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maybe if he put a “please” on that…
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in fucking tears rn
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Need y’all to know that in the 1970’s a letter to the editor was published in Daily Telegraph where the author offhandedly used the phrase “Tolkien-like gloom” to describe an area with barren trees and JRRT himself wrote back an incensed rebuttal at the use of his name in a context that suggested anything negative about trees.
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Good morning to those who wish people a good morning, those who mean that it is a good morning whether anyone wants it or not, those who feel good this morning, those who feel it is a morning to be good on, those who suppose they mean all of these at once when they say good morning, those smoking a pipe of tobacco out of doors in the morning, and those who never thought they’d see the day they’d be good-morninged by Belladonna Took’s son.
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It’s been a while since I hit you all with a Tolkien hot take, who wants my essay on why I think Thranduil, out of all people, actually really does like Gandalf
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Brothers quarrel
Maedhros and Caranthir
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It’s always Denethor hating hours
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Bugs Bunny could have simply walked into Mordor. He would have shown up at the gates of Mordor in a disguise and been like "Evil volcano inspection unit" and flashed a fake ID badge to the confused orc.
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Éowyn Appreciation Post ✨
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In my headcanon/theory of orcs:
Orcs are uniformly tone-deaf, no exceptions. But they do sing. It just doesn't sound so good to anyone who isn't tone-deaf.
(Melkor, if he noticed, appreciated the dissonance, but Sauron was Not A Fan.)
Also their sense of rhythm is fine and orcish drummers can get quite sophisticated.
Common subjects for orc songs:
Fear Us
We are doing a task [which isn't very interesting and this at least livens it up]
We are going to kill you and destroy everything you love and have fun doing it
A 'and then there were none' backwards-counting song of elf-princes, some verses inspired by real events
A prince of cats got his ass kicked by a girl and a dog, definitely not inspired by real events, honest, but also definitely not to be sung in Mordor
We've been marching a long time and it's annoying
The Sun is a bitch
I Fear Nothing Except The Sea Which Is Fucking Terrifying
My warg is the best warg, she's eaten lots of babies
Behold my gruesome trophies
My body is the most fucked up and uncomfortable but I make it work
There's Something In These Caves (It's A Dragon And Planning To Eat Us)
These Orders Indicate Our Senior Leadership Has Shit For Brains
I Wish I Was Back In Goblin-Town
Today Is A Terrible Day To Die But I Guess That's What We're Doing
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Here's just. Some old garbage that I had intended as replies to some of the asks in my inbox. It's all I have. *drops them into the poor box*
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The 35th birthday ass-kicking incident, when Eowyn rides over the top of Boromir's guard for the first time and Faramir suddenly knows what it means to feel true love
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Sharpe and Teresa in a nutshell
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Candy for the people salivating about Boromir wearing his hair up.
I drew a little bit today for the first time since surgery! I still can't angle my arm to work on my Cintiq, but at least I can use my sketchbook for short periods. Progress, progress, progress.
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Okay GOD this does it I need to scream about them because of is so right and yes it's silly and funny but UGH. It's why these two get along so well.
Here Faramir is, off the worst battle in recorded recent history. And he sees Eowyn, looking probably like *shit* considering the battle she just fought. Lost in grief over the death of her uncle and yet, AND YE,T, Faramir thinks her beautiful. Does Eowyn seem like the kind of woman who lets a little thing like "being dainty in grief" dictate her life? I think not. He sees more then what the shell of her has become.
And here is if Eowyn, lost in grief and in comes Faramir. And in him she sees something that is comforting. A strength sure, but kindness- gentleness. Something she has not had in a while and probably forgot the feel of for a time.
And yes they both look at eachother and go 😳. But BUT ALSO they see each other.
remember when éowyn first met faramir and immediately thought "ah yes. this is a guy who could wipe the floor with any soldier of rohan." bc I think about it a lot
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Thranduil by Candra #thranduil #elvenking
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Lúthien actually got out of Mandos by causing marriageable disputes.
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"This crystal is good for such-and-such organ!" oh yeah name 3 of that organ's functions
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