arileaves-blog · 10 years
I’m cool with that!  :) (this character: http://sta.sh/0cza7f7vk08 in a frustrated tearing his hair out pose?)
The first three people to like this post will get free art if I don’t post photographic evidence of my bedroom being clean by the end of the day.
Just trying to crowdsource some motivation here.
But yeah, if I can’t come up with pics of my bedroom being clean, organized, and vacuumed by, say, 11pm CST, the first three likes will get art that is:
Single character
Full body, if you want, plus you can choose the pose
Just line art
No guarantees on quality
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Yes please!  http://sta.sh/016ebxytbu1w Her maybe?
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Hi. Would anyone be interested in a commission of their OC?
I’ve never done commissions before so I’m kind of scared.
I’m going to offer 4 slots, pencil sketch, or photoshop sketch, mailed or emailed to you.
For free. Because I don’t know how this will go :|
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Characters for Chinese game.
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The main line up for Kaitlyn in Chinaland - coming soon.
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Discover Chinese New Year with Kaitlyn, Wu, Gao and Meng.
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
a day at the beach - fanservice.  :)
give me cedfia ideas to draw
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
It's their fault if they don't like it
I'm kinda scared to post my fanfic since cedfia is the notp of most of my followers. What should I do?
Well, when it comes to posting things that have to do with Cedfia, the best way to go is to be cautious. Double check to make sure that (if Sofia is a kid in your fanfic) there is nothing too inappropriate involved. More so your followers will get over it; mine did. Trust me, I know what it’s like to bring up something new to people. If Cedfia is something you like, there should be no shame in your fanfic. If your followers or anybody else confronts you, kindly explain to them what Cedfia is and what its boundaries/standards are. If you receive more insults, try your best to either ignore them or block them. Nobody wants cyber bullying going around. Cedfia has had plenty of that.Just make sure that the Cedfia posts are following their standards, and everything should be alright. Post whatever you like. After all, it IS your blog. You decide what you post. They’ll eventually get over it; I promise. :)
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Most of us ship OLDER Sofia with Cedric.  Honestly.
Why do I check the sofia the first tag?
Literally like half of it is gross af shameless Cedfia shippers
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Cheesy.  I love it.  You should post on fanfiction.net too.
Yes! I got it done before new year’s! Okay I don’t know how to rate fanfictions since I’ve never finished one and/or posted one online before, so here is my first fanfiction. It will have blood, but only because of a bloody nose. (idea came to me-because I just had one like two weeks ago though I...
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Where Cedric Fits in the Disney Universe
I was interested in how Sofia the First fits into the usual Disney universe.  All characters have similar characters in which you can assume their future path from. Cedric is an ANTI-VILLIAN.  So comparing him to an anti-hero (Aladdin, etc) just won't do. My first choice for who Cedric is most like in the Disney universe is: Kovu.
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Kovu because of family influences tends toward the evil path. Cedric because of family influences tends toward the evil path. Kovu due to the influence of the MAIN HERO CHARACTER has heroic, good moments. Cedric due to the influence of the MAIN HERO CHARACTER has heroic, good moments. Kovu struggles to meet family expectations. Cedric struggles to meet family expectations. Kovu gets bullied by his more evil sister. Cedric gets bullied by his more evil sister. Kovu can only hope to break the evil cycle/tendencies due to his relationship with the MAIN HERO. Cedric can only hope to break the evil cycle/tendencies due to his relationship with the MAIN HERO. Kovu often feels like a failure for not being able to be successful with evil tendencies. Cedric often feels like a failure for not being able to be successful with evil tendencies.
My other anti-villian pick for Cedric is Iago from Aladdin.   Iago is both sarcastic and pessimistic like Cedric. But Iago is not as close as a match because he is: A) primarily a comic relief character and B) an animal side-kick.
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
This is undoubtedly my favorite StF fanfiction.
Heh, hey, guys. Long time, no see. ^^; Okay, look, I can explain! Well, I can’t really, but I can try. One word: College. It just began, and I’m rather busy. I know, no excuse, though. I’m sorry for going on sudden hiatus. But~ I’m back, and I come forth bearing gifts. Look! It’s a Cedfia...
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Happy New Year!  May it be filled with love and Cedfia.
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
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"The wedding ceremony of Sorcerer Cedric the Sensational and Princess Sofia the First."
Won’t you come and celebrate? ;-)
~I was going through some of my childhood Disney books and found such a lovely pose that inspired me for this picture. I’m sorry for the lack of a background- I’m not very good at drawing them lol! But I sure do hope everybody likes the end result!~ 
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Reblog if you ship Cedric and Sofia.
I wanna know how many of us there are so…pretty please? :)
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Reblog this if you are in the Sofia the First fandom
Reblog this if you are in the Sofia the first fandom I want to see how many. Like if you have a ship in the fandom Tag if your ship I am doing this in hopes there would be enough people to start a fan fiction/ fan art site with another member of tumblr.
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Love it
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Right Beside You Is Where I Belong by JessDeaton
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
Does anyone want to write some Cefia with me?  I want to contribute to the fandom but I can't dooo it alone.
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arileaves-blog · 10 years
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clumsy kiss X)
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