articsmiths · 1 year
day 6?
i forgot i had this blog tbh until my mate told me about theirs
a lot has happened since i took a bit of a break
ive dropped all my friends that i have mentioned before this and broke up with my gf. My old friends and me started hanging out again and i love them more than life. Im planning on moving school as i hate mine. ive been feeling a huge wave of isolation lately. I have a huge crush on my ex again wich is good but bad cus idk if he likes me back or not. Oh im also not a lesbian anymore and im nonbinary :).
why i left my friends
as i have said before me and Claire never got on the best. I founded out that she was chatting shit about me to my best friend with proof with screen shots and things etc. She also fancied my ex for over a year? and confessed said feelings while we where still together. my ex never even mentioned this to me and when i knew i just tried to think that my best mate was lying and that it was some joke cus i didn't want to hate Claire but she fucked up everything. and one day i just kind of broke down and told Claire that we where done with being friends i dont wanna see her face ever again. i told the whole friend group that "you don't have to pick me over Claire or pick sides cus idc." i did care but i jus kinda wanted too see what they would do. only Becky chose me (from my school mates my out of school mates chose me). so i relised what snakes they where and i havnt spoke to any of them since. except when claire likes to spam all my friends with how i have to be her friend again and how she misses the group. YOU MADE THIS MESS YOU CAN DEAL WITH IT AND GET OVER IT LOVE ;) . she spams my ex me and my best mate every couple weeks with how sorry she is and using 1000000 million excuses on why she said so much shit about me and how she hates herself and wants to die. i couldn't give 2 fucks. Im done with her and all them fake ass toxic hoes.
my new/old friends??
im back with my old group of 5 with some others but they dont talk in the group. and in the group is my ex bf from last year who ive magically started liking again its a super bad thing but i cant stop thinking about him and when he texts me i get butterflies and i just wanna hug him and love him but i don't know if he would take me back or if he even likes me at all.
thats all i shall talk about today
the new articsmiths :)
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 5
Hello readers if anyone even sees this-
today has been ok
I woke up late, so I had to rush around the house at 6 trying to find my school stuff. My hair looked amazing all day, so I was very happy :). I had history first, so I didn't have a bad start, but I've had a DRY ASS COUGH all day! I felt so ill well I didn't at the time but now I do.
Then I had English, which was super funny, but I had to go on my timetable cus I'd forgotten I had that lesson- My ratty emo English teacher wasn't in for once, so we got to have fun and do some reading in stupid voices like mad people! The lad who was sat next to me did a super funny assent, but I was the only one laughing at him bit Awkard.
After I had break, and me and my mates were doing the usual chat like Claire moaning about me being sat in the seat, we both like.
After that I had my first food tec lesson!!!It wasn't supposed to be my first, but I was ill for the other food tec lessons so- We thought we were just reading about food, but we ended up making this Mank bland pasta which was fun to make!
Then a had art which I really like but my painting ended up failing and I put way too much paint on my Pallett, but I didn't get yelled at cus the art teacher really likes me :) and I got to redo my heart.
Then I had dinner where me and Claire raced to the "Gods seat" and on the way she tried to convince me that we should re do the deal cus it's not fair and she regrated doing it, but I refused cus I think it's a good deal whoever gets that seat first gets the seat! and Becky tol us all our music teacher said we could learn an instramen and we all really want to do music gcse! Me and Bryan want to learn the drums so i tolf him after school we should meet and ask sir about it!
Then i had Geography last and that was SO BORINGGGGGG exspet someone made a song for there homework so miss played it and everyone was cackling!
I meet with my mates outside the music room and turns out HE WASNT FUCKING THERE!!! so we had to go on a wild half an hour-long goose chance to find him >:(. He was in a detention room like Bryan had said like 20 mins before but idc. All my mates picked the Saxaphone and a picked piano cus I have a keyboard at home so it will be easier for me to play. We walked home jamming to music and as soon as I got home my sickness hit like a falling building. I made me and my stepbrother tea and i just got worse until my last nerve broke. My friend who we will call Amy who goes a different school has been going on about Claire liking my girlfriend and idk if she does it to get a reaction out of me or because she just cares about me but i think it's some joke to get me upset. and I she rang me talking about it and i snapped "I feel sick, and I don't want to hear it you're doing my head in I don't care!" and then she went ok ok ok then changed the topic but in the back of my mind it's just weird like why would one of my friends like my girlfriend like. that's just wrong if it's one of your mates. Like if i broke up with Becky would Claire shoot her shot? that's your mates ex they are like off limits that's just rude like wtf-
That call got me all pissed so i started typing my daily blog to calm me down and it dose really so thats where i shall be ending this blog
see you soon - Articsmiths
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 4
Hello people! Articsmiths back for day 4!
This is gonna be a few lines long as I'm super tired and nothing has happened to day-
I got home from my nans at like 2 and me and my friends started playing Roblox and we got hooked on this game. I had a bath and went back to Roblox and that's it
Sorry for the short post- Articsmiths
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 3
Hello everyone, Articsmiths once again
This blog is going to be short as on the weekends I don't really like to do anything, I just lay in bed for most of the day
I got angry by my school alarms waking me up, so I just ignored them and slept until 8ish. I scroll on TikTok till around 9 when I message my friend who we will call Dolly, Me and Dolly have been friends for around a year and we tell each other everything, I would class her as my best friend. We ended up calling for an hour or two until I went for a shower, and I just never ended up calling her back. I mean I never said I would so?? Around 11 I messaged my mum to see how I would get to my nans (i go most weekends) and fount out my grandad was picking me up. I make my very health dinner of 2 breakfast bars and some almost undercooked turkey dinosaurs. Between the hours of 12-2 I just lay on my sofa and mess about with my hair. I get to my nans, and find out my cousin is there, she isn't the worst but i was very tired even Tho I overslept, and she was a ball of energy so i just laid on the bed as she jumped around the hole place like a mad woman, nan got us some pizza and we ate it up. and that's all really up to now I haven't had anything cool happen lol.
see you tomorrow- Articsmiths
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 2 After school
Hello again, articsmiths back at the daily blog :)
my day was shit
i mean everyone will say that if even one bad thing happens to them but i mean it was just ok? Idk
i went to sit in the cafeteria at my school to see my friend and my girlfriend let's call my friend Claire and my gf Becky. Becky has a identical twin who apparently, she had an argument with this morning because Becky and Claire where chatting shit about him and he found out. it wasn't really chatting shit but they were making fun of him without him present so idk if it was classed as banter if he wasn't there. i do this thing where i can make anyone think I'm 100% pissed off when I'm not so i decided hey let's make my friends mad and force them to say sorry to Bryan we will call him.my friend Claire is my least fav friend, we all have one, we just don't rlly get along as well but i still love her to bits. we always argue over a seat at the table cus it's the best seat and who gets to be partners with Becky at rehearsals and mainly over Becky. But she is still my friend and i would be upset if we feel out like some of the times we have before. i forces them to say sorry. me and Bryan are ok, I'm dating his sister and hes kinda Awkard but hes cool. he doses post super cringe photos of himself cus he looks like harry potter (Becky and Claire were making fun of his Instagram post that's why he was upset) i even make fun of his posts but i do it to his face and not behind his back :) kind of passive aggressive but tis true they shouldn't have said that stuff like i get Becky cus they are related by Claire shouldn't have without him being there.
Started off with an hour of maths! Yayyyy i sit by nobody i know in maths so i just sit there and look into space thinking about nothing. The only thing i remember doing is listening to what the other people on my table where taling about. This taller lad we will call harry went to the loo, and apparent he had this girl vape on him and he tried stealing it from her. the nitty lad next to him who looks like Sid from Toy story (so we are gonna call him Sid) was hyping him up like yeahhh mannn let's go!!! but as soon as harry came back and said to the girl "i dropped it down the loo you can even search my blazer" as he snecks the vape into sids pocket. OUT OF NOWHERE siddy boy passes the vape to the girl and snitches on harry for no reason?!?!?!? Like i understand you don't steal but why would you cross your friend for some Chavy orange girl who looks like a sheep? Then Sid goes to tell harry why he did it "she got her vape taxed yesterday, so she's spent like 20 quid in 2 days over vapes man i felt bad" so harry went all bitchy with him cus he "picked pussy over his mate".
they were not even trying to hide the fact they were talking about vapes even tho they are way under the age of buying one even when my teacher was right next to them. rlly shows how much my school cares.
Science was another bore, but nothing happened in that lesson, all i remember is talking to the girl next to me about the Norris nuts-
we had break where we just talked about random stuff that i can't remember cus its irrelevant. BECKY DID GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK THO! she's had it for ages but she hasn't touched it so i got it back.
I had tec next which was A BOREEEEE but i got to email Claire while we did stuff so that was fun ig?
then i had ART!!! I'm not hate best at art but I'm one of the only people my art teacher can trust and enjoys talking to. she's a very grumpy old woman but for osme reason cus i cried to her about me getting bullied she likes me now? i also sit next to claire in that lesson so its fun cus we just get to paint and shit.
at dinner its Friday so we got chips and the nice food, school food never fills me up and the ques are always to long cus all the year 11 roadmen push in and cus they do it, why can't i? so i find someone I've spoken to once in my whole life and push in with them. i get my dog bowl of chips sausage and beans and go sit IN THE BEST SEAT ON THE TABLE CUS CLAIRE ISNT THERE YET!! its next to my girlfriend its next to a bin against a wall so i can lean on it and i just enjoy that seat. this girl who im on and off with (my friends who go a different school don't rlly like her) lets call her grace, she is ther next to beck talking and i sit down, gcse sees her boyfriend who is with 2 little midgets who seem quite nitty. ALL 3 OF THEM COEM SIT ON OUR TABLE. excuse me. who do you think you are I've never spoken to you in my whole life GO AWAY!!!! me and Becky sit there in silence thinking of what to do as we can't do much cus it would be rude to tell them to fuck off cus they are not rude. Bryan and Claire show up tho so it's fine as they tell them to get out their seats. my school doesn't let us walk to lesson after dinner and break. we have to wait for our teachers name to be called when dinner is over in silence and then they take us to lesson it's called lesson prep (very dumb). In my school last year my friends asked about music gcse as they are music neeks and my school doesn't do it until now >:) Mr music man comes up to us and says "do you lot still want to do music gcse?" they say yeah, and he says the school might be able to do it so yayyy!!! I might be able to do it but i want to pick drama and idk if we can pick them both lol.
in my school, we do this lesson called aspire which is like sex ed, drugs, alcohol, social issues, mental health, issues that are new in the news. it's that type of lesson and all the kids in my lesson said "hey lets be pricks " and the where shouting for ages like 15 mins in my teacher snaps she goes OK IVE HAD ENOUGHT YOU GET OUT YOU GET OUT OK YOU ARE NO EVEN GOING TO GET TO DO THE LESSON YOU CAN WRITE FOR HALF AN HOUR AND NO TALKING WRITE ABOUT THIS THING YOU HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT and her room was super warm so i was sweating and bullshitting a page about a topic i have never herd off
i was very happy to leave school after that and i BOLTED IT HOME none of my friends walk the same way i do so ;-;
i sat in my uniform and i remembered a tenner to top up my phone so i waddled down the shop down the street and got myself a monster as well cus I'm treated myself cus i can
i made some spaghetti and tinned meat balls cus i eat like a baby just to find out MY MUMS ORDING A TAKEAWAY >:(((((((((((( I'm still getting one I'm just getting something little
that's all for today
articsmiths sighing out
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articsmiths · 2 years
Day 1
Hello, my name is ArticSmith, well it's not really that would be a bit odd. I also googled how to start a blog for about an hour and i just decided to be lazy and just use Tumblr cus i dont have to download or pay for anything. I've decided to come out of my shell? idk i just want to talk about my life without the odds of my friends thinking I'm some arse who hates everyone including the people the love the most.
About my day,
I start every day fresh at 5:10 in the morning even tho i don't have to be out the house by 8. Why do i do this? i don't know. i just like to lay in bed when its dark and stare at my phone for an hour scrolling through TikTok to make me feel like im in a good sate of head. After at 6 i get my dodgy looking uniform that hasn't been washed in a week. It stinks. but we live in a time where we can't wash clothes as Offen cus it costs to much. its your average secondary school outfit jumper, tie, button up shirt, trousers to make us feel like we are all equal but not even the teachers treat us like we are. Then i go back to lying in bed.7 i finally get back up and do my hair, I swear it has so much heat damage as ive been curling the front bits with my hair dryer for over a year. It never looks perfect until the day before i get a haircut so i end up looking like lord Farquaad. I wouldn't mind being dumb or mean or a nitty as long as my hair looked nice everyday i would be so happy. I don't wear makeup cus my friends tell me not too, i don't know why it is? cus im just not old enough but they have all been wearing it since 10. I think its cus im such a “tomboy” i just can't be girly ever. Guess im stuck as a little boy for fucking ever. After half an hour of disappointment i give up with my hair it just never looks right. Around half 7 i have nothing to do i hate breakfast so i don't have to eat so i decided to finish my schoolbook that I've had since my birthday but i just couldn't finish. It ended great i finished it. It was solitaire by Alice Osmond If anyone sees this and wants to know that i can read?8 i leave the house with a aching neck and a new book in my bag also by alice (radio silence), i take the very short walk to the reason of my deppresion as i live quite neer my school. i walk through hells gates to see my friends sat on our table. I can see them but i just ignore them and head straight to the toilet. Its like a gamble when i go into them in the mornings, its either empty so i can fix my hair or full of chavs so i run to the disabled loos as im not cis gender so i can use them. Its just a pull as they have a bigger mirror so i can see if i look ok.I ’m not popular, me and my friends get made fun of daily and get called emos . we arnt even emo. we are all girls but one and have short hair so that makes us emo. I deal with the average year 7 calling me a slur and telling me to kill myself while talking to my friends before form.  By this point im ready to throw myself off a building. I hate school i have very low attendance cus i just dont like to go in. Im not behind im quite smart i know what im doing in lessons, I just hate being there. I'd be home schooled if i could. My lessons go by very quick as they ar so boring. I dont talk alot in them as im not some big gobbed twat who shouts at the teachers to suck their mums cus they told them to move seats.Im in drama at school and we are doing a musical about Oliver twist. and as today is thurday i had rehearsals. Singing and dancing like a twat is what im good at cus i act all day long like i want to be there so its fun. the teachers like me so im all good. i get home and flop onto bed after drinking an energy drink. they just dont work anymore idk why. i make my own tea cus my mum isnt home and watch tv and just look dead. Then i got the idea “HEY LETS MAKE A BLOG” i downloaded all these stupid websites and got stressed and then went “wait i have a Tumblr that i havnt ouched since 2021 omg lets just use that” and here we are Ive been typing for 2 hours for nobody even to see this idk i just think ill get better at telling you readers about myself soon
i hope the people who see this stay and enjoy my blogs about a shitty life of a teen in the uk who doesn't do anything but lay in bed and complain and have to spell and grammar check there hole rant cus they spell like a 3 year old lol.
sighing out ArticSmith
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