arthurswifetv · 14 days
Can you do a Chris MD fic but he’s your bf or some Chris MD boyfriend headcannons??? xx
Chris in platform roulette
warnings; a little bit of mature content
You woke up in the double bed you shared with Chris, him still asleep as you softly kissed his cheek. The realisation hit you as you realised that you had to go to work, but luckily Chris was always up at a ridiculous time, which you had now learnt to become accustom to. There were still a few hours before you had to go to work.
Getting out of bed, you lifted the covers cautiously as not to wake him up. But just as you were about to get up, you felt his grip around your waist tighten and pull you into him. A soft groan leaving his mouth as he complained about not wanting to leave bed yet. A small line of kisses against your neck was the signal that Chris was going to be extra affectionate today. He pulled you tight against him and went back to sleep once again.
By the time the two of you woke up again, Chris was now a ball of energy. He had already left the bed and made you a drink once you had gotten downstairs. Quickly getting in the shower and just getting ready for work, you sat down, eating your breakfast, while you stared at the way your boyfriend looked, topless and talking about his plans for the day.
'How late are you getting home today? Thought you might want to come for the platform roulette Arthur has dragged me into.'
You contemplated having the weekend to yourself or being with Chris for the weekend, who was going to be drunk and even more touchy and funny than normal. The answer was obvious. Plus, Chris and you both knew that you had both needed this little break because the two of you were too wrapped up with work at the moment to spend any real quality time together. You agreed and Chris suggested that he could pack your bag for you. With a kiss goodbye, you went to work, looking forward to the weekend away.
Coming back from work, you were greeted by the sight of Chris logging a suitcase on his shoulder and also the fact that there were about five other ones in the door way.
'Baby, you do realise that we only really need like four suitcases between us. Why have you packed for a whole holiday?'
He shrugs and you just go to your room not really giving it a second thought. The two of you leave on a train the following day.
'Y/N, long time since I saw you. Chris must give me some dating advice some day' George says while giving you and Chris a hug. He gave you both a drink to get the platform roulette started. You were in the dark about what Chris had even picked out from your closet and where you were even going. But the break away from work and the stress of the next deadline was something that you always appreciated when it was just you and Chris and your friends.
'I didn't realise Y/N was coming she's going to steal Chris away from the video' Arthur Hill, seemingly already stressed out about train tickets. You laugh while he explains that you guys are already about to miss the train and so the greetings can wait until you were inside the train.
You followed the boys into the train and got seated into the seat next to the window while Chris took the one next to you. The place you were going to was Bath.
'So today we are going to Bath with George, Chris and a special guest, Y/N, who if you don't know is Chris's girlfriend'
You all smile at the camera as Arthur explains what is going to happen and the rules about the roulette. Chris' hand rests on your thigh as Arthur does this. He gives you a little smile while his thumb circles your thigh.
'Chris you have had one drink and already are being touchy. How are you going to do the whole day?'
'Well, I didn't realise that I was being monitored about how I touch my girlfriend and I'm sure that I will be able to control how much I touch you.'
You just rolled your eyes as you became more involved in the conversation with the others.
By the time Chris had had his sixth drink he was uncontrollable. He came up to you nearly every few minutes to pepper your face with kisses and would come up behind you and just rest his face on your shoulder while you were talking with George or Arthur. Now normally Arthur would have something to say about how often the video was being stopped but he was also so drunk that he did not care and he mentioned that he was fine with it because he knew how much the fans loved Y/N and Chris content and so would film you two being adorable as well.
'Love, can you come over here. Need you with me'
You sighed as this was happening very frequently. You walked over to Chris, who had just wanted to hold your waist as he talked to a fan. The fan took a video of all of you together and thanked you. Chris stumbled and nearly fell over, which is when you went over to Arthur and George and said your goodbyes. Chris had booked a hotel so that the two of you could get the most from the break and so it would not just be about work for Chris.
You entered the hotel room and planted Chris on the bed, while you got ready for bed.
He pulled you closer as you did your skincare.
'Chris I thought you were going to bed'
'well just wanted to sit with you while you got ready'
He sat you down on his lap, his hands round you waist and him giving you gentle kisses on your cheek.
'can't wait for the edits of us two when the video comes out' You joke, while giving Chris a small kiss to his lips.
'me too, you always looks so sweet when you blush in the videos. Even though we've been together for so long, you still get so flustered'
'Yeah and you act all needy as soon as you have a drop of alcohol'
'needy? Love, have you seen the videos I have of you. Those eyes looking up at me pleading me to touch you, those gorgeous legs clenching whenever I touch them, those whines and moans that you let out'
You almost choke on your words. Just hearing him say that makes you squeeze your legs together. He looks in the mirror, your eyes meeting and he smiles at you. His hands reach for your inner thighs and just slowly rub up and down. Not allowing you to feel any sort of relief. You sigh and try and adjust yourself, but his other hand holds you firmly in place. You look at him with glazed eyes through the mirror. His hand finally reached your pussy for a split second and you jolt forward, needing the release.
He just smiles and gets up to go on the bed. You also reach the bed a few minutes later, you turn towards him and say your goodnight whilst still feeling unsatisfied.
'Chris please, can you do something?'
'Y/N I thought I was the needy one, yet here you are beginning me for release while I gave you the smallest of touches.'
Love you all and thank you for the request :)
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arthurswifetv · 14 days
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Basically all my things, you can navigate from here
Chris MD
The party
Headcannons for Chris
Platform roulette
George Clarkey
NSFW alphabet with George
George headcannons
Arthur TV
Headcannons for Arthur
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arthurswifetv · 16 days
Could you do a Chris md fic ? Xx
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The party
chris md x y/n
Okay so this is my first request about a fic so hope this is good :)
Warnings: not much expect maybe some suggestive content
It was a while since you had met with George, both of you being busy with filming videos and him going on tour made it difficult for you two to schedule in a time to meet. The first time that worked for the both of you was before George's house warming party. As you arrived, you noticed George coming out of the apartment building, carrying a few cases of beer and some coke. His smile filling his face once he had seen you.
'come over here and help then'
He shouted as he dropped one of the cases and went over and hugged you. Once you two had gotten the quick chat about how long it had been and how nice it was to see each other out of the way, he lead you up to the lift and took you to the apartment. The first thoughts you had were about how much nicer the whole building was, George had mentioned that there was a golf simulator that he wanted you to try later.
He opened the door to the apartment and let you in. It was huge. Compared to the small flat that you had it like a whole palace. Arthur Hill, who you had met before because of a night out that you and George had gone on before, came out and welcomed you to the flat. He was also carrying some supplies for the party tonight. His hair a little ruffled and wearing a bright red sweater. George, Arthur and you just sat in the kitchen and spoke about what had happened in your life recently.
'How has tour been then Arthur? I may even have bought some tickets to the London show.'
'yeah, I mean it's great actually having such a huge reception to my music and the podcast'
'and have you had luck with any girls George or are you still making a fool of yourself' you joke not really expecting anything but a remark
'well I have invited a girl to the party that I may have been on a few dates' George states proudly, but also blushing at the same time. Arthur and you look at each other in shock but smiling at the same time.
'What about you, surely a girl who can play football would be a dream for some men?'
You shrug and make a comment about how it seems like they are not really interested and the actual fact is that any date you have been on has bored you to sleep because they just seem so unbothered about you and just talk about themselves the whole time.
A little while later, you had gotten dressed and were now sinking into the party as the apartment had become a little more filled with slightly tipsy people. A few random faces that you remember vaguely from George talking about them. But there was one that you had no idea about who he was. He was talking to Arthur TV, who you had met in London at George and Max's tour. You walked backwards a bit, wanting a drink, and accidently bumped into Arthur Hill.
He gave you a smile before you asked 'who's that guy over by Arthur?' He looked a bit taken aback before mentioning his name was 'Chris' and how he couldn't believe George had introduced you to their other roommate.
His roommate.
It all made sense. The football guy that George had talked about a few times. He seemed to be laughing at something that Arthur had said, as his eyes creased and his smile was wide. A white top and blue trousers. Arthur was sort of walking you over there and questioning you about why you wanted to know. You just stood still and sort of looked at him. This obviously confused Arthur and he looked at you and said how weird you were acting. 'you don't like him, do you Y/N? I mean it would make sense because you are both stupidly picky and I'm sure you two would get on well because of the football youtube and stuff.'
'Arthur I haven't even met the guy yet, you don't need to plan our wedding. I was just looking at him' He says that he could introduce you and you just roll your eyes and smile at how Arthur was now so seemingly invested at how he thought you and Chris would be such a good couple and how you might be the perfect people for each other.
Nervous, you stay behind Arthur and let him do the talking.
'so Chris this is one of George and mine's friend, Y/N'
You hug him and when he lets go he looks at you and rubs his jaw.
'I recognise you, what is it that you do?'
A little stunned, you just say that you do football challenges and he just nods.
'yeah to be honest I'm only here because it's been forever since I've seen George and a long time since I've been out of my city and home for a while'
'No, I completely understand I only really leave the apartment to film videos, I have no idea why George had not introduced us before. You are pretty for one of George's friends, when did you meet?'
You describe the story about how you and George met online and you went in his podcast and then became good friends with him and Max over the last few years. He nodded along as he sipped his drink. The conversation had been going for a while when George and Arthur came over.
'So you met Chris then?' George smirked at you, Arthur must have said something, you thought.
'yeah don't know why you kept him a secret from me for so long'
'we do have a lot in common so George probably though I would want to film with you instead of him'
George was now grinning, from ear to ear. He was quite drunk compared to you and Chris. He laughed at something he said to Arthur, feeling like you needed a bit if air, you excused yourself.
Reaching the balcony, Chris followed you out there, which you only realised as you turned around and jumped as he stood close to you.
'Arthur said you had a little crush on me. Is that true Y/N, hmm?
You stood, your hair blowing in the wind as a slight tense air formed between you and Chris. You smiled a little, a tad bit because of the unexpected drink.
'well, you are an attractive guy, chris and you know how to play football so you get extra points' you joke.
He leans in and kisses you, his hand reaching for the back of your neck, pulling you in deeper. You moan softly when he grabs your neck a little. His thumb caressing your jaw as he uses his tounge to deepen the kiss.
When he pulls away, he smiles a little and pecks you on the lips again. You just stand with your hand still on his chest as you both just look in each others eyes. The moment is shortly interrupted by George coming out and telling you both to get off the balcony because he doesn't want one of you to die. George gives you a weird look and you just shrug.
'So I best be getting off now', you hug George and Arthur as you say bye to everyone. You search to find Chris but he seems to have gone missing.
Just as you were about to get in the taxi, you are stopped by Chris and he gives you his phone,
'Y/N, I know I have only met you, but after watching you on the odd occasion, I just want to let you know that I don't just kiss random people and I would love to get to know you better, if you want to'
'Chris, that sounds great, I fear how much George is going to love this. How about I come back tomorrow and we can play that stupid golf thing George is always boating about?'
He nods and hands you his phone to get your number, after you two exchange numbers you hug and he gives you a kiss on the forehead,
'Let's see who really is the better footballer as well, might actually have some competition.'
'Calm down Chris, I think the drink might be getting to your head a little, there's only so much a small guy like yourself can do' You joke, while getting in the taxi.
'we will see about that, love'
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arthurswifetv · 17 days
NSFW alphabet George Clarkey
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He will be giving you the best cuddle of your life and also probably running you a bath. Praising you so much about how well you did 'you took me so well, how about you just relax and I'll get you some food for after your bath'
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
George is an arse man for sure, or even just your thighs. The way you look in shorts or jeans, especially in a dress makes him think how lucky he is to be your boyfriend. You know this, as he makes comments about it, and will wear a dress or shorts that make you look even more beautiful just to get a reaction out of George. 'Y/N we could just stay here instead because I can think of a few things to do'
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
I think George would want to cum on your face or back. Maybe likes to see his cum on you while you lie there just breathing and recovering from an orgasm. But I feel like he would make a joke about it as well.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
George would look at pictures of you, either from his own collection or just from your instagram, when he needs you and your away or he's up too late to call you. But he won't tell you out of embarassment because he thinks it's very childish.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
George is quite experienced and will know what he needs to do and does it very well.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Probably missionary or doggy. Depends on what type of mood he's in. If he's in a goof mood then probably missionary because he just wants to see you and talk to you. When he is more of a frustrated mood then he will just want to go at a much more rougher pace. But even in this position he will still make sure that it's not too much and making sure you feel good.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Maybe a few jokes here and there but most of the time he is fairly serious as he is concentrating.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Does keep it a bit trimmed but more natural and not bald.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Very sweet if in the mood and will be more slow and sensual. Otherwise, a little bit less romantic but again still talking you through it and praising you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Does not do it often but when he does he will watch a video of you or look at a picture instead of watching porn. When he is on tour or just away on holiday, phone sex in on the cards but this is a bit of a last resort though because he wants to be certain that no one can walk in on him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This is a bit of a difficult one but I think that George would be into overstimulating you a little bit because he likes seeing you begging and pleading him to stop, knowing that you are actually wanting more. Not really sure with George I think he might just be a little bit vanilla.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The bed, I think George really would not want to take any risks in public just incase he is seen. Would want to make sure that no one will walk in, so later in the relationship I feel like sex would not be very high on the list of things to do, but would take you on little holidays to get the spark back.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Just seeing you dressed up, or even in his shirts and clothes. One of the weirder things that can turn him on is going to the gym with you and just seeing you get all sweaty can really make him want you.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that actually causes you harm or anything public.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
George would go down on you not even as a chore but as something that he just thinks he should do as part of sex, plus the fact that he just enjoys it. Seeing you writhe and whine when he is eating you out is one of the most enjoyable parts of sex. He loves getting a blowjob and is quite vocal when it comes to it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Again slow when he is in the mood and much quicker if he wants to be rougher. When he comes back from the gym and he still has the energy he will be up for trying most things and is a bit more fast paced than normal.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Would be up for one before an event, but on the whole he will want to spend time when having sex because he does not want to rush it and make it less of a good experience.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
no, i think he would be quite cautious to make sure he is not caught but might be up for taking a few risks
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Has a lot of stamina, especially because he is now into working out even more, kind of sees it as a challenge as well so will be up for a few rounds
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I don't think that toys really appeal to him because he can just do what they do and does not really see why he would need them
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ohhh George is such a tease, whether it is just a little touch on the way past or a grab of the hips or even just sliding his hands up a bit too far up your thighs at a date. George lives for your little reactions and trying to keep his acting of being innocent
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Quite vocal but nothing too loud, a lot of talking though because this man cannot let the room be silent. He wants to hear your moans and whines but also your praise.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Gives the sweetest kisses during and after because he just wants to remind you how much he loves you.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Good size, above average
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Quite high because he is very energetic and can go for a while. May even wake you up on the odd occasion when he wants to have sex at night and cannot sleep
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arthurswifetv · 19 days
Chris MD headcannons
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⋆ This man is such a flirt. I don't care if you have known him for a while I just think he carries himself very confidently around women, and especially around people he likes. 'so how's your night going love' 'want another drink'
⋆ Is a very much a physical touch kinda guy. I just feel like in a relationship he would always be holding onto you (your hand or your waist) 'Chris I need to go and order a drink, can you let go of my hand?' 'we can do it together baby'
⋆ Loves going out and taking you to film videos, even if you are terrible at football he will be getting a video about either teaching you how to do certain skills or just recording you making an absolute mess of yourself 'So this is my girlfriend and she is going to show me up today' ' Y/N can you aim any less for the goal' while dying laughing on the ground
⋆ I feel like he would love to cook for you. I have no idea why, but I can just imagine you getting home from work and he will already be creating a meal for you to try or one of your favourites 'just finishing in the oven so you can get changed and then you can tell me about your day okay sweetheart'
⋆ When he gets drunk he kisses you so much and gets very giggly 'Y/N come over here pleaseeee' 'Chris you kissed me five seconds ago' 'but I need you'
⋆ is up for most things in bed, I think he would be up anything that you suggested, and would bring up a fantasy when he's drunk 'so I was thinking about something we could try' 'CHRIS now is not the time just tell me at home'
⋆ Is a BIG cuddler, especially after having sex because he needs his closeness to you and will complain about it if not 'just go to sleep I know how tired you are, I'll be right behind you love'
⋆ would want to be Dad and I feel like all of the boys would be girl Dads and Chris would make his daughter play or at least learn football just so the two of them could play it 'go show Mummy your new skill that I taught you, she's going to be playing for England in no time'
⋆ would also be the parent that spoils his child rotten because he just cannot say no to her wanting to buy everything 'Chris why has she got chocolate on her face and all these new toys' 'well I just didn't want to upset her'
⋆ tells her how amazing she is every day and is just so cute
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arthurswifetv · 21 days
George Clarkey Headcannons
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⋆ will meet you on a night out and will immediately be attracted to you, but way too nervous to talk to you
⋆ will need the help of one of his friends (Max probably) to introduce themselves first 'I'm Max and this my friend George, who seems to be sweating a lot' 'Errrm Hi George'
⋆ when you two have met up a few times he will become way more relaxed and try to make you laugh until you are crying 'come on that was hillarious Y/N you have a terrible sense of humour' 'modest as always george' 'well, you were dying of laughter a few seconds ago'
⋆ his aim in the relationship is to always be making a joke but when it's a serious topic he will become the sweetest person and looks after you and will be the most understanding person 'no I want to know how you feel stop trying to be nice and just tell me what's wrong, I can take it sweetheart'
⋆ dates are a weekly occurence because you both have quite busy schedules and he wants to make sure that you know that he still loves you and will put the effort in to show you 'Are you free Monday night because I feel like we could go on a nice date at that bar near your friend?' 'No sorry I have a meeting and I don't know if I can fit it in this week' 'Nope, will not do I will take you out end of conversation'
⋆ ACTS OF SERVICE this man will want to hold your bag, tie your shoes but I also feel like he needs physical touch 'just give me your bag it looks too heavy for you to carry around all night and we all know it would go with my outfit more anyway'
⋆ I think he would have a bit of PDA but not too much because I feel like he would want to keep it a private moment
⋆ so into gossip and would know the details inside out of your life and all the characters that the two of you have created 'so what did she do after?' 'she said it was MY fault' 'I hope you slapped her' 'George we were at work'
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arthurswifetv · 22 days
beard arthur tv
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would eat you out until you passed out and would then give you the best cuddles
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arthurswifetv · 24 days
Dating Arthur Hill
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arthurswifetv · 24 days
Arthur TV headcannons
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How I imagine dating arthur TV would go
⋆ He would just talk to you constantly about new hobbies or interests he has and not let you get a word in because you are just nodding your head 'so got a new book and got you one as well so we can read together'
⋆ Is one hundred percent going to take you on dates to places that only he would know. The amount of dates you go makes you question if there is somewhere interesting you haven't been to. I'm talking museums and plane shows and I think maybe even a few shows where they just talk about topics like wars etc 'we haven't been to the museum that just opened have we?' 'Arthur we went last month' 'ohh'
⋆ Would want your opinion on new video ideas and feedback on the videos he has put out, I reckon you may even help him with videos 'is there anything that I could change?' 'it's perfect i love it'
⋆ Would have kept it from the public eye for a while because I think arthur would want a solid foundation before introducing you to the fans
⋆ Would go out for nights out with his friends and I think them getting on with you would be a big part of your relationship 'meet my girlfriend Y/N' and by the night everyone would be singing your praises about how funny you are and how Arthur is so lucky to have you
⋆ Is the sweetest boyfriend and surprisingly protective and will stand up for you because he is not going to let anyone talk to his girlfriend in a rude way 'excuse me mate but she's waiting for me, her boyfriend' 'you look so pretty i have to take a photo'
⋆ would 100% get a pet and I think this would be a long discussion over what pet it should be and what to call it
⋆ a big cuddler and will hug you from behind and literally crush you because of how close he wants to be with you
leave requests!!!
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