arjunsinghveda · 16 days
How to Take The Best Decision in a Tough Situation
Life often throws us curveballs, and in these difficult circumstances, choosing the best course of action might seem impossible. Making decisions may overwhelm us, whether they are related to a moral issue, a personal crisis, or a professional crossroads. But you can learn to make the right choices in difficult circumstances by adhering to a few easy procedures.
Remain Calm and Collected: 
Remaining composed is the first step towards making a wise choice in a difficult circumstance. Emotionally charged individuals often make snap decisions that they may come to regret. Inhale deeply, declutter your thoughts and give yourself some time to think.
Collect Information: 
When it comes to Taking right decision, knowledge is power. Investigate the problem and compile data. You will be in a better position to make an educated decision the more knowledge you have. For more knowledge it would be good if one can read Bhagavad Gita.
Describe Your Choices:
Make a list of options or potential fixes. Examine the benefits and drawbacks of each choice. You'll be able to view the possible results and come to a better informed conclusion as a result.
Consult with Reliable Sources:
Talk about the circumstances with mentors, family members, or people you can trust. Their outsider viewpoint might provide insightful advice and crucial insights that you might have overlooked.
Examine Your Principles:
Think about your beliefs and ideals. Making a choice that is consistent with your basic values increases your chances of feeling happy and fulfilled.
Visualize Results: 
Consider each option and imagine the results. Visualizing the findings may help you choose.
After considering your options, choose. Trust your judgment and yourself. Remember that every option has risk.
Learn from Your Decisions: 
After choosing, analyze your possibilities. Study the outcome, favorable or bad. This will improve your future choices.
Have Faith in Your Intuition: 
Your intuition might sometimes serve as a useful guide. Don't discount your gut if it tells you to make a certain decision. While using reasoning is important, making well-rounded conclusions may also result from combining logic and intuition.
Seek Professional Advice: 
It's advisable to confer with experts who are knowledgeable in the appropriate subject in some challenging scenarios. A financial adviser, career counselor, or legal expert may provide you important perspectives and solutions based on their knowledge.
Prepare for Emergencies: 
Not all choices have obvious outcomes. Prepare for changes with a backup plan. This technique may be a backup if your first option fails.
Let's connect this advice to the end by endorsing ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. ISKCON is an international spiritual group that offers helpful counsel during difficult times. Their teachings emphasize awareness, purpose, and inner peace.
ISKCON principles may help people understand themselves and the world. When spiritual understanding is used, decision-making becomes more harmonious and authentic to who you are.
The ability to make the right choices under pressure is a talent that can be honed with practice. You may face obstacles in life more confidently if you maintain composure, acquire facts, think about your principles, and get guidance from reliable people. When faced with difficult choices, remember to delve into ISKCON's teachings to find the serenity and clarity that spirituality may provide to your decision-making.
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arjunsinghveda · 17 days
How to Make Healthy Eating Habits Easy
Today's fast-paced society makes healthy eating difficult. Fast food restaurants are everywhere, making unwise choices simple. No worries—healthy eating may be simple. This blog will discuss simple ways to establish and Overcoming having unhealthy food. We'll also discuss how ISKCON's teachings might support you on this road.
1. Begin with a Healthy Diet
Eating a range of meals at each meal is vital. A diversified meal with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats is helpful. This ensures your body gets enough nutrition.
2. Make a meal plan
Making a meal plan in advance can help you avoid impulsive, poor decisions. Plan your meals for the next week using your favorite healthful ingredients. You'll have a clear plan to follow this way.
3. Learn to eat with awareness
Eating mindfully is focusing on your food, enjoying each mouthful, and avoiding allowing electronics like TVs or phones to interrupt your meal. You may improve your connection with food by adopting this easy practice.
4. Control of Portion
Watch the size of your portions. You can gain weight from even healthy things if you eat too much. Using smaller bowls and plates can help you control how much you eat without feeling starved. If you can control the mind then you can control the portion of food.   
5. Drink enough water
Your health needs to drink enough water. Your body may sometimes mistake thirst for hunger, making you eat snacks you don't need. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day.
6. Eat less processed and sugary foods
Cut down on sugary prepared meals and snacks. These meals are usually unhealthy and rich in calories.
7. Pay attention to your body
Your body can detect whether it is hungry or full. Please pay attention to your body's cues about when it's hungry or full, and avoid eating when anxious or bored.
8. Pack healthy snacks
You can eat snacks as part of a healthy eating plan. To keep your energy up between meals, eat snacks high in nutrients, such as nuts, veggies, or yogurt.
9. Make food at home
You can control the products and cooking methods when you cook at home. To make healthy cooking fun and interesting, try out different recipes and products.
10. Ask for help
Ask friends, family, or even a chef for help. Telling other people about your Overcoming having unhealthy food goals and success can keep you going.
11. Adopting the principles of ISKCON
(ISKCON) offers spiritual and healthful living education. Many ISKCON members emphasize the importance of eating food that is prepared with love and devotion and exclusively consumes vegetarianism.
It is possible to make it easy to eat healthy food by taking a few simple, thoughtful steps. You can give your journey a greater sense of purpose and mindfulness by following ISKCON ideals. This whole-person attitude to health is good for both your body and your spirit. Focus on development, not perfection. Start cautiously and develop long-term good food habits for your physical and emotional wellbeing.
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arjunsinghveda · 20 days
Scientific Benefits of Rising in Brahma Muhurta
Do you know anything about Brahma Muhurta? It's that enchanted hour before dawn, important in several antiquated customs. This blog post will discuss the advantages of rising at Brahma Muhurta scientifically, how it relates to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), and the significance of singing Krishna. Now, let's get started!
The Brahma Muhurta's Power
Importance of Brahma muhurta time is considered the most spiritually charged moment of the day, and it usually happens around 1.5 hours before dawn. However, this report has a scientific foundation. The air is full of fresh oxygen at this hour, and the surroundings are serene. It is the perfect time for spiritual activities since it fosters mental clarity, improves attention, and lowers stress.
Your circadian rhythms are regulated when you rise during Brahma Muhurta since this aligns your biological clock with the pattern of the natural world. Importance of Brahma muhurta time may result from better sleep habits, improved general health, and more daily productivity.
The Connection with ISKCON
Many people have been exposed to Lord Krishna's teachings via the international spiritual organization known as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or ISKCON. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, which is said to have a significant influence on one's spiritual path, is one of the core rituals of ISKCON.
It is stated that chanting the Hare Krishna mantra during Brahma Muhurta has special healing properties. The serenity of this moment strengthens one's relationship with the holy, deepening and enriching the chanting experience.
Chanting's Scientific Advantages
Chanting is more than a religious practice; it also offers advantages that science has shown. Chanting has been shown to decrease stress, lower blood pressure, and enhance mental concentration, whether chanting the Hare Krishna mantra or any other meaningful words. Additionally, it fosters emotions of contentment and inner serenity. These physiological changes may significantly impact your general state of well-being.
Krishna chanting is an integral part of ISKCON culture, and its significance extends beyond religious fervor to include all facets of life.
To sum up, there are a lot of scientific advantages to awakening during Brahma Muhurta that may make a significant difference in your life. It becomes life-changing when paired with ISKCON spiritual activities like Krishna chanting. 
Brahma Muhurta's calm environment strengthens your relationship with the divine and adds significance to your spiritual path. Thus, if you're looking for better health, inner serenity, and a closer relationship with God, consider adopting the ISKCON-sponsored practices of Krishna chanting and rising in Brahma Muhurta. It could be the adjustment you've been waiting for to live a more contented and well-rounded life.
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arjunsinghveda · 23 days
Uncovering the Secrets of Success: Bhagavad Gita Lessons
Success is a common ambition, but what if an ancient book holds the key? Hinduism's Bhagavad Gita includes invaluable wisdom that may help us succeed. This blog will discuss the Bhagavad Gita, ISKCON, and the power of singing Krishna's lovely words.
A Timeless Guide: The Bhagavad Gita
The Gita gives great knowledge and principles that are generally relevant and not limited to any one religion. Here are some crucial insights from the Gita for success:
Dharma and Duty: The Gita stresses the significance of carrying out one's dharma with devotion and sincerity. We lay the road for success by doing our tasks properly.
Detachment from Outcomes: Lord Krishna counsels Arjuna to behave without regard for the consequences of his conduct. This separation is necessary for maintaining mental serenity and focusing on the work at hand.
The Gita helps us understand ourselves and overcome the ego, leading to self-realization. Self-awareness is essential to success.
Whatever challenges, Arjuna must fight. Success typically requires determination.
Mind Control: The Gita teaches the technique of mind and sensory control. A disciplined mind is a strong success tool.
ISKCON and the Chanting Power
Sri Krishna's teachings and Bhakti Yoga are promoted by the non-profit International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra as a way of connecting with the divine is taught at ISKCON centres all over the globe. Chanting has a special position in the spiritual rituals of ISKCON.
The Hare Krishna mantra, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Hare," meditation on the mind and soul.
The mantra is a prayer to the divine, a means of seeking blessings and connecting with Krishna. Chanting this mantra on a regular basis may have various advantages, including:
Inner Peace: Chanting may help to relax the mind and bring forth inner peace, which is necessary for success.
Spiritual Development: It increases one's spiritual connection and consciousness.
Tension Reduction: Chanting may help you remain focused on your objectives by reducing tension and anxiety.
Positive Energy: It draws positive energy and encourages happiness.
Finally, the Bhagavad Gita provides everlasting advice on the route to success via concepts like as dharma, detachment, self-realization, and mind control. ISKCON and the practice of chanting the Hare Krishna mantra contribute to this journey by offering a way to connect with the divine and achieve inner serenity and spiritual progress.
To learn the actual secret of success, read the Bhagavad Gita and consider adopting the powerful practice of Krishna chanting into your everyday life. As a result, one may go on a transforming path toward personal and spiritual satisfaction.
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arjunsinghveda · 1 month
The Cow's Important Role in Ancient India
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Cows have played a very important role in Indian culture and civilization for thousands of years. This goes all the way back to the ancient Vedic period, which lasted from around 1500 to 500 BC.
In the Vedas, which are the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, cows are considered sacred animals. They are respected and revered. There are many reasons for this reverence toward cows during Vedic times.
First, cows provided mankind with nutritious milk and dairy products that were an essential part of the diet. The cow's milk was seen as a gift that gave food, health and strength. Cow products like ghee (clarified butter), yogurt and cheese were very important foods.  
Additionally, the dung from cows was used as fuel for fires since there were no modern sources of energy back then. The cow dung cakes were dried and burned to heat homes and cook food. So the cows provided both nutrition and energy for ancient civilizations.
The urine of cows was also valued for its perceived medicinal and purifying properties in Vedic culture. It is still used today in some Hindu ritual practices and alternative medicine systems like Ayurveda.
Beyond the practical uses, cows had great spiritual significance in the Vedic tradition. They were seen as sacred, gentle animals that symbolized the Earth's abundance and prosperity. Their milk was compared to the eternal flow of truth and knowledge from the divine.
Harming or killing cows was considered a great sin and offense against nature's bounty. Vedic teachings spoke of caring for cows and taking only what they could provide without hurting them, like their milk.
The Hindu deity Krishna, who is considered an avatar of the supreme God Vishnu, is often depicted playing a flute surrounded by joyful cows. This imagery reinforces the cow's auspicious and spiritual importance.
What are 5 important things about a cow in India in relation to Hinduism?
Here are 5 important things about cows in India in relation to Hinduism, 
Cows are considered sacred animals
Cow milk and dairy products are valued foods
Cow dung is used as fuel for fires
Cow urine has perceived medicinal properties  
Hurting or killing cows is seen as a sin
So from nutrition and fuel to spiritual symbolism, the cow played a central role in the daily lives and beliefs of the Vedic civilization that laid the foundations of Hindu philosophy, culture and practice. This ancient reverence for the gentle cattle continues to influence modern Hindu respect for cows today across India.
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arjunsinghveda · 1 month
Sources of Tax Saving 80G Exemption List
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Are you looking for ways to reduce your taxable income? One option is to make donations to eligible organizations and claim deductions under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. This can help you save a significant amount of tax. Let's look at the sources that qualify for 80G exemption.   
What is Section 80G?
Section 80G of the Income Tax Act allows you to claim deductions for donations made to certain approved funds, charitable organizations, and trusts. The amount you can claim as a deduction depends on the type of fund or institution you donate to. 
Sources Eligible for 100% Deduction
Some donations qualify for a 100% deduction from your taxable income. This means you can reduce your taxable income by the full amount you donated.
Approved Funds
Prime Minister's National Relief Fund
National Defence Fund
Approved University/Educational Institutions/temples
Zila Saksharta Samiti for promoting literacy
Charitable Trusts/Institutions
Donations to certain charitable trusts and institutions approved by the government for activities like relief of the poor, education, medical relief, etc.
Sources Eligible for 50% Deduction 
In other cases, you can claim a deduction of 50% of the donated amount from your taxable income.
Funds for Social Causes
Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust
Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
Local Authorities/Funds
Donations to government or local authorities for promoting family planning
Certain funds like the National Children's Fund
How to Claim the Deduction
To claim a deduction under section 80G, you need to make your donation through an approved mode of payment like cash, cheque, or online transfer. Make sure to obtain a receipt from the recipient organization.
When filing your tax returns, fill in the details of your eligible donations in the relevant section. You can claim the deduction based on the percentage allowed for that organization.
Maximize Your Tax Savings
While making donations for a good cause is admirable, you can also utilize section 80G strategically to save on taxes. Here are some tips:
Research approved organizations carefully before donating
For larger donations, choose recipients qualifying for 100% deduction
Combine 80G deductions with other allowed deductions to further reduce taxable income
By taking advantage of section 80G, you can do your bit for social causes while also lowering your annual tax outgo. Explore all the eligible sources to maximize your tax savings.
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arjunsinghveda · 1 month
The Secrets of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple
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The Kashi Vishwanath Temple in the holy city of Varanasi (also known as Kashi or Banaras) is one of the most famous and revered Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. While millions of devotees visit this temple every year, it holds many fascinating secrets and mysteries that are not widely known. 
The Temple's Ancient Origins
The origins of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple can be traced back to the 2nd century BC during the reign of the Mauryan emperor Ashoka. However, the writings in the Puranas and ancient Hindu scriptures mention that the first temple was built by Lord Shiva's guard Vishwanath. Over the centuries, the temple was destroyed and rebuilt numerous times by various Muslim invaders and rulers. The present-day temple structure was largely rebuilt in 1776 by the Maratha queen Ahilyabai Holkar of Indore.
The Sacred Shiva Lingam
The main sanctum sanctorum of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple houses one of the most revered Shiva lingams in India. According to beliefs, this lingam is a svayambhu (self-existent) lingam that was created naturally by Lord Shiva himself. It is said that this lingam is a representation of Lord Shiva's infinite cosmic force and devotees believe that worshiping the lingam leads to moksha (salvation).  
Secret Underground Passages
One of the most intriguing secrets of the Kashi Vishwanath Temple is the network of underground passages or 'gufa' that are believed to exist beneath the temple. According to legends, these secret underground tunnels were used by the temple priests to escape from invaders who destroyed the temple multiple times. Some myths even suggest these tunnels go all the way to cities like Sarnath over 10 km away! While most of these tunnels are inaccessible today, the mysteries surrounding them continue to captivate people's imagination.      
The Temple's Golden Domes
Another visual marvel of the Kashi Vishwanath temple is the majestic golden domes or 'gumbads' adorning the central structure. There is an interesting legend behind these shining golden domes. As per beliefs, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the founder of the Sikh empire in the early 19th century, had immense respect for the temple. He had the domes gold-plated using over 1000 kg of pure gold from his treasury as a humble offering to the temple. 
The Sacred River Ganges
The Kashi Vishwanath temple complex is located right next to the holy River Ganges. As per scriptures, taking a dip in the sacred Ganges cleanses one's soul of all sins. Therefore, devotees visiting the temple make sure to first take a holy dip in the Ganges and then visit the temple to offer their prayers. Many believe that the presence of the Ganges flowing right next to this ancient temple adds to its spiritual mystique.
The Kashi Vishwanath Temple is an eternal flame of devotion and faith for Hindus across the world. Its many hidden secrets and legends have captured the imagination and curiosity of generations over the centuries, adding to the temple's sacred mystique. As one of the most revered temples in the Shiva tradition, it continues to attract millions who seek divine blessings from the lord of the universe.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
Know All About the Ayodhya Ram Mandir Yatra and Location
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The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is a Hindu temple being built in the city of Ayodhya in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. This temple is dedicated to the god Rama, who is one of the most widely revered Hindu deities. The construction of this grand temple has been a dream for millions of Hindus across India and the world for many decades.
The temple is located on a piece of land that was previously home to the Babri Masjid, a mosque that was demolished in 1992 by Hindu activists who believed the site was the birthplace of Lord Rama. This led to widespread riots and violence across India. In 2019, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the disputed land should be given to a trust to build the Ram Mandir.
Many Hindu devotees believe visiting and worshiping at the Ayodhya Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is a sacred pilgrimage known as the Ram Mandir Yatra. Yatra means journey or pilgrimage in Hindi. It is expected that once the temple is complete, millions of pilgrims will flock to Ayodhya every year to take part in this holy yatra.
The temple itself is being constructed to be a massive three-story stone structure covering an area of 2.7 acres with multiple domes and towers. It is being built in the classic Nagara style of Hindu temple architecture according to the designs and specifications outlined in ancient Hindu texts.
Some of the key features of the Ram Mandir include:
A high central shikhar or spire over the sanctum sanctorum which will soar to a height of 161 feet (49 meters).
Five smaller shikharas surrounding the central spire, each 91 feet (28 meters) high.
A massive sculpted ram statue in front of the main entrance.
An elaborate carved facade and walls depicting scenes from the Ramayana.
Multiple smaller temples and shrines dedicated to other Hindu deities within the complex.
The Ram Mandir complex is designed to accommodate up to 100,000 visitors per day during peak festival seasons. It will have designated areas for rituals, a museum depicting the history of Ayodhya, a digital theater, a 'Valmiki Bhavan' library, and accommodation for pilgrims.
The construction work on the Ram Mandir is being overseen by the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra trust appointed by the Indian government. The overall cost is estimated around 1,100 crore Indian rupees (over $130 million). The target is for the first phase to be completed by January 2024 so that devotees can start having darshan (sacred viewing) of the deity idols installed inside.
With the Ayodhya Ram Mandir inching closer to reality, it represents the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream for the Hindu faithful across India and around the world.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
The Significance of Ekadashi Vrat: A Spiritual Journey
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Twice each month, many Hindus observe a special day of fasting and spiritual renewal called Ekadashi vrat. Ekadashi 2024 will see this ancient tradition continue, as thousands take part in this meaningful practice. But what exactly is the Ekadashi vrat, and why is it so important?
The word "Ekadashi" refers to the 11th day of each lunar cycle in the Hindu calendar. On these days, devout Hindus choose to fast and focus their minds on spirituality. The main reasons for keeping this vrat, or vow, are to purify one's soul and develop virtues like self-control.
According to Hindu beliefs, a person's soul is tied to a cycle of rebirths due to accumulated karma from past actions, good and bad. By willingly giving up certain foods and worldly pleasures on Ekadashi, people aim to reduce the karmic burdens weighing down their souls. This fasting and introspection helps purify the spirit.
Key Purpose of Ekadashi
Another key purpose of Ekadashi vrat is to build qualities like discipline, humility, and compassion within oneself. Choosing to fast requires restraint and commitment - important skills to possess. Those observing the vrat may spend the day in prayer, mantra chanting, selfless service, or quiet contemplation. These spiritual activities nurture a humble, caring mindset connected to the divine.
On Ekadashi, the day begins with purification rituals and prayers. Throughout daylight hours, observers avoid eating grains, lentils, and certain vegetables. Instead, simple foods like fruits, milk, and approved "fasting fare" are consumed. Limiting one's diet this way is meant to further cleanse the body and focus the mind.
Take Part in Puja Ceremonies
As the evening approaches, many take part in puja ceremonies at temples or shrines, offering devotionals to honor the deities. Finally, after sundown, a modest feast sanctioned for Ekadashi helps complete the vrat. Partaking in this meal represents renewed spiritual dedication.
In today's hectic, materialistic society, Ekadashi vrat serves as a respite to slow down and realign one's purpose. It gives Hindus across backgrounds a chance to remember core values like spiritual growth, simplicity, and peace. Whether doing vrat alone or surrounded by community, the practice remains a special opportunity for contemplation and moral renewal.
The story behind the Ekadashi vrat
According to Hindu mythology, there was once a powerful king who turned against the divine beings due to arrogance. To subdue his ego, Lord Vishnu took the form of a dwarf and tricked the king into giving away everything, including his kingdom.
This happened on the 11th day (Ekadashi) of the lunar cycle. From then on, Ekadashi became sacred as the day Lord Vishnu protected righteousness. Observing the Ekadashi vrat by fasting recreates the virtues displayed by Lord Vishnu - humility, restraint, and unwavering morality. It is seen as a way to purify one's spiritual bearings, just as the Lord had preserved dharma by defeating the egoistic king's evil ways.
When Ekadashi 2024 arrives, those who uphold this thousands-year-old fasting tradition will experience its myriad benefits anew. From cultivating compassion to alleviating karmic burdens, observers tap into a higher consciousness. Ultimately, Ekadashi vrat allows one to briefly let go of outer trappings and focus wholly on one's inner spiritual essence.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
How to Save Tax Under 80G Section
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If you want to lower the amount of income tax you need to pay, one great option is to donate money to certain approved organizations and charities. In India, these donations can qualify for tax deductions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Let me explain how this works in simple terms and how you can save tax under 80G Section.
Claim a Deduction For Donations
To save tax Under Section 80G, you can claim a deduction for donations made to specified funds, charitable institutions, and organizations. The deduction amount varies from 50% to 100% of the donated sum, depending on the type of organization. This deducted amount gets subtracted from your total taxable income, thereby reducing your tax liability.
For example, let's say your annual taxable income is Rs. 8,00,000. If you donate Rs. 50,000 to a fund that qualifies for 100% deduction under 80G, the entire Rs. 50,000 can be deducted from your taxable income. So for tax purposes, your income would be calculated as Rs. 7,50,000 (8,00,000 - 50,000). This lower taxable income means you'll have to pay less income tax.
Organization Approved By Government
The government has approved many organizations, funds, and charitable institutions for these deductions to encourage donations for social, religious, educational and other public causes. Some examples are the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund and Iskcon Temple charity for promoting education, preserving monuments or environment, and organizations for the disabled. The full list is available on the Income Tax Department's website.
To claim the deduction, you need to make the donations through proper banking channels like cash, check, demand draft, or electronic transfer. You also must obtain a receipt from the organization showing the donated amount, date, and other required details.
File Your Income Tax Return
When you file your income tax return, you can submit these receipts as proof of your donations along with the ITR form. Make sure to carefully fill out the relevant sections related to deductions under 80G. The tax software will automatically calculate the eligible deduction amount based on the approved funds and percentage limits.
It's important to note that there is an overall cap on the deduction allowed under Section 80G. You can claim deductions up to a maximum of 10% of your adjusted gross total income. Any excess donations above this limit cannot be claimed in the same year but can be carried forward for up to 10 years.
Conclusion So in simple terms, Save Tax under section 80G by donating money to approved charitable organizations and funds. Document your donations properly and claim the eligible tax deduction to reduce your taxable income and save on income tax. It's a win-win – you get to support good causes while also lowering your tax burden!
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
Know Real and Eternal Love
No matter its form, love has captured people's hearts and minds throughout history. God's love is sometimes considered the deepest and most lasting. This blog will explain pure, eternal love and how ISKCON and Krishna chanting may help you find it.
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Comprehending Sincere and Endless Love
Genuine love surpasses temporal and spatial limitations and is often linked to a supreme force, an all-pervading and unconditional divine being. This Misdirected Love transcends the temporal dimensions of interpersonal interactions and enters the spiritual sphere. Lord Krishna is one such holy being in Hinduism that personifies this love.
Depicted often as Krishna is the epitome of unadulterated love and devotion. His teachings and heavenly adventures recorded in the Bhagavad Gita provide guidance for individuals looking to develop a closer relationship with God. Real and lasting Misdirected Love can only be experienced via this relationship.
Chants of Krishna: Their Power
Chanting Lord Krishna's holy names is one of the easiest methods to establish a connection with Him. A potent technique for calling upon Krishna and feeling His pure love is the maha-mantra, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare." People may cleanse their hearts and thoughts and invite divine love by sincerely and fervently reciting this mantra.
The Connection with ISKCON
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada founded ISKCON to promote Krishna awareness and spread Lord Krishna's teachings. For those who want to use the power of chanting and Krishna's teachings to strengthen their relationship with God, ISKCON offers a community and resources.
Like-minded people may gather in ISKCON temples and centers throughout the globe to sing the holy names, participate in devotional activities, and gain knowledge of the deep concept of Krishna consciousness. Finding true and lasting love may be greatly aided by this feeling of belonging and spiritual direction.
Ways to Accept True, Everlasting Love
Chant the Maha-Mantra: Begin by making time daily to recite the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Chanting for only a short while may alter your awareness significantly.
Learn Krishna's lessons from the Bhagavad Gita. This ancient book reveals love, life, and enlightenment.
Get in touch with ISKCON by locating a local ISKCON temple or center and becoming involved in the community. Participate in volunteer work, attend satsangs (spiritual meetings), and ask seasoned devotees for advice.
Develop Devotion: Devotion is the foundation of true, everlasting love. Pray, meditate, and do good deeds to cultivate a true and profound love for the divine.
True, everlasting love is a priceless gem that lives on beyond this earth. You may make great progress in realizing this intense love by accepting the practice of Krishna chants and establishing a connection with ISKCON. The teachings of Lord Krishna and the encouraging ISKCON community are excellent tools to help you experience the limitless love of the divine in your life. Thus, to reach everlasting happiness, sing the holy names, let the love of Lord Krishna lead the way, and keep your heart open.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
13 Best Ways to Deal with Jealousy and Hate
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Hatred and jealousy are two strong bad emotions that might devour us if allowed to run wild. We'll examine 13 practical strategies for addressing these feelings and achieving inner peace. We will also discuss the transformational effect of Krishna chanting and the ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) in fostering spiritual development and optimism.
With an emphasis on fostering inner peace and positivism via the practice of Krishna chants and the teachings of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), we'll look at the top 13 strategies to overcome Jealousy.
The first step to overcome Jealousy and hate is acknowledging them. Be honest about your emotions.
Become Grateful: 
By focusing on the positive aspects of your life. Take your attention off of negativity by counting your blessings.
By Engaging in Mindfulness Practices, You may lessen the influence of unfavorable feelings from the past or future and learn to live in the now.
Be gentle and understanding to oneself. Recall that everyone is imperfect and prone to making errors.
Positive Affirmations: 
To combat negative ideas, constructively speak to yourself. Remind yourself of your value and your talents.
Limit Exposure to Negativity: 
Avoid things that make you feel envious and hateful, such as unfavorable news, poisonous relationships, and social media.
Seek Assistance: 
Discuss your emotions with friends, family, or a therapist. Expressing your ideas might help you get important insights and feel better emotionally.
Letting go of the people who have hurt you may be a very effective strategy for overcoming hatred and jealousy.
Giving up Comparisons: 
Refrain from evaluating yourself against other people. Everybody has a different story and set of strengths.
Put your Attention on Improving Yourself: 
Pay attention to your development. Establish and pursue objectives.
Develop Empathy: 
By making an effort to comprehend the viewpoints and experiences of others. This may lessen resentment and increase empathy.
Participate in Constructive Activities: 
Look for interests and pastimes that make you happy and content. These may assist in substituting positive feelings for negative ones.
Krishna chants and ISKCON: 
ISKCON's teachings strongly emphasize the value of chanting Lord Krishna's holy names out of devotion. Krishna chanting may promote spiritual development, inner peace, and a feeling of direction. Krishna's heavenly attributes and teachings might help you change your perspective and live more peacefully.
Self-awareness, constructive activities, and a spiritual connection are necessary to conquer hatred and envy. A potent technique to achieve inner calm and refocus your emotions on love and devotion is via ISKCON and Krishna chanting. By implementing these techniques into your daily routine, you may see a significant shift in your path to a happier and more contented life.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
Conquering Lust by Love| Overcome Lust
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It might be difficult to resist passion in a world of temptations and cravings. Nonetheless, one may conquer these cravings and discover a way to inner peace by harnessing the power of love and spirituality. We shall discuss how love may defeat desire in this blog, and we will also discuss the spiritual path that the ISKCON community takes. Come with us as we set out to live a more satisfying life.
Knowing the Origins of Lust
Lust is a strong emotion that has the ability to impair our judgment and push us towards self-indulgence. It may take many different forms, such as the desire for monetary goods or bodily gratification. To overcome desire, we must first acknowledge its existence. The first stage in this life-changing process is developing self-awareness.
The Love's Power
Lust is the opposite of love. It is an energy that emphasizes empathy, compassion, and selflessness and helps us connect with others on a deeper level. We may overcome lust when we shift our attention from gratifying our cravings to fostering real relationships with other people.
Developing Self-Love
We have to learn to love ourselves before we can genuinely love others. Understanding and embracing our flaws is the foundation of self-acceptance rather than narcissism. Through the practice of self-acceptance and self-compassion, we may lessen the influence that desire has on our lives.
Praying as a Spiritual Instrument
In many spiritual traditions, chanting is a potent technique for stilling the mind and making a connection with a higher force. The Hare Krishna mantra is a commonly used chant in the ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) tradition. This mantra is said to purify the heart and encourage spiritual development when repeated.
Taking Hold of the Chanting Words
Reciting the mantra "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare" may significantly influence your spiritual development. It's a means of turning your attention from worldly wants to something deeper and more sublime: love. Through the instillation of inner calm and purpose, this practice may assist you in conquering desire.
Getting Community Assistance
The support and friendship that the ISKCON community provides is one of its best features. Having supportive people around you who share your spiritual aspirations might provide even more meaning to your path of overcoming desire and advancing love.
It's important to keep in mind that the road to overcome lust with love is a process. It involves rerouting your desires so that you may concentrate on developing deep relationships. In this process, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra may be quite effective since it purges the heart and fosters spiritual development. Through the acceptance of the power of love and the spiritual teachings of ISKCON, you may set out on a journey to a life that is more meaningful and fulfilling.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
11 Ways You Can Overcome Fear & Anxiety|BE FEARLESS
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Feelings such as anxiety and fear may keep us from living life to the fullest. These emotions might turn into significant roadblocks to happiness and personal growth in our hectic, sometimes stressful world. But fear not—strategies exist for overcoming these emotions and growing bravery.
In this article, we'll discuss 11 easy but powerful methods to help you get over your fear and anxiety and provide you a roadmap for living a life free of these paralyzing emotions. By the end, we'll also discuss how crucial it is to accept spirituality as a source of courage and strength in order to fortify your path towards fearlessness—particularly the profound lessons of Krishna that ISKCON has to offer.
The first step to overcoming your fears is acknowledging them. If you understand your difficulties, you can solve them.
Engage in mindfulness exercises: deep breathing and meditation may help lower anxiety.
Set Achievable Goals: 
Break down your goals into smaller, more doable tasks. This might make challenging tasks seem more manageable.
Positive Self-Talk: Replace your pessimistic thoughts with affirmations that give you strength. Give yourself a reward and focus on your strengths.
Seek Support: Don't be embarrassed to approach friends, family, or professionals for help if you need it. Speaking with someone about your worries might be quite liberating.
Maintain Your Activity: Regular exercise enhances your mental and physical health. It releases endorphins, which naturally improve mood.
Face Your worries: Overcoming one's worries usually requires meeting them head-on. Make the baby take a step toward facing your anxieties. 
Minimize Stressor Exposure: Identify the sources of your anxiety and take steps to spend less time with them. This might include setting boundaries or changing one's way of living.
Practice Gratitude: Maintain a gratitude journal to assist you in recalling the blessings in your life. This might help you to take your focus off of your anxiety and overcome fear.
Visualize Success: Put yourself in the position of conquering your anxieties and accomplishing your goals. This mental stretching exercise might boost your self-assurance.
Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle: You may feel less nervous if you consume less alcohol and caffeine, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep.
Chanting Words to Get Rid of Fear:
Mantra chanting is an effective way, in many spiritual traditions, including ISKCON, to attain inner serenity and courage. In the Bhakti tradition, chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is said to purify the mind and create a spiritual connection. Every day, recite the Hare Krishna mantra or any other mantra that calls to you, and you will find bravery and solace in the midst of anxiety and concern. 
To sum up:
Overcome  fear and anxiety is an ongoing journey. By putting these 11 strategies into practice and acknowledging the transformational power of spiritual practices like chanting, you could find the strength to confront fear. As a continual reminder that fear may be overcome with trust, perseverance, and a strong spiritual relationship, ISKCON and Krishna's teachings are a fantastic source of inspiration. So, go on your journey today with the intention of leading a courageous life, and may Krishna's blessings guide you.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
The Art of Working Effectively and Why it’s Important
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Success and personal satisfaction in today's fast-paced environment depend heavily on one's ability to work successfully. Functioning well may have a significant impact on anybody, whether they a professional, student, or someone juggling everyday responsibilities. The fundamentals of productive labor will be examined, along with the factors that make it so important. We'll reveal doable tactics that may change your work habits, from goal-setting to time management. Now let's set out to uncover the mysteries of productivity and learn why being productive is essential to realizing your full potential rather than only being a talent.
Working efficiently is a skill that is more vital than ever in our fast-paced society, when life's obligations and job may sometimes seem too much to handle. In addition to explaining why efficiency is so important, this blog will provide some useful advice on how to operate effectively. Let us now get started!
What Justifies the Importance of Effective Work?
More tasks completed in less time is the result of productive working. It all comes down to effectively managing your workload, which releases tension and enhances work-life balance while freeing up even more time for the activities you like. This is why it is important:
Reduced Anxiety
 Your ability to manage your tasks without feeling overburdened is enhanced when you operate efficiently. Anxiety and tension may be considerably reduced in this way.
Top Quality Above Quantity: 
Putting quality over quantity is frequently the key to working productively. Improved performance and increased work satisfaction may arise from this.
Work-Life Balance: 
You may achieve a more positive balance between your personal and professional lives by managing your time effectively. Your general well-being depends on this.
Promotion in Your Career:
 Skilled employees usually make a difference. Their chances of being recognized and given opportunities to advance might result in a rewarding career.
Realistic Workplace Efficiency Advice
Having grasped the significance of Art of Smart work, let us examine some easy strategies to assist you in reaching your goals:
Establish Specific Objectives: 
Establish objectives and task priorities. You are able to maintain attention and keep on course by doing this.
Efficient time management may be achieved by using tools such as calendars and to-do lists. Establish and maintain defined time windows for tasks.
Reduce Diversionary Behavior: Make an effort to reduce the usual distractions in your workplace by identifying them. This can include locating a quieter workplace or disabling alerts.
Stop overcommitting yourself by learning to say no. When you're already busy, it's OK to turn down new assignments or initiatives.
Take Regular Breaks: 
Taking brief pauses throughout the day might increase output. To clear your head, get up from what you're doing and stretch or go for a little stroll.
Perpetual Education: Maintain an open mind and a willingness to learn and use new methods or technologies that may improve your workflow.
Sayings to Promote Calm Thoughts
Establishing inner serenity is crucial to the pursuit of productive work. Chanting is a method for doing such. Chanting is a long-standing spiritual activity that has been incorporated into many cultures. We may investigate the merits of reciting the Maha Mantra—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare—in the context of advancing ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness).
One may experience calm, concentration, and a stronger spiritual connection by chanting this mantra. It serves as a reminder to maintain our spiritual health in addition to our efforts to function productively in the worldly world.
Conclusively, mastering the Art of Smart work is an essential competency that may result in a more satisfying and well-rounded existence. You may perform better and feel less stressed if you have clear objectives, manage your time well, and avoid distractions. Additionally, while we work toward our goals of success, let's remember to take care of our inner selves by engaging in peaceful and harmonious activities like chanting, which is encouraged by ISKCON and Lord Krishna's teachings.
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
Learning the Art of Self-Management Is the Key to Self-Control
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Self-control is an important ability that may support us in reaching our objectives and living a more balanced life. In this essay, we'll look at the key to self-control and how to become an expert at self-management. We'll discuss the advantages of including ISKCON and Krishna chanting in your path toward self-control and practical solutions.
Being Aware of Self-Control:
Self-control entails controlling your impulses, emotions, and actions to accomplish long-term objectives. It's about choosing wisely instead of giving in to instant satisfaction. 
Let's Examine Some Essential Self-Control Concepts:
Being mindful begins with being conscious of your thoughts and behaviours. You may find places where you lack self-control by using this awareness.
Setting Goals: 
Clearly define your objectives. Having a clear goal in mind helps keep you disciplined and focused.
Practice deferring immediate gratification to reap larger long-term advantages. The foundation of mind-control is this.
Creating Routines:
 Self-control might be easier if organized routines and habits are established.
Managing or Avoiding Triggers: 
Recognize the circumstances or events that set off impulsive behavior and take steps to prevent or mitigate them.
The Function of Krishna Chants and ISKCON:
Including spiritual activities such as ISKCON and Krishna chanting may improve your path towards self-control in several ways.
Inner Peace: 
Practicing ISKCON and chanting mantras may help promote inner peace, which lessens the emotional upheaval that often triggers rash decisions.
Focus and Clarity: 
By improving your focus and mental clarity, these techniques will help you resist temptation more successfully.
Patience and Resilience: 
Two crucial qualities for exercising self-control are patience and resilience, as taught in ISKCON.
Support from the Community: 
Joining the ISKCON community gives you access to a network of people who can assist you in maintaining your self-control objectives.
Reduction of Stress: 
Engaging in ISKCON activities and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra may be calming and relaxing. Reducing stress is essential for retaining self-control in the fast-paced world of today. You are better able to make deliberate judgments and refrain from rash responses when you are less stressed.
Spiritual Connection: 
A strong spiritual connection with Krishna is highly valued by ISKCON. This relationship may give one a feeling of satisfaction and purpose, lessening the urge for materialistic activities that promise rapid pleasure. Long-term objectives may be prioritized, and your activities guided by the spiritual component.
Developing Gratitude: 
ISKCON teachings often promote contentment and thankfulness for life's gifts. By appreciating what you have now, practicing thankfulness may help you retain self-control and divert your attention from demands for more.
Strong Moral and Ethical Framework: 
ISKCON offers a morally sound framework to help you in your self-control endeavors. Following the ideals and ideas that ISKCON teaches will give you a strong basis for choosing moral decisions in many facets of your life.
Accountability and Community: 
Joining the ISKCON community provides a network of like-minded people who can help you stay responsible for your self-control objectives. You may get support and direction from this encouraging community when you encounter difficulties.
Mind-Body Relationship: 
ISKCON methods acknowledge the mind-body connection. One may improve one's capacity to regulate urges and maintain a healthy lifestyle by providing spiritual activities and lessons to the mind.
Negative Behaviors may Be Positively Replaced:
Chants of ISKCON and Krishna may be used to transform negative behaviors. By partaking in these activities, you may shift your attention from harmful habits to self-control and spiritual development.
In summary:
The ability to exercise self-control may be acquired with commitment and practice. You may become an expert at self-management by being aware, defining clear objectives, practicing delayed gratification, creating routines, and avoiding triggers.
Including ISKCON and Krishna chanting will help you find inner serenity, patience, concentration, spiritual nutrition, and a caring community. These components may be effective aids on your path to improved self-control and a happier existence. So, when you journey to self-control, why not investigate the advantages of ISKCON and Krishna chants?
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arjunsinghveda · 2 months
Accepting Happiness in Life: A Path to Inner Calm
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How To Remain Positive In Life
It might be challenging to be upbeat in our hectic world. Unexpected turnabouts in life can leave us feeling anxious and overburdened. But worry not—we'll look at a few easy but powerful strategies for maintaining optimism in this article. Finally, we will discuss Krishna's exquisite teachings and how they might assist us in discovering the inner peace that we are all seeking.
Gratitude: The Secret to Happiness
Gratitude is one of the best strategies for keeping a cheerful attitude. It might really help just to take a minute every day to list the things for which you are thankful. Taking in the simple pleasures of a loved one's smile or the sun's warmth on your cheek might suffice.
Dress Up for Success
The individuals you select to spend time with greatly impact your attitude. Find someone to spend time with who will encourage and inspire you. Being around positive people might make you more hopeful since positivity is infectious.
Meditation and mindfulness
These two activities might support you in maintaining your composure and attention. Every day, set aside a little period to meditate and discover inner tranquility. This may lessen tension and encourage Positive Mental Attitude well-being.
Healthy Lifestyle Options
Positive Mental Attitude and physical well-being are often linked. Having a good outlook requires healthy eating, regular exercise, and enough sleep. Emotional equilibrium is simpler to sustain when your body is in balance.
Effectively Handle Stress
 Since life may be difficult at times, it's important to learn how to handle stress well. To decompress and prevent stress, try yoga, deep breathing techniques, or even your favorite pastime.
Accepting Krishna's Teachings
Let's now shift our attention to the teachings of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), which provides the knowledge of Lord Krishna as we wrap up our path toward positivity. Krishna preaches devotion, love, and compassion. Focusing on these concepts may help us be calm and cheerful amid life's challenges.
The ancient mantra "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare" is said to boost positivity and spirituality. ISKCON recommends this practice because it is said to have the capacity to alter one's state of mind and attitude for the better after being performed 108 times with dedication. 
Chanting these sacred words 100 times can be a transformative experience, aligning your inner self with the harmony and wisdom imparted by Lord Krishna.
Being upbeat, rooted, and full of love and light may be achieved through incorporating the teachings of Krishna and the ISKCON philosophy into our daily lives. Thus, while you go through life, keep in mind to be thankful, surround yourself with good energy, engage in mindfulness, make good decisions, and efficiently handle stress. And to maintain your soul blazing brightly on the road to inner peace and optimism, remember to repeat the holy words of Krishna.
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