arobingirl · 4 years
Making a knife out of my own blood
Ok so you know that thing that says that tells you how many people you would have to kill in order for you to make a sword from the blood of your enemies, my mess of a brain cell thought “Can i make a sword from my period?”
So your period once a month from when you are 12-55, so since i’m 18 i have around 49 years left of giving blood (I’m not taking pregnancy into account because I’m unlovable lol). 49 x 12 is 588 but times the amount of days i bleed for is 1764 days of Bloodshed. The average woman bleeds around 80ml of blood but my period lasts only 3 days, but i bleed heavy and i ain’t about to measure so i just stuck with 80ml. 80ml is 0.08L of blood so 1764 x 0.08 = 141.12L of blood i will bleed in my lifetime.
Now if it takes 400 people to make a long sword that means that since the average person has 4.5-5.5L of blood in them (i’ll average it out to 5L) 400 x 5 = 2000L of blood needed in order to make a Long sword. I’m not a picky person so i decided a knife will do. a long sword is 100 cm long so i divided that by 5 so it would be about a 20cm long blade. That means that 400 people is shorted to 80 people. 
next i calculated how many people i could bleed out, so i went 141.12 divided by 5 and i discovered that in my life i will bleed as much blood as 28.224 people. so that means i don’t have nearly enough blood to make even a knife, i would need to kill around 54-ish people to complete a knife. 
But since killing that many people and getting away with is is too much work i decide to try and find a different route. That is when my lovely German mother suggested that i try and get the remaining blood from hospitals. Now the average blood-bag costs an average of 310$ to buy, each bag hold 1 pint/0.473176L of blood. If i need 440L (80 people x 5.5L of blood =440L) of blood in total, i will take away my contributions to the knife leaving 298.88 (I’ll round it to 299L) i will need to buy.
So 5.5L of blood divided by 0.473176 is 11.623581923 but i’m rounding that up to 12. So 12 blood bags make a full human so 12 x 54 = 648, that means that i would need to buy 648 bags of blood. 
If each blood-bag is 310$ dollars that means 200,880$ + my own 49 years worth of blood is what it would take to make a 20 cm knife.  ________________________________________________________________
But Since I’m broke and will probably continue to be I decided that forgo my pacifist blood gathering and i decided that My blood must be the only human blood in the knife, so the rest will have to be animal. Now i live in the country and we love to hunt out here so I went with the largest animal out here, and that would be the Mighty Moose.
Now i had to go on a bit of a search for this one. All i found when i searched up “how much iron is found in moose’s blood” was this chart.
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So my mom being the smartie in family of trix helped me out. Since the 90g of iron supplies 25% of the amount of iron we need to have per day We searched up the recommended daily intake and found out the we need around 14mg of iron each day so divide that by 5 and you have got 3.5mg of iron per 90g of moose blood. 
Now is the average moose has 10 galons/37.8541L of Blood and if 1L of Blood weighs 1.05kg, that means that 1L of moose blood equals 38.9mg of iron. so 38.9 x 37.8541 = 1472.52449mg. But we need g so 1.47252449g is how many grams of iron is in a full moose but we’ll round it to 1.5.
If a human has 3.5g of iron in thier blood that means that 3.5 x 54 = 186 grams of iron is how much we’ll need. So 186/1.5 = 126. 
That means that If i want to Make a knife out of my blood and moose blood i need to wait 49 years and kill 126 Moose ________________________________________________________________
The Look i got from people at the store while explaining this to my brother was priceless
 Also My bro mentioned that when when i cool the knife after forging it i should cool it in holy water so it it does holy damage.
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arobingirl · 4 years
What about car door mirrors? 
i think more mirrors should be cursed. that’s just my general observation 
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arobingirl · 4 years
What’s the point of muscles
Why can’t my just bones not be wet.
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