25.06 23.10pm
ive gone back to being shit
started drinking again
i think i had 3 or 4 days where i was good, i didnt drink and i was cleaning each day
now my apartment is a shithole again
im still waiting for my diagnosis from my psych
ill write to you as soon as i get it i think
i just hope you're still in nl
idk what else to say
its a bit crazy thinking i might have ptsd + depression
its like i dont deserve it, it feels weird
i also read about trauma bonding and symptoms
none of that is related to u but it 100% fits w/ my previous ex
i still miss u
most days i dont really think of u
its weird
like you were a constant presence in my past and now its like
id wake up at 9, work till 6, play some shit till 9 and only then realise i never thought of u
im sorry
u deserve more
i hope u dont hate me
but i dont think we'll talk again as friends
im sorry
i love u
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19.06 02:37
im getting my diagnosis soon, very likely it's ptsd
that explains my panic attacks
i also may have depression, i did some tests and its not looking good for me
i wanted to write u a letter about all this
just to let you know
my therapist said it might be a good way to "close the chapter"
but idk if im ready to close it
ill wait for the diagnosis and then ill see if ill write to u or not
im sorry i disappeared like this
but i think ure doing better without me
i love u
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12.06, 4:35 am
the night we first kissed, you were reading my letters i wrote for her
now im writing to you
its funny how we ended up like this
i really thought we would last, at least as friends after we broke up
we promised each other we would
but its been 2 months since we last talked
i got diagnosed with a severe panic disorder
thats what was happening to me during our last months together
i guess you were the trigger, but it wasnt your fault
i think i kind of knew we wouldnt last when you didnt say i love you back that night
and that fear of losing you was causing the panic attacks
but thats also how we grew distant, kind of ironic, self fulfilling prophecy or whatever
i miss you
i have days when you are barely in my thoughts, but when im by myself its basically free real estate for you
and you left a big hole
i wish i could talk to you directly, but i physically cant
everytime we would talk after we broke up i would have bad panic attacks
even now writing this, knowing you will never see it, i feel like im close to having one
i wanted to at least explain to you why i havent texted, but my psychologist said i shouldnt talk to you
at least not for now
its good for treatment apparently
but i guess this doesnt count so its ok
when you asked me how i was doing, i lied
i had a two week period where i didnt get out of bed
i couldnt eat, work or shower
the apartment was a mess
because in my mind you died
its a self defense mechanism i have since B, its how my mind deals with break ups
obviously i know youre not dead, and i dont want you to be
but my mind thinks theres no other way to deal with a breakup
so i was grieving you
for a solid two months
it hurts needing you back in my life but knowing that i cant
we wont work out as a couple anymore, and you know i cant be friends again if i still have feelings
and i have them now, and will do for a long time
but youre better off without me i think
im sorry
i miss you and i love you
im not sure if ill keep writing here
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