artemismacgyver · 8 months
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artemismacgyver · 8 months
Somethings I want to see in season six of MacGyver WHEN we get it(speaking it into existence): 
Seguir leyendo
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artemismacgyver · 8 months
I asked my friend to draw a picture of Mac and Riley.
This is the result, i love it!!!!🥺✨
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artemismacgyver · 1 year
hey friend! tumblr bullied me into not seeing a notif for this ask. thanks for sending it!
Prompt: that moment when the whumpee is bound to a chair and they’re just about to wake up, their chin against their chest…
Struggling against the ropes holding her firmly in place, Riley called out again.
"Mac." She jerked in the seat where she was tied, to no avail. "Mac, wake up."
Mac was across the room from her, tied up the same way she was. Riley didn't know what kind of convoluted torture they were set up for, but she didn't want to find out.
His head was down, chin dipped to his chest, and he hadn't moved or said a word the entire time since Riley roused.
The binds were the only thing keeping him from toppling forward out of the chair-- a thick layer of rope around his chest looped around the back of the chair.
Like Riley, his arms were secured behind him, and his legs were forced flush against the legs of the chair.
Blond hair hung wildly in front of his face, mussed and messy and clearly fingered through roughly from some manhandling. Tufts of hair stuck up where they'd been yanked on, and a trickle of blood from his temple contrasted against light hair and too-pale skin.
"Hey," Riley tried again. "Mac."
Shifting her arms made the ropes rub her skin raw. If she just had something to cut the binds with-- if Mac would just wake up already.
A harder thrash only served to tear up her wrists further. That was definitely blood she could feel sliding down her fingers.
"Mac." Her tone was sharp. Frayed as she edged closer to desperation, but it did the trick.
Lashes fluttering, Riley saw Mac's small shift. It was more the curious flexing of shoulders against ropes, but it was something.
"Hey, you waking up? Mac, can you hear me?"
Mac shifted again and his eyes drew open. He blinked a few times, staring blankly down before he even attempted lifting his head. Brows furrowed, from pain and confusion in equal measure most likely, his head finally bobbed up, eyes roving to find the source of the sound.
"Over here, Mac," Riley said, waiting until his eyes slid over to her.
Concussed, definitely.
He blinked, as if suddenly recognizing her voice. "Riley."
"Yeah, hey." She pulled against her binds again, wincing as the ropes dug into her flesh.
Getting Mac awake had been step one. Now they just needed to come up with a plan to get out of there.
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artemismacgyver · 2 years
Dear Santa
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Bozer knows perfectly that Santa does not exist obviously, from a very young age he knew that the person left his gifts under the tree was not a man dressed in red with a sleigh and flying reindeer but rather his father waiting for him to fall asleep to leave the gifts
But even though he knew Santa wasn't real he and Mac always wrote him a letter and the they sent who knows where, they did it just for fun, to remember when they were children and they got excited every time they wrote everything they wanted for Christmas
This year Bozer had a lot of ideas in mind about things he wanted for this Christmas but he had something topping his wish list.
He sat in the lab with a blank sheet of paper on the table, he was about to write when his gaze fell on Mac and Riley who were a few feet from him
Riley was sitting in one of the chairs while Mac was right behind her, as always invading her personal space even though to Riley it didn't seem important at all.
He smiled and shook his head as he returned to his sheet of paper and began to write.
Dear Santa
This time I have thought a lot about what I want for this Christmas and of all things there is only one thing that I want more than anything.
My friends Mac and Riley have been in love for a long time, it's really fun to see how they turn over and over again about their feelings but I think too much
He was interrupted when an agent tapped him on the shoulder saying he needed help with something.
Bozer nodded and took the sheet of paper and folded it carefully, he put it in his pocket
After a few hours of work he finally had some free time to continue with his letter.
He sat on one of the war room seats and sought inspiration from him outside the room, Mac and Riley were out in the hallway talking quietly.
There was a moment when they both started laughing and Riley put her hand on Mac's chest, Mac's cheeks immediately turned a reddish color
This action seemed very tender and he smiled to himself, he returned his gaze to the sheet again and began to write
For a long time they have been flirting and it is very cute but I think it would be much more cute if they finally get together
"Bozer, what are you doing here?" Matty's voice was heard behind him
He immediately turned around and smiled shyly
"I ... was writing something" he said, obviously he wasn't going to tell her that he was writing a letter to Santa
Before she could ask anything else he left the war room as fast as he could.
Definitely at work he couldn't write a letter to Santa
A short time later he was finally able to go home where no one could disturb him.
He sat at the dining room table and put his sheet and his pencil there ready to write.
For a second I look away from him to a photo of the whole team but he focused mainly on Mac and Riley, in the photos they were next to each other and they looked perfect together
After seeing that he went back to writing
I don't know what you can do or if you are even real but this year I want to have faith, I want to believe that you are real and you can do something
All I want is for you to somehow make them finally be together I want them to have the opportunity that Leanna and I could not have
He stopped for just a moment when the tears threatened to fall but he held back and continued
I always imagined a life with her and unfortunately we did not have the opportunity for it to be reality and if I have learned something it is that life is short and that if they do not understand the opportunity they have, I will be forced to shout what they feel for the other
He laughed at his own comment
I know they would get angry but someone must help them and if it is not you it will be me
So this Christmas I just want them to finally be together
If you really exist then there is something to help them
Yours sincerely Bozer
It was Christmas and the whole team had gathered at Mac's house.
Each of them were opening their gifts and for some strange reason there was a gift that the others claimed they had not put there.
The gift box was medium that said "for Mac and Riley"
The team watched them with curious glances as the two officers began to open the box.
Bozer watched as the wrapping paper was removed and when they opened it he found himself smiling like a child when they pulled out a mistletoe
He doesn't know what all the mistletoe rules are but he does know that he had things involving kisses
Mac and Riley looked at each other and the whole team began to demand a kiss, at first they refused but at the request of everything finally happened
They kissed
Bozer practically screamed as if she were a lady watching the protagonists of her favorite novel kissing, but that didn't give her away import
She doesn't know what happened next since Mac and Riley went to talk in private but at the end of the night they announced that they would give themselves a chance.
Everyone was very happy but the whole came to everyone when Mac and Riley asked who the gift idea was from
They all refused, stating that none of them was, the first accused was Bozer but he knew perfectly well that he was not the one.
Although they questioned each other, they could not describe who it was and I prefer to leave it that way
When it was too late and the mess had to be picked up, Bozer offered to pick up the garbage from the gifts.
He was picking up some papers when, far down the tree, he saw an envelope, took it in his hands and saw that on the label it said "for Bozer"
He didn't know exactly who left it because he didn't say anything else so he decided to open it
In him he found something that he never thought of in his life and he definitely did not leave his jaw open.
It is always good to believe and have faith Bozer, I hope my gift has helped your friends as you expected
Yours sincerely Santa
Bozer looked in shock at what the letter said, it was impossible, not this….
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Mac and Riley's laughter outside on the deck.
Mac had an arm around Riley and she was leaning against her side as she laughed at something Mac said
They looked happy, even more than normal
Well, it is not known whether to believe that this was Santa's doing or just a well-crafted rental plan that he read the letter from him when he left it in the mailbox.
But what he does know is that his Christmas gift from him was the best of all
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artemismacgyver · 2 years
Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: MacGyver (TV 2016), Macriley - Fandom Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Riley Davis/Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016) Characters: Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Riley Davis, Jack Dalton (MacGyver TV 2016), Matilda "Matty" Webber, Wilt Bozer (MacGyver TV 2016), Leanna Martin, Diane Davis (MacGyver TV 2016), Russ Taylor Additional Tags: Soulmates, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents Summary:
The month of December is approaching and Mac and Riley plan something special for Christmas.
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artemismacgyver · 2 years
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Check chapter 3 on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/users/artemismacgyver
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artemismacgyver · 2 years
You can read my macriley christmas fic on ao3
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Advent Calendar + Christmas - Chapter 2
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artemismacgyver · 2 years
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Advent Calendar + Christmas - Chapter 2
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
osdjfodsijgosjdgosd jgos i'm already obsessed with this
Broken Like Me Masterlist
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Dark!MacRiley AU
In the wake of Jack’s death, it feels like the world dropped out from beneath Riley and Mac’s feet. Neither knows which way is up anymore. Mac, to his credit, is handling it better than Riley—who, after a week of crying, stopped showing any emotion at all. She’s running on rage and her vicious promise that the woman who killed Jack would spend the rest of her life rotting in a cell. Riley isn’t grieving; she’s obsessing, and Mac feels her slipping away a bit more every day.
Riley wants revenge. Mac just wants to keep their heads above water.
So when Riley goes rogue, Mac has no choice but to go after her. This is his last chance to reel her in, to help Riley process her grief in a healthy way. And if he fails—if Riley succeeds in convincing him to join her bloody crusade—then the Phoenix may very well be hunting them again, and unlike with Codex, this time they’ll deserve it.
Content Warning
This fic is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
Graphic Depictions of Violence. Major Character Death. Unprocessed Grief and Other Major Mental Health Issues. Sex. 
(Will be updated as necessary.) 
Broken Like Me: The Playlist
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
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They said he was a good man. 
A good soldier. 
A good father. 
A good friend. 
They said they were sorry for her loss, sorry he was taken from this world too soon. 
They said Jack would be proud of the legacy he left behind, would be proud to have gone out in a blaze of glory. 
Riley was sick of it. 
It was like she was a teenager, Jack leaving her all over again. Only this time it was worse. This time there was no coming back. No trying again. 
The guests at the wake looked at the folded up American flag on the fireplace mantle with deep respect, but all Riley saw was a mockery of the kind of man Jack Dalton was. 
Was. Past tense. 
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
The Dark MacRiley AU. Coming Summer 2021. 
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
sdiofjsodfjsodf perfection!! i need season 6
i can imagine mac with a sleepy voice saying ´happy birthday riles´ ughhh so cute
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It felt surreal. Mac afraid to pinch himself in case the past year had all been some elaborate dream or hallucination. But as he walked down the hallway, eyes falling upon Riley lightly swaying in tune with the song playing through the radio and laying out the pastries she picked up after her morning run, Mac smiled. Even more so when he tip-toed closer, noticing she changed back into his shirt - hanging loosely off her body, reaching a little past her knees.
Slipping his arms around her waist, Riley leaned into him, like she did every time he hugged her.
“You should’ve let me get breakfast”. He whispered, morning voice still adjusting. But Riley didn’t mind, quite liking Mac’s deep tone.
“I was already out. Besides, you looked too cute sleeping. I didn’t wanna wake you”.
“Still, I should be the one spoiling you”.
“You have all day to spoil me”.
“That I do. Happy Birthday, Riles”.
She blushed, not knowing if she would ever get used to how adored he always made her feel. Offering the corner piece of the buttery croissant to Mac, he captured her lips soon after. Maneuvering Riley towards their shared bedroom. Ready to spoil her beyond her wildest dreams.
They giggled, playing footsie under the sheets as they recaptured their breaths, feeling none other than content and deeply satisfied.
“Ready for your present?”.
“You mean this wasn’t it?”. She teased, running nails across his bare leg, sending shivers up Mac’s entire body.
“Think of what we just did as a bonus gift. This is your actual birthday present”. He said, handing Riley a small box wrapped in shiny blue paper etched with the words ‘happy birthday’. At first, Riley’s breath got stuck in the back of her throat, wondering if Mac was about to propose. But as she opened the gift, what awaited wasn’t a ring but a twisted paperclip in the shape of a key.
“I don’t know if you remember, but that is the paperclip I had when we first meet”.
“The one you used to unlock my handcuffs?”.
He nodded.
“I kept it and found it the other day. I thought after everything that happened, turning it into a key was fitting. Because unlocking those handcuffs was the best decision I’ve ever made, Riles. It led you to work at the Phoenix, and then several years later it lead to us”.
Brushing her hair to the side, he placed a soft kiss along her collarbone. Keeping Riley steady as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I don’t even know what to say. This is honestly one of the best birthday presents I’ve ever gotten. Mac, I…I love you”.
“Damn, I wanted to be the one to say it first”. He grinned, bopping the tip of her nose.
Cupping his cheek, Riley could not help but trace the stubble growing. Slowly she rolled her hips, Mac guiding her movements for maximum pleasure. And in between shaky breaths, Mac began to whisper all the things he loved about her.
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
go and read this is you haven’t already!! 
Btw i didn’t write this, i’m just promoting haha
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
isdojfiodjgo this is so fucking perfect, i loved every single word! THANK YOUUUU. you just made my dayx100000000000000 times better 
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She had been thinking about the simple pleasure of strawberries and cream ever since Bozer had stored a few packets in their fridge, sternly reminding them they were not to be touched until Leanna’s birthday party tomorrow evening. Yet, Riley just couldn’t stop herself from tip-toeing into the kitchen and stealing a few forbidden bites.
“I strongly remember a no-touch policy imposed on those strawberries”. Mac smirked, leaning against the wall, white shirt tightening around his muscles.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t want any”.
Pushing himself off with ease, Mac stuttered over. Riley’s eyes darting down to his low hanging grey sweatpants.
“Didn’t Bozer also bring-”.
On cue, a second small bowl full of fluffy whipped cream contrasted perfectly beside the bright, rich allure of red strawberries. Grabbing a spoon, Mac dipped a single wedge of luscious fruit into the cream, watching how Riley’s lips wrapped elegantly over the cutlery, sending Mac into a trance of mouth-watering thoughts.
“I have something on my face, don’t I?”.
“No”. He replied, sneakily scrapping his finger across the bowl, smearing a dollop of cream over her lips. “Now you do”.
The innocence of a late-night snack shifted to a more seductive route as Mac kissed her, blocking Riley in between his ready body and the counter. Her nails scraping through his blonde locks, raspy moans only severing as encouragement. Eventually, they parted. Grins as wide as could be, and their skins riddled with goosebumps.
“We should definitely stop, right?. Go to bed, get some sleep”. He whispered.
Riley pressed her hands to his chest, feeling the rapid hammering of Mac’s racing heart. They’d been imitate before, but never like this. Previous times, without any doubt, were laced completely with slow and steady strokes of love soaked glances, touches and words. However, tonight - from the power of a few strawberries - embodied a raw sensation of wanting each other in the most impure ways. Almost making both of them embarrassed that it took them this long to feel such a way.
“Or, you can finish what you started, Angus”.
Quicker than a light switch being flicked on, Mac captured her lips once more. She was the only person in the world who made his name sound so appealing. And even in the midst of their heated cravings, Mac still gently dropped Riley onto the counter, hands discarding clothes and anything else that got in their way - everything, except the strawberries and cream.
Bright and early, as promised, Bozer waltzed into their place carrying three grocery bags under his arms. Happily grinning, as he begun to detail the plans he made for the surprise party.
“Need any help?”. Mac called out from the couch, Riley cuddled in his side, enjoying a much needed cup of coffee.
“All good, man. You two just relax, pretend I’m not even here”.
“Kinda hard to do when you’re making so much noise, Boz”. Riley beamed, sporting a cheeky smile.
“Make jokes all you want, Riley. I have plenty of jobs you can help with”. He playfully threatened, unpacking the food and waving the party decorations in the air.
“No, no. I’m good over here”.
Mac smiled, kissing the top of her head, lightly tapping the pencil against the side of his leg and going back to the daily puzzle in today’s newspaper. However, pretty soon Bozer’s voice from inside the fridge caused both to stop in their tracks.
“Hey, what happened to the strawberries?”.
Riley pressed her lips together, turning to Mac.
“And where’s the whipped cream?”.
Hiding her embarrassed cheeks in the crook of Mac’s neck, he massaged her inner thigh. Both suppressing their laughter as Bozer muttered loudly how he hoped this wasn’t going to mess up his prep time for Leanna’s dinner.
“Did you wash the bowls from last night?”. Riley asked, once the door securely shut.
“I thought you did”.
Eyes wide, they both raced towards the kitchen. Struggling to contain their laughter.
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
three words, eight letters
pairing: mac x riley
summary: the fear of losing her leads mac and riley to have a rare argument. and the fear of unspoken words leads both to confess how they truly feel
side note: inspired by the macriley kiss teaser article that came out a few days ago
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“Then I have to leave”.
Mac whipped his head so fast towards Riley he swore he heard a faint crack. Her face remained firm, eyes glaring at Russ indicating she was serious. Neither showing any signs of backing down.
He waited.
And waited, for Matty to answer his silent prays and step in. To refute Riley’s decision and tell Russ he was being ridiculous. But nothing came. Not from Matty at least.
“If that’s what you feel you must do, then I won’t stop you”.
Riley nodded towards Russ, giving a glance to Matty, who despite the scene in front remained suspiciously calm.
Losing Riley.
Those two words battled all reasonable logic in every part of Mac’s mind. She was leaving; the Phoenix, him. And Mac barely had enough energy to move his pinky, let alone, attempt to stop Riley as she walked out the war room.
Once Mac regained conscious feeling in his body, he strutted with sheer determination into the labs. Bozer had let slip Riley was doing some last-minute packing, getting everything in order.
“The Phoenix means the world to you and your leaving, just like that?”. He blurted, having no time for pleasantries. Or to dance around the elephant in the room. Mac needed answers.
“It’s a lot more complicated than you think, Mac”.
“Really?. Then please explain it to me, Riles. Because I’d like to understand why you’re doing this?”.
“Doing what?. Doing what needs to be done?. Doing what I feel is right?”.
“Leaving me”. Mac shouted, the after echo bouncing off the tables, walls, any shinny metal surface and drowning itself in Riley’s mind.
“I meant what I promised. I’d never leave you, Mac”.
He scoffed, knocking the pain deeper into Riley’s heart. Yet, she remained unmoved. He couldn’t know. It was safer to hurt Mac on her terms, where she could somewhat control the pain. Then to witness Mac on the verge of death’s door again. An image that regularly haunted her dreams.
“Look around, Riles. You’re breaking that promise right now”.
She sighed, flickering the tips of her nails to subdue the frustrations looming.
“I told you, it’s complicated”.
“And I asked you to explain it to me. But you haven’t attempted to explain a damn thing”.
“What do you want me to say?”. She called out, not realizing just how loud until the two passing lab technicians turned their heads, continuing to walk down the hallway knowing a private conversation when they heard one.
“The truth. Or are we no longer being honest with each other?”.
She swallowed, remembering Matty’s stern orders; “Nobody can know, not even Mac. If this undercover mission is to work, we need everyone to believe you’ve quit Phoenix”.
“I have to go”.
She grabbed her bag, one filled with spare laptops and surveillance gear thanks to Matty secretly loaning her the equipment needed. And as Mac firmly caught her wrist, Riley squeezed the bag, readjusting her grip.
“Whatever you’re not telling me. Whatever you’re not allowed to share with me. Just know you’re not alone, because I-”.
He stared into her eyes, ones that seemed to be holding the weight of a heavy responsibility.
“-Because I love you, Riles. And this door between us, I wanna open it. I’m done waiting for the right time”.
Riley’s mind shut down, struggling to keep up with the overload of emotions. Every part of her body only felt Mac. From his touch. To the way, his cologne infused her senses. To the way she could only stare blankly at him, watching in excruciatingly slow motion his face change from hopeful to confused.
“Riley, I lov-”.
“I know, I heard. I…I just need a minute”.
“A minute?. To what, decide if you love me back?”.
“No, it’s just-”.
Mac ruffled his hair, accidentally pulling a few strands out.
“I guess, good luck at your new job then”.
“Mac, wait”. Riley called out, receiving nothing back but the whisper-quiet echo of the hallway.
riley’s apartment
She threw the duffel bag near the door, not bothering to empty the contents as they served as unwanted reminders of the price she paid in accepting the undercover op. And she restlessly debated on the drive home in calling Matty and negotiating so Mac could get involved. But she already knew those phone call minutes would be wasted, as Matty made it crystal clear this was her mission to bear. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop Riley from wanting to scream into a pillow. Not just because of the lies and secrets which were already piling up considerably fast. More so, because of the overshadowing presences of Mac’s three words, eight letter confession.
Heavily sinking onto the couch, she pulled out her phone, finger hovering over Mac’s contact.
mac’s house
He carelessly threw his jacket over the wooden bench, beyond tired and quite frankly, in no mood to concern himself over neatly displaying a piece of clothing. Grabbing a beer, Mac inhaled the liquid until he needed air more than alcohol. Next his keys slid across the counter hitting the utensil tin, which Mac simply ignored. At this moment he only had one focus - replaying the conversation. None of it made any sense. Even less so when Riley’s reaction to his confession flickered at the forefront of his mind. He knew her feelings for him were just as strong as his were for her. And yet, as Mac sunk onto the edge of the couch, fingers grazing the blanket they had both wrapped themselves in while watching Die Hard a few nights earlier. It prompted him to wonder had he misread all the signs?.
Reaching for his phone, he hesitated. Finally, with a little sip of courage, Mac scrolled down, lingering over Riley’s name.
And unbeknown to both, they glanced towards the door, then back to their phones. Each perfectly timed as if they were sitting right beside each other. And as the clock grew past midnight, so did the anxious anticipation. With it, Riley knew she wasn’t going to be able to sleep without seeing him, so she grabbed her keys. Simultaneously, Mac couldn’t take not knowing why she hadn’t said it back, and marched with the same determination - perhaps even a little more than what he possessed that morning - towards the door.
He came to an abrupt halt seeing Riley standing on his porch, milliseconds away from ringing the doorbell. Each displaying shock in the precise timing of a shared thought. And as the atmosphere shifted from shock to slowly drinking each other in, Mac noticed the gloss of rain shining across her bottom lip under his porch light. He was thankful Riley couldn’t see how white his knuckles had gotten gripping the handle when she pressed her lips together soaking up the droplet. Behind her, the drizzle of rain had begun to fall a little more heavily. Although, not overly loud that it pounded against the roof, but just enough to add more tension to the growing heat - feeding off their unspoken words - between two friends.
The tips of Riley’s boots aligned perfectly with the threshold of the door. Mac blinked. Wondering if the possibility of it being a sign held any weight. For, she was here, almost completely through his door. However, the more Mac started to allow logic into the mix of his wondrous, hopeful imagination, it sounded exceedingly ridiculous. Yet, there was something in her eyes that caused Mac’s inner voice to whisper - kiss her.
And so he did.
Kicking the door shut, Mac pressed her against the wooden surface, skillfully avoiding the handle. Both placing every ounce of greedy desire into their first kiss, making quick work in finding the perfect rhythm, melting into each other. By the time they both parted, chests were visibly rising. Riley’s cheeks flushed, and Mac’s hair dishevelled like he’d just awoken. Cupping his cheek, her hands felt smooth and warm despite the bitter weather outside.
“I love you, of course, I do. But-”.
“No, don’t say anything else, okay. Let’s just leave it at I love you”. He whispered, shaking his head, not wanting the bubble of bliss to evaporate before he could fully immerse himself in how right it felt to hear and say those words.
“I need to clear the air, Mac. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you, I can’t-”. Her lips trembled, thinking back to their argument. “-If I could, you know you’d be the first person I’d come to”.
“It’s okay, I understand your hands are tied. But promise me one thing. Whatever you’re getting involved in, be careful”.
“I mean it, Riles. When this is all over, I need you to come back home to me”.
The shakiness swallowed the stability Mac was trying to uphold. Riley wrapped her arms around his neck, holding tightly and pulling him closer as humanly possible.
“There’s no one I’d rather come home to more than you, Mac”.
He softly smiled, passionately capturing her lips once more. Their pulsing hearts matching each other’s beats.
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
this is sooo good
I’m having way too much fun writing these. Hope you guys like this one!
“I’m going to need you to repeat after me.” Riley demanded eyeing Mac. “We’re not going to burn tonight’s dinner.”
“We’re not going to burn tonight’s dinner.” He echoed through laughter.
“We’re not going to get preoccupied with other things while making tonight’s dinner.” She told him.
“Not even a little bit?” He pouted trapping her against the kitchen island with his arms.
She started to melt into his embrace as he closed the gap between them. “No.” She shouted pushing him away. “You almost had me.”
“Riles.” He begged wrapping his arms around her. “Sometimes a little distraction is good.” He whispered in her ear.
She turned to face him and took ahold of his face. “We can’t keep depending on take-out and Bozer for food.” She told him.
“But Bozer loves cooking for us.” Mac added taking her hands and draping them around his shoulders. “And I love being preoccupied with you.” He said kissing her neck.
“Baby.” She sighed. “We can get preoccupied after dinner.”
“But you look really hot when you’re cooking.” He protested kissing up her neck and gripping tightly to her waist.
“And so do you, even though you almost burn the whole house down every time.” She said pulling away and gazing up at him. “But we’re going to starve if I keep giving into you.” She complained. “That’s going to be the cause of our death.”
“As long as I’m with you I don’t care what happens.” He smiled brushing her hair away from her face.
She kissed him passionately before slowly pulling away. “As much as I love you, starvation is not going to be the way I go.” She stated. “Now start chopping those onions and peppers.” She ordered.
“Yes mam.” He saluted before getting to work.
While he prepared the ingredients, she put a pot of water to boil and heading to the pantry. “Hey Ma-”
Before she even finished her sentence, he was pushing her against the wall and kissing her.
“No. No. No.” She reprimanded. “I called you to ask you where you put the rice.”
“Bottom shelf.” He moped before heading back to the kitchen.
She chuckled following behind him. “After dinner, I promise.” She told him kissing his cheek. “We can celebrate.”
“Celebrate what?” He questioned.
“Hopefully having our first edible meal.” She giggled.
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artemismacgyver · 3 years
it’s okay! sometimes you need to take some time off. can’t wait to read!!
Hey everyone that reads my fanfics.
First off thank you! And thank you double for those of you messaging to ask when updates are coming. You awakened my soul.
Second I know I’ve been super horrible with posting updates or anything new. Truth be told I’ve been busy with work (which is a monster in of itself) and also suffering from some writers laziness (when you have a grand idea but the thought of writing it out makes you feel exhausted?)
This past year has been such a funky time, and while I feel fortunate for my healthy and stability mentally I find myself wandering a lot. So I do apologize for my procrastination, though to be fair I’ve suffered from this my entire life so-no real excuse.
That said, I’ve started to work on them this weekend and will update them soon. So if you haven’t read them or want to refresh on anyone of them here is some shameless self promotion and please comment and let me know your thoughts, you have no idea what a motivator that is!
All of my WIP are here and some one shots. I currently write for Macriley (Macgyver) and Brightwell (prodigal son) fandom. 😬
And hit me with some requests or prompts cause I need the challenge!
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