arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“Okay then, there you go. Oh. Are you aspiring to be in the fashion industry or merely an observer from the sidelines?”
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“Yeah, I really want to become a fashion blogger within the industry. As well as be an observer. I love looking at peoples street fashion and trying to apply it to my own, as well as major fashion trends.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
That’s crazy. I’m cranky if I only get 6 hours. 8-9 is optimal for me. I have an apartment but it’s a bit farther so I take my bike, and usually just bike to most places. 
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Do you really? I rely on my own circadian rhythm, but honestly, it was really hard to get it the way it is. Alarm clocks and whatnot are probably easier.
Doesn’t make me any less of a crank, but I manage to put on a smile for my costumers. So you’d never know. Ideally, I’d love to get 8-9 hours. But it’s an unrealistic goal to set for myself. That’s good exercise. I prefer to walk everywhere.  
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Yeah. My body clock doesn’t know how to wake itself up when it needs to. Really? You do? That’s interesting. Does that mean you’ve become an early riser? They’ve become my best friend.
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
It’s so bad. Three cups from me and I’m shaking like a damn leaf. Three cups from you and you’re all “OH, XAVIER. IT’S NOTHING. REALLY!”
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It’s not bad at all. I act like a normal person when I’ve had three cups - but even for me that’s a lot. Let’s be real, you cannot handle to much caffeine the way I do. As I’ve said before it’s not a big deal!
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
How dyou get any sleep? I could never sleep where I work.
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I can’t even have any of my electronics in my room, it distracts me from sleep.
I really don’t sleep. If I’m lucky I’ll get about five hours. I have an apartment walking distance to my job, so I’m thankful for that and I do go home to it every night.  So, it’s better than saying my job is my home. 
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If I didn’t have my electronics in my room I’d never wake up or get anything done.
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“Oh, but coffee smells amazing and a coffee shop is perfect for people watching. I think that’s a prime place to spend your day off, or in your bed. I mean not like me in your bed, but like you being in your own bed.”
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“It’s the only perk of my job. I love smelling like coffee. I’ve found it to be the one place you can people watch without feeling like a creep. I like they way you think. That’s probably the prime spot to spend a day off. But then I feel really lazy I’ve done nothing.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“Pick a new coffee shop then, a bar, a park, or something. What do you blog about?”
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“I don’t like the other coffee shop. It’s shitty and I’m not going to spend money at a place where I have to pay full price. The others are possibilities. I blog about fashion.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“This place is so empty and quiet, and sometimes I am convinced it is haunted.  I’m not fuckin’ lying – I swear I heard footsteps on the stairs last night and noises coming from the kitchen. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I seriously wish I would have bought a newer house with a roomie, or at least done some more research on this one’s history before I bought it. That was a dumb move; note to self, don’t buy tiny houses when intoixiated.”
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“I’m guessing that wasn’t the smartest move on your part. Who even thinks of looking up houses when they are drunk?”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“If you like what you’re doing does it matter then if you spend more time there? Maybe you need a break, get out more or something.”
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“It doesn’t matter where I do my blogging from cause I can do it from anything. I guess my point was I need more places to go.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
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“Um . . home, home sounds good, so– like, downtown? Sorry, m’kinda out of it . . Yeah.”
“Oh that? You are so close to it. It’s only a mile away. I’ll show you.” A concerned look spread across his face. “Is everything alright?”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
[ jasper-halloran:]
What dyou do, just live where you work?
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That’d be cheap as fuck now that I think about it, hm…
It feels like it. With the amount of hours I’ve been spending there working... It would only make sense to just live in the staff lounge.
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I’m sure it would be cheap as fuck. 
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
[ xavierwolff; ]
I think we need to send you to an intervention and get you off of your caffeine addiction, Banks.
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“Get an intervention? My addiction to caffeine isn’t that bad.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“Oh, that’s really helpful, okay. Thanks.”
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“–Sorry, that was . . rude. Sorry.”
“Nah, don’t worry you aren’t being rude at all. Maybe if you told me where you needed to go or something, I’d be able to assist you further?”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
“Even on my days off from work, I still manage to find myself spending time in the coffee shop. I think this is a sign from above telling me I need to do other things besides work and blog.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
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“Hey, uh– Hey. D'you know where we are? M'kinda lost . . . ”
“Nope, not the slightest. But I’m just going with it.”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
Why was the mushroom invited to the party? This isn’t a joke about drugs, I swear.
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“Was it because he was a fun guy?”
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
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Head Canons
Family was always something that was so important to Arlo. Growing up he lived with his mother, Sandy Banks (50) and Bay Banks (27). They had a very supportive tight knit family and any mentions of having a father were simply dismissed. Young Arlo didn’t understand why he didn’t have a father when everyone else had one. He was jealous of all his friends because he wanted one too. He’d go on and on about how he had to know who his father was. It was his mission to find out. This went on for nine years until his mother finally sat him down and told him the truth. The unexpectedness of a baby boy made his father - or what Arlo likes to call his sperm donor bail. At first Arlo was angry with his mother and brother for keeping it a secret. But eventually came around and forgave them both as he realized his mother only thought she was doing what was best for her youngest son. To this day the option to meet his donor is on the table Arlo is very disinterested. With all that side Arlo doesn’t know what he’d be without his family and never wants to lose sight of that.
At a young age Arlo loved fashion. His mother recalls stories of a two year old pouting about not wearing matching clothing, or not being able to wear his favorite clothing item. Sandy always caved changing into something that would please her youngest. By the age of eight he’d act the same way, without the tantrums. Only telling his mother what to pick the next morning for school. When he was in middle school old enough to really understand what fashion was he fell in love with it all. Menswear, womenswear, makeup, hair. Even those crazy styles that would come in season, you name it Arlo loved it.. Arlo knew he was always the best dressed kid - hence why he won the superlative best dressed his senior year in high school. Arlo knows he makes that title proud. Many of his friends found it shocking he’d much rather spend time at the mall then play a sport.  
Blogging was like second nature to Arlo. When he found out what it was he soon became hooked. FashionbyArlo became a huge hit. This was something that took about 3-4 years to get a following that is still growing. His followers really love his ootd, his friends ootd and even the street walker’s ootd. A typical post would be fashion trends that irk him, peoples fashion choices that are questionable, answering question in depth on how to style certain item of clothing, and maybe even the personal post about his daily life. Besides his laptop and phone Arlo cannot live without his camera. 
Having followers is one thing that not only makes Arlo excited but hopes only bigger things are to come as his name is getting out there. With dreams so big he only hopes for success and a way to make blogging his career. He’s seen it work for other people he hopes that he can do that as well. 
Self acceptance is one thing Arlo is learning to cope with. His sexuality is one thing he still can’t accept about himself. He wishes he was able to embrace the fact not only does he like females he likes males as well. 
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arlo-banks-blog · 9 years
Bastille - Things We Lost in the Fire
The future’s in our hands and we                    will never be the same again
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