armaniclaws · 2 years
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I am not gonna be what my daddy wants me to be
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armaniclaws · 9 years
wow a lot of people still follow me here surprisingly, SO anyways, my new blog is honeyandgunpowdcr it’s my multi-muse and i DO play jackson over there so if you wanna follow I’d love to have you!
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armaniclaws · 10 years
      Overzealous and eager to please as always, jackson can't seem to       keep still. the prospect of murder is hanging before him on a hook       and he wants to bite down, even if it means a bloody aftermath.       digging blunt nails into his forearm, he tried to keep from fidgeting.       his inner drive for sin had him on edge, grit under his nails and grime       lacing in eerie swirls along his skin rippled in the dim lighting. flickering       incandescence cast the room in eerie shadows and yet his gaze was       only trained on one shadow in particular. stiles. because thats what he       was, a shadow of a man, a mere outline of what humanity was supposed       to be. between the contours was the marred canvas, blood-splattered       and lost in vindicated madness. watching him tear into someone who       was no more than a barren carcass at this point came with it's own       dark pleasure.
      He swallows, hard. mouth suddenly dry and it feels like his victim is       scratching up his throat, a surrealistic method of escapism that has       him picturing twisted images -- bleak and resounding. there's doubt.       for the starkest of moments. and then its gone, stiles's voice grounds       him and he's rendered speechless with palpable anticipation. he nearly       trips over himself to take the knife. foul greed envelopes him, swallows       blues irises and spits them back green and ripe and so, so, eager.
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      "You're sure? I can do it?" he raises a brow, licking chapped lips. he'll       focus in on his victim balance the knife over the man's sputtering throat.       he can hear him gasping, praying for mercy, but jackson tunes him out.       without much regard for life he plunges the knife into his heart, rips it       down with a jerk of his wrist, corrodes the organ and tears into his skin       with callous and brutal assault. once he's done with his sloppy, makeshift,       murder he looks to stiles for praise. to make sure he's done this right.
( + armaniclaws )    
   slender fingers are smothered in blood ——     fresh, warm to the touch. in fact, the person it belongs     to is still alive, despite breaths growing more shallow     by the second. the best part is always watching the      light in the victim’s eyes flicker out. stiles isn’t sure     that jackson is ready for that yet. although perhaps     this is the perfect time.
    he pops a stained finger into his mouth and sucks it clean,     tang of metallic blood pleasant as he turns to jackson     with a glance of calculation. this whole ordeal has been a     process. teaching jackson the tools of the trade has     proved taxing but not entirely troublesome. jackson is     not a slow learner by any means, he just needs coaxing     from time to time. a little motivating shove.
    light catches on the blade as he extends it to the other     with an expectant look. jackson has not yet killed anyone.     stiles has brought him along to bear witness, has taught     him all of the combat skills to tire someone out if need     be, how to strike when the victim least expects it, how to     pick someone out —— always someone that will not be     missed, never anyone of importance. stiles has shown      him how to use the different knives, blades, guns, needles,     everything that jackson will ever need when the time     comes for him to pick up where stiles has left off.
    much the same as his mother, stiles will not be able to      hide his sins forever. so as she showed him, he shows     jackson, to ensure that the legacy carries on. any of      the affection stiles feels for his apprentice is secondary,     plentiful though it is. his mother had always told him      that sharing her kills with him had made her feel closer     to him —— and now stiles understands what she’d meant.     doing this with jackson has connected them, somehow.
    their prize is beginning to waste away. stiles shakes the     blade impatiently, urging jackson once more to take it     from him. 
    “Come on. Your first kill should be easy. I already did     the hard parts, all you have to do is put the poor guy     out of his misery.”
    on cue, there is a pained whimper, provoking a sinister     grin to split stiles’ face. the only rush is to put the finishing     touches on this man before he dies of blood loss. where’s     the fun in that? no need to be concerned of him escaping;     all of his limbs are steadfastly fastened to the table. if he     closes his eyes, maybe he can imagine that he’s going      under the knife in a hospital rather than in the cold, empty     warehouse they’ve set up for this. 
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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Best of Teen Wolf : 64/?
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
because i’m horribly bored, but also feeling like i could take on the world, tbh.
must be following me!
reblogs only. 
one person will get a theme (x), and 30 icons of their fc, and two people will get 20 icons of their fc.
ends at 7 EST. so, in like, 45 minutes. 
for reference, my icons look like this!
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
update ;
I'm absolute trash on this blog and I'm sorry but tbh I don't see activity picking up any time soon, if ever. I really like having just 2 main blogs over on katherine & dean. & ivy is third most active though less tho than the other two. so if you wanna unfollow I totally understand.
I will eventually do replies, I'm goING TO try and be better about at least doing idk, like 2-3 replies a week or something. but yeah I'm slow as fuck here bc I'm lessening my time on rp by cutting down to only 2 blogs so everything else is just...when I feel like it.
foxcriied. deathfollowed. burnoxt. sometimesbatman. daughterstobeleaders. patiquiete. theraspberryroom. --- these are my priority threads.
& there may be others if people reply to old stuff, not sure yet. but otherwise, if you've replied to something and it's not on here I'm probably dropping it. please don't take offense, I'm honestly just trying to only focus on two-three blogs aside from select threads on other blogs. if you still want to plot with me find me on dean or kat and I will gladly rp with you on one of them.
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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Holland Roden & Colton Haynes at The MTV Movie Awards (2012)
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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↳ jackson + tech light palette match up
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armaniclaws · 10 years
flops in im trash. I will def make an effort to pop in here this weekend and do a few replies.
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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armaniclaws · 10 years
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