archora · 4 years
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❛  i’m not quite sure what it means to mourn.  /  art by yoshitaka amano.
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archora · 4 years
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    i may be moving this  &  xiao to a multi as an fyi !
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archora · 4 years
i won't be posting the anonymous opinions i got ( re: the meme ) but i want to say i did read & deeply appreciated each of them. thank you very much for all of the support everyone has given me in different ways. 🥺
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archora · 4 years
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grandpa face reveal
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archora · 4 years
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archora · 4 years
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you are orestes from the oresteia by aeschylus, and you are haunted by a cycle of pain. you try your hardest to be a better person, but sometimes you wonder if you will stop feeling trapped by your past. you have a strong sense of justice, you are quick to protect and defend those you love, and you are not afraid to compromise your morals if that means you are settling the score. eventually though, the consequences of your deeds will catch up to you, but that's okay, because sometimes looking your ugliness right in the eye is the greatest release.
tagged by:  stole from @wanmins​  ! tagging:  feel free to steal it once more
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archora · 4 years
“I am here,” Childe half-announces, the spite dripping off his words, “to tie up a loose end.” He all but throws himself into the seat beside Zhongli’s with a harried ‘humph’ as spine meets cushion. Fingers curl around the arm’s rest and drum out an indecipherable beat while his heel jostles up and down in a restless manner; the adrenaline from battle hasn’t entirely worn off yet.
Finally he notices the smudges of red on his outfit and is made dimly aware that he’s probably smeared some blood on the chair, which knowing Zhongli’s tastes, is likely extremely expensive. Oh, well. There’s something bothering Childe, the sting from being made a fool of coiling in his chest. The harbingers had completed their duty, but Childe hated being dragged along for the ride, and so he’d wanted to question Zhongli about it. And getting back to Liyue had been a bit more difficult than anticipated.
“You have insulted my pride. A thing I work very hard to keep intact.” It sounds so dumb when he puts it that bluntly, but for one as arrogant as Childe, it speaks volumes. But as for the continuation of the sentence; well, Childe’s at a loss there, so he resolves to staring down Zhongli fiercely instead.
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    THEY HESITATE,  heaving a subdued sigh of disapproval that would go unnoticed by most people. they suppose that childe heard it, and perhaps some part of them hoped as much. after all, zhongli takes great care to keep this establishment clean.  ‘ this was to be expected. it’s only natural he would be angry. ’  such thoughts are interrupted by the incessant ‘ tap tap tap ’  of the fatui’s fingers.
    careful not to let his patience wane, the archon lifts a hand and curls his fingers. they settle against his lips, eyes closed  &  expression thoughtful as it is peaceful. it would be unwise to retaliate, lest his work space become a battleground.  (  there has been more than enough fighting,  for the time being. avoiding conflict is a necessity.  )  thus, zhongli does not comment on the blood-stained furniture. they listen.
    “ ... i apologize, but you must understand, ”  he speaks, lashes rising to unveil amber eyes. finally setting his book down against the table before them, the archon rests both hands in his lap, gaze turning to childe.  “ i did not make any decision preceding the events that took place lightly.  risks were always necessary in order for things to go according to plan. ”  he pauses;  considers his words.
    “ i do not deny my responsibility. nor will i look past the destruction you willingly wrought upon many innocent lives. is that not fair ? ”
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archora · 4 years
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    i imagine zhongli is mildly touch-averse, but mostly because it has been so long since he was comfortable enough with another to engage in intimate acts of any nature. although he is open to making acquaintances and friends, most of them are quite reserved  &  keep their hands to themselves. there are a few exceptions to this, but they either  ( a ).  are not around long enough for fleeting touches not to startle them or  ( b ).  hu tao.  working for the kind of person who touches you with their frozen hands for fun does little to aid his reluctance.
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archora · 4 years
“Once when I left The snow flakes seemed like flower Petals. Now today the petals Seem like snow.”
— Fan Yun, from Farewell to Shen Yueh; One Hundred More Poems from the Chinese (tr. by Kenneth Rexroth)
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archora · 4 years
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i hope yalls rolls went well !!
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archora · 4 years
john jake’s the seekers (1975) starters.  |  @songscrawled​:   ❛ then i’d encourage you to follow your instincts. ❜ (venti!)
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    THEY CHUCKLE,  quiet and genuine. it has been a long time;  too long, perhaps, since morax has met with their old friend. though they may not see eye to eye at all times, conversing with mortals often can lead to a feeling of estrangement.  (  perhaps isolation would be a better term:  an inability  to ever quite fit in.  )  such feelings are menial in the grand scheme of things, of course. even so, he is pleased.
    “ my instincts ?  hm ... ”  it would take more than a few drinks to intoxicate an archon of his standing, but the lord of geo is no longer  /  morax wishes to play the role of zhongli,  &  zhongli shall live as a mortal does.  ‘ instinctually, i concern myself with my work ... and my ability to perform tasks required of me. ’  as they consider this, they turn to the bard. sliding the glass across the table to him, zhongli nods.
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    “ then i shall opt for tea. coincidentally, i had begun brewing some hours prior to your visit, so it should be ready soon. ”  he doesn’t suppose barbatos will partake in it, however. not when there is a bottle of wine within his grasp, at least.
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archora · 4 years
john jake’s the seekers (1975) starters.  |  @starsdescent​​:  ❛  truthfully, it had never occurred to me before.  ❜ / from lumine !
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    ZHONGLI HUMS,  contemplative. there is some relief to be found in her words, given the traveller’s honest disposition from what he can discern.  (  even so, they can’t help but dwell on the possibility that  such a wealth  of information could be irritating at best,  &  overwhelming at worst.  )  despite the many years he has spent in this life, morax has much left to be desired in the conversational field.
    tapping a gloved finger against their chin, they nod.  “ i am relieved to hear so. ”  although they are oft reserved, an array of topics pique their interest. in order to blend in more naturally, zhongli has opted to work on  the seemingly simple  task of holding his tongue.  ‘ friends need not concern themselves with such worries, ’  he considers. perhaps that is why she doesn’t express disinterest ?  no matter.
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    “ at the mention of qingce village  —  i couldn’t help but recall the spectacular display of flowers. nevertheless, i am glad my stories do not bore you. ”
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archora · 4 years
john jake’s the seekers (1975) starters.  |  @zhuqued​:   ❛ you’ll need to be lively when the sun’s up! ❜
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    HER ENTHUSIASM  is refreshing at his age;  something to be envied, and something he is certain many would benefit from sharing. it was this virtue, perhaps, that had initially inspired zhongli to invite her to perform at the parlor.  (  something people had expressed concern over,  &  that others had deemed inappropriate.  )  no matter the differing opinions, they feel no remorse.
    arms folded, the archon’s eyes flutter closed. emanating an aura of warm bemusement, the corners of his lips upturn very slightly.  ‘ indeed ...  everybody has their hands full with preparation for festivities right now, but even so ... ’  one hand rises, with a delicate gracefulness he need not practice. gloved fingers curl against his lips, and zhongli stifles a rare chuckle. such a thing is somewhat of a rarity.
    “ of course, ”  he affirms.  “ forgive me for appearing anything but so. it seems i’ve yet to acclimatise to the level of energy at this time of year. ”
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archora · 4 years
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    A SMALL PSA REGARDING ACTIVITY.  i know i have already mentioned i can have sporadic activity across all of my blogs, but i recently received some news which may impact this to a greater extent, if not at this very moment then certainly in the future. i’ve kept quiet about it for some time, but feel i shouldn’t be ashamed to admit that i’m emotionally more fragile than i have been, which is saying something. my mother has been receiving treatment for cancer,  &  recently found out her chances are about  50 / 50  and it’s become  ‘ advanced cancer ’ .  i just want to let it be known that i’m anxious at the best of times, so if i seem difficult to approach or standoffish at all,  it is no fault of anybody  approaching me. i hope to still be a welcoming presence and write when i have the motivation, despite all things.
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archora · 4 years
📚     JOHN JAKES’S THE SEEKERS ( 1975 ) STARTERS.          ↳ change pronouns / wording as necessary.
❛  you’ll need to be lively when the sun’s up.  ❜ ❛  as you can tell by my presence here, i understand perfectly.  ❜ ❛  success evidently runs in the family.  ❜ ❛  may i ask you a personal question ?  ❜ ❛  you’ll have to agree it’s fallen into bloody excess.  ❜ ❛  the solution was only temporary anyway.  ❜ ❛  that’s why i had to strike out on my own for a time.  ❜ ❛  truthfully, it had never occurred to me before.  ❜ ❛  stolen would be a better word.  ❜ ❛  don’t be so anxious to shed blood. i’ve done it and it’s far from pleasant.  ❜ ❛  there was a scandal, and a juicy one.  ❜ ❛  i’ll repeat the story in private.  ❜ ❛  a man who goes into battle without fear is the worst sort of fool.  ❜ ❛  i discovered there is nothing pleasant or uplifting about killing another human.  ❜ ❛  so that leaves your future open for discussion.  ❜ ❛  yes, you make all of the decisions, don’t you ?  ❜ ❛  why wouldn’t you want a comfortable, secure existence ?  ❜ ❛  will you deny me the same opportunity ?  ❜ ❛  i do hope you haven’t entirely closed your mind against me.  ❜ ❛  anyway, why shouldn’t i be here ?  ❜ ❛  then sit, and let’s talk.  ❜ ❛  what do you propose we do, may i ask ?  ❜ ❛  then why don’t you protest ? or quit ?  ❜ ❛  i’m glad the secrets out, now i can talk to them about my intentions.  ❜ ❛  then don’t make me out to be more wicked than you, please.  ❜ ❛  i only want you. let the rest happen as it will.  ❜ ❛  you’re vile to suggest that.  ❜ ❛  i’m afraid i might not be able to contain my temper !  ❜ ❛  then i’d encourage you to follow your instincts.  ❜ ❛  perhaps there was a reason you valued them more than i.  ❜ ❛  i just don’t want you to have any bad feelings about leaving.  ❜ ❛  what is it you don’t understand ?  ❜ ❛  are you saying you want to refuse my gift ?  ❜ ❛  we are all guilty of being human.  ❜ ❛  what a damned paradox, eh ?  ❜ ❛  don’t be angry with me, realize the decision had been made.  ❜ ❛  you’re not telling the truth.  ❜ ❛  i don’t think i’ll ever be warm again.  ❜ ❛  i couldn’t get by without it and you know it !  ❜ ❛  i don’t know what’s wrong except i hate this place.  ❜ ❛  i don’t have any courage left.  ❜ ❛  i know you’re here, don’t hide from me.  ❜ ❛  except you want to talk about it, or else you wouldn’t have brought it up.  ❜ ❛  but you’re carrying on like a crazy man !  ❜ ❛  i’ll pour you another drink.  ❜ ❛  it shines beautiful from afar. up close, it stinks.  ❜
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archora · 4 years
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archora · 4 years
word prompts compilation.  |  @krevzvest​:   [ bloody ]  for your muse coming to my muse with blood stains.
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    THE HARBINGER  approaches, and zhongli doesn’t so much as lift a brow. he remains calm in his seat, leg folded over leg and book in hand. his amber gaze rises to meet that of the fatui’s, speculative.  ‘ just what has he gotten himself into, i wonder. ’  they ponder, wordlessly. though they would be tentative to call such a person their friend, zhongli is not wont to sit by idly and offer no sympathy nor assistance.
    with a subdued sigh through his nostrils, he slips a thumb between the pages of his book. it occurs to him, after a moment’s speculation, that the blood may not be childe’s.  (  at least, not in its entirety.  )  the thought shakes even him, albeit fleetingly. setting the open book against his leg, zhongli concerns himself with the possibility that what with the festivities as of late, someone might have ...
    (  no. he is a harbinger, after all.  credit should be given where it is due.  )
    “ ...  i had hoped to have the evening to myself. ”  his tone is gentle, despite the displeased connotation of his words.  “ are you here to organize a ceremony ? ”
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