arensair-scribe · 7 years
Like The Wookies (SWTOR, Doc (Archiban Kimble) x F! Jedi Sentinel)
A/N: Oh my god do I try. This is my first, I hope it's enjoyable! Feedback is appreciated. ~ Árensaïr Scribe
Words: 1,060
Warnings: Death mention, fighting, bad writing
Summary: The Jedi Knight and her companion are overwhelmed and it ends very badly.
“Don’t make me fight alone!” The Jedi hears her companion yell from across the battlefield over the din of yells, blaster fire, and the growl of her own sabers. His voice washes a wave of worry over her across her mind as she desperately slashes her way through the throngs of imps piled upon her. She can feel herself slowing down, the pain starting to overtake her mind. “Okay, that hurts-” his obvious groan of pain sends an unwanted bolt of panic up her spine. No, she can’t lose him too, she’s already lost so many. She grits her teeth against the white-hot pain of a blaster bolt ripping through her robes and presses forward with a warcry, sweeping an entire row of enemies down from in front of her. Get out of my way. The way her sabers shine off of her eyes gives her a menacing look that causes a few of her enemies pause, just enough time to take down a couple more. Her sabers buzz and hiss around her as she strikes down attacker after attacker, her stamina wavering. The gentle chill of a kolto revitalizes her only until another barrage of blaster bolts pierce her armour and send her reeling to the ground.
“This’ll help!” Doc seemed free of his human prison now, sending kolto after kolto towards her. The chilling sensation filled her bones with a sense of relief from the aching burn of the blaster assault, giving her a bit more resolve. As soon as she was able she kicked herself up and held her sabers in front of her while scanning her surroundings and planning her next moves. It didn't seem that anyone was near her, which she found incredibly odd, she could have sworn there were at least five more imps to take out-
“A little help over here!” The cry got her attention, ripping her eyes to Doc who was surrounded by injured imps. The lot of them seemed a lot worse off than he did, but she wasn’t taking any chances. The Force carried her to his side before she could even command her feet, slamming with such power into one imperial he seemed to drop dead where he was. She slashed her saber down, parrying a blaster shot before it found a nice home in someone’s skull. Her hair was sticking to her neck and forehead as she worked her way around in a circle in an attempt to take as much strain off her healer as possible. That’s when something hit her like a rancor to the sternum. It took her more time than she was allotted to piece together what happened and gather her breath, the Sith was already on top of her and bearing down. His saber radiated pure, gaseous wrath and bathed her in a wave of boiling, bloody light.
“You’re weak,” the Sith spat in her face despite his own straining. “You’re weak and I will kill you.” His knee crashed into her ribs with a thunderous crack that ripped a scream of pain from her exhausted throat. “Submit!” he bellowed as he bared his lightsaber closer to her face, crushing the arms that held her own saber against his so feebly.
“Never!” the Jedi hissed. She could feel herself losing and she hated it. She hated that everything hurt, everything felt so weak, and everything was screaming at her to give up. The screaming of the blades and her own mind drowned out the screeches of blaster fire in the background.
Doc was fighting his own battle, the only difference being he was winning. Dispatching the imps wasn’t the easiest thing without the Jedi but he managed nonetheless. He was bleeding and injured but he would live. “You know,” he muttered, not even aware that the Jedi had been swept away in the midst of his battle. “I’ve been offered jobs at multiple hospitals across the galaxy, but I have to keep telling the doctor ‘no, I like getting shot at!’...” with a deep breath Doc swiveled his head, noting the ringing in his ears and approximating the damage done to his hearing as he tried to find his Jedi whom he noticed to be disturbingly not there. “Hey, gorgeou-” once he saw her he rather wished he hadn’t. His bottom lip quivered and his legs shakily stumbled him forward a couple steps before ultimately collapsing under him. His dark eyes turned blurry and unfocused upon her unmoving body. Her name tumbled from his lips softly, a swift stab of worry and pain streaking through him when she didn’t respond. He crawled towards her upon finding his legs refused to support him, whispering her name to himself all the while. He begged that his suspicions weren’t true, that she was messing with him. Of course, she was! She was a rather unorthodox Jedi after all, right? A little joke like this was surely up her alley. All the while as he argued with himself something in the back of his mind, something small and scared told him that she wasn’t faking it.
“C’mon beautiful, this isn’t funny!” his words caught in his throat and were forced out in a sob once he got to her. He couldn’t lie to himself anymore. It was so brutally obvious she was gone what with a giant cauterized slash wound in her throat. The normally chatty man was as quite as the Jedi before him. He broke down as he gathered her into his arms and placed his forehead to her already chilling one. Doc futilely pulled out a kolto, muttering about how he was a genius about how he could heal her and about how she would be okay. How she had to be okay. The battlefield was empty and barren as he sat there with her body cradled in his arms, stroking her hair and whispering sweet nothings he knew she couldn’t hear. He probably sat out there for hours before backup came, the worried faces of republic soldiers and the rest of the Jedi's crew cresting the horizon changed quickly to confusion when all they saw was the hunched over figure sitting in the midst of the carnage. The clothes and blaster said it was Doc, but where was the Jedi?
“You can’t get rid of me this easily, gorgeous,” his cracking voice was the first thing the squad heard as they approached him. What they heard next sounded somehow even more broken than the last,
“We were supposed to be together for life, like the Wookies.”
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