arthistorygeeks · 6 years
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František Kupka, Planes by Colors (Great Nude), 1909.
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arthistorygeeks · 6 years
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The Sphinx of Naxos The Archaeological Museum of Delphi, Greece   
This colossal statue of the mythical Sphinx came as an offering to Apollo of Delphi from the island of Naxos. The daemonic creature with the female face, the body of a lioness and the wings of an eagle, was supposed to be warding off the evil. The enormous (2 m) figure was seated on the top of a tall (10 m) marble ionic column.
According to the myth, the Sphinx guarded the entrance to the Greek city of Thebes, asking the same riddle to travellers to allow them passage. Those who couldn’t solve the riddle were thrown down from the cliff or devoured. The riddle of the Sphinx was the following: “Which creature has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?” The answer is: Man—who crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then uses a walking stick in old age. Oedipus was the only one who solved the riddle, entered the city and became its ruler. 
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
when you get that sweet sweet english translation of a tomb excavation report and your whole paper aligns with the cosmos
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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A surprising result - A pair of paintings by William Henry Hamilton Trood (British, 1848-1899). 
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
there’s something endlessly hilarious to me about the phrase “hotly debated” in an academic context. like i just picture a bunch of nerds at podiums & one’s like “of course there was a paleolithic bear cult in Northern Eurasia” and another one just looks him in the eye and says “i’l kill you in real life, kevin”
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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Got art Qs? We’ve got art As. Join us on Twitter tomorrow for #AskACurator Day. 
9:00 a.m.  Hyunsoo Woo, The Maxine & Howard Lewis Curator of Korean Art
10:00 a.m. Kristina Haugland, The Le Vine Associate Curator of Costume & Textiles and Supervising Curator for the Study Room
11:00 a.m. Peter Barberie, The Brodsky Curator of Photographs, Alfred Stieglitz Center
12:00 p.m. Amanda Sroka, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art
1:00 p.m. Kathy Foster, The Robert L. McNeil, Jr., Senior Curator of American Art & Director, Center for American Art
2:00 p.m. John Vick, Collections Project Manager
3:00 p.m. Chris Atkins, The Agnes & Jack Mulroney Associate Curator of European Painting & Sculpture & Manager of Curatorial Digital Programs & Initiatives
4:00 p.m. Dirk Breiding, The J. J. Medveckis Associate Curator of Arms and Armor
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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It was Free Admission ( every first Thursday of the month) at the Milwaukee Art Museum. It was my first visit since moving to the city and my first visit to the museum in the evening.
I really enjoyed the Salon style of organization in the European Art gallery. Its the way they were meant to be viewed.
I also found some pretty funny gems in the American Art gallery that I thought i would share.
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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Marsden Hartley (1877-1943), Songs of Winter, undated. Oil on board laid down on canvas.
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
UPDATE! Grad School Classes!
HI everyone!
Heres a cool update for all of you, this blog will be picking up rapid speed as next week Tuesday I will be starting my Graduate career and taking my first classes! Right now they are 2 graduate pro-seminars, one will be specializing in Chinese bronzes (the other on graduate school topics/ how to research etc). and since I did not get into a TA position, I was able to take 1 extra lower level undergraduate course and chose Topics in American Art; American Artists Abroad. So those will be the topics you see the most updates about in the coming months!
Hope you are all excited as I am to start up the art history train!
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
Things heard in a conservation lab this afternoon:
“Well you see, the reason we have this is because murder”
“King Henry VIII’s armor fits me best, but his thighs are strangely skinny”
*hits an antique gun several times with a hammer*
“You see, I brought this here in several pieces over many weeks so I wouldn’t be brought to jail if someone caught me with a full 19th century rifle on the subway”
“If someone points this one at you, run”
“I would’ve brought the swords out but I was worried you might cut each other’s limbs off”
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
I’ve been planning this post for a good while now.
Every time its final image pops up on my phone unexpectedly, I go “WAUGH!” and then giggle like a drunken hyena laugh in a cool and collected manner.
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Y’see, I got to see a lot of impressionism on this trip, included some lovely Van Goghs.
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That said, though… every artist has their strong suit.
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Some are masters of the human form, or of light, or of color. The surreal, the cerebral, the gentle or the bold. Some can apply their unique perspective to anything.
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Some, however, just shouldn’t paint babies.
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Because this baby wants to eat my soul.
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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arthistorygeeks · 7 years
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The Wave, 1902, Frantisec Kupka
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arthistorygeeks · 8 years
Just a bit of an update, moving up in art history! I'm going for my masters in Curatorial and Museum Studies !
Hey so a cool thing happened today! I got my acceptance letter for graduate school at UW Milwaukee! All I’ve got to wait for is to see if I got the TA position I applied for too. Then I’m set!
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arthistorygeeks · 8 years
Apologies for all of the non genre posts. I only realized recently that Tumblr mobile tends to show that I am blogging with my normal blog but has been re blogging to my art history blog automatically which is a problem( and probably a glitch). I will stick to non mobile blogging from now on to fix this problem. Again my apologies, may art history topics resume.
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arthistorygeeks · 8 years
“There is no substitute for feeling the stone, the metal, the plaster, or the wood in the hand; to feel its weight; to feel its texture; to struggle with it in the world rather than in the mind alone.” ~William M. Dupree
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