areyouseeingit · 3 months
For my graduation gift i got stocks.
I feel sick. So sick that it’s value went up 3.5% Willing to sell these for someone experienced in finance.
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areyouseeingit · 5 months
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The downfall of collecting old books is the rustic smell everytime i open my bookshelf. But they’re cooler, right?
I thought after years since deleting this app i should join and start over, maybe i’d learn something and become more active. I should put my literature out here. Or just start to shitpost, who knows?
Maybe i’ll become famous, i’m only 20 i have the whole spring and summer to pursue this thought until it’s cold again and i get bored. I don’t even remember how to use this platform. Maybe that’s my mission afterall?
Here’s my last biography i bought for 3 euros and i love how i can read about dylan, aaaand at the same time it almost has the same amount of photos of him for the full experience. Although his face is implanted onto my brains better than mine. It’s still nice. Am i Bob Dylan? Is Bob just Bob? Is Bob all of Us? I love the small fan community for the fact that everyone is so alike. Maybe we’re all Bobs, who knows?
Heyheyhey, bye bye bye.
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