area-zero-rogue · 7 months
Kinda been holding off on this, but since Tumblr might actually no longer be alive in the near future, I’ve come to a decision…
I will no longer be active on this blog.
There were already reasons for it before such as:
1) Maintaining a roleplay/ask blog is a lot of work (and even more so for non-canon characters) and I’ve kinda lost motivation to keep up with it.
2) The one person I would write with also left and getting your foot into the Pokèmon rp scene is a whole different beast in and of itself…
3) If you don’t already have friends, it’s hard to make new ones cause everyone already kinda has their groups that they mostly interact between each other and hardly with anyone else.
4) I’m more active on Discord cause I prefer writing there as opposed to here. Yeah, the stories are basically relegated to whatever server they’re in, but I kinda like that better anyway.
I should note that Rosario and her story will not truly ever be gone, just I’m writing for them more on Discord. Most of the lore is there now anyway.
That said, I think I’m finally gonna abandon Tumblr like that one drunk guy who decided to have a last hoorah with the remaining alcohol on the Titanic before jumping off. I’ll still be active on my personal, but I’m saying bye to this one soon.
Here’s my other socials if you’re interested in what other things I’m doing:
Instagram: plagued.moon
Twitter: _PlaguedMoon
I’ll probably reach out to a few of you personally after I post this cause some of y’all I’d be happy to chat with more.
Thank you for having me here, but it’s time I move on. 🫡
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area-zero-rogue · 9 months
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Rose being told she is “cult leader material”:
“… 𝙸𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝙸 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍?”
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area-zero-rogue · 9 months
“𝙲𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜? 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎. 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚜𝚗’𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚗. 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙.”
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area-zero-rogue · 9 months
They for one had been the entity being stared at! From beyond the mirror! How was that even possible? The last time that happened was well...
No it was not that same person.
There it was again.
Her eyes lingered over the form and blinked while her head moved from this angle to that. She had to be sure it was real.
“Such a cutie.” The Paldean mused out loud, placing a lid on her bubbling excitement at the other legend. That day in the crater was not a hallucination either. Perhaps some day she might have a proper connection with it.
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area-zero-rogue · 9 months
“If anyone needs me, I shall be in Kitakami.”
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area-zero-rogue · 9 months
(( BEST WISHES TO EVERYONE PLAYING THE TEAL MASK DLC!!! I know I’ve already been MIA from here—been a mix of lack of motivation from usual ADHD difficulties and some other stuff I might talk about at a later time—but I will try to be more active even with the DLC out…
I know people have been saying she’s sus, but Ms Briar already has my heart. 🥰
Happy playing y’all! ))
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area-zero-rogue · 9 months
She mounted onto the leather saddle strapped to Hedía’s back and ensured everything was secure as Volo responded to her. Rose had taken his statement as a bit of a challenge, a spark of playful mischief behind those smoked irises of hers while turning to him with a grin plastered on her face. Part of her had wondered if making a race of this would perhaps have a lightening effect to the gravity of possibilities that lay ahead.
“Oh? I suppose we might have to see about that as I would speak the same of Hedía here. One might assume all of this metal might hold him back, but I assure you it certainly does not… There is very good reason this pokémon is favored for travel in Galar.” She sang, testing the waters to see if he might bite and play into her challenge.
It had been so long since she had someone else to mess around with like this. Should he agree? Boy would it be thrilling and quite a joy to her soul.
“I would like to see if you and Miss Arcanine might prove just how well you work together. A sort of testament to your relationship as trainer and pokémon. Not much pressure, really.” The Paldean’s grin only grew wider.
The kiss he planted on his Togekiss’s pokéball had her heart flutter at how endearing a sight it was. Yet again, she found one other thing they had in common with one another. She had quickly been forced out of her head when he hesitantly asked if she intended on both of them to fly on Hedía’s back.
“Oh, goodness, no! I have already asked so much of you in joining me to investigate the space-time distortion. It would be quite rude and inconsiderate to push you further by having you fly with me.” Rose quickly responded, “You are more than welcome to travel with Miss Arcanine if that is what you are most comfortable with.”
His nerves were already on edge, so much that she could feel it without really trying.
“Please do not ever feel pressured by my insanity to partake in foolish behaviors should we continue to meet after this. The last thing I wish to do is put someone else in danger again with my brazenness.”
It had happened once before and the person nearly died. Volo seemed too good to be set in a situation where he could lose his life. It was not fair to him nor to his pokémon. Besides, she still had much to learn from him and she hoped he would like to hear some of her stories from the other regions she’s visited. His inquisitive personality already had her eager to exchange knowledge with one another.
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area-zero-rogue · 10 months
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area-zero-rogue · 10 months
“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
— Epictetus, Discourses
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area-zero-rogue · 10 months
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Our beloved sad/angry little meow meow, absolute gremlin of a babygirl.
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area-zero-rogue · 10 months
(( Perrin 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ))
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area-zero-rogue · 11 months
Rose tapped her chin as she ruminated for a moment, thinking of what answers she could give that would be truthful and possibly satisfactory. Without giving much thought, she would travel through time if given the opportunity to. It hadn’t been until she stopped herself a moment to contemplate the realities of doing so and other things she may not have considered, that she had to really think.
“I may have some hesitation about it, but I believe in the end I would proceed with traveling to the future if given the chance to do so.” She answered, pacing a bit. “There is not all that much tying me to this current point in time… And, while I will certainly miss those I’ve come to know, like yourself, I can’t say it necessarily makes me feel obligated to stay or extremely heartbroken if there had been no means of return.”
While she paused and gathered more of her thoughts, Satelle got close enough to Volo to hold out a hand towards him for a shake of greeting. The way they looked at him with a hint of intrigue behind their oddly alive digital eyes indicated there was no ulterior motive to the gesture.
“I could indeed travel to a point well before or well after Satelle’s creation, but there would still otherwise be much else to learn in that time. I may travel alone, meaning with no other human, but I will ensure I at least have my pokémon with me… Without them, I likely would not have lived long enough to meet you.” After finishing this thought, she started to ponder the growing friendship between the two of them and felt a slight pang of guilt.
“Perhaps… I think there would be more hesitation than I initially thought? I mean, I hadn’t really felt close to another in many years. Not until I began associating and working with you.” She turned and looked up at him. “It is hard to gauge how you would react to something without actually experiencing it, but I think I would be less eager to jump into time travel… It would mean leaving you behind, as well.”
Listening to what was essentially his thought process verbalized seemed to spark his something behind her eyes. While her outward appearance did not really reflect the intrigue and amusement, it also did nothing to make it seem as though she detested his thoughts either. She shook her head as he apologized and smiled reassuringly at him.
“Please, there is no need to apologize, my friend. I much prefer the skepticism as opposed to simply accepting all that I say as likely to be true. It helps me to think of possibilities I might not have considered!” She chimed, “Besides, what is the scientific process but questioning everything until the truth is revealed or discovered? I very much value what you have to say on this matter, Volo.”
Between the wonderful aid he had been during her time in Hisui and providing her with some company, she truly had no issues with his input on most things. Volo was an expert in his own right about the lands in which he grew up on. Even if he was not well traveled, Rosario still found his thoughts to be beneficial to the work she conducted.
“Suppose one day I will have to see about potential time travel if I truly wish to know whether Satelle came from the future or not… But that will be a while before I attempt anything of the sort. I’m not quite done researching in this current time period, anyhow.”
   Even now, Volo was still quietly amazed that Rosario could talk about time travel so casually - or so it seemed, to him. He couldn’t help but smile, impressed by her bravery even if he couldn’t fully understand it.
   “ Would you really do it, if you could…? ”
   As he spoke, he continued to eye Satelle with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty, trying to imagine what kind of world would have creatures like this. Surely it would be beyond his comprehension. One would hope that it was an easier world to live in, and that human progress had made things better rather than worse…but there was no guarantee of that.
   “ Travel into the future, I mean? It’s such a big unknown, more so than attempting to travel into the past. What if there was no way back? Would that not bother you? And how would you know how far to go, if that were something you could control? You could reach a point in the future and still be far from the likes of Satelle, no? ”
   Volo was keen to hear her answers, because the idea scared him, and yet he wasn’t sure what lay at the heart of that fear. It wasn’t like he had anything to hold onto in Hisui, besides his emotional attachment to this time and place. It must have been freeing, he thought, to only have an attachment to scientific discovery, and be willing to take it anywhere, anytime…
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area-zero-rogue · 11 months
She nodded solemnly as her gaze moved to the floorboards.
“I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I chose to stay instead… Would he still disappear?”
Rose looked back up at him before pulling out something small from her pocket. A small, hand-carved pokéshi doll.
“This was the last thing he gave me before we parted ways and I have kept it since.” She said, gently running her fingers over the carved surface before holding it out for him to see.
Volo takes another shaky breath, letting his shadows root him in this moment in reality. Questions... answers.... that's why he came here in the first place wasn't it? She had answers... all he needed was the right questions. He nods, letting his head drop to meet her gaze again.
"Tell me about yourself.... please."
Rose takes a moment to figure out what she could disclose and what would otherwise remain untold, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Angie continued to supervise, not trusting this variant enough to be alone with her.
“My name is Rosario. I am an independent researcher who was once part of the Area Zero Expedition whose discoveries culminated in the creation of the famed Scarlet or Violet books, depending on the timeline.” She began, “I was a student of the academy in Mesagoza and apprenticed under one of the Professors there for a few years. That was how I came to be part of the expedition as he was asked to contribute his expertise. After the expedition had concluded, I still had many questions about the things we saw down in The Great Crater and began traveling to other regions to study their legends and myths in hopes it would help me find the answers I sought. I had traveled to Galar, Kalos, Alola, Hisui, Hoenn, Kanto, and Johto.”
( @legendarysoulsau )
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area-zero-rogue · 11 months
The kiss he planted on his Togekiss’s pokéball had her heart flutter at how endearing a sight it was. Yet again, she found one other thing they had in common with one another. She had quickly been forced out of her head when he hesitantly asked if she intended on both of them to fly on Hedía’s back.
“Oh, goodness, no! I have already asked so much of you in joining me to investigate the space-time distortion. It would be quite rude and inconsiderate to push you further by having you fly with me.” Rose quickly responded, “You are more than welcome to travel with Miss Arcanine if that is what you are most comfortable with.”
His nerves were already on edge, so much that she could feel it without really trying.
“Please do not ever feel pressured by my insanity to partake in foolish behaviors should we continue to meet after this. The last thing I wish to do is put someone else in danger again with my brazenness.”
It had happened once before and the person nearly died. Volo seemed too good to be set in a situation where he could lose his life. It was not fair to him nor to his pokémon. Besides, she still had much to learn from him and she hoped he would like to hear some of her stories from the other regions she’s visited. His inquisitive personality already had her eager to exchange knowledge with one another.
I knew this was a bad idea…
The terror that radiated from him was as frantic and rapid as his breathing had become. She awaited his answer patiently, watching as some of his thoughts were reflected in the subtle changes in his expression. Her own heart had begun racing in anticipation as the pressure to begin heading toward the distortion grew. They likely had more time than her mind was convincing her, but it was hard to know for certain when she did not know their duration.
Her teammates had already begun to pack up what little they had out, extinguishing the fire. Since she did not have much out—having fully intended on moving to a new spot if she didn’t find anything that afternoon—, it was rather quick work for all of them. The large bag that held the camping equipment was hidden in a bush to prevent it from being taken easily. She looked over to thank all of her teammates, many of them returning themselves into their pokéballs.
“Of course I am afraid or worried about the possible consequences of going into one of these distortions… Your fears are certainly not unfounded or irrational, Volo.” Rose assured him as Hedía came up to stand beside her. “I have often continued to do things even while afraid. If I always refused to push myself, I would not be where I am now. Yes, it is frightening but not nearly as much when I have my Pokémon and now you to accompany me.”
She reached over toward him and took both of his hands into her own, looking up into his eyes as her own shimmered with confidence and determination.
“I promise to ensure you and your teammates stay safe. I will not allow any of you to become lost in time and space.”
Her hands gave his a brief squeeze before letting go and turning to her Corviknight, making sure she had everything of importance with her before they set off.
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area-zero-rogue · 11 months
Listening to what was essentially his thought process verbalized seemed to spark his something behind her eyes. While her outward appearance did not really reflect the intrigue and amusement, it also did nothing to make it seem as though she detested his thoughts either. She shook her head as he apologized and smiled reassuringly at him.
“Please, there is no need to apologize, my friend. I much prefer the skepticism as opposed to simply accepting all that I say as likely to be true. It helps me to think of possibilities I might not have considered!” She chimed, “Besides, what is the scientific process but questioning everything until the truth is revealed or discovered? I very much value what you have to say on this matter, Volo.”
Between the wonderful aid he had been during her time in Hisui and providing her with some company, she truly had no issues with his input on most things. Volo was an expert in his own right about the lands in which he grew up on. Even if he was not well traveled, Rosario still found his thoughts to be beneficial to the work she conducted.
“Suppose one day I will have to see about potential time travel if I truly wish to know whether Satelle came from the future or not… But that will be a while before I attempt anything of the sort. I’m not quite done researching in this current time period, anyhow.”
“It is.” She answered, pulling out one of her journals. “I initially questioned the same, but, when remembering the Kalosian myth of how the Artificial Pokémon Magearna came to be, I would think the classification of Pokémon could still be used when talking about Iron Valiant… Even if it is discovered to be fully man-made.”
Satelle got ever so slightly closer and gave Volo a polite curtsy while Hecate continued to observe from afar. The personality differences between the two were quite easily identified given the responses to being in the presence of someone who wasn’t their trainer.
“As you can see with Hecate, it’s features resemble a Misdreavus yet possessing a more… primitive look with the feathers and red protruding spikes. It is for these reasons we believed it came from a prehistoric time.” Rose gestured to each feature while speaking, the Flutter Mane seeming not to mind.
“When it comes to Satelle, it’s sophisticated mechanical structure is something that is far more advanced than anything capable of being produced in our current time. Without a visible power source and yet still being able to produce energy to light up, there is very little chance this type of technology was achieved by someone of this era.” She paused and flipped through her notes before closing the journal.
“The primary issue is proving if either of them had come from different periods in time. There exists no known fossil records of Flutter Mane and confirming Iron Valiant’s origins in the future—without a reliable means of time travel—is currently not possible, therefore, I cannot verify anything.”
   “ Magearna…? ”
   Volo blushed at his own lack of knowledge. Off the top of his head, he couldn’t think of any ‘artificial ‘ Pokémon at all. Even the concept was difficult to imagine. If something was a manmade machine, how could it also be a Pokémon?
   “ Such things could never exist in Hisui, I’m sure. Half of the people here hold a deep respect for Pokémon as equal brethren. The other half fears them. I doubt anyone here would think of creating an artificial Pokémon… ” Volo pressed his lips together and glanced at the two mysterious Pokémon. “ I do hope that doesn’t offend, but it’s the truth… ”
  Volo could still feel his head spinning while Rosario explained the reasons behind this theory. He could believe it much more readily in the case of the Iron Valiant, as Rosario had called it, even though - as she’d said - there was no easy way of proving it.
   “ I suppose it’s possible, since we know that time travel is possible…although, as you say, it’s not something we can control. Only the gods can do that, it seems. But…what if there are other explanations?
   What if Hecate is a regional form of a Misdreavus? What if there is some civilisation, somewhere, that possesses the means to create something like Satelle? After all, when the settlers arrived here, they brought technologies that I had never dreamed of. On the other hand, I’m well aware that you have travelled far and wide, and you have explored far beyond your homeland…whereas I have not… ”
   Volo suddenly checked himself, wondering if he was throwing water on Rosario’s fire. Her paused and gave her an apologetic glance.
“ I hope I’m not sounding like too much of a skeptic. I have no answers, I’m merely thinking aloud! Whatever the explanation, they are a wonder to behold! ”
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area-zero-rogue · 11 months
“𝙰𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚡 𝚘𝚏 𝚄𝚕𝚝𝚛𝚊 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚗… 𝙸 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚎𝚕𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗.”
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area-zero-rogue · 11 months
(( Pleased to report that I am feeling better lately! Tbh, the low mood might’ve been because I simply needed to get out a little more and see my friends coupled with residual burnout. BUT! I shall reply to threads soon. Thank y’all for your support and patience. 💕 ))
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