artlessauthorite · 60 minutes
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artlessauthorite · 1 hour
parents got a new cat they named lord montague and this morning i heard my dad in the other room say "i would have to advise against that decision, my lord" followed by a crashing sound
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artlessauthorite · 1 hour
As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.
It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.
Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.
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artlessauthorite · 1 hour
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I'm sorry, but I adamantly disagree.
This is very good behavior.
They didn't recognize the file extension.
They didn't recognize the EXE program.
And so they refused to open them.
That is excellent internet security hygiene.
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They went to a trusted person (their brother) and verified WinRAR was legit and then proceeded to unpack the files.
How is this not *encouraging* for gen alpha? Is it just because they didn't know what WinRAR was? Who cares? I'm just proud they were being careful.
Unlike my boomer uncle who once installed so many spam search toolbars that there was no screen real estate left to show webpages.
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artlessauthorite · 1 hour
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Yarn holder
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
Did you guys see eyeball world
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
“Dogs don’t know what they look like. Dogs don’t even know what size they are. No doubt it’s our fault, for breeding them into such weird shapes and sizes. My brother’s dachshund, standing tall at eight inches, would attack a Great Dane in the full conviction that she could tear it apart. When a little dog is assaulting its ankles the big dog often stands there looking confused — “Should I eat it? Will it eat me? I am bigger than it, aren’t I?” But then the Great Dane will come and try to sit in your lap and mash you flat, under the impression that it is a Peke-a-poo… Cats know exactly where they begin and end. When they walk slowly out the door that you are holding open for them, and pause, leaving their tail just an inch or two inside the door, they know it. They know you have to keep holding the door open. That is why their tail is there. It is a cat’s way of maintaining a relationship. Housecats know that they are small, and that it matters. When a cat meets a threatening dog and can’t make either a horizontal or a vertical escape, it’ll suddenly triple its size, inflating itself into a sort of weird fur blowfish, and it may work, because the dog gets confused again — “I thought that was a cat. Aren’t I bigger than cats? Will it eat me?” … A lot of us humans are like dogs: we really don’t know what size we are, how we’re shaped, what we look like. The most extreme example of this ignorance must be the people who design the seats on airplanes. At the other extreme, the people who have the most accurate, vivid sense of their own appearance may be dancers. What dancers look like is, after all, what they do.”
— Ursula Le Guin, in The Wave in the Mind (via fortooate)
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
i think the concept of a software install wizard is so cute… developers know the average person isnt comfortable running terminal commands so theyre like here!!! this wizard will do it for you <3 and we’re all like yay :) the wizard
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
Disabled trans woman needs help affording wheelchair
Remaking my donation post as the information is outdated.
I need help affording an electric wheelchair, as I am unable to leave the house and walk for long without one. I've been trapped in the house for months, only leaving for absolute essentials and doctor's appointments. I'm currently halfway towards affording the model I've selected. Absolutely anything helps. Thank you very much if you're able to help.
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
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I made my sona in minecraft
(made with the Customizable Player Models mod)
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
idk if any young person needs to hear this but when you work at a job you absolutely can google anything you don’t know or ask someone for help. school has you conditioned to think you have to have everything memorized all the time but let me tell you. I am dumb as shit and I am great at my job because it’s not a test, it’s just work. the more resources you utilize the better.
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
episodes that i think every tv show should have:
beach trip
random genre change (especially if it's to a noir detective thing)
one where they get randomly meta and fourth wall breaky but then never acknowledge it again
one where something happened but we as the audience don't actually get to see how it happened and only see it through the unreliable narrated flashbacks as recollected by the characters
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
one piece is dumb because they spend 500 episodes looking for one piece when they can just go to kfc and get a 3 piece combo w/ 2 sides for 5.99
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artlessauthorite · 5 hours
Dear Supporter,
I hope this message finds you and your family in good health. My name is Eman Zaqout from Gaza. I am reaching you out to seek your urgent help in spreading the word about our fundraiser. I lost both my home and my job due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and we are facing catastrophic living conditions. 💔
I kindly ask you to visit my campaign. Your support, whether through donating or sharing, will help us reach more people who can make a difference. Thank you for your continued support for the Palestinian cause. Your dedication brings us closer to freedom. 🙏🕊
Note: Verified by several people as 90-ghost and aces-and-angels. ☑
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