arcsdragon · 1 year
What if the pearl is Aaravos's soul and that's why his chest star is black and it's not because of dark magic in this essay-
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arcsdragon · 1 year
Aaravos's prison
I think I know where/what Aaravos's prison is
(MAJOR spoilers for season 5)
((ps this is my first post/theory so I'm sorry if it's a mess))
In episode 9 (of season 5 oc) we see a large statue of Aaravos and the Jailer, well I think that's actually him, and the magic pearl(?) is his soul, he's basically trapped in both mind and body.
we've seen characters turn to stone before, ie Avizandum, and a lot in promotional things, and even the new intro with Viren who ends up dying this season, so this could be a hint.
in ep 4 in the bookery the poem they'er looking at says 'Laureloin was no more' But they also call the startouch immortal and undying, Callum just assumes 'no more' means death, but what if it's nothing else? Say separating a soul/consciousness from a body? Aaravos seems to project his consciousness and consciousness throughout the seasons (and Viren's in the 5th) when he's in his ghosty spectral form, something I assume that's star magic because it doesn't fit the other arcanum accept maybe moon.
arguable the best evidence for this is what happened to Janai's grandmother "I swallowed her" so this man either fork and knife ate her, shrunk her, or his actually body is big enough where he can just do that.
and as I said before about imagery, this season stepped it up A LOT, and during promotions we see a lot of Aaravos holding, and puppeteering characters, maybe another hint?
if Aarvos is actually that big, that would kinda make sense in the scale of the world. What I mean is, there's some animals/creatures that are just MASSIVE, I understand it being a fantasy, but when I first saw the size of arch dragons I was like ???, but if the world was originally made by startouch elves the sizes make sense, the hermit crab Sealegs, the amblers (the big camel animal thing in the desert episode season 3 ep 5) would be to scale if they really are that massive
also if you follow the dragon prince on instagram (maybe on twitter too? idk don't have it) on their website they'll post short stories, one centered around Aaravos implies his fall to Xaida made The Lake of Outcast, and if that's true, the impact of something that big would make a big crater and name make a lot of sense.
also less of evidence but maybe not? a while ago, before the character charts where released someone in a panel said Aaravos was the biggest character, there was a meme going around that he's bigger than Avizandum, but what if he actually is?
as for the pearl being his soul, the only thing I really got is separating the soul from the body making him 'no more' and the fact when he does magic his eyes are white and iridescent like pearls are.
So what does that mean in the future? Hopefully an epic final battle, but also I have a few predictions. The next step the crew is going to take is going after the Novablade/Starscraper, I think it's literally going to be a massive sword. And going a little off the rails a little bit, I love the idea that only a startouch elf can wield it because of its size, but that could be wishful thinking, I'd love a startouch to join the crew, maybe the Jailor?? (give me more startouch lore)
anyways tell me if you have any rebuttals, evidence, or more thoughts!
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