if you ever wanna reach me and i’m not here, you can easily find me at @javndiced and @sovlseeing. those are my two main blogs.
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hi, i’m not dead.
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busecjin -- ( MIKU )
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                 Miku slowly turns their head to look at Lavi, blinking their eyes at him slowly. Oh they already want to beat this boy’s ass. ❛ …Lavi…I promise…Now, what did you do. ❜
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    “ so... you know that box under your bed? i totally wasn’t in your room, but... someone told me about the box. ”  he’s already ready to run.
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Shower/bath starters
“First come, first served. I don’t make the rules, sorry.”
“Oh, hell no! You are taking a bath before sitting on my couch.”
“If you don’t come out in the next five minutes, then I’m coming in.”
“When was the last time you washed yourself?”
“There are dog germs all over me! I need a shower NOW!”
“Yeah, you need a bath. Preferably yesterday.”
“I don’t think so. Bubbles are for children.”
“I am taking a long bubble bath and I expect no interruptions unless the world is ending.”
“I just got in here! Wait your turn!”
“You’re taking a shower even if I have to throw you in there myself.”
“You act like you’re allergic to water.”
“There is no way I was in there that long.”
“I need a vodka and a bath. Maybe even a vodka bath.”
“And that’s another book ruined. Why can’t you just read in bed instead?”
“You still play with bath toys? How old are you again?”
“What the fuck did you put in my shampoo?”
“It doesn’t take an hour just to wash your hair!”
“I heard a lot of splashing. Did you fall asleep in the bathtub again?”
“Why is there no hot water?”
“Quit singing and get out of the shower already!”
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/Isa stop remaking >:U it's hard to keep up with you lmaooo
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“i’m done remaking blogs” i say as i look at three more blogs i want to remake and make. you never know what the isa is up to next. i’m contemplating remaking my daisya, link, and a sheryl, but… kek. i’ll try to give you guys updates of where i am ♥
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regeneratecl -- ( ALMA )
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     “not only am i not participating in this, i’m actually TELLING ON YOU, so yuu knows it’s coming.”
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    “ ...you’re a party pooper, alma. alma the party pooper. party pooper alma. ”  he’s actually offended. now he’ll have to raid someone else’s room.  “ i thought you might know how to have a little bit of fun, but i was wrong. you’re just as bad as yuu. ”
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i still hear ja.son lie.brecht’s voice when i write lavi but sometimes i hear suzu.mura ken.ichi’s too so i just. roll with it.
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spitelived replied to your post:
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    screams and dodges, running away from her.  “ missed me, missed me, wouldn’t wanna dis me! ”
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    “ run, run, as fast as you can! you can’t catch me! i’m the GINGERBUNNY MAN! ”
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meaveeshrim -- ( CHARLOTTE PLS )
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Why? What kind of a terrible person steals someone’s fries instead of getting himself a plate? She stares at him a few moments while he chews her food, then grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him close.
“If you ever do that again, I will hover over your shoulder every time you eat until they day you die and steal your food.”
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    oh shit, she sounds serious. there’s a small whine that sounds in the back of his throat and he gives a few quick and frantic nods. he clears his throat, holding his hands up in defense.
    “ jeez -- you’re almost as vicious as allen. ”  close, but not quite there. allen probably would’ve hit him over the head and chased him with wasabi.  “ it won’t happen again. bookman’s promise. ”  even though those were never really honest promises. then again, he doesn’t want anyone stealing food from him.  “ i’ll go get you another plate of fries. ”
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bladesofeclipse -- ( MARIANNE )
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❛ i don’t know. one of the finder’s back in america would call this deliciously refreshing, but i’m pretty sure she was canadian, ❜ her hands reach her arms, squeezing around the sleeves && rubbing, hoping the friction brought warmth,  ❛ they oughta make coats that have a heating switch on ‘em. ❜
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    “ oh yeah, it can be refreshing. just not when it’s this cold. perfect weather for snow, though. ”  now snow is something he can appreciate.  “ but coats with a heating switch? that’d be really cool. you should suggest that to reever or somebody -- see if they can do it. ”
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regeneratecl -- ( ALMA )
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     just shovels more mayonnaise into their egg salad.  “depends.  what’s the SOMETHING?”
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    “ we’re gonna go on a PANTY RAID! only we’re stealing YUU’S underwear! ”
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spitelived -- ( ZUKI )
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zuki lets out a small whine, trying to pry lavi’s hand off her head before he sits. she huffs, hugging momo closer and leaning against the wall. ❝ i always look tired. but, no. i never sleep enough. ❞
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    “ bet you’re staying up late and talking to some cute person, huh? ”  lavi gives a soft laugh before he sighs.  “ man, i wish i could stay up late and talk to a cute person. ”  but then again, he doesn’t really wish that. he doesn’t want to get involved with anyone like that.  “ i bet general tiedoll is worried sick with you not getting enough sleep. ”
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sphinxiisms -- ( SETI )
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          The sphinx looks over when he hears his name, and freezes in shock when Lavi hugs him. “U–uh… yeah, I did.” he mumbles, twitching his ears. He takes a half step back to avoid being hugged so suddenly again. “…Thanks…”
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    the apprentice nods a few times, humming happily. while this is the role he has to play, he can appreciate seti. he knows they’ve come to disagreements in the past, but... this is the present.  “ you’re welcome! ”  the redhead chirps before backing against the wall and leaning against it.  “ i haven’t seen you around much. have you been busy? ”
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@regeneratecl ♥’d for a starter
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    “ oi! oi, alma! wanna help me with something? ”  run, alma. don’t let him do this.
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    “ you can’t just take a book someone else wrote and claim it as yours. what dunderhead does that anyway? ”
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@sphinxiisms ♥’d for a starter
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    “ seti! it’s been so long! ”  running up to the other, lavi throws his arms around him, laughing. he lets go immediately, not wanting to make seti uncomfortable.  “ you cut your hair! i like it! ”
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