artisticnutcase · 5 years
@phantoms-lair: Welcome back however long or brief it may be
Thanks! Unfortunately there is not as much of the desired gay wizard art. :’D 
Btw I lounge mostly on instagram these days :3 (Well and Reddit but I don’t actually post shit there)
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artisticnutcase · 5 years
that feel when you log back into your ancient, long forgotten tumblr account just to try and find some quality gay wizard fanart
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
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but its important
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
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An idea I was kicking around in my head for a bit :3
To see some details, click and open in a new tab~
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Early Spongebob was a perfect combination of strong writing, great animation and hilarious voice acting that wasn’t very common back then. Most cartoons had two outta three, but Spongebob was the whole package.
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
phantoms-lair replied to your post “another video, another fangame”
Your games are amzing and I love playing them
Aww Phantom TTvTT
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Weird pet peeve: When American shows bring up or introduce a German character that's supposed to be fairly young but then they give them an ancient sounding name
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
another video, another fangame
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Alright I renamed the blog back: http://blobbygames.tumblr.com/
Here’s a link to the post about the second game: http://blobbygames.tumblr.com/post/158721468034/offbeat-in-tempo-msa-fangame
The first one isn’t available anymore 
Hey I was digging some stuff of msa, what happened to your mystery skulls fangames?
Hi! So you asked this and I use mobile tumblr most of the time so you can be sure I had no idea you asked until now, sorry for the delay.
Anyway, I made two fangames and uploaded them to some filesharing site and posted the links on a blog that I now realize is totally hard to find at this point because I annihilated it a little bit. I’m not sure the first one’s still uploaded anywhere at all, but the second one might still be available.
If you’re interested I can dig up the links and try to figure out how to get back on my old blog :) 
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Hey I was digging some stuff of msa, what happened to your mystery skulls fangames?
Hi! So you asked this and I use mobile tumblr most of the time so you can be sure I had no idea you asked until now, sorry for the delay.
Anyway, I made two fangames and uploaded them to some filesharing site and posted the links on a blog that I now realize is totally hard to find at this point because I annihilated it a little bit. I’m not sure the first one’s still uploaded anywhere at all, but the second one might still be available.
If you’re interested I can dig up the links and try to figure out how to get back on my old blog :) 
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Hello! Sorry to bother you, but I'm a need of a little help ^^; this is a last resort, but would you have any tips for how to solve Vivi's puzzle at the end of Offbeat in Tempo, the one with the four colored squares with tiles numbered 1-5? A small group of friends and I have been trying for a while to figure it out to no avail. My apologies again if this is bothersome, and thanks in advance for your time!
Hey there, I had to look up what it even was because it’s been so long :’D  
Here’s a hint: This puzzle is all about permutations.
I am not sure how useful that was if it was really vague or you want me to explain the solution just write me again ^^; (There’s definitely more detailed hints I can give too I just didn’t know how much you wanted me to give away!)
And no worries about asking
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Signal Boost, this kinda crap can really fuck with someone's work...
I didn’t want to have to make a post about this, but i’m pretty pissed off at the moment. I’m sure for people who have looked up “Mystery Skulls Animated” they’ve seen this 3 video compilation result that’s very high up in the search results. We have already sent out a copyright strike since last night so i’m hoping that will be the end of it, but if it’s not, please do not give this person who uploaded our videos your views, they have edited out all our credits and the video already has over 500k views which is absolutely stolen views and potential extra revenue for our VERY SMALL production team even though they have not monetize that stolen video. They also had a comment pinned earlier (before changing it) from people who thought they had made our videos. To the person who did this, I know you’ve seen our comments on your video to take it down and are actively ignoring that and gloating about how many new youtube subscribers you got on your twitter page. Putting one link in the description doesn’t absolve you of guilt that you stole our content and that was after people badgered you to do it. You’re an asshole. (BTW we do have a playlist made up for the videos so this makes me even angrier.)  
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
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Tried something different~
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
Contemplating offering commissions to get back at least a small fraction of the savings i lost but idk
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artisticnutcase · 6 years
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