arthurjr · 7 months
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Bradley James as Giuliano de’ Medici in Medici (2018-2019)
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arthurjr · 8 months
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arthurjr · 8 months
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arthurjr · 9 months
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many  people  are  trying  hard  to  be  invincible,  and  most  of  the  time  they  fail  invisible,  while  few  find  their  spotlight.  but  the  remarkable  person  is  one,  who  can  be  both  invincible  and  invisible  at  the  same  time.  •  by  ink
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arthurjr · 10 months
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                              A legend is sung of when England was young,                                         And Knights were brave and bold.
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arthurjr · 10 months
ooc: alt fc for art... prince henry from red white and royal blue
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arthurjr · 1 year
ooc: went a different route with my pride icon for art this year LOL
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arthurjr · 1 year
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@mimnghs said: " go. i can only buy you a few minutes. "
{ x }
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On a tactical level he knew that that was correct. On a logical level he should leave, everyone would advise him to. On the level of life that Art decided to live on, he could not in good faith let them buy him time. Not only was it not fair, but they owed him nothing. They did not have to do this for him, nor should they have to. So he didn't leave, "I will not let you do this on your own," he stated, his face hardened like the knight he had been trained to be, like the king he was. "We do it together."
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arthurjr · 1 year
ooc: its art's birthday
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arthurjr · 1 year
send in " go. i can only buy you a few minutes. " for the sender (after being ordered by the receiver to turn back and return to safety) to show up in time to save the receiver's life and hold off the attacker to ensure the receiver's safety.
alternatively, send in " i thought i told you to go home?! " for the roles to be reversed.
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arthurjr · 1 year
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Llama Beat - The trendies teen magazine where you can read all about your favorite royals and celebrities. The best gossip can be found here along with fun quizzes. This is the best magazine to find those paparazzi shots of all your favs in town.
This issue has some juicy details about Audrey and Chad potentially getting together. Charlie la Bouff teaches you a bit about tourney, and if there is a shirtless pick of the Nola boy inside well no one will complain. Also a fun interview from the Isle Relations Gang about how the Isle is coming along after that Town Hall meeting. The cover story is all about Art the Prince of Camelot who has evaded media since Ben’s coronation, is he finally coming out of hiding?
London Towne ( x ), Village and Country ( x )
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arthurjr · 1 year
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Alright, I realize this will go against the grain, and no one has to adhere to this, but it will hopefully help with references.
Camelot is Auradon’s England. Therefore places like Sherwood ( which has a school ), and London are part of Camelot’s territory, and kingdom. I say territory because I know some maps don’t have them anywhere near each other, which fine by me.
In terms of actual geography, Camelot spans a large portion of the upper middle part of Auradon. Camelot the city lies in the east, where London lies in the west overlooking ocean and Neverland. Sherwood Forrest takes up most of the middle portion of the kingdom. Camelot itself is also set further north in the country and fairly excluded from those around it due to mountains which make it hard to get to via cars.
Arthur is King of Camelot, which is a stand in for England, and I say this because Sword in the Stone specifically mentions London hence why I feature it so heavily in many of my headcanons.
The farther away you get from Camelot proper the less likely people are to adhere to the dress style that many within the city of become accustomed to. In London most everything is modern, however everything can accomodate the traditional medieval outlook. London also has a summer house for nobility of Arthur’s own house, or those who are visiting who do not wish to stay in Camelot.
Camelot has its school Camelot Heights, which all in Camelot are welcome to attend, it also has Camelot University which is the equivalent of Oxford or Cambridge. Camelot heights is just outside the mountains that the main city and castle keep are in, and Camelot University is a bit farther south, though still all technically part of Camelot the city.
When referencing Camelot I generally mean the portion of land and not the city. And I will probably reference the city specifically when I talk about it.
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arthurjr · 1 year
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So because many of the Disney movies that take place in England and Great Britain literally take place all over the timeline, picking a leader was a bit difficult when Auradon was formed.
Basically what was decided was that Ireland and Scotland would be their own countries as in the reforming of the land they were separated even more. Merida and her family still work closely with Camelot to help keep good relations should things ever change.
Wales and England were joined together. Camelot being said to be in Wales, but Arthur being the king of England was an issue especially with him being alive. So notable kings such as King Edward, and King Richard the Lionhearted deferred their thrones to Arthur as “When England needs him the most he will return” is a well known thing. Additionally. there is the Sword in the Stone that literally picked Arthur. To keep fairness, Arthur declared that each and every king or queen after him will pull the sword from the stone as the inscription declares.
Richard and Edward both became Dukes of the highest they could outside Arthur’s immediate family. They will not lose their titles, like Art would upon Arthur dying, and Art not being able to pull the stone (which if you have been on this blog you know he pulls the sword). They also rule separate parts of Camelot acting as mayors, for example Richard is over Sherwood, where Edward is over London. And so forth. This happens with all the kings and queens that are in Disney movies that take place in that time period.
All this is contingent on my headcanon for the geography of Camelot. And How Camelot Proper is the actual castle and town that is Wales. Where Camelot as a whole is Wales and England.
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arthurjr · 1 year
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If he was going to be fully honest with them Art was truly a glorified nickname for a name that wasn't his either. But that was still very much a secret. If any one would learn about it one day, it would be them. After all, he trusted them.
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"You do, to that name specifically or am I allowed to choose my own?" he asked with a smile, teasing them right on back. Two could play at this game. Granted he tended to play it badly because he could not dish it out well at all. There was a reason he was likely going to be perpetually single, not that heirs by blood even mattered something he was grateful for.
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(    ft.    @arthurjr​    )          that’s  not  my  name.
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the  witch  laughs,  throwing  their  head  back  and  shaking  it.    ❝  are  you  suuure?  why,  but  arthulomus  fits  you  so  much.  maybe  you  should  change  to  it,  then.  ❞    they  look  at  the  king  with  a  glint  in  their  eyes.    ❝  there,  in  fact,  I  advise  you  to  it,  oh,  your  grace.  ❞    they  sagely  say,  as  if  it  was  merlin  himself  in  their  place.
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arthurjr · 1 year
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                              A legend is sung of when England was young,                                         And Knights were brave and bold.
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arthurjr · 1 year
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#mimnghs            my  rot  is  as  hungry  as  me  &  when  god  asks  me  about  love  ,  I  always  respond  with  cruelty  .
a  private  &  selective  portrayal  of  maddy  mimnaugh.  est.  2019  &  revamp.  2022.  cursed  by  reh  (  21, she / her  )
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arthurjr · 1 year
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                              A legend is sung of when England was young,                                         And Knights were brave and bold.
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