artistofstudy · 6 years
5 ways to succeed at university:
1. Stay ahead, or at least up to date, on everything to stay motivated and avoid stress. Never carry one week’s work over to the next.
2. Make revision materials and learn content throughout the year, not just in exam season
3. Review the material before the class - if possible try to make your notes before, and annotate them during class
4. Do every bit of homework, especially in maths based subjects. Understanding the concept doesn’t necessarily mean you can solve the problem … you have to practice
5. Work out how you will be assessed at the start of term and study accordingly. If your class is 100% coursework assessed, then don’t waste time taking detailed notes that you’ll never need to revise from … do research and bookmark key information instead
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artistofstudy · 6 years
IF YOU HAVE TIME, DO IT AGAIN. You’re more likely to retain information if you do/see something more than once. If you have time, reread the chapter. Redo the work. Revisit old topics.
DON’T BOTHER MAKING YOUR CLASS NOTES PRETTY. The most important parts of your class notes is making sure they’re 1. Legible and 2. Understandable. You can make them pretty later. Just focus on getting down whatever you need.
SIT IN THE FRONT OF THE CLASS. My grades improved when I did this. Partly because I have myopia, and partly because sitting in the very front forces you to be more engaged. It’s a form of self discipline.
ASK FOR EXTRA WORK. Depending on the teacher, you don’t actually have to do the work. The fact that you even asked shows that you’re committed. Teachers dig commitment.
HAVE A GO-TO WAKE UP METHOD. Whether it’s coffee or Redbull, have something which will wake you up in case you need it. You’re not productive when you’re about to collapse from exhaustion.
DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE A KISS-ASS SOMETIMES IF IT GETS YOU THAT GRADE. In 5 years, you won’t care much about how many annoying stories you had to listen your teacher tell. You’ll care way more about the grade.
SET ACHIEVABLE, YET AMBITIOUS GOALS. Have something to work towards. It’s much easier to work when you have a goal in mind.
AND, LASTLY, DON’T BLAME YOURSELF TOO MUCH. Hating yourself won’t change that C into a B+. In fact, it won’t do anything. All you can really do is get up and vow to come back stronger than before. Mistakes are only human, after all.
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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📸: hipchocolatechip
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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I always wanted to be a Tenenbaum, you know?
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) dir. Wes Anderson
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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stationary organisers in my new room at uni ☺️💫✨
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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the japanese aesthetic
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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artistofstudy · 6 years
#1 Tip Whilst Studying
If you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it.
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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→ design love fest → dress up your tech → lovely indeed → breanna rose → the sweet escape 
→ momentum - a chrome extension that is a favourite among studyblrs → fliqlo - a clock screensaver and another studyblr favourite → lanes - a popular alternative to momentum → currently - another extension but this one tells the time and the weather!
→ forest - a great app to help you focus. available on almost all platforms → evernote - a convenient app to keep all of your notes in one place → tomato timer - a very simple website that uses the pomodoro technique of productivity. you can find pomodoro apps all over → my study life - a one-stop shop for everything to do with your academic life: from a calendar for your classes/breaks to reminders for assignments or exams - made with flexibility and the student in mind. → swipes - a simple to-do list app that lets you swipe a task once it’s finished or postpone it; keeps your to-do list organized by time so things that you can’t do right now aren’t staring you in the face. → flux - for late night studying; it adjusts screen colour so that it doesn’t strain your eyes or keep you awake → coffitivity - coffeeshop sounds to relax or stay productive
→ clean out your inbox - a tedious but rewarding task. there is nothing better than a clean inbox. take buzzfeed’s five-day inbox cleanse   → use a calendar app - as much as we love physical paper planners (and we do) nothing compares to being able to check or change your calendar at a moment’s notice. utilize your phone’s built-in calendar app. the sunrise calendar app is another great one → back up your computer - this is especially important if everything you need is on your computer. invest in a good external hard drive (at least 1TB) and back up all of your files every 1-2 weeks → uninstall apps - if you don’t frequently use an app, it’s time to let it go. it’s takes up precious phone/tablet/computer space. you can always reinstall it if you feel like you need it again! → back up documents - never lose a document again! back up all your documents on a usb drive, or upload your documents to your google docs
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artistofstudy · 6 years
24 Signs Someone Likes You More Than A Friend | psych2go
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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hello friends i did some math the other day and realized i have graded over 800 essays and should probably share some of my wisdom about that. so here is 3 pages of that wisdom, in simplified .pdf form. 
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artistofstudy · 6 years
4 tips for getting ahead after falling behind
So ‘it’ happened. You got sick, you scheduled too much at once, you had a bad day (or week). We’ve all been there and it sucks. And now you’re behind and you’re feeling overwhelmed. These are just a few tips I have for getting back on track (and hopefully ahead) after falling behind.
If you are behind on homework it’s time to prioritize. You’re at a point where it might be worth it to let the tiny assignments that aren’t worth very much sit on the back burner until you’ve dealt with the important stuff. So what are your priorities?
Do you have work in a class that you’re doing really well in and you feel like you can set it aside and hand it in late, or you can afford to miss the assignment without screwing up your final grade? Great, set it aside and leave that stress for later.
Do you have work in a class you’re terrified of failing? Okay, focus in on that. If you don’t eliminate the chief point of stress first you’re going to find it very hard to focus on anything else.
Do you have exams coming up that you haven’t studied for? This is rough but you need to decide whether sleep or studying is better for you. There’s no wrong choice here; it’s different for everyone. I am a ‘needs sleep’ person but my roommate is a ‘stay up and get shit done’ person. If you know you can’t function without a decent amount of sleep then ixnay the idea of an all night all together.
 Now that you’ve figured that out it’s time to focus; what topics are you doing the worst in? Get started on figuring out what it is you don’t know. 
Also make sure to write down what you do know and keep looking over that constantly so you don’t lose the knowledge you already have. 
Now figure out what methods you actually have time for; if you’re in a crunch you may not have time for flashcards. I find that when it a crunch it’s helpful to essentially begin compiling a cheat sheet.
Write down everything you could possibly need for the exam as though you were going to be able to take it into the exam. Make it clear! Make it easy to glance at! Don’t waist time on making it look pretty!
As you go through creating the sheet make sure that you would know what kind of problem or topic that the concept/formula would go with and how you would use it to solve a problem.
The above means that you aren’t just copying over formulas, dates, quotes, etc.; You are committing the CONTEXT to your memory and if need be to your sheet.
 Is the problem reading? Heaven knows that’s been mine this week! First thing first: READ for the NEXT class. Don’t start with what you should’ve read last week; playing catch up is stressful and means that you may do a ton of work and still not be prepared for the next class.
 If you come across parts that don’t make sense because you haven’t read the earlier stuff skip back and skim those bits. 
Once you’ve read for the next class you can decide what the best option is for continuing. 
Either start at the back end of what you’re behind on or work your way backwards.
Is it an essay? Is it more than one? Okie doke. Break those kiddos down into the sections you think you need; intro, para 1, para 2, etc, conclusion. 
Alright, now give those sections titles and maybe like a brief summary. 
Okay now you’re ready; pick one section from one of your papers to start on. It doesn’t have to be the intro you just need to get started. I like to start with ones that require a bit of research on my part so that I can really get the ball rolling and start collecting articles. 
Then you should either set a timer for about thirty minutes and switch off every time the timer goes off, or (my preferred method) write until you finish the section before deciding which one to work on next. 
The real key is making sure that you change sections when you find yourself losing steam even if it’s in the middle of a sentence. Sometimes I start a sentence and then forget where I was going with it and it throws off the whole game so by changing sections you allow yourself to refresh and come back with new eyes.
That’s what I’ve got for now, I hope that some of this helps. I also want to remind you that you are not a bad person for getting behind whatever the reason was. Sometimes it happens even when you’re paying attention so try not to worry too much about it! If you find yourself getting overwhelmed and way too stressed out remember to let yourself breath and walk away for a few minutes. I wish you the best of luck and my ask/messenger is always open if you need anything.
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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midterm next week and i’m totally fucked 🙃 like it’s not just that i don’t know the material - i don’t even know what i don’t know 😂 that’s some second order confusion typa shit lmaooo
04.29.17 // 11:53 am
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artistofstudy · 6 years
“in this essay i will explore” memes piss me off because it implies y’all still using first person pronouns when writing academically. childish ass
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artistofstudy · 6 years
Have you heard of the suicide machine built by Dr Philip Nitschke? I remember reading somewhere something that I understood as you having an interest in talking about the ethics of suicide. So I was curious about what you thought of the whole suicide machine and his rationale for building it? You are amazing! Love you and your sassiness
hi! my thoughts on the ethics surrounding suicide can be found here. they seem at least consistent, if not in agreement, with what nitschke cites as his rationale for building the machine (x).
i’m not sure that the suicide machine brings in any other morally significant factors of consideration outside the ones i’ve already mentioned, and as such i don’t have an opinion on it.
thanks for your kind words! ^_^
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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100 Days of Productivity - Day 35/100 March 6, 2018
Today was a very long, very productive day. I got almost all my economics notes done, I completed notes for an advanced English short story, I wrote up a response for modern history and I edited an advanced English task. I’ll be up early tomorrow morning to finalise some last minute things. Hope you had a good day!
Insta @ isthisnametakenyet
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artistofstudy · 6 years
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Hi! So recently I had been feeling extremely unmotivated (which is actually why I made this studyblr!), but I have since overcome this slump and decided to make this post to help others do the same!
Be kind to yourself If you’ve just hit a motivation slump your first focus should be making sure you’re doing fine mentally. Often times the reason behind demotivation is that you’ve been pushing yourself too hard and have burned-out. If this is the case and you can, I strongly recommend you to take some time off to rejuvenate and figure out to what the reason behind your slump is. If you can identify the problem, you’ve taken the first step towards solving it. Taking time for yourself every once in a while will help productivity in the long run, whilst pushing yourself too hard during times of feeling unmotivated will only make things worse later down the line. If you don’t have time/can’t take the time to do all of this, at least do something nice for yourself. Buy yourself a fancy coffee/new stationary/some flowers or go out with some friends. Just do something that’ll help destress you, it’ll help.
Set small goals After you’ve taken some time off, you need to get back out there! But don’t jump back in by studying for 10 hours straight right away, this will only help you to fall back into demotivation. Start out with something small, like studying for 10-30 minutes or going on a 15 minute run. After that you can do more if you feel up to it, but don’t push yourself if you don’t feel like it. Build up slowly and you’ll back where you were in no time! Promise.
Try to be healthy I know people say this all the time, but that’s because it’s true! Exercising and eating right makes you feel so much happier, confident and motivated. You’ll also be able to concentrate better which can make a world in your work ethic. Another thing that really helps with this is meditation. Try the headspace app, they have tons of sessions dedicated to motivation/stress/productivity and a whole lot more!
Other tips/reminders
Make a list of all the reasons why you’re in school. Just making it can you give you that much needed motivation boost!
Look at how far you’ve come already! You probably already have several years of academics under your belt; you’ve already come so far and overcame tons of hardships during that time. If you could get through all those years you can get through the current one.
If you’re seeing a therapist be sure to talk to them about your lack of motivation. Or if you don’t have one and your lack of motivation is becoming a serious problem try booking a few sessions.
Friendly competition is an incredible motivator! Compete with a friend or someone else from the studyblr community over grades, it can be a lot of fun. (Make sure it’s a friendly competition and you don’t actually get so invested in it that ‘losing’ makes you feel bad about yourself, that’s the opposite of what you want).
Make sure to take proper breaks in the future! 
Self-discipline > motivation, building a solid routine will help during future motivation slumps, so get on that asap!
I know it sucks but sometimes it’s genuinely better to sacrifice one thing, in favor of productivity in all the other things you’re doing. Dropping one extracurricular activity if you have ten is not the end of the world and will give you more time to relax!
Reading up on successful people in your field and visualizing yourself as one of them is a great motivator imo.
Study less but study smarter!!
Ask your teachers for help if you’re struggling!! That’s what they get paid for and not understanding something won’t help your motivation.  
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