arnekev · 10 months
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Actual roman epitaph for a dog
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arnekev · 10 months
Athena Nikos (AKA Mama Nikos) Model & Updated Combat Schooler Pyrrha (Ruby's Age)
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arnekev · 10 months
Oh lawd
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arnekev · 10 months
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arnekev · 1 year
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-Be Belgium weapons designer
-Spend lots of money to invent a totally new firearm concept
-Sleek futuristic design
-Smol and compact
-800-1,100 round per minute
-Fires new high velocity smol cartridge that with a smol caliber bullet which can pierce body armor
-Market to militaries around the world.
-Only significant sales are to the SciFi Channel in USA
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arnekev · 2 years
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Just a reminder that Kharn the Betrayer was killed by a Guardsman with a brick.
Ave Imperator, motherfuckers.
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arnekev · 2 years
Let me tell you about one of my high school friends’ old Dungeons and Dragons PCs.
Olaf Olafson was your pretty straightforward Northman Barbarian type. Huge, strong, pale, red-haired and with a tremendous beard. What made Olaf special was the little things.
Despite living in a world with clerical magic, demons, and other powerful alignment-based Outsiders, Olaf was an atheist. This was because his people believed the last world had already ended and the gods went with it (basically post-Ragnarok). All that was left were ‘spirits’. Powerful spirits. Who could grant deific magic. But they weren’t gods, and you didn’t have to worship them- in fact you shouldn’t, because it would just inflate their already swollen egos.
Despite being an enormous, frightening, powerful man with dubious hygeine and a propensity for going literally berserk in combat, Olaf was a gentle fellow in towns and villages, had a deep fondness for small fluffy animals and children, and was a generous tipper.
Olaf liked to drink. Not mead, but wine. He liked to sip it. It made him feel ‘civilized’. He never drank it quickly enough to get drunk. His meals almost invariably consisted of “Wine. Meat. Cheese.” Which was what he would order in literally every tavern. They’d ask him to clarify, what sort of wine? What sort of meat? What sort of- Olaf would raise a hand and repeat, slowly, as if to a fool: “Wine. Meat. Cheese.” 
Olaf spoke broken common, more or less Hulk-speak, referred to himself in the third person almost exclusively, all that fun stuff. Then we had a story arc where I sent them up to Olaf’s homeland, where everyone spoke ‘Northman’ or whatever the hell I called it. While up there, he was incredibly fluent. Even poetic. “My brothers! I have returned from the decadent lands of the south, bearing riches and glory, and tales of great deeds!” The other players caught on and talked like a pack of movie Frankensteins, barely able to communicate in the foreign tongue.
For a long time, Olaf was the most financially stable member of the party. Because he bought a tavern in their home-base-town, hired the senior barmaid/waitress lady to be the manager, and funneled the profits back into the business. He kept his adventuring money and his tavern money separate, except when he would sometimes spend adventuring money to expand the tavern. 
 There’s not a lot to do in 3rd edition with skill ranks when you’re a barbarian, so eventually Olaf sank a point into Healing on a lark. A few sessions later, they captured an important enemy NPC, but he’d lost an arm in the fighting and was about to die. Their cleric had been captured and their NPC paladin wasn’t around, either. There was no magical healing available, and no one else had any ranks in healing. The dude was about to die, and take with him the knowledge of where their friends had been taken. Olaf- with a  single rank in Healing I remind you -offered to save his life in exchange for the location, and the guy agreed. Olaf then stuck a sword in the fire, said “Olaf see this once,” and cauterized the wound.
It worked, of course. I didn’t even make him roll. I was too busy trying not to piss myself laughing. “Olaf see this once.” Jesus Christ.
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arnekev · 2 years
Takeuchi deserves it, never really heard anything bad about the guy other than effectively being saber simp #1, and honestly I can’t really even fault him for that
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Between this and Nasu talking about how Takeuchi supported them both with two part-time jobs (biking back home between them to work) when they were making Tsukihime, it's easy to see why Nasu lets Takeuchi make as many new Sabers as he wants for the rest of time. He carried them hard in their early days.
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arnekev · 2 years
Goated fic
The Cindy Masterpost
I’ll edit and reblog this with updates as I post new bits of the Cinderella story I’m working on, but for now, here are all the current chapters out:
Part One (In Which Things Would Be Simpler If The Prince Was A Horny Piece of Shit)
Part Two (In Which No Rats Were Harmed In The Making Of These Horses)
Part Three (The OG post which technically is kind of told out of order because there’s a reblog and like, look, I could see this was becoming a thing, but I didn’t think it would be a thing-thing but now it’s a thing-thing and I have to deal with it. I mean I’m writing a masterpost for cryin’ out loud)
Part Four (In Which Cindy and the Fairy Godmother Run from the Cops)
Part Five (In Which The Prince Begins His Investigation While The Narrator yells About Foot Fetishes Because look I’m sick of that joke I’m SO FUCKING SICK of that joke it’s so fucking unoriginal.)
Part Six  (In which we meet The Queen because fuck you she was alive in the Rogers and Hammerstein version)
Part Seven (In which news of the slipper is spread throughout the kingdom and the narrator talks about this one time when they passed out at a Dickens fair and that’s totally definitely relevant.)
Part Eight (In Which the narrator wants to include more slapstick but is also wary about all the implications with regards to class differences and also the slipper is a non-euclidean object which defies all rules of mass and physics.)
Part Nine (In which Cindy is every drunk girl who has ever comforted you in a bar or club bathroom)
Part Ten (In which Cindy has no interest in being that wife chained up in the attic in Jane Eyre)
Part Eleven (In which tasty pies are consumed and also maybe the slipper fits someone or whatever)
Part Twelve (In which we meet the parents)
Part Thirteen (In which Cindy is going to be okay but also it’s not a fairy tale unless the ending has at least a little bit of threatening ambiguity towards the audience)
UPDATE: The story is now complete, and uploaded to AO3!!
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arnekev · 2 years
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by SOLar
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arnekev · 2 years
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arnekev · 2 years
Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intra - from within
ab origine - from the source
absit iniuria - “let insult be absent”
absit invidia - “let envy be absent”
absit omen - “let omens be absent”
ab uno disce omnes - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocat - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcem - from head to heel
acta non verba - actions not words
ad altiora tendo - “I strive to higher things”
ad astra - to the stars
ad fontes - to the sources
ad meliora - towards better things
ad oculos - to the eyes
ad undas - to the waves
ad victoriam - to victory
adsum - I am here
a fortiori - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mare - from sea to sea
audeamus - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvat - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, tace - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriae - of blessed memory
bona fide - in good faith
bono malum superate - overcome evil with good
capax infiniti - holding the infinite
carpe diem - seize the day
carpe noctem - seize the night
cave - beware
ceteris paribus - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortius - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aurea - golden key
cogito ergo sum - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et labore - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritate - in harmony with truth
concordia salus - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribus - with connected strength
consummatum est - it is complete
corruptus in extremis - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundo - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundis - from the depths
dies irae - day of wrath
dona nobis pacem - give us peace
ego te provoco - I challenge you
esse est percipi - to be is to be perceived  
esse quam videri - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod es - be what you are
ex animo - from the soul
ex luna scientia - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridens - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentio - from silence
ex undis - from the waves of the sea
experientia docet - experience teaches
fac et spera - do and hope
fac fortia et patere - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse est - I’ll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei memineris - I’ll make you remember me
facta, non verba - deeds, not words
fortis et liber - strong and free
fortis in arduis - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liber - glorious and free
hic abundant leones - here lions abound
hic et nunc - here and now
hic sunt dracones - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimae - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astra - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriam - into the memory
in nocte consilium - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manet - the written words endure
locus standi - a right to stand
luceo non uro - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergo - I struggle and emerge
mare liberum - free sea
memento vivere - remember to live
more ferarum - like beasts
natura non contristatur - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metu - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herba - a snake in the grass
pro se - for oneself
propria manu - by one’s own hand
quaere - to seek
quod abundat non obstat - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgam - I shall arise
semper ad meliora - always towards better things
semper anticus - always forward
semper apertus - always open
semper fortis - always brave
semper liber - always free
stet - let it stand
tuebor - I will protect
vera causa - true cause
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arnekev · 2 years
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arnekev · 2 years
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arnekev · 2 years
Don't waste your money buying lottery tickets by life insurance on a logger your odds are better at winning money and it's tax-free
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arnekev · 2 years
I barely care about Warhammer anymore but I still find it absolutely hilarious how much GW’s own lore completely fucked the vibe they were going for with the Emperor.
The Emperor according to lore prior to the Horus Heresy books: A superhuman, super-genius scientist and master tactician who could’ve led the Imperium into an eternal golden age if not for the tragic betrayal of half of his sons.
The Emperor according to the lore as of the HH novels: A fuckin’ dipshit with the emotional intelligence of a plank of wood and the foresight of a lemming, who basically caused the Heresy by individually pissing off all nine of his fallen sons and doing absolutely nothing to protect them from Chaos at best, often actively pushing them to fall at worst. The only thing he seems to excel at is killing.
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arnekev · 2 years
A friend asked me how the newly revealed Ursula Creed model could be wearing her father’s greatcoat if he was believed to be on Cadia when it was destroyed. My response…
Isn’t it obvious?
Ursarkar R. Creed spends his last moments on Cadia ushering people into the drop-ships that are evacuating the planet.  Here, at the 11th hour, as the planet is buckling and breaking under him, Ursarkar realizes that he’s done all he can for the planet and it’s people.  Creed has done his duty as Lord Castellan and can finally allow himself a brief moment to do his duty as a father.
He ushers Ursula (probably in her 20s at this point and 112% serving in the Guard) onto one of the last remaining ships.  There’s no heartfelt goodbye, just a direct order from her superior and a reminder that disobeying or arguing would be and act of insubordination. The only concession to tenderness is when Ursarkar removes his greatcoat and drapes it around his daughter’s shoulders.  The Lord Castellan, her father, gives an approving nod and tells Ursular that he expects great things of her.
Father and daughter, solider and superior, salute each other. The drop-ship doors close and that is the last time Ursarkar and Ursula ever see each other.
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