artofthecrowe · 9 days
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Mad Moxxi Update!
#madmoxxi #borderlands #update #art #wip #goldensoflatmattacrylics #goldenpaints #commision #opencommissions #commissionsopen
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artofthecrowe · 18 days
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Yennefer of Vengerberg bust is completed and while I'm sure I could have done better I just happy to finally finish it. As far as using Golden So Flat paint to minis or busts I really like using them a lot.
#yennefer #thewitcher #witcher #sorceress #mini #bust #art #goldensoflat #goldenpaints #painting #smallartist
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artofthecrowe · 19 days
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Finally going to be painting up this Yennefer bust that has been primed for a very long while and decided to test out Golden So Flat paints on it.
#yennefer #witcher #mini #bust #goldensoflat #art #smallartist
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artofthecrowe · 25 days
Just got this order done it is Ghislaine Dedoldia from Mushoku Tensei and shipped out. So that means I am open for commissions! I've still been open just say it again.
#ghislaine #ghislainededoldia #mushokutensei #art #resinfigure #commission #commissionsopen #opencommission
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artofthecrowe · 1 month
This is just a rant/vent post please feel free to ignore it as it is a long post.
I got my commissions open again and I thought that having my own 3d printer was going to help out with that. It hasn't at all which sucks a lot, I'm happy that people ars showing more interest but it hasn't been enough to get one yet. We're four months into the year and I've had nothing which is starting to really fuck with my head. It feels like I wasn't meant to be an artist at all and each month thay goes by without a commission makes me feel closer to giving up. If I go another year without getting commission work I'm just going to give up.
I don't want to hear it is the economy or some shit like that its a tired excuse. There are tons of artists out there able to fill their commission spots in the matter of hours. While others had to close theirs because they have too many commissions to get through. Clearly people have money to pay artists for their work even the more expensive artists are not having issues. So what the fuck am I doing wrong that I can't get work?
I'm playing the social media game, I'm advertising my work, I'm interacting with people, I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, yet it is working for everyone else but me. Like what the fuck is so wrong with me that I can't get work like everyone else. Its got me so fucked up that I'm already planning on giving up entirely and never trying again as an artists. I'll just sell my suppiles, throw away my sketchbooks, donate the models I've painted to ark or goodwill, and get rid of all my social media.
Well building up a following takes time to do. I fucking know that most of my social medias are over five years old. So where the fuck is that following? Where the fuck is that supportive community that ever artist seems to fucking have. Where are the friends I'm supposed to make on the way, to have people have my back when things get hard and need help.
So come January 1st, 2025 I'm either going to keeo being an artist cause I finally got the support and commissions I needed to keep me going. Or I'll be getting rid of everything I have including all my social medias and giving up on being an artist.
Honestly if it weren't for my wife I doubt I'd even be here to be fucking ranting like a fuck asshole. Shes the only reason I'm still pushing on with my life at this point. I have no one else but her having my back and supporting me as best as she can. So where the fuck is everyone else, where the fuck is the support at to help me get through this from everyone else.
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
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The Sorceress from Dragons Crown is fully printed now after many issues with the printer and now can move on to being painted.
#sorceress #dragonscrown #resinprint #garagekit #smallartist #smallbusiness #elegoo #elegoomars4dlp
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
Finally I have the missing pieces printed out all I need now I the base so I can begin work on the Sorceress figure.
#success #elegoo #elegoomars4dlp #resinprinter #resinprint #sorceress
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
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Viky the Thunder is finished and I am happy with how it turned out. Though maybe I should have gone with a matte finish instead of an enamel finish.
#pinup #viking #barbarian #vikythethunder #smallartist #displayfigure #artist #mini
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
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Nearly done with this and I'm happy with how it is looking so far. I did change it up from the original paint job but overall I'm happy with it.
#displayfigure #smallartist #smallbusiness #commissionsopen #commission #opencommissions #vikythethunder #barbarian #viking #pinup
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
First full successful print was this Ahri while it is 100% perfect I think it is good enough to paint up.
#resinprint #success #elegoomars4dlp #smallbusiness #smallartist #ahri #League_of_Legends
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
Viky the Thunder is the project on the list of projects to get done. This is from the dungeon pin-ups from RN Estudios.
#mini #pinup #vikythethunder #wip #smallartist #smallbusiness #artist #viking #barbarian #displayfigure
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
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I didn't get very far in painting it last night once I had it primed then got the base coat on the armor done. Something hit me while painting and knew if I kept going I'd start to hate it. Feeling better now so hopefully I can make more progress today on it.
#wip #angel #warrior #mini #painting #angelwarrior
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
Zikur the Beholder is finished and I got this awesome model from Full Moon Labyrinth
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#zikurthebeholder #beholder #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #art #finishedart #mini #painting #commissionsopen #commission #opencommission #opencommissions
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artofthecrowe · 2 months
Going to get this beholder finished up today now that everything is in order enough to be painting again.
#beholder #wip #painting #art #smallartist #opencommissions #opencommission #commissionsopen #commission #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg
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artofthecrowe · 3 months
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Prepare for my next artistic challenge: the ominous Zikur the Beholder, with its thirteen menacing eyes, looming over a meticulously crafted base. Brace yourself for this painting journey as I unveil the work-in-progress updates in the days ahead! #dungeonsanddragons #ZikurBeholder #WIP #mini #smallartist
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artofthecrowe · 4 months
Necromancer is done over all I am happy but I clearly need more practice with pale skin tones.
#75mm #skeleton #mini #pinup #necromancer #art #smallartist #finishedpiece #displaymodel
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artofthecrowe · 4 months
Lyris the Faun is finished and I am happy with the way it turned out. If you want to get your own to paint up check out Gilded Lion minis to get your own.
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#art #lyristhefaun #mini #displaymodel #finishedart #finished #smallartist #painting #faun
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