aroboxfolio · 18 hours
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aroboxfolio · 18 hours
dipper is a weirdly special kind of character to me because I was that type of kid, the one who wanted to grow up too fast and got irritated at their sibling not taking things too seriously and never wanting to seem childlike. i connected heavily with him, and honestly the entire arc of Gravity Falls being in part about him learning to just be a kid really helped me in the long run. it was a great wake up call seeing a character so similar to me at that age learn to finally stop trying to be an adult before i was ready.
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aroboxfolio · 18 hours
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reminder that being against ai also means being against character.ai and not using character.ai and not interacting with character.ai
i've never talked to chatgpt i've never talked to character.ai i have no interest in talking to a chatbot even if it's fun or based on my comfort character. if we want companies to stop using ai we need to tell them we aren't going to interact with it - so don't.
don't talk to robots. full stop.
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aroboxfolio · 19 hours
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Ranma is obsessed with his boyfriend!
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
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Homes are expensive because of landlords hoarding them for profit, not because of regulations.
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
"divine feminine" "divine masculine"
wrong. Divine.
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
i hate how "being a girl's girl" has replaced feminism. I hate that enforced conformity has replaced genuine compassion for and solidarity with other women. I hate how women call each other "pick me's" for not conforming to femininity or for daring to critique something other women like. I hate how we just keep finding new socially acceptable ways to bully other women for being unattractive or outspoken or difficult or complicated or weird or ambitious or for not performing femininity. I hate those front facing camera "comedians" whose whole thing is making up a straw-woman to make fun of. I hate the obsession with "girlhood" and clinging to being a girl instead of a woman. i hate "the girl version of the roman empire" and "girlhood" and it's just consumerism and I hate the characterised of girlhood as passivity, niceness, sweetness, helplessness and frivolity and I hate the revival of gender essentialism even as a joke!!!
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
troye sivan was so right when he called out how straight people have gotten way too comfortable calling gay people twinks. they have become way too comfortable with our language and using it against us under the guise of being allies. stop calling gay people fruity, zesty, sassy, or whatever other euphemism you're using these days. straight people do not get to do that. like. it's just a covered up version of homophobia. you are not part of the community. you cannot use these words. it is insulting. we know you mean it in a demeaning way. we know this is just another way to "other" us.
this isn't isolated to the LGBTQ+ community by the way. I've been seeing so many allistic people on tiktok especially using ableist euphemisms (that I don't feel comfortable repeating since I am allistic) to describe autistic people or anyone they think might be autistic. it's not funny. you are not being an ally. you are being a bully.
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
While yes intersex people can use intersex as their gender identity, that isn't what intersex is. Intersex is a natural biological variation that cannot be transitioned into or out of. It is a description of the natural state of our bodies. It is the same as me being autistic, white, and short. These are descriptions of things about me that I cannot change but are still important facets of my life as a human being. (Obviously some are more important than others)
(While the body can be changed, there are separate words for someone who willingly changes the natural state of their body, like altersex. Intersex people can also be altersex.)
On the other hand, gender identity and transness are personal identifiers that can be chosen. (And by chosen I mean that while you can't choose your gender you can choose the label you use for it) And it is also fluid and can change over time. Gender looks different for everyone and isn't based on any material thing that can be observed in the physical world. Gender is based more-so in what makes you happiest, and the most satisfied with your life. Gender is just as real as everything else I've mentioned, but it's just not a physical thing.
This is why transness is self determined and intersexuality is not.
Trans and cis are adjectives that describe a person's experience with their gender. A trans man/woman is just a man/woman who has a different experience with their gender than cis people do.
But if a person exists who is rejected by both cis and trans people, then what are they? What are they supposed to do? How are they supposed to identify? Cis and trans as labels were not designed with intersex people in mind and often do not fit our experiences, but we're forced to use this binary because perisex trans people insist that you must be one if you're not the other.
But, trans people also insist that being intersex is inherently trans. Any deviation from the sex binary is seen as trans. Intersex history is seen as trans history, intersex animals are called biologically trans, and intersex experiences and terms are often taken by trans people and applied to themselves.
We're inherently trans but the trans experience is inherently a perisex one. Our experiences are identical to trans experiences but only trans people are allowed to say that. Our bodies are deemed the ideal trans bodies but the natural state of our bodies is used as proof that we don't fit in with trans people. Trans people wish they could gain access to the violence done to our bodies. Our bodies are held up as proof that gender and sex is a spectrum but if we talk about our complicated experiences with sex and gender then we're called terf psyops and cis invaders.
Where exactly are intersex people supposed to fit into the trans/cis binary? Our experiences cannot be defined in the same way that perisex trans people define themselves.
When an intersex person identifies as transfem when they were afab or as transmasc while they were amab or calls themselves cistrans or transmascfem or transfemmasc, this isn't an attempt to invade spaces we don't belong or destroy the trans community. We're trying to describe our very complicated experiences with gender with the limited tools that we have, the tools that have been forced on us but simultaneously denied to us.
Can we just let intersex trans people have their weird gender labels in peace? This isn't about you, it's not an attack on you or your community, it's just us trying to exist comfortably.
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
When inventing a fantasy religion a lot of people a) make the mistake of assuming that everyone in fantasy world would worship the same gods and b) assume that polytheistic religions see all of their gods as morally good
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
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Yaaaaas 😍
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
I don’t think you’re ready to have an adult conversation about politics until you’re able to admit that there are things you love and enjoy that would not and should not exist in a just world. $8 billion dollar budget movies every other month don’t exist in a just world. New 900 GB AAA video games every year don’t exist in a just world. Next day delivery doesn’t exist in a just world. 80 different soda brands don’t exist in a just world. 
All of those things come from exploitation on some level, and if you wouldn’t trade those for a world where everyone can eat and have a home no matter who they are or what they do, I don’t know what to tell you. 
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
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for those not on twitter here’s dantdm’s response to “lunchly”
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
if you’ve ever kept any kind of bug as a pet (i used to raise madagascar hissing cockroaches, myself), then it is pretty obvious that they have feelings and are capable of great individuality and even personality among members of their own species. there is a tendency to not be willing to admit this, which i think comes from a place of convenience moreso than of ignorance. it’s not that people don’t know bugs are little animals, it’s that thinking of them that way makes life a bit more complicated. still, it’s not like i’m going to give up fly paper…
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
'do you think you're superior for not using AI in your work' thank you for asking! yes i do
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aroboxfolio · 20 hours
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"I made it wet, just like you asked..."
hi harvest moon porn is just what we're doing for now
uncensored: twitter | cohost | bluesky | patreon | substar
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