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“I think he went to, uh, the training field ?” He tried finally - pathetically, really. Kirishima wasn’t good at lying, never was, would never be. Which was alright, since he hated lying anyway.
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Pining Boys 🧡❤️
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`You can stand under my umbrella`
It's kinda rainy here in Italy, which means that Kirishima and Bakugou are kissing under the umbrella 👀💕
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Izuku shakes his head as his friend deluges him with questions. “No,” he manages to cut in quickly, right after the first few ones. “It’s not about me.” With that rectified, he shuts his mouth and listens to the rest — to Kirishima’s answer.
Then, it is his time to provide some explanations. “I was just… thinking about some things,” he begins, hands flat on his knees. It’s not the whole truth, and it’s not exact either, but he figures this kind of simplification won’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. And despite he’s not happy lying to his classmate like that, he isn’t too keen on explaining everything that’s going on in his mind, like visions of the previous One for All holders, and the conversations they all hold with him.
“I don’t really want to defeat Shigaraki,” he admits finally, with a deep sigh. “Not if I can help him. So… I wonder. Can people change.”
Right, maybe Kirishima was a little too... Much here. He forced himself to calm down - and it was easier when he actually heard what it was all about.
The name alone gave the redhead chills. But it made sense - if the villain changed, that sure would make things a lot easier, in several ways. The conversation was even more serious than he thought at first, so Kirishima made sure to think this through.
“Why him, among other villains ? You didn’t expect most people you fought to change, so why him ?”
He gestured vaguely as if to illustrate his words. “Shigaraki is like, the boss of villains. Or, mini-boss, if you count AFO. Isn’t he the less likely to change ?”
This time there was a silence left after the question, so Midoriya would have time to answer it, if he wished. “But to go back to your first question... People can change, but only if they want to, I think. So the question is rather, do you think he’d want to change ? What for ? People often need a good reason to. Something... To motivate them. To push them. Or to inspirate them, like for me.”
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“If only !” He nearly whined, followed by a dramatic sigh. It was purposedly exagerated, for fun, but Kirishima wouldn’t have minded if they fucked earlier than they did - though he wasn’t complaining about how things went, either. A first shared heat had some romantic light to it, despite the amount of fucking involved.
There was no hesitation in the way Kirishima tilted his head, exposing more skin to the nuzzling, every touch from the omega was sending sparkles-like to his heart, accompagning the tingling of his skin. The redhead was nearly bathing in happiness.
Of course he laughed at the ‘threat’. Not that he believed the blond unable to kick his butt - Kirishima was actually pretty sure he not only would, but could do so. And it was a thing he liked about the other, one in a sea of others. However he was used to consider these threats like part of Katsuki’s charm, and thought of them as pretty endearing.
Leaving their comfortable embrace was the last thing he wanted, but the water was getting colder the more time passed, and the thought Katsuki could catch a cold started to worry the alpha enough.
“...Maybe we could cuddle on the bed instead ? It’s starting to get cold.” It was a more safe route to pretend he was bothered by the cold, than say he was worried about Katsuki being cold.
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Class 1A on their way to the halloween party, a little lost in the city~ ✨
I really liked drawing a lot of students I don't normally draw!
Hope you like It!!! 🦇🍬🎉
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Analyst seemed rather dumbfounded by the other’s reaction. Wait, the other is…excited to meet a vigilante? They gave a small nod, “Yeah of course and I am but a vigilante always helps others out when they’re in their time of need.” They explained, reassuring Red Riot.
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“What…? What is it?” Analyst came to a stop with a hint of concern and uneasiness in their eyes.
Kirishima never had the occasion to do more than greet a vigilante, so he was genuinely excited about it. The words of reassurance drew a happy grin on the redhead’s face.
When Tamaki’s voice fell and the vigilante looked worried, Kirishima instead laughed loudly, slapping his teamate in the back in a friendly manner - embarrassing him further. “Don’t worry, Sun Eater is just shy ! With everyone.”
It made Tamaki mumble something unhearable for humans’s ears, trying to hide further. “....I’ll take the villain... Please forget about me.” To which Kirishima only chuckled, shaking his head. “Alright man, I free you. But you should socialise more !” Even with his face partly hidden, it was easy to see the suffering on his expression at the mere idea.
As Tamaki was taking the villain away, Kirishima gave his whole focus back to the vigilante. “Looks like it’s done. Are you still up for chatting ?” Hesitation crossed his face for a second. “Ah, but weren’t you on patrol ? Or watch ? And I should change, or we’re going to attract attention... Should we schedule a hangout instead ?” He didn’t want to cause troubles to the person who just saved him after all, but he really wanted to chat !
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