arsenic-and-catnip · 8 months
:33 < oh ok!!
:33 < if mew efur n33d a purrtector furom the impurrtinent anons mew know who to call!! :33c
:(( < kieran are these people bothering mew??
Mostly they were just kind of annoying... Seems like they've stopped now, though, so it should be fine...!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 8 months
:33 < ive b33n just pawsitive!
:33 < umm sorbet evolved into an espeon!! so ive b33n trying to make sure im caring for him purropurrly!!
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
:33 < hi kieran!! sorry its b33n a while!!
:(( < are mew ok?? mew dont s33m well...
:33 < if theres anything i can do to help let me know!!!
Hi, Nepeta- Nice to- To see tou sgain... and wad just- Bad drwsm, is all... Trtihg to go back ro sleep now, rhoufh... Sgoukd be oksy... Pkenty of plushiws snd a nice blankwt, too... We csn talk in the mornibf, okay...?
(Hi, Nepeta- Nice to- To see you again... and was just- Bad dream, is all... Trying to go back to sleep now, though... Should be okay... Plenty of plushiws and a nice blanket, too... We can talk in the morning, okay...?)
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arsenic-and-catnip · 8 months
:(( < aww i know how that f33ls
:33 < hopawfurlly mewre doing better meow!! and that mew didnt have another bad dream last night!!
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
:33 < hi kieran!! sorry its b33n a while!!
:(( < are mew ok?? mew dont s33m well...
:33 < if theres anything i can do to help let me know!!!
Hi, Nepeta- Nice to- To see tou sgain... and wad just- Bad drwsm, is all... Trtihg to go back ro sleep now, rhoufh... Sgoukd be oksy... Pkenty of plushiws snd a nice blankwt, too... We csn talk in the mornibf, okay...?
(Hi, Nepeta- Nice to- To see you again... and was just- Bad dream, is all... Trying to go back to sleep now, though... Should be okay... Plenty of plushiws and a nice blanket, too... We can talk in the morning, okay...?)
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
X(( < grr its that homestuck thing again!!!!!
X(( < i always s33 people talking about it!!! efurywhere i go!!! its infuriating!!!!!
Prophecy: On December 1, Jade Harley crashes into the academy, causing everyone to go insane.
The next day, the rivals, Team Star leaders, and students have a civil discussion on Homestuck post-canon and whether they should be erased.
Later, Jade Harley is banned from the acadmey due to her dog ears.
This make any sense to you, pipsqueak?
Unfortunately. Id tell you what it means, but you're better off not knowing.
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < mewre welclawme!!! i hope mew enjoy it all!!!! i worked hard to get it all X33
:33 < im glad mewre gonna be more careful too!!! please stay safe!!
pelipper mail! a basket with various sweets and baked goods, including a couple candy apples, a small dipplin plush, and a vase of what looks to be handpicked flowers. theres a note attached written in an olive green that reads:
:33 < hiya!!
:33 < i was so worried when i heard something happawned to mew!!! dont scare me like that!!! X((
:33 < the little rotom in mewr phone said mew were still alive though!! which is good!!
:33 < they helped me come up with ideas fur stuff to get fur mew!!
:33 < and a lot of people were asking the other kierans so i took some notes!!
:33 < i hope mew like efurything!!! flowers are also clawstomary to give people in the hospawtal so i picked some meowself!! i hope they made ok it all the way from kalos!!
:33 < i wish mew a sp33dy reclawfury!!!
Wowzers... This is- A lot... Am I really allowed to have all of this...? This was really nice of you...! These all look really good... The plushie is nice, too! And the flowers are really pretty... Thank you-
Sorry for making you worry like that... Should've listened to everybody... I'll- I'll try and be more careful, promise.
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < um well looks like i have some battailing to do!!! i n33d some money to buy stuff for kieran!!!
:33 < i should also furgure out a cat pun i can mewse fur his name!!!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < ohh ok!!! ill try and s33 if i can get some pawcket change to buy some stuff then :33
:33 < thank mew rotom!!! dont tell kieran!!! its a secret hehe ;33
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
X(( < ack sorry i accidentally sent that on anon!!!
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It's okay!!!!!! He tried to go catch a new Pokemon cause it was supposed to be really strong, but it was ALSO really dangerous, and mean, too, so it ended up attacking him... He got hurt pretty badly :(
He's patched up now, though!!!!! Just sleeping...! But they're probably gonna keep him here a while, just to make sure... Glad he's finally resting, but I really wish it didn't take something like this, bzzzzzt!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
do you have any ideas for what i could send to his room that he might like? maybe i can still help..
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
X(( < ack sorry i accidentally sent that on anon!!!
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It's okay!!!!!! He tried to go catch a new Pokemon cause it was supposed to be really strong, but it was ALSO really dangerous, and mean, too, so it ended up attacking him... He got hurt pretty badly :(
He's patched up now, though!!!!! Just sleeping...! But they're probably gonna keep him here a while, just to make sure... Glad he's finally resting, but I really wish it didn't take something like this, bzzzzzt!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
but he said he would listen to me!! it told me it would listen. i know im not all that strong myself but my moirails SUPER strong and it knew that!! i told it!! and i have a hunch it knew that even before i told him because apparently a lot of people know me because my universe is fictional in this one!! so i thought i would have some credibility!!!!
im sorry for getting upset, youre just a rotom!! you didnt cause this :(( im just scared for kieran :((
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
X(( < ack sorry i accidentally sent that on anon!!!
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It's okay!!!!!! He tried to go catch a new Pokemon cause it was supposed to be really strong, but it was ALSO really dangerous, and mean, too, so it ended up attacking him... He got hurt pretty badly :(
He's patched up now, though!!!!! Just sleeping...! But they're probably gonna keep him here a while, just to make sure... Glad he's finally resting, but I really wish it didn't take something like this, bzzzzzt!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:(( < oh no!!!!!!
X(( < i tried to tell it not to try too hard to get strong!!!
:(( < i tried to help i tried to purrvent something like this happawning
actually, no, i can stop using my quirk for something like this. this is SERIOUS!! im glad hes ok now but just. why didnt he listen? i tried to help....
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
X(( < ack sorry i accidentally sent that on anon!!!
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It's okay!!!!!! He tried to go catch a new Pokemon cause it was supposed to be really strong, but it was ALSO really dangerous, and mean, too, so it ended up attacking him... He got hurt pretty badly :(
He's patched up now, though!!!!! Just sleeping...! But they're probably gonna keep him here a while, just to make sure... Glad he's finally resting, but I really wish it didn't take something like this, bzzzzzt!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
teleport this bread around
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come on spread the word
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < yipp33!!!
:33 < good luck!!! X33
ended up making it to the 3rd signboard.
got some training in along the way, but im still nowhere near her skill level.
since we don’t have anything to do anymore, we’ve just gone to do our own things.
for those wondering, grandpa still has the mask
i haven’t touched it or anything. i’ve only gotten glimpses
if anyone has any tips on getting stronger, please share them with me.
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < ok!!! its meowstly relates to muscles but hopawfully it still works fur mew!!
:33 < so furst of all its impurrtant to take breaks and pace mewrself!! mewre not gonna get any stronger if mewre tired :<< if mew need to paws and take a break then do that!!!
:33 < seclawnd its impawrtant to purractice diffurent skills!!! if mew only work the same muscles ofur and ofur theyll just get weaker and more tired and mewr other muscles will get weaker from not being mewsed!!!
:33 < its also impawrtant to ease in and out of it!!! dont jump immediately to or furom training!!! if mew dont mew could get really hurt :<<
:33 < thats all i can think of right meow!! if mew n33d more help i can ask my meowrail fur some, hes really strong so he purrobably knows a lot!!!
ended up making it to the 3rd signboard.
got some training in along the way, but im still nowhere near her skill level.
since we don’t have anything to do anymore, we’ve just gone to do our own things.
for those wondering, grandpa still has the mask
i haven’t touched it or anything. i’ve only gotten glimpses
if anyone has any tips on getting stronger, please share them with me.
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:33 < hiya!!
:33 < me-wow theres so many kierans apurrently!! hehe
:33 < i have some tips fur mew though!! i know someone whos really really strong!!!
:33 < i dont think mew would know him though but hopefurlly thats not an issue!!
ended up making it to the 3rd signboard.
got some training in along the way, but im still nowhere near her skill level.
since we don’t have anything to do anymore, we’ve just gone to do our own things.
for those wondering, grandpa still has the mask
i haven’t touched it or anything. i’ve only gotten glimpses
if anyone has any tips on getting stronger, please share them with me.
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:(( < oh man its getting late
X(( < which means i get sad!!
:(( < i dont know why this happens since i only went out at night on alternia!!
:?? < maybe im just mewsed to the day cycle here??
:(( < but i miss my furiends...
X(( < which doesnt make sense since i can still talk to them on trollian!!!!!
:(( < and we nefur were able to m33t up when i still lived on alternia...
X(( < so nothing changed!!! so why am i upset!!!!!
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:(( < aww im sorry that happened..
:(( < mew dont have to talk about anymeowre!!!
:33 < hmmm.. can i pelippurr mail mew something to make mew f33l better?
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
:<< < kieran... i dunno if mew should trust that blue typing guy...
X(( < it s33ms like it might be a trap!!!
:<< < they sound like theyre trying to manipurrlate mew...
...yeah. I'll be careful with them, don't worry. I'm not stupid. Not gonna let myself be treated like that again...
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arsenic-and-catnip · 9 months
:(( < again?? did something happen??
X(( < ...only as long as mewre comfurtable sharing!!
[ @arsenic-and-catnip asked: ]
:<< < kieran... i dunno if mew should trust that blue typing guy...
X(( < it s33ms like it might be a trap!!!
:<< < they sound like theyre trying to manipurrlate mew...
...yeah. I'll be careful with them, don't worry. I'm not stupid. Not gonna let myself be treated like that again...
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