armiaochima · 9 minutes
Yeay ^^ mama Always was making me eat vegetables > < but it was tastly !
*coming running happilly* red !!^^ *see thé door open* ...guys ? ...*enter carefully*
*the house was dark and a little messy and there were some scratches on the wall*
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armiaochima · 3 hours
It's not a dumb question so don't bé sorry
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 3 hours
She's...not in this World - -" she Travels between World...but isn't here right now
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 4 hours
*nods i Did* she was a traveller of différent World...actually she had the pseudo...who's my name here..i don't really have think about here since i ...arrives here..that's a bit sad..
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 4 hours
*nods* it's meen original caracter, it's when you créat an person or an animals and you build there story, caracter, everything in short
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 4 hours
Yea i understand ó ò ...that's make me think of an oc i did back than - -"
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 4 hours
Age isn't Always constent ?...i...don't think i understood that part..i know we get...older with Time..but here...hm ..*sight a Lil* sorry i'll stop..
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 4 hours
...but...your not immortal ? Isn't it...frustrating and boring to live that long ? ó ò...you don't have to answere i'm to curious and i know it Can bé Bad > <"
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 4 hours
:0 pizza ! :D
*coming running happilly* red !!^^ *see thé door open* ...guys ? ...*enter carefully*
*the house was dark and a little messy and there were some scratches on the wall*
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armiaochima · 4 hours
What will we eat ? :D
*coming running happilly* red !!^^ *see thé door open* ...guys ? ...*enter carefully*
*the house was dark and a little messy and there were some scratches on the wall*
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armiaochima · 5 hours
Ho o o! ...i see *pat gently head*
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 5 hours
"...i'll try to rest ..i love you..*go inher body*"
*coming running happilly* red !!^^ *see thé door open* ...guys ? ...*enter carefully*
*the house was dark and a little messy and there were some scratches on the wall*
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armiaochima · 5 hours
o o...ó ò" sorry it wasn't really good of me to Ask thé question
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 5 hours
"h..ho...maybe m'y spirit need to rest ?.."
Yeaaaaaa !^^
*coming running happilly* red !!^^ *see thé door open* ...guys ? ...*enter carefully*
*the house was dark and a little messy and there were some scratches on the wall*
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armiaochima · 5 hours
Hmf ò ó how old are you anyway tonsay that !*boop*
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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armiaochima · 5 hours
*coming running happilly* red !!^^ *see thé door open* ...guys ? ...*enter carefully*
*the house was dark and a little messy and there were some scratches on the wall*
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armiaochima · 5 hours
ò ó i'm not Lil ! I'm an adulte now ù ú
*Running to you* A... Armia!!!
(have another idea >:3)
Black ? What appened ?
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