artystozka · 11 hours
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Thinking about the fact that the Exisals arrived after "a minute" when Kokichi declared himself mastermind. A minute is actually not as little as it seems...
This was the most awkward minute ever
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artystozka · 11 hours
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Mortality Rate for 20-24 Age Group by Gender
by n0tpc
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artystozka · 11 hours
wow, a video about the cyrillic alphabet, i am intrigued!
it presents the russian cyrillic as the "standard" one, i am no longer intrigued!
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artystozka · 15 hours
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Whenever I see this image I envision David screaming "KYS" at people with the megaphone
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artystozka · 17 hours
Decided to make a DRDT tier-list.
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Just noticed that my favourites are the characters I relate to the most.
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artystozka · 17 hours
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Pixar can keep fucking its employees like this because its one of the only major animation studios that remains ununionized btw
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artystozka · 18 hours
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losing my mind over this
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artystozka · 19 hours
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artystozka · 19 hours
drdt invented comedy when they gave j the “get off your high horse” voice byte and had her use it most often against the ultimate jockey
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artystozka · 19 hours
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Ok, does she support the genocidal war against Ukraine or not? If not, what did she, as a russian woman do for Ukrainians? Is she talking about war? Is she spreading information about the crimes of the russians? Does she help Ukrainian army or Ukrainian refugees? What does she know about occupation of Crimea? What does she know about the repression of Crimean Tatars in Crimea after 2014? Does she agree with the fact that russia is an imperial country that must go through the path of decolonization, otherwise nothing will change?
It was really funny for me to read people's comments about: "this is not about politics", she is an innocent girl (yes, she worked in russia), Ukrainians are so angry, now I support russia. It's like we haven't been through this before. As the second president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma said: Це ж було вже.
I'm not surprised at all, because some people in the art society or any fandom only care about fictional characters. They love russians madly and do not care about any of their crimes. These people know nothing about Ukraine or other countries that have faced russian aggression and know well what russians really are.
There are so many levels. Thanks to this person for explaining everything so well.
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artystozka · 19 hours
Credit card: *declines*
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artystozka · 19 hours
As much as I don't really like Ace, I can't help but feel sorry for poor guy. He's been almost murdered and almost no-one mentions it. If it wasn't important to the trial no-one would even bring it up. Every time he talks about it everyone dismisses it and tells him to shut up. No-one ever wondered if he's okay, how his neck's doing etc. And now he's being accused of fucking murder simply because he was at the previous scene of the crime in which he was the victim. Yes, he's a jerk, but he still deserves at least a bit of compassion for getting nearly killed and mildly injured.
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artystozka · 20 hours
Good point. Also, there are only two sharp custom weapons: Teruko's knife and Arturo's scalpel. Or, perhaps, the killer just took the knife from the kitchen or something.
Ok this is gonna sound extremely stupid but this could be a potential breakthrough if it is a valid question.
How did the culprit even cut the rope ??
We know they tied the rope to be the correct length to have break Arei's neck, but we then see in the crime scene that the rope got cut.
It's like near impossible to cut rope like that with your bear hands so how was that even possible without them getting a tool to do it ? We don't see scissors anywhere in the crime scene.
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artystozka · 20 hours
Now that we've narrowed it down to 2 suspects, I want to point out things that are left unexplained or simply don't make sense:
1. Arei's missing glove. People used to theorise that the glove was used to prevent rope burns, but the theory got disproven by episode 13, as the culprit used carousel for this. Not to mention, both our prime suspects, Eden and Ace, have gloves of their own.
2. Teruko's and Hu's clothes covered in starch. This is by far the most mysterious piece of evidence, as I can't think of any situation where the killer might have needed a ball of clothes. Also, what's up with starch? How did it get there and where from?
3. How was Arei knocked out? Arei must have been unconscious the whole time, just like Ace, so she wouldn't have put a fight. The question is how. She could have been just hit hard enough to knock her unconscious or it could be just turpentine again. Anyway, this detail doesn't seem to be that important, but I still wanted to point that out.
4. Arei getting hanged on a swing. Now, despite Arei being rather small, she still must be freaking heavy. I see no problem in dragging her to the swing (that's what the marks on the floor might be), but there is one in picking her up and tying her to the bar, because, again, people are heavy, especially unconscious or dead ones. The other thing is the height. Arei's feet aren't touching the ground, plus both Eden and Ace are rather short and wouldn't be able to reach high enough without any supporting surface which is nowhere to be found. I also doubt that either Ace or Eden is strong enough to hold Arei's weight.
5. Motive. It doesn't make sense for Eden to kill Arei, especially after the latter protected her from Arturo. And there is even less reason for Ace to do so. He doesn't have any connection to Arei. (Not to mention, killing someone with the same method that was used on you is a bit messed up.) For both our suspects we have means and opportunity but no motive.
Because of the point 5 I've come to the conclusion that the culprit could have had a accomplice. That could also be why there is a big time gap between Nico's failed murder attempt (immediately after which the tape was stolen) and the actual murder.
The other thing I wanted to mention but didn't want to make a separate point for is if Ace really is the killer, how did he know about the conversation Arei and Eden have?
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artystozka · 23 hours
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краще б червонограду вернули назву христинопіль :/
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artystozka · 23 hours
I'm sorry but seeing David like this is hysterical
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artystozka · 23 hours
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"Let go of me." FUCK
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